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Realistic or Modern Don't Go Out After Dark (Revamp) - Actively Recruiting!


✯ Raccoon Catcher ✯
Roleplay Availability
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The town of Sleepy Hollow has long since been removed from any map. You come across it when you least expect it and when you're looking for it, you can't find it. Some call it destiny. Some call it magic. Regardless, Sleepy Hollow doesn't often have tourists. Not the residents of Sleepy Hollow are unkind. In fact, they are quite the opposite. They have gone so long without a new face that they be more than happy to oblige.

The quiet little town of Sleepy Hollow is the perfect little place, once you get used to its quirks. There are unspoken rules that they residents follow like law and its residents are like no others. If you learn any of these rules by heart, it should be this: Don't go out after dark. That is, unless you plan on being one of the more permanent residents of Sleepy Hollow.

Characters are allowed (and encouraged!) to be diverse and complex. You may play multiple characters but you must have a completed and approved character sheet for each. Replies should be once every three days at minimum (Feel free to reply more!) and each reply should be at least four lines of well-written content.


"Green skin and warts aren't common. If you experience this symptoms, tell your doctor immediately."

Magic: Magic originates from an enchanted object or proper ingredients to perform a spell or mix a potion, respectively. Only the most powerful and trained witches, warlocks, and wizards can perform spells without an enchanted object.

Mana: The ability to do magic with or without an enchanted object. When a witch, warlock, or wizard uses the extent of their mana, they will be fatigued and unable to perform magic for a period of time. Mana can be increased by practice and knowledge. It is not an actual measurement but an energy drawn from an enchanted or sentimental source.

Premonition/Psychic Abilities: The ability to predict or foresee a possible or imminent future. Premonition are not always accurate as they may come from a possible future that will not exist based on the choice of themselves or another. Some premonitions of the immediate or near future come instinctively but premonitions of the far future require concentration. This can also allow them to identify supernatural beings,

Enchantment: Many witches, warlocks, and wizards have the ability to enchant an object from a young age. Enchanted objects channel and control the magic of a witch, warlock, or wizards. Without an enchanted object, the spell of an untrained witch, warlock, or wizard may not go as planned or may not work at all. Enchanting an object requires a sentimental or blood sacrifice.


"Really, please. Stop moaning. That's so stereotypical."

Projection: The ability to project images, whether pleasant or unpleasant. More powerful ghosts can project images more unlike themselves even to the extent of taking on another appearance in both the dream world and the real world.

Teleportation: The ability to appear in a place without traversing the physical space. Ghosts can teleport due to their lack of physical existence in the mortal realm.

Electromagnetic Interference: Ghosts can willfully disrupt nearby electronics with their presence. Particularly powerful ghosts or inexperienced ones will do this unconsciously.

Reality Manipulation: An advanced form of projection, reality manipulation is manipulating the image of the surrounding environment. This is only possible in the dreams of another.

Dream Haunting: Ghosts can enter the dreams of a living being. Weaker ghosts require permission but stronger ones can force their way her. Permission doesn't necessary mean an explicit yes, it just means an open mind. Ghosts can use manipulated dreams in an attempt to convince a human to do something.

Object Manipulation: The ability to interact with objects as the living do. Ghosts interact with objects through energy, meaning that they do not have to physically 'touch' an object to interact with it.

Visibility: The ability to be seen and to have a physical form. The visibility of weaker ghosts depends on the viewer's beliefs. Ghosts can choose to not appear to those that can already see them (coinciding with projection) but cannot choose to be seen by those that cannot see them. Powerful ghosts can quite nearly take on a physical form, feeling cold to the touch. This must be an active choice and requires concentration.

Supernatural Perception: Because they lie in between realms, Ghosts can chose to visit the supernatural realm for varying periods of time (tied in with visibilty). They can identify and see other supernatural beings and activity.


"They show up in mirrors, they don't hate garlic, they don't turn into bats, and they don't sparkle."

Infectious bite: A vampire's bite will turn a human into a vampire.

Superior Strength: Vampires are stronger than your average human. They can't lift a car but they can perform strenuous activities for longer. Ask them to open your pickle jars. This is weakened by lack of sustenance.

Superior Speed: Vampires are faster than your average human. This is an active choice and is unavailable to a vampire if they lack the proper amount of sustenance.

Tough Skin: Vampires can't be killed by weapons unless beheaded or stabbed through the heart. Other wounds cause pain but heal quickly. Crosses have no effect on a vampire. Vampire can be weakened and killed by starvation.

Weakened by Sunlight: Sunlight won't kill a vampire but it'll slow them down. Minimal exposure leads to fatigue and prolonged exposures result in painful burns and potentially death. Artificial light and flames have no effect on vampires in this regard.

Bloodlust: Vampires drink blood - that's a defining characteristic. But it doesn't have to be human blood. Excessive amounts of blood makes a vampire lethargic. Vampires can eat meat to regain their abilities but it isn't as effective. Anything other than blood or meat will make a vampire ill.


"No horns and tail.... More like Armani suit, scotch, cigar, and a heavy amount of sass."

Demonic Possession: To avoid fatigue, demons require a human body to posses and despite common belief, demons don't need your permission to possess you. You can fight back, sure, but it won't be easy. What did you do to get yourself in this position anyway?

Object Manipulation: Demons can interact with objects through energy, meaning they can shut a door or knock something over with a hand gesture.

Teleportation: The ability to appear in a place without traversing the physical space. Demons are able to do this due to the fact that they typically reside in a different plane.

Electromagnetic Interference: Demons, like ghosts, can willfully disrupt nearby electronics with their presence. Inexperienced demons may do this accidentally.

Projection: Similar to ghosts, demons can appear to others in any form they wish when not possessing a human due to the fact that they are not of this dimension. Existing in the mortal world without a possessed body is draining on demons and they can't do it for long.

Superior Strength: Similar to vampires, demons have superior strength to humans when possessing one

Tough Skin: Demons are not harmed by typical mortal wounds. They can only be killed by special weapons or rituals. Holy water burns a demon.

Supernatural Perception: Because they exist in the supernatural realm, Demons are able to see hidden supernatural activity and beings

Binding Contract: Whenever a demon strikes a deal with a human, they must stick to it. No one really knows the consequences if they don't but they know it's not good.


"Little Red Riding Hood's a bit more scary now that you know about us, huh?"

Infectious bite: Even while in not beast form, a werewolf can turn another person into a werewolf through a bite.

Lunar Transformation: Werewolves transform on nights of a full moon, whether exposed to moonlight or not. Their beast form depends on their bloodline. Purebloods transform into wolves and mutts transform into a human/wolf hybrid. Having control over a werewolf's beast form requires training and practice.

Super stamina: Werewolves do not tire easily.

Super Senses: All werewolves are able to see better than humans in darkness, similar to actual wolves, their sense of smell and hearing is equally enhanced.

Enhanced Agility: Their agility is greater than humans, often allowing them to perform incredible jumps and sprints easily.

Invulnerability: Werewolves can only be killed by silver in their beast form. In their human form, they are as vulnerable as a human. Contact with silver will burn the skin of a werewolf, even in human form.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b87408f_SleepyHollowTownMap.jpg.7bfa9f919c534833e28350a75e657957.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b87408f_SleepyHollowTownMap.jpg.7bfa9f919c534833e28350a75e657957.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Town Square


At the center of town is the town square, which doubles as a park and a graveyard. Most graves are at one end and park activities at the other. At the center of the town square is a large oak tree (nicknamed Hangman's Tree) and Katrina's grave. The graves are in near-perfect condition and everything is tended to. No one exactly knows by whom.

Van Tassel Manor

The garden is mysteriously tended to but the home itself is decrepit and empty. It's been unoccupied since Baltus left Sleepy Hollow following Katrina's death. This house sparks all sorts of ghosts stories and rumors among the kids. Sometimes you can find Katrina here, but not often.

Sleepy Hollow High


The thing children fear more than death itself: school. It's not all that bad. The teachers are respectable, the classes are interesting. They even offer "special" classes for "gifted" students.

Sterling Library


For a small town, the Sterling Library is enormous. Named after the founder of Sleepy Hollow, this library, though in different forms and variations, has been around longer than Katrina has. And that's saying something!

Sleepy Hollow Bridge


No one knows why the bridge is so famous. It's just a bridge. Honestly. What's so great about that?

Old Hall Hotel


A large hotel with plenty of rooms of varying sizes and prices. They see a lot of business here, especially around Halloween time. People love to visit Sleepy Hollow around Halloween as if something special will happen.

Luke's Pawnshop & Brokerage


Luke's Pawnshop & Brokerage is owned by the one and only Luke Kasymir, one of the preferred forms of the demon, Lucion. No one knows exactly how long Lucion has been hanging around in Sleepy Hollow or why but he's one of the more iconic Sleepy Hollow residents.

Maria's Diner


Maria's Diner is a 1950s style restaurant that has been in Sleepy Hollow since the 1950s. It hasn't changed much since it opened. It's the number one place to go for affordable, home style food. Maria's Diner has won Sleepy Hollow's award for fastest service 15 years in a row.

Ravenscar Manor


The Ravenscar Manor was build in 1802 as one of the first buildings in the village. The Ravenscar familly became big in the local logging industry, but that went bankrupt during the great depression. It went downwards with the family, they had to fire their staff and sell their treasure. The manor decayed bit by bit until it became the hollow afterimmage you can see nowadays. Many argue that the logging industry was not that good in the area and that the Ravenscars got their wealth somewhere else. What secrets are still hidden away in the Ravenscar Manor?

Sleepy Hollow City Hall


Really it's just the City Hall. Oh, and the tourist office. What? Not everything can be creepy and mysterious in Sleepy Hollow.

Museum of the Headless Horseman


All of Sleepy Hollow's history is contained in this one building. Artifacts, documents, pictures - it can all be found here. Pictures and newspaper articles on the Cranes and the Van Tassels are heavily featured. But for some strange reason... There's nothing on Katrina. Except for the fact that she finds the name laughable.

Rita's Market


Only the freshest produce is sold at Rita's Market. Nothing else can even come close. What's better than spending hours on your feet haggling prices and then going home to cook dinner yourself? Nothing, that's what! Especially that silly diner next door.


Believe it or not, people in Sleepy Hollow live in houses just like you.

Jefferson Theater


A pleasant little theater across the street from Maria's Diner. Even though Halloween-themed movies seem to play more often than any others and the theater is almost always empty, the theater seems to be doing good business.

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Thread is here. Overview will be updated will the information here momentarily. Feel free to @ or pm me any questions!
Additionally, if you want create a character of a life state that isn't listed, just let me know. As long as you aren't incredibly overpowered, I'll be fine with it. (^.^)

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