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Fandom Dragon ball- NW- Lore


New Member
Arc 1- Its a Small Universe.

The frieza force was once again spreading conquest across the galaxy. After conquering a particularly difficult planet, one requiring his personal attention, the emperor spotted a backwater mud ball on the edge of his cosmic empire. Noting that some of his forces had arrived too late to be of any help, he dispatched a small force to take that planet. The force lead by Raditz consists of the saiyan commander and 4 other Frieza soldiers. Sergeant Raditz sees this as a rare opportunity for him to climb the ranks and potentially earn himself a cushy position as one of the guards on an inner planet of the empire. Thus he comes to this primitive Planet Called Earth not really expecting much resistance.
Meanwhile Earth sits ready, Seven years have passed since the Demon king and his armies forced the Worlds three factions to unite. The Red Ribbon army, The Martial arts community, and the World government, once bitter enemies fighting to dominate the globe have now become allies driven forward by the Joy of their victory over the demon king, and the Weight of the burden left to them. Not only did this new Global government repair the damage done thanks to the combined geniuses of Gero and the Briefs family, but they have also put together a powerful team of warriors and guardians of the world. The Z Force.

With little other ways to prepare the strongest warriors of the Z force have spent the past 6 months training on the lookout. These handful of warriors, are the earths best defense and With Mutan Roshi taking the role of Guardian after the Death of King piccolo & by Extension Kami these warriors have been training in good hands. However his newness to the divine powers he gained from his title gave the world a bit of a problem. He only noticed the coming of Raditz and his troops with three days to spare. Thus a warning was put out to the Z force Elite, and The Forces of earth. The strongest warriors and weapons of the world must be gathered to the lookout. Where they can be deployed as needed to protect the planet from this coming threat.

The world has never felt more ready to face this threat from the stars…but are they correct?​

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