Music Do you listen to a playlist when you RP?

No. Unless it's a song with the mood of what im writing, it will seriously distract me or un-motivate me to write what im trying to write.
I have like 3 different playlists,
one is making codes, the other is creating + looking for characters
and the other is just chill music for roleplaying (-:
The only time I'm not listening to music is when I'm watching tv >~< and it's usually the same 40 songs every time
Mmmm yes. I find my writing is much more emotional and detailed when I use music to write. The only catch is that it has to be a song that fits the scene, and it has to be one I’m very familiar with so that I’m not distracted by it.
I totally listen to music while I write, but I don't listen to specific character playlists or anything. Not that it doesn't sound interesting, I'm just too lazy : p
I make playlists for many things, when I write fanfics, songs, character making,... Helps with inspiration and makes writing more fun.
I pump out the most dense black metal (there's actually a lot of fantasy inspired songs in the genre) or power metal (or to be fair, any metal sub-genre) songs whenever I try to get around to writing a post. Seeing that fantasy is what I tend to write 99% of the time, I mostly stick to this music routine.
I would, since I love background noise, although it doesn't have to be music. Most of the time, I have Netflix running in the background. Currently going through The Office :P
I don't but it certainly seems like a cool idea! I usually reply to RPs between art stuff so it's usually whatever I'm listening to for the drawing <3
I'll usually blast Hip-Hop or Rap music while I'm writing to help motivate me.
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I have playlists for a lot of other activities, including (but not limited to) cooking, studying, working out (separate ones for weights and cardio), and even showering. However, I've never thought of making a playlist for a particular character in an RP. That is intriguing, and I think I'll be trying that. Thanks!
yeah,, i mostly just listen to sia on repeat in no particular order if you want to consider that a playlist

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