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Fandom Doom Approaches (Planet Data)



Forever cloaked in darkness.
Planet Designation: Curaw Prime

Segmentum: Ultima

Class: Civilised World

Population: Approx 2 billion

Climate: Temperate

System: Curaw System

Sub-Sector: Xentia

Sector: Uzara

Current Status: War

Curaw Prime is 85% made up of water, with the remaining 15% as a single massive continent. This continent is dominated by flat rolling plains and the occasional hills. The South is nearly blocked off with large mountain ranges with only a single pass located in the South East. This has not worked in favour of the local Orks due to a series of PDF fortresses built to contain them when it became clear that the Orks could not be beaten with the resources the PDF had at their disposal. However, as a result of the Chaos uprising, the majority of the PDF units were recalled to help hold them off, just as the Orks decide to launch their own assault.

The planet is defended by four fairly armed and trained regiments of PDF, although one fell to Chaos when the capital of Velucia fell during the uprising. The population is scattered and mostly concentrated in the seven cities, although many villages and some walled towns do exist. The Forces of Chaos have conquered much of the East and is currently laying siege to the city of Khudan. They are supported by five full squads of Chaos Space Marines dedicated to Tzeentch and a single Havoc Squad, as well as two Aspiring Champions and a dozen Horrors. The group is led by one of the three Sorcerers. The Imperials are hard pressed to hold the city.

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