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Fandom Double OC X CC: Arcane, X-Men and Helluva Boss


Unluckiest Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Ayo, I'm the unluckiest member on the Internet. I'm looking for long term partners to roleplay double OC x CC. Let me start with a little about myself;

I am a 23F, pronouns are she/her/they/them/it and go off central daytime hours. I work part time but because of understaffed, it's moreso full time, so I try to communicate with my partner when I am free. I probably won't respond to the rp daily, but expect me to respond to you in ooc chat everyday and keep you informed on what's up. I've been roleplaying for more than ten years now and I usually write responses that are semi lit (2 paragraphs) to novella (8+ paragraphs).

Now onto preferences for myself when it comes to partners! I'm looking for the following;

- Someone who is 20+.

- Pretty active. I’m not saying you should be active 24/7, but active enough to simply talk or give a heads up. If it takes you too long, roughly two days, to reply and you don’t give me a heads up, I will leave the roleplay.

- Be open to OOC Chat. Sometimes we just don’t have the time to reply to roleplays every day and that’s okay, that’s what OOC Chats are for!

- Someone who can write semi lit to lit and is OKAY with doubling! I get many don’t like doubling, but you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Everyone should be given equal amounts of attention and satisfaction.

- Be cool with LGBT+. I am a demisexual lesbian and all my characters are part of the alphabet mafia. So please be comfortable roleplaying FxF and/or MxM.

- Respect my boundaries and I will respect yours in return.

Are we good? Good! Now let’s get to the fandoms;

Arcane: Looking for a - Vi or Caitlyn
Can play as - Anyone!
Netflix Original Series Jinx GIF by League of Legends

I will never not want to roleplay Arcane. I love this series and honestly consider it to be one of my favorite shows ever made! So you can only imagine my hype for season 2 coming soon! I am looking to roleplay the following series using one of three of my OCs. It can be either an OC based on the brothel woman from episode 5, a half piltie half zaunite OC or a Stillwater convict who is the queen of the prison. I am seeking to play against Vi or/even and Caitlyn and in return, I will play as whoever you'd like!

X-Men ‘97: Looking for - Jean Grey, Jubilee, Rogue, Morph or Gambit
Can Play as - Anyone
X-Men Disney GIF by Marvel Studios

It has been a while since the show came out and not only does this show have me in a chokehold, but so do all these beautiful people. How is everyone gorgeous?! Anyways, I’m looking to roleplay this series whether it be an AU or a canon divergent. When it comes to the lore, I know about some comic book storylines and have seen the original cartoon, X-Men Evolution and Wolverine and the X-Men. If you even wanted to do a spin on the films, we can do that as long as it’s following the version of these characters from X-Men ‘97. Really looking forward to roleplaying this series so if you are interested, let me know, man!

Helluva Boss: Looking for - Verosika, Millie (And Moxxie if you want), Fizzarolli (And Ozzy if you'd like), Stolas or Blitzo
Can Play as - Anyone!

(I couldn't find a gif, bare with me-.)

For this fandom, I'll admit, I am a bit more picky on who I roleplay with. But if we click and vibe, I'd be down to roleplay Helluva Boss with someone! I am down to follow the series' plot, an AU or even our own makeshift story if you'd like based on a scenario. For my OCs, I have a imp adopted into a royal family, the fallen angel of fertility and a financially stable/famous hellhound who is connected to Queen Bee. Weird sounding OCs? Yeah, but don't knock them til you try them! If you are interested in roleplaying some Helluva Boss, hit me up!

Sponge Bob Lol GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

And that's about it! If you're interested, feel free to add me on discord @ unluckiestmember or hmu in private messages. Have a good day, stay safe and hydrated!
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