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Fantasy Dragon Island

Lizzy instantly pulled out the blade, giving a wince as a direct stream of water hit the back of her head. "I'll cut your tongue out, back off," The girl hissed, only to hear a thud as a large dragon landed behind her. She face palmed, running her hand down her face and groaning. "No, actually. Perfectly NOT lost. Thank you very much," The girl replied, turning on her heal and heading in land as she had planned. She didn't have time for these dragons. She wanted to see her family. In fact, she probably belonged more on this island than those two did! Some innocent little voice in the back of her head told her that she aught to be kinder, but her own stubbornness rejected all of the 'be kind' crap.

@RedTeam Grif
Sakara backed up further into the water, seeing the bugger dragon talk to the human. Oh no. She squeaked, crouching underwater and her eyes and muzzle were the only things seen, much like a alligator would. This human dared to speak to the bigger dragon like that?! What was she thinking?! Her tail twitched, creating ripples in the water. Oh she didn't want to see how angry this big dragon could get.



"Oh! Thank Goodness you are not lost!..I thought you were little miss! Oh the Horro! The Horro!....Im lost..."

He said with clear sarcassam,as he did he would see a nother Dragon in the watre...Hmmmm my my! Water dwealer! Perfect one! But he needed to see other speacies of dragon first,he saw the Human walking and would sudently extend his wing Blosking her way,he chuckle and would look at her and say "were do you think your going?....That is such a bad way to treat a newcomer...hehehe"he said retracting his wing and would chuckle and say "Im just joking....."he said slightly dark as he would look towards the water dragon he grin and would Clap his wing togheather like claping and would say "well arnt you a Beutifull specimen!...Dawww dont be shy i wont hurt you'he said with a Playfull grin and closing his eyes....he was rather nice for his apperance atleast.

@RedTeam Grif .....So...You see Blue VS Red....sarge
"Where ever I da@n well please," Lizzy snapped in reply, sending the dragon a glare and once again aiming to walk away. "If you don't mind, I have somewhere to be," The girl added. "Go flirt with that other dragon, I'm not interested in the slightest in talking to a dragon." If they couldn't tell already, she was stubborn and dead set on getting somewhere.

Sakara blinked, looking behind her just in case there was another water dragon behind her then looked forward. Really? He wasnt going to try and kill her? He was so big though, so scary. Bubbles came up as she sneezed in the water, shaking her head though she was ready to launch herself in the water to get away. She lifted her head up slightly, growling at Lizzy. "You had better show some respect!" Her voice was way too high to be taken seriously.

@Yonsisac Yep, though Sarge is my least favorite.

Short temperd as it seem....must be a agresive speacie good for a capture...But not now,he Gave a Grin and would say "Oh my....Flirt?...I dont Flirt youngh lady....but as you say so...just dont get killd....."he said with a grin as why he would say dont die? Huh...he would the hear the water dragon speack he would sigh and say "what the water dragon said aswell...you need to respect....if you know whats good for you now?"he said not looking at Lizzy,he only grin,perfect one but still there must be others like this one around...the water one...exotic and kinda rare but dint seem to fit for capture...maybe for skinning...but so far has been Interesting indeed hehehe.

@RedTeam Grif xD witch one is your favorite? Mine is Grif and church
As Kyridian and Mikhail fixed themselves up, joked about the whole ordeal. Kyridian ate sushi, Mikhail fixed his broken nose and popped both his shoulders back into place and ripped outa loose tooth only to shove it back in. The entire time they were arguing about whether or not tea should be served with tea and biscuits when pure evil was involved or to have coffee in order to have extra energy to fight said pure evil when they heard perhaps the most terrifying thing they've ever heard in their entire lives. A female voice, melodic and entirely beautiful, in a hauntingly soothing tone say. "Kyriiiiidiiiiiian. MIkhaaaaaaiiiiiil, wheeere arrrreee youuuu? I knooooow your here someone left the portal open!" coming from the backpack

Both Breakers paused horrified and stared at eachother. Both nodded and said at the same time "NOPE"

In no time flat, the two had bound, chained and sealed the enterance of the backpack with chains, ropes , bigger chain and explosive det cord. Once out of the cave they set up even more explosives and were about to set them off when they heard that voice again, no longer soothing, still melodic but very, very, very pissed off. "KYRIDIAN! MIKHAIL!"

Without further ado they blew the entrance of the cave shut and started running for their lives, they BLEW past Amber/Mist leaving her spinning in the dust as they screamed this song racing off for as far away as possible.

"Were not gonna make it! oh no! not gonna make it! why the fuck are we singing this depressing song!!!!"

Whatever it was, it had the two men who mist knew for a fact jumped off cliffs, fought dragons, blew and beat the crap out of eachother on a daily basis, fought KRAKENS and laughed, scared shitless and running for it

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Wait, he agreed? Huh, well looks like she might not die after all. But no way in hell was she getting out of the water, nope. Dragons were tricky and she knew she could easily get ripped apart. She felt something brush against her and her head instatly shot underwater and she brought up a good sized fish-thing. She wagged her tail, her hooked teeth keeping the fish secured while she held it.

@Yonsisac Honestly Church is my favorite, but Grif is so funny and lazy. I like Donut too.
Mist froze, staring at the two. She wasn't in the mood to stick around and figure out what made the two run, as if for their lives. She shifted right then and there while their backs were to her, and she was over the cliff before they could look back and see what had happened.


Lizzy paused, then suddenly turned to face the two. "Is the king in his castle?" She asked them. She expected they had both lived on the island long enough to know the king, obviously.

@RedTeam Grif @Yonsisac

(Sorry that this was so short. >.<)
Sakara had the fish in her mouth, she couldnt really talk. She looked at the bigger dragon, kind of wondering herself what he would say anyway. Starting to chomp down on the fish she waited, pulling its head off.



"There is no king....only a queen"

he said as he would turn his head towards the woman as befor coming here he did some reserch on the sorrounding but not on the dragons that lived here...there was a queen not a King,seems she wahnetd to meet the Royal one? meh he dint care,he came for his own resons he just answerd
"What?" Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. "But if he didn't take over.. was it his mate, the queen? What happened to the king?!" She demanded, tugging on her hair, then running her palm down her face and finally covering her mouth. "He died.. That's the only reason. He.. He. Oh my gosh. You're kidding right?" Lizzy said, staring at the dragon is disbelief.


"Do you expect me to come all the way from Moga to this island and say fake information?...lisent here let me say it again and slow....There...Is...No...King....Only...A..Queen"

he said as he was now confused....what the hell was wrong with her? seems she was hoping for a king? huh maybe she whanted to know if there was a king to become queen...well sorry miss only a queen,but honestly was her reson here?...meh he rub it off he had his resons and better not get other resons tied with his....he just said clear information

The knife had dropped to her feet and now she covered her mouth with both hands. "When did the queen start her rule?" She asked in a whisper, voice trembling ever so slightly. Her brother was gone? That seemed impossible. "I need to go. Right now." Lizzy declared, biting down on her lip and putting the knife back under her belt and turning to run away.

Wow, breakdown. Sakara tilted her head at the human's violent reaction and eagerness to run. She had finished her fish and blinked, her fins twitched as she watched. "Why does it matter to you anyways?" She asked. Sakara was never bright, she usually said things that were the first thing that came to her head. She scratched the bottom of her jaw with her back claws, then scratched her side.


Lizzy turned, giving a sigh. "If there's already another queen, it probably won't matter to anyone; But the king was my brother," She said, turning and leaving. "No more questions!" She called over her shoulder, running away. Lizzy figured either no would would care she was back on the island, or word would get around. Either way, she didn't really care. It made no difference. Everyone she knew as a child were probably gone, and another dragon had taken over already.

@RedTeam Grif

Sakara shook her head, pulling some seaweed off her tail. "I will really never understand humans that much" She growled, now searching around for more fish. She had unearthed some seashells from the sand, putting them in a hole on shore. It was like her own horde of gold, just with seashells and sand dollars. She liked to chase crabs as well, keeping hermit crabs near the shallow waters. What she really was fond of was the human skull she had found, the skull carved with claw marks. She kept it in with her seashells, and like any dragon with their horde of treasure she guarded her seashells and possessions.


All the young queen saw was that the Breakers had completely collapsed the cave entrance. Something inside however was severely raging and screaming at them. Anything that was sensitive to the bitch force could tell that there was indeed a grave disturbance in it. And if they were smart, would now be running away for their lives like the Breakers were. The Breakers were tough as nails, hard as cockroaches to kill, and more crazy than old man merlin... but that didn't mean they were stupid or had a death wish. So they ran, ran! Were talking breaking the limits on what human beings are normally capable of going on how fast they were running. Even Kyridian, in all that armor was booking it across the plains like a champ. They were still singing that stupid song too.






Mist, once atop the cliff again, watched the scene below her. "Time to go home," She thought to herself, though couldn't pull herself away. She wanted to see what happened to Mikhail and Kyridian. If they were trying to hide or save their energy and oxygen, they were obviously failing.

Suddenly, the slender dragon was gone, racing along the shadows after the two as a shadow. Sure, they probably wouldn't notice her flying above them, or have time to attack in any way, but it was probably safer for herself too. If whatever those two were running from was actually casing them, Mist didn't really feel like getting stuck in the mess as well.

@Jarkov Malachai


Away from all the commotion of the screaming brothers, a girl walked towards a looming castle in the distance. She realized she probably wouldn't be welcomed by whoever was queen now, but thought it was worth a shot to at least figure out what had happened to her brother. Lizzy and him hadn't ever been very close, but she was his sister. And he, her big brother. As much as she'd hate to admit.

After much walking, she reached the stone and marble structure, and by using only a dagger climbed her way up the wall. It took a while, and she almost fell a few times, but she made it. Lizzy found her way inside, and roamed the halls. If she passed anyone, she kept her head down and shuffled past. She wore a cloak, and had the hood over her chest length black hair.

She knew she got looks, but no one stopped her.
Kyridian and Mikhail, eventually on a hillside, slowed down and immediately started building the best shit the men could possibly use to help them survive the coming firestorm. In a span of no less than 30 minutes, their frenzied efforts had dug a small earthen bunker complete with a man deep trench with wooden spikes filled with oil. The giant Bessie Mauler, and everything else they might need. Inside the earthen mini fortress, covered in dirt, sweat and tears the two men huddled.

“I love you man!”

“I hate you!” “Ahhh thanks”

“Mikhail I just want you to know”

“yea man? That you secretly care about me as an actual brother?”

“Hell no, this is the last place id ever want to be when I died.”

“Oh… so what is it you wanted me to know?”

“I just said it”
Mist, multiple yards behind their backs, shifted into a human and silently walked over. She planned to jump down beside the two and whisper, "What are you two running like maniacs from?" She inquired, seeming to be totally nonchalant about her random arrival.

@Jarkov Malachai

Lizzy suddenly stopped in her tracks, slowly bring her eyes to an all too familiar door. Her name was engraved in it, just above her head. Slowly she brought her purple eyes to gaze at the gold markings, running her finger along them. Of course, the name wasn't Lizzy. But rather her birth name.

Silently, she pushed open the door and slipped inside, shutting it soundlessly behind her. As she stared around the room, she noticed almost every she had from her childhood was still her. The queen sized bed, the chest at the foot of it with her name engraved in it like the door, her dresser and closet. And a few other things. It was clean, as if regularly cleaned.

If someone else was queen, why would they clean her room? Was her brother and sister's the same way?

Making sure there was no one in the hallway, she slipped out and glanced into her brother's room. Also clean and very simple, except things were different from how she remembered them. 'No duh. He grew up here," she thought to herself lamely. She checked her sister's room as well. The same way.

Slowly she went to her parents' bedroom, well, now the queen's. She stepped soundlessly inside, immediately checking the closets and stuff. More clean than her sibling's own bedrooms surprisingly. When looking in the closets she noticed dresses, roughly her own size. How old was the queen, she wondered.

She heard a few voices pass the bedroom's doors, and figured it was time she should go. There wasn't much here to show who the queen was anyway.

Lizzy made her way outside the castle fairly easy, and then began making her way for the woods. Southern side of the island.

Instead of walking though, she shifted and flew there.

(Long post.. ouo)
Cyrus stared out towards the horizon from her landing spot near the beach, sitting down on the boulder slowly. This was surely one of her favorite spots, and most definitely her favorite view on the island. The sea's brilliant colors mingled with the calm colors of the sky, and the rock was warm from the day's weather. It was all rather relaxing... The girl dusted off her shirt before lying on her back, soaking in the warmth of the rock. After a few tiring moments, she closed her eyes, and began doing a type of meditation.
Sakara looked up, smelling a new scent. She moved through the water most like a crocodile, eyes and muzzle only visible when she came upon the rock. Who was she do sit on that rock on her beach? She growled and sprung out of the water with a hiss. "Hey! Get off my beach!" She snapped, slapping her tail down on the shore and making water spray. She looked like that little thing thinking it was over 3,000 feet tall but only 9 feet tall.

A massive javelin flew by mists head and shattered through a tree a few hundred feet behind her. “Ah shit! I missed!” Came mikhails frantic cry. “Wait you bastard that aint Kyra.” Two heads poked out from behind their mini fortress and looked at the girl they almost IMPALED. “Miss Ross!” they both exclaimed and scrambled out of the dugout and jogged briskly over to her. “Sorry Miss, we thought you were… uh someone else.” Mikhail said embarrassed whilst Kyridian simply said. “Im only sorry you missed, now I have to make another javelin for that beast and I didn’t get to see any bloodshed for it either… though I might have felt bad about killing you.” “You would have?” Mikhail said looking confused at the older breaker. “No.” “oh.” Kyridian only coughed violently into the crook of his elbow and looked at Mist and said calmly. “Miss Ross I advise against wandering around for a while, skies are dangerous, something big bad- and infinitely bitchy has arrived on the island. For your own safetly we recommend remaining indoors.” The IronClad obviously had no idea who he was talking to in the slightest. Matter of fact for all their time fighting dragons it was obvious the fact that dragons could shift into humans had never occurred to them at ALL. “We can escort you back home Miss Ross.” Mikhail said cheerfully with that big stupid grin on his face. Looking happy to see her alive and well and just well… Mikhail.

She had been watching Kyridian cough, though slowly shifted her eyes to a grinning Mikhail.

"I can get home on my own. Thank you." She said simply, then turning her gaze to the ironclad brother. "Who's Kyra?" She asked, sounding just a bit suspicious.

She didn't recognize such a name, but if it were one of her people, she definitely didn't want these two to kill her. But with hundreds and hundreds of dragons on the island, it was difficult to remember everyone's names.

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