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Fandom Dragon Age Inquisition Zombie Apocalypse AU


One Thousand Club
So, I've spent a long time trying to think of a plot to make for a dragon age inquisition role play but I haven't been successful, so I thought of this and thought "why not? Might be interesting." I'm not convinced that this will get a lot of participants but if it does, great! Thanks for joining in and making this possible!


People have been getting sick and physicians just can't figure out what's going on. All they know is this sickness is lethal and if they don't solve it fast the whole population will whither away to nothing. Even more to their surprise, once the victim dies they rise back to life. This plague has taken over and there's no hope for the world to survive. The last remaining life have to struggle to survive and maybe, just maybe, find a way to stop this or at least slow it down.


  • Each person can have (but not required) two roles (three if our participant count is low)
  • You are not required to take a canon, but know we can't start with out them, so if you love a character, why not play them?
  • Ocs accepted
  • Some OOC traits will be forgiven, but please try your best to stay in character
  • No god modding
  • No marry sues/Gary sues
  • Don't be a jerk to the players
  • Have fun! This will be pretty casual so I'm not going to be super rule strict. But if shit goes out of hand I'll be forced to be strict and I really don't want to do that.

When characters are taken, I will make a list of who took who so we don't get more than one person trying to claim one already taken.

Also! I'm open to suggestions on how to make this plot better so if you have any ideas to add, please share! All ideas are welcomed here!

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