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Fantasy Domus Oblitus Maximum Security Penitentiary Rp


One Time Luck
Warden Brooke straightened his blood red tie and walked up the microphone. He looked out on the cellblock atrium, three stories of small cells stretching out along the old building. The entire block was lit with long white led tube lights that created a persistent and maddening buzz. The warden cleared his throat and prepared to speak. “Greetings inmates” The warden said with a slight smile, watching various face peer out of their cells, eager to catch a glimpse of their new warden. “Due to the…unfortunate accident...last month, warden Huxley will not be returning” He frowned as several inmates cheered, he waited for the ruckus to die down before starting to talk again “And, as of this afternoon, neither will the nine inmates that saw to his disposal. I very much hope that under my command this prison can avoid any future ‘accidents’. I am pleased to be helping in the rehabilitation of you all. Let try to make my stay as uneventful as possible.” He stepped away from the mic and went back through the heavy metal door to his office. The office overlooked most of the cells. With a large bulletproof glass window looking down on the floors below. A bell sounded over the intercom, signalling that the inmates were allowed out of their cells. The warden quietly contemplated as the inmates began to mingle, most stuck with members of their own type. Demons, with their signature beeping metal cuffs to stop them from using their powers. A few of the smaller monsters, human sized, were crowded in the corner, gambling. Some timid humans emerged eventually from their cells, most had only landed themselves in here by being a time criminal or summoning demons. Without their tools and books they were mostly harmless. The warden sat back and smiled to himself. “This is going to be an interesting job, that’s for sure”.

(Edit: Copied sign-up information into correct tab)
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I'm interested, but please note that you should use the tabs for things like character sheets and sign up info in order to keep the main thread organized :D That being said, will make my sheet tomorrow morning.
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Foundry said:
I'm interested, but please note that you should use the tabs for things like character sheets and sign up info in order to keep the main thread organized :D That being said, will make my sheet tomorrow morning.
Sorry, Im not used to this format when creating rp's I'll try and rework the layout soon.
Svelting: sitting in his cell having a rapid conversation with himself. "So what is our opinion on the new Warden?" "I like him he seems... nice, well as nice as one can be when running a prison. Especially this one..." "We should kill him we've gotten away with many murders in our past" "Shut up we're not killing anyone... again." "Fear of getting caught hasn't stopped us before." "Well it's different now. No time jump to get us out of this one." "I'm not happy about how passive we're these days prison has made us soft... ironically" "When have you ever been happy about anything?" "He's got a point there" "SHUT UP" "AH! Sorry sorry sorry!..." he sighs "can we all please just calm down" pulls out a deck of cards "let's just stop talking and play poker" "Ugh fine" "Alright with me."
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Garrus-42 took brief notice of the warden, but was mostly mostly concentrating on the task at hand, namely, sawing off a piece of his bed's frame with his nails. It was going to take a while to make his way through both ends of the bar. He ran the math in his head, and eventually decided that simply tearing the bar out once it was 3/4 of the way at both sides would speed up the process significantly, while still leaving him with a reasonable chunk of workable metal. It felt rather like playing God, he thought, fingers reaching the 3/4 mark at the first end. Making something, a thing of beauty, out of what was functionally nothing. He reached the 3/4 point at the other end and put all his strength into pulling downwards. The bar popped out, and he smiled. The length of metal was about 20 centimeters long, enough to give him a bit of wiggle-room if he messed up. He set to grinding it against the wall of his cell, making sure that at least 1/3 of the length wasn't making contact with the concrete.
Svelting was playing a nice simple game of poker with himself when he began to hear an annoying scraping sound in the cell next door. Popping his head around the wall between the cells he saw Garrus-42 doing whatever the hell he was doing. "Hey... uh Garrus? Could you just ya know maybe SHUT UP I mean if that's all right with you?" "I don't mean to be rude it's just WE ARE PLAYING POKER YOU FOOL and we'd appreciate it if you kept whatever you're doing down a little bit if that's all right with you I mean." Svelting, having received no response from the robot who had not ended his scraping, walked into the cell and tapped him on the shoulder. "You alright Garrus?" "RESPOND OR YOU SHALL FIND THE CONSEQUENCE OF YOUR FAILURE TO RESPOND!" "Are you alright Mr Garrus sir?" Glaring at the robot now Svelting was becoming fed up and so flopped down on the bed in the robot's cell which promptly collapsed onto the ground smashing Svelting's head against the metal frame of the bed and the floor.... Then everything went black.
When Svelting came to, he found himself leaning against the wall of his cell, propped up by a couple of pillows. "Y'know, you fleshy ones are an odd bunch." Garrus started. Svelting, still dazed, didn't respond. He continued, "I mean, how much force were you using on that bed?! I took out a small portion of the frame that served next to no structural purpose, and you tore the thing clean off the wall!" He gestured to the hole in the concrete where his bunk had previously been rooted. "Incredible." He muttered. Garrus picked up the bar, which was starting to take its shape. He threw it in the air lightly before catching it, testing the weight of it. "For what it's worth, if I could make this thing anywhere else I would, but as it turns out the guards take issue with inmates openly carrying around sharpened bits of metal. So I'll cut you a deal, no pun intended; you let me finish making this thing, I'll maybe forget about you, or at least two thirds of you, seriously considering the murder of the new warden. Deal?" Garrus sat there, holding the bar by its sharp end between his thumb and forefinger while he waited for a response.
"AAHHHH!!" "Ah! Oh god damn not another one" "SHUT UP" "AHHH MY GOD AHHH!!" "SHUT UP IF YOU VALUE THE LIVES OF ANYONE IN THIS ROOM!" "Please…" "Where am I?! Who am I!? Who's that!?" The new voice in Svelting's head seemed to be shocked at everything around him and it was doing everyone's heads in. As his new personality rabbited on being shocked at literally everything Svelting looked up at Garrus with a wary grimace head still aching. Getting up without taking his eyes off Garrus he slowly walked backwards through the new 'doorway' in the wall where the bed had been. "Your secret is safe" he called around his new personality's rambling. "and only one third was ever considering killing him." "Technically one quarter now." "Sigh, I guess" "OH MY GOD IS THAT GUY GOING TO KILL US!?" "SHuT uP!!" Suddenly Svelting heard the click of the Warden's office door and the sound of footsteps coming towards his cell…
As soon as he heard the footsteps, Garrus-42 barrel-rolled back into his cell, lifted the bed from where it was lying on the ground, and shoved the bar up into the mattress. "Ah, Warden!" Garrus clapped his hands together, leaning against the wall of his cell where he'd been grinding his bar. "How goes the day?" He gave his best winning smile. (OOC: SentientBowtie, I'm calling you out. Too long have you been too busy to make any difference to the plot. NO MORE! Oh, BTW, if you're searching cells do you have to pass a perception check or is it just an all-seeing eye kind of deal? By now I've probably gotten close enough to the word minimum that it'll show up, hopefully.)
The warden calmly opened his door and walk over to the cell occupying Svelting and Garrus. "Gentlemen, good to see you're being active, but I know you've both been hear long enough to know that inmates are not allowed in each other cells. If you can't possibly spent time apart, it would be very easy for me to arrange a holiday for the two of you to solitary" The two inmates briefly apologized under their breath and the warden turned to leave. "Oh and Garrus, If i get anymore reports of you dismantling your cell's furniture I'll arrange to have it all removed."
Garrus got about as close as a person with no teeth could get to gritting them. "Won't happen again. Sir." He replied, each word sounding like it could've caused physical harm had they been more than small vibrations in the air.

He waited for the warden to leave before returning to the task of shaping his bar. I'm thinking...serrated edge. Maybe a harpoon tip? Ehh, one step at a time, He thought to himself.
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Svelting sat in his cell sighing to himself. His new personality (whom they had named Ictus) still had not stopped screaming in his head and out-loud for an hour after the warden left and it was starting to get on his nerves. Over the screaming Svelting tried to have a calm conversation with έΧθρα (échthra) and Hilflos. "I don't think he's going to shut up." "What tipped you off dumbass." "Hey don't be mean to yourself!" "Shut it softy." "Guys come on calm down remember I basically had to suffer this with both of you." "He's going to get us thrown into solitary again. Did you forget how horrible that was with the old warden? Imagine it with this new guy in charge." "We're not going to get thrown into solitary because one of us won't stop screaming… I think. Anyway most people in this place scream all the time." Svelting looked up at the giant clock in the centre of the common area "Yeah but none of those people scream at night there's a certain thing called respect." "Let me talk to him… Umm hi Mr. Ictus sir? Sorry to be a bother but could you maybe calm down?" Suddenly and instantaneously Ictus stopped screaming and Svelting was finally able to breath and close his mouth. "Thanks Hilflos you've always been better at this." "I'm glad I can be good for something." Svelting sat for a few moments in silence when the tentative voice of Ictus came back. "Wh-where… I mean wh-who…… where and who am I?" Svelting sighed and began to explain his life story to his new self.
The metal door at the end of the prison hallway swung open, a faint, yellowish light pouring out from the small doorway. Ambrosia; a well-respected demon of the government, and a well-respected idol of the human celebrity world, stepped through, the soles of his black flip flops made a subtle floppy sound as the rubber material of the bottom made contact with the concrete floor.

His glowing cyan blue eyes stared ahead as two guards stepped up from either side of him, making sure the male won’t make a run for it. He sighed, knowing well that he won’t even do such a thing; a job is a job, and he’s chosen to be here to make sure it’s done right.

Wrapped around his body was a clothing of cheap material; the fabric could be torn apart just by being scraped against the cold, dull wall. It was a striped black and white t-shirt and matching pants. His iconic cyan blue hair was still styled into the side, his expression as neutral as ever. His neck was hugged by a metal cuffs, which somewhat seemed like a choker. It was the only thing in this prison uniform that looks stylish, and the only thing that actually pleases him.

The guards began to walk him down the hall, three sets of footsteps heard bouncing off the walls. His irises scanned the prison cells on either side of him as he progressed down the place. Surprised eyes belonging to those that knew him combined with the younger ones who’ve heard of him stared from the darkness. His hands swung back and forth lightly besides his body, before stopping as his body turned, the guards introducing him to his cell in which he must now embrace as his new home. Upon having the entrance open, he entered the place, the entrance promptly shutting itself as he did so.
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After hours of agonizing work, It was finally finished. Garrus-42 held the knife in his hands, feeling as though the slightest breath might break it. It was a straight blade with a curved edge, a harpoon hook and a round handle. He tested the weight of it, and once he was satisfied that it wouldn't be breaking anytime soon, he gave it a few practice swings. Then he gave it a twirl. Nothing flashy, just throwing it and catching it by the other end. Then, he started to up his game. He balanced it on his finger, spinning it around his hands. He smiled. Looks like this wasn't a waste of time after all, he thought. He opened the compartment in his wrist, and placed the blade in its holster. For the first time in ages, he felt...whole again.
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