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Fandom Dorhyquens


New Member
Deep in the continent of Pangea a species of technology and knowledge thrives. The Dwarven city of Dorhyquens is the capital of the dwarven country Farkrays. In which lays 7 provinces. But enough of that. We are focusing on the capital, a zircon rich cave of treasure. The biggest mine in the country is there. The Dwarven scientists have been studying the zircon. Many have died claiming being burned and scorched while touching it, death counts increasing. So the studies were stopped and crushed and disposed of. But carelessly they threw the rocks into an indian bur-... an ancient living place of a race of parasites. Waking them with heat from their eternal slumber...

We need dwarves and at least 4 parasite overlords.

And please eliminate bad language, overpowered characters, and tons of unneccessary characters like Tim the Rock, or Jimmy the Extreme Nuclear Plasma Cannon Overlord.
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