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Fandom Dragon Ball: Odyssey of Power OOC



That One Fear In My Enemy's Eyes
This is the official OOC Thread for what will soon be my new Dragon Ball RP, Odyssey of Power!

This is where all of our OOC chatter and communication will take place. Please, please, PLEASE do not put little OOC messages in any other threads, ESPECIALLY the IC Posting and Characters threads.

I am in the process of putting this RP together, so please be patient until it is complete. As of this OOC thread's creation, only it and the Characters thread are available. There will be many more to come.

If you have questions about the RP, please feel free to ask!

Thank you!


Since the threads are weird now and rather unorthodox, I'll link the truly extra pages that don't fit the regular listings:

* Power Levels
* Rules

That's about it for now!

See you inside!
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Update: The Characters Thread has been updated with a full Character Skeleton to use in the creation of your characters.

I’d love to join this! You seem to have a very clear idea of what you want out of the rp, and I really like this idea of an exploration based Dragon Ball rp.
I’d love to join this! You seem to have a very clear idea of what you want out of the rp, and I really like this idea of an exploration based Dragon Ball rp.

Thank you kindly!

If you haven't read through all of the pages yet, please do so and let me know if there's anything you are left wondering about or have concerns over. I'll do the best I can to answer any and all questions you have and get you started on making a character as soon as possible!

A quick update to the Lore Page has been made with average power levels for all Saiyans in the SPRC. For the sake of convenience, I'll show you the list:

* Medic - 8,000
* Vanguard - 19,000
* Blitzer - 16,500
* Tank - 24,000
* Flanker - 18,000
* Stealth (Assassin) - 15,000
* Tactician - 11,000
* Communication Officer - 5,800
* Technician - 7,000
* Cook - 2,500
* Tailor/Armorer - 4,000
* Weapon Smith - 4,500
* Electrician - 3,500
* Data Analyst - 5,000

Also, here's another quick and important update on Saiyan society and power levels which can also now be found in the Lore page. But again, for convenience, I'll add it here too!

The King of the Saiyan Race currently holds a power level of 68,000 and is the strongest Saiyan in recent history. Only his great great grandfather had a higher power level of 72,600.

The average power level of the Saiyan Race is approximately 15,000. To have a power level within about 3,000 points of this reading is considered "average." Powers above 18,000 are above average, and powers of 30,000+ are considered "Elite."

Lastly, the legends of the Super Saiyan!

Very important, this!

The legend goes back tens of thousands of years, and it tells of a warrior whose body shone like the sun. Their power was unmatched in the universe, and they led the Saiyan Race to a period of unbridled prosperity. Following the Super Saiyan's death, the form's true appearance and capabilities were muddied as each subsequent generation told the story slightly differently.

Ultimately, today, it's merely devolved into a mythical warrior of the Saiyan Race. Nothing concrete is known about it other than that initial phrase, "whose body shone like the sun."

Other than that, it's a myth and nothing more.
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So a new little bit is being added to the Lore Page.

This is about how an individual's Role is identified during the course of their training in the Preparatory Training Camp:

* Medic - calm and analytical under various forms of pressure
* Vanguard - focused and dauntless, usually the first ones to volunteer for sparring with instructors
* Blitzer - fast and usually the first group done during physical exercises
* Tank - slowest to finish, but usually do so with the fewest signs of duress or fatigue
* Flanker - these individuals take more creative routes to accomplishing tasks and physical exercises
* Stealth (Assassin) - usually these individuals are able to finish tasks and exercises without many people seeing them do so, they just kind of show up at the end like, "Okay, I'm done." (Cue double-take from everyone else)
* Tactician - highly intellectual and logical in their approach to all tasks
* Communication Officer - highly vocal and always the first to call out and socialize with others
* Technician - good with their hands and usually are the ones who help their peers repair their gear if it's damaged
* Cook - show a natural inclination towards nutrition and the importance of the proper fuel to give everyone the most energy to finish their tasks and exercises
* Tailor/Armorer - typically keep their armor and clothing in the best condition amongst their peers from start to finish
* Weapon Smith - has a natural inclination to use ki attacks more frequently and often does so in the same style as if they held a physical weapon
* Electrician - good with gear across the spectrum and has an innate understanding of mechanical and electronic mishaps
* Data Analyst - like the tactician, highly intellectual, but usually more analytical and more driven towards the numbers and ratios than overall analysis of a situation from a simply logical perspective
Hello! Just introducing myself here.

Not much to say aside from the fact that I'm just a nerd who likes Dragon Ball. :P
I may pop in with the Frost Demon physician character I've had bouncing around in my head since discovering DBM. Can fight, but not a fighter. Decent power level, but a weakling compared to distant mutant relatives such as the Cold family. Attacks are largely based on emergency medical intervention techniques designed to restrain or make incisions in the absence of sophisticated equipment. Good in a pinch, impractical in a drawn out fight, and lacking planet buster movesets.
Heya, I figured now was a good time to tell you that I find the idea of making the series more "Scientific" is definitely a unique take and I'm very interested in seeing how it pans out. I already have an OC idea bouncing around in my head and hope to get them in relatively soon. I guess my primary concern with making a character is the fact that I plan to be a human martial artist and am a little worried about eventual power creep, though I do like a challenge. Hope to talk to you soon!
I may pop in with the Frost Demon physician character I've had bouncing around in my head since discovering DBM. Can fight, but not a fighter. Decent power level, but a weakling compared to distant mutant relatives such as the Cold family. Attacks are largely based on emergency medical intervention techniques designed to restrain or make incisions in the absence of sophisticated equipment. Good in a pinch, impractical in a drawn out fight, and lacking planet buster movesets.

Hello there. This sounds interesting. Please do drop me a pm with more detail when you have the time and we can discuss any further ideas and/or concerns you may have about such a character design.
Heya, I figured now was a good time to tell you that I find the idea of making the series more "Scientific" is definitely a unique take and I'm very interested in seeing how it pans out. I already have an OC idea bouncing around in my head and hope to get them in relatively soon. I guess my primary concern with making a character is the fact that I plan to be a human martial artist and am a little worried about eventual power creep, though I do like a challenge. Hope to talk to you soon!

Heya! Glad you find the idea interesting!

I can understand the concern. Humans in the RP obviously won't be able to keep up with Saiyans. But with this RP being more scientific in its approach and more geared towards the emotional side than focusing on just being the most powerful beings in the universe as fast as possible, I think a human has more than enough room to shine. Especially if they're scientifically inclined and do research and such things. My Saiyan, Nomiya, isn't a scientist so she doesn't understand a lot about technology outside of her Scouter and basic communication devices.

As well, if a human is well versed in various races and has good relations with them, it could prove most useful to the plot later on when we visit said races.

So feel free to drop me a message and we can discuss further details regarding your character and how they can serve this RP outside of power levels and combat (though there still will be combat aplenty for them to enjoy if desired).

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