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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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One x One Dracula's Totally Magic School of Vampirism

You can add anything to that list, but please include the following information:

Name: (Your character's name)

Date of birth: (Your character's date of birth; if you don't want to be specific, the year is also enough)

Race: (Vampire/human)

Witch/wizard: (Yes/no)

Gene: (Yes/no; only required if your character is a witch or a wizard)
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Name: Vladislaus Count Dracula

Date of birth: Dec. 8th, 1431

Race: Vampire

Witch/wizard: No

Gene: -

Profession: Governing Prince of Romania


Name: Mihnea Draculesti

Date of birth: Nov. 6th, 1460

Race: Vampire

Witch/wizard: No

Gene: -

Profession: Professional dancer

Additional information: Crown Prince of Romania; Dracula's oldest son


Toma Draculesti

Date of birth: Jan. 8th, 2007

Race: Human

Witch/wizard: No

Gene: -

Additional information: Dracula's youngest son


Name: Vlad II Dracul

Date of birth: Jan. 1st, 1395

Race: Vampire

Witch/wizard: No

Gene: -

Profession: Chef doctor of a vampire hospital

Additional information: Dracula's father; oldest known vampire in the world


Ioan Gheorghescu

Date of birth: Feb. 22nd, 1419

Race: Vampire

Witch/wizard: Yes

Gene: Yes

Profession: Passionate astronomer

Additional information: Dracula's best friend

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