Don't mess with the PH4NT0M


"I like being weird because it's better than being boring"

Aidan "PH4NT0M" Van


Age: 26

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Height: 6'0

Weight: 148 (I'm terrible with weight...)

Personality: Aidan takes it to the next level when it comes to weird. He is very upbeat and a generally fun person to be around. He brings humor into any situation that allows it and makes sure to try and include himself in things. The strange thing about it is that no one knows anything about him. What he looks like, what he sounds like, his back story. He's managed to keep it all hidden away. He mainly expresses his emotions through the special mask on his face which allows him to select from a variety through Bluetooth on his phone.


_Enchanced Smarts_

The total explains it, hes smarter than most.

_Electronic Based Stuff_

He can control almost anything involving electricity, whether it be phones, computers, lights, electronic cars. If it runs in electricity he can mess with it.

_Slowed Aging_

He doesn't age as fast.

Skills: Parkour, Quick Runner, Hacking

Weakness: Surprisingly enough water is enough to weaken him. A little could slow him down, alot can stop him all together.


*Smith and Wesson pistol

*Modified smartphone, used to plug in and hack certain systems.

*His outfit of course

@Crispy Fries

_Enchanced Smarts_

The total explains it, hes smarter than most.

_Electronic Based Stuff_

He can control almost anything involving electricity, whether it be phones, computers, lights, electronic cars. If it runs in electricity he can mess with it.

_Slowed Aging_

He doesn't age as fast.

Weakness: Surprisingly enough water is enough to weaken him. A little could slow him down, alot can stop him all together.

Since he does not have an enhanced body except for his mind, I'll say these weaknesses are alright. You are good to go.

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