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Fandom Dragon Ball Z: Stuck in an earily familiar world (accepting)


...the Story Teller
You were a typical person in the world of 2016 who obsessed over anime, but particularly Dragonball and the multiple series that followed it. Well, something happened. Somehow you went from joining a roleplay on your favorite roleplay site, rpnation, to some kind of wasteland that sort of resembled the badlands back in your land. You wandered around until you saw more people who seemed just as lost and confused as you. Unknown to you, you've been transported into the alternate universe and the future land of Dragonball Z. You are confused as you hear- no, feel- people fighting in the distance. A blue orb comes flying in your general direction and you watch as it hits some ground in the distance, creating an explosion that knocks you off your balance. It's your job to figure out where you are and how to get back home- unless you actually would rather live in this strange world instead. At the same time, every significant villain in all of Dragonball and Dragonball Z are after you for some reason- and they're willing to kill everyone and everything to get to you. Be wary of those you recognize as the main villains and try not to get yourself killed. Either try your best to fit in or try to find your way home- your best bet of getting home is to find that hot time traveling half Saiyan, Trunks, and ask for some help although he may be unable to be of any help.
Woah, okay so first, please calm down. Second, yes you should create characters and I will have the form up in a cohple hours. As long as it belongs in the universe it's all good.
I actually just realized which DBZ rp this was lol This was a very old one and I kind of let it die. There's one that is newer and I think it's more well-thought out. If you would like a link to it I can do that but I don't think this one will be getting of the ground any time soon.

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