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Realistic or Modern Don't say a word while we dance with the Devil.


Senior Member
Your phone is ringing you look at it and answer "Hello?" Your spine quivers as the person on the other side says "You see the ally-way? Come meet me there in..about half and hour" The voice is dark and fells misty through the speaker of your phone. You stare at the phone and consider hanging up then the voice says something else: "be ready to dance" then you look around and see the ally-way. You hang up the phone and run home in quietness.

You walk out of the house in a red clothing. Your phone rings again from the same number as before. Your eyes glance over to the phone then you pick it up and wait for the voice "Ah yes, Your almost here i suspect?" The voice makes you glance every-where in search of eyes on you. Your feet lead you to the ally-way. "Hello?" You ask into the ally-ways dark walls. You look around and when you least excpect it you get pulled into the darkness.

About twenty seconds later you see a room. a room with black and red walls. "whe- where am I?" your head is aching and you feel like throwing up but no. You don't. A voice replies with "Hell" you try to be sarcastic by saying a funny thing that might just let you free "Sounds nice" you laugh out loud in hope of free-some words. but instead of your wish you get a deep laugh and then a voice that say's "Like it. You'll be in here for a while" The voice scares the shit out of you and you reply with "Moist". A figure appears in front of you. A dark figure with wavey brown hair.

The figure grabs you then throw's you across the room. You grudge aginst a wall that feels painful against you r back. "Wha?" you ask as the figure looks you in the eye's. Then a group of other people come and you are basically sitting against the wall while they are all staring at you.

All the people murmer to each other and then you stand and a deep voice say's "Be ready to dance". you look around and then a man/Woman comes up to them and they stare at each other willingly.
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