x-men 97

  1. Lunar Hare

    Fandom ☆ X-Men Roleplay Search! Canons and OCs Welcome! ☆

    Hello, and thanks for clicking on! I'll try and keep this pretty simple. So like the title says, I am currently looking for a roleplay partner or two to write for X-Men with! I've been really into the franchise lately, and I thought I'd try my luck here! Just a few things before I get into the...
  2. FireGire96

    Fandom Double OC X CC: Arcane, Baldur's Gate 3, Invincible, Spider-Verse and X-Men

    Ayo, I'm the unluckiest member on the Internet. I'm looking for long term partners to roleplay double OC x CC. I prefer fandom roleplays over original ones because I love to see how our OCs would interact or even change existing worlds for better or worse. So let's explore the possibilities...