Donut Village (Out of Character)

I'm planning on giving people a chance to respond tonight before the Jonin (and one Chuunin :P ) come in to meet their students incase people wanted a nice introduction before they barged in. Otherwise they should be coming in just to get things rolling as far as the team relationship to a bigger extent. No worries if you haven't posted before that, just feel free to respond after that happens if you miss sliding in an introduction post before it.

Hopefully we should have all the teams getting their butts kicked interacting more directly together and let the roleplay be a little bit less chaotic. :)
@Siri Yes, that sounds like a great idea! They both have a very similar skill set (stats) and seem like they'd get along okay, given their somewhat similar personalities.

I was going through all of the characters and was thinking about how Daichi would feel about all of them. It seemed to me that he would like Kasaru the most.
@Hanarei Sorry I've been a bit slow on my work here, though I want to ask a question... What rank would you consider the Black Rain Technique? I'm assuming it D-Rank as it's only really creating an oily rain and only as useful as other rain-based techniques without Fire Release, though I want to be certain people can agree with it being D-Rank before I just list it as such.
Hanarei said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe Its okay... I forgive you for now.
As far as the technique goes, I'd agree it looks to be very much D-Rank given its limited size and effect.
Alright, thanks.

Also, expect somethin' of a cool older sis for Yukiko. Speaking of which, for simplicity reasons for entering once I'm all accepted n' whatnot, how about we say that as there was a lacking of ninja to really put with Yukiko, so as to make things all in all easier for everybody, Yukiko was specifically taken out of the choosing of teams and put with her older sister as it was more convenient to have the one genin separated from the rest to be the younger sistero f the extra chunin available to lead a squad? xD
Hanarei said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe Huh? What do you mean by that last bit exactly?
Basically, ten genin, four potential teachers, three teams of nin and one separated as an individual person for the time being with their own teacher to make balancing teams easier, thus the teacher and student that are sisters are put together as it's convenient for those two to be the individuals as they live together :x

Goin' to bed now though, so if you need more explaining wait until tomorrow afternoon xD
@Kiyoko Tomoe I was planning on having any extra waiting to be left somewhat on hiatus able to interact with one another until the team is set up fully... probably under the care of Renai... though I don't mind if you do want some sibling interaction in such downtime either a little bit. I don't see it being assigned though either.
Hanarei said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe I was planning on having any extra waiting to be left somewhat on hiatus able to interact with one another until the team is set up fully... probably under the care of Renai... though I don't mind if you do want some sibling interaction in such downtime either a little bit. I don't see it being assigned though either.
Well, I'd say it assigned but temporary and solely for proper training to be allowed and dammit I'm doing this thing of saying I'm getting off but staying on because I can't let myself rest with things not finished up completely for the day Dx
@Kiyoko Tomoe I just don't see it being assigned. Like I said, the sister would just be more support. Seji's mainly acting as a Jonin since hes got the skills, they just were short numbers and Renai believed it to be the best way in hopes of having him ready to 'rank up' so to speak. :P Again, I don't mind training under the sister, but I don't see it as anything official. Family stuff isn't exactly something that is pushed by the village, its considered much more personal so they don't mingle with doing that stuff unless it is deemed nessisary, and they won't stop it if a family member does want to do training with another in the family. :P
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Yes, but without anything official aside from your hiatus state for extra characters, I may just be left with nothing when missions and whatnot roll around as there's a chance there may not be any other people, and I'm not going to create two other characters either as a team of just my characters and then one of yours wouldn't be very open to possibilities and unexpected interactions between said team...

Really, I'm just going with this so as to have something to do when everything else is going on, because from the state the village has been decided to be in, I'm assuming there will be a point where none of the characters, Jonin or not, will be inside the village sue to missions... Except possibly my character, who would be incapable of doing much at all without any sort of team to work with...
@Kiyoko Tomoe Like I said.... don't worry about it. Renai is generally around having to usually stick around the village (even if she has busy work to do). I'll make sure if anyone is left waiting for a team spot will get the most brutal best experience while waiting. :)
That still doesn't solve the issue of I may just be left with waiting type activities... To hell with this, I clearly won't be getting anywhere without a full team so I may as well just give up and leave. That, or do the boring way of having a full team of my own characters...
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@Kiyoko Tomoe >.< I don't know what you want me to do? I'm trying to give those who aren't in a team right away something to do, whether its directly through my character or if its tagging along with another team temporarily. I don't have any plans at all to just let you sit around doing nothing either. Most games it just involves a waiting game to get a character into the fray while their team is sitting idle, I'm trying to stop that by giving something for your character to do. Not sure why you are taking things in such a way.
Aye, its possible if people want to put in another character that could work as well. If absolutely needed I can always throw in a genin (despite not liking to do so and being more hands off with that part of a roleplay I'm in control).
Hanarei said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe >.< I don't know what you want me to do? I'm trying to give those who aren't in a team right away something to do, whether its directly through my character or if its tagging along with another team temporarily. I don't have any plans at all to just let you sit around doing nothing either. Most games it just involves a waiting game to get a character into the fray while their team is sitting idle, I'm trying to stop that by giving something for your character to do. Not sure why you are taking things in such a way.
Well, it's just that your wording in posts previous to this last made it seem like I'd just be idle and doing miscellaneous activities or whatever comes to mind until other characters came along to allow an actual team to be formed. I just felt it'd be a bit unfair if that were the case, as that would mean basically nothing for me to do but stick in the village doing whatever with a character who wont always be there should it roll to the point of missions outside the city. I simply felt it unfair if I weren't to get as much opportunity for actual participation in events with other player characters just because of lacking other characters to form a team. Thus why I brought up the idea of sisters for a team of one student one leader, to allow possible two-person missions should there be nothing else I can do due to all other characters out of the house :x

Really sorry if I come off in a negative mood right now, just got through an annoying two weeks of being sick... Headaches, coughing/sneezing, a bit of a fever, plus a painful stomachache hitting me about the end of it... That's the reason I took pretty much all the weekend off of here...
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@Kiyoko Tomoe Yeah, I had plans to try and give those not in a team things to do. Don't get it wrong either... a lot of what teams will be doing is 'silly idle work' to say the least such as dealing with 'getting a cat out of a tree' and other laughable tasks mixed in with more active missions. Very much you need some humiliating jobs thrown in and played off in goofy ways. xD But yeah, i don't plan on leaving someone just hanging there with nothing to do. Hopefully though any strangler Genin should be able to get a team quick enough since even if I do find ways to involve them with others, ultimately I do want to build up that 4 man team structure to some extent, particularly in the early years where they are more likely to be sticking together. ^^

Its fine, bit iffy myself today. >.<
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Hanarei said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe a lot of what teams will be doing is 'silly idle work' to say the least such as dealing with 'getting a cat out of a tree' and other laughable tasks mixed in with more active missions.
What was that you said about this RP being dark again?
Edgey said:
What was that you said about this RP being dark again?
Silly, the most effective tool is to present something in stark contrast to what is to come. :P Why do you think Kirby final bosses are super creepy? :P

Music cause its awesome. :P Besides, its more fun the Genin slowly come to realize things. Souls are best crushed slowly and in a calculated format. *evil face*
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Just a heads up in general:


know what your characters' names are, but Ginko barely remembers reading the scroll and botched the names, lol. Once discovering they're wrong though she might just continue it for the giggles.

:P We'll see.
I can handle another character as well if wanted. I normally run 3-4 in an RP anyways. That, and I loves me some genjutsu.
Quick Question @Hanarei, what rank would ya consider this technique? I personally am leaning toward (and hoping xD ) B, though I can see it easily being an A-Rank too if one would determine it such, so coming at you real hard with this one and wanting an answer right now! xD

Water Release: Water Trumpet

Well, doesn't have to be right now, but I still really wanna know what you think as soon as possible because I'm very serious when it comes to getting rank classification of jutsu right. Don't wanna put the wrong jutsu in the wrong hands, after all :x
@Kiyoko Tomoe Bit bare on info, but from what I see it seems like it probably would be more leaning towards the B-rank. It doesn't seem to have quite the 'pow' behind it as say a Chidori or Rasengan, while not being large enough to really clasify as some other A-Rank Jutsu. I'd say it is clearly above C though obviously due to the strength of the attack from what I seen.
Hanarei said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe Bit bare on info, but from what I see it seems like it probably would be more leaning towards the B-rank. It doesn't seem to have quite the 'pow' behind it as say a Chidori or Rasengan, while not being large enough to really clasify as some other A-Rank Jutsu. I'd say it is clearly above C though obviously due to the strength of the attack from what I seen.
Alright, thanks for answering all questions I've had thus far. Also, how many stat points would a Chunin have, as well as how many for a Tokujo? (Tokujo being the people with jonin-level in an individual area rather than all-in-all being a jonin, if I remember correctly... As in, not a full jonin but on par with other jonin in their specialized field).

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