Character Theory Do you have a "type" of character you're most drawn to?

I always play powerful, cocky characters whose weaknesses are their terrible personality, not skill set or intellect. They are bad people generally, criminals or just selfishly rude; they know they are not good people but they don't care because they love who they are. I adore villains, assholes, rich pricks, etc. It's so fun to write rude/insulting dialogue! My love for this type of character is why I tend to play men and dominate types... it's what most RPers seem to want and I'm happy to oblige. Any post that says "Victim x Monster" or has similar power dynamics is the exact thing I enjoy as long as I get to play the monster/killer/ master.
When I play rather than GM, my favourite archetype is a character who hates violence but is, unfortunately, very good at it. The kind of character who goes to great lengths to avoid fighting anyone, but once they're left with no choice, they destroy the aggressor utterly.
I'm also fond of the eccentric, flirty diplomat type or charming, well-intentioned necromancer.

I don't get the chance often but I like exploring transhuman and posthuman characters, too. I like playing monsters that are not evil, but rather necessarily have a completely different moral framework and conception of the world to actual humans.

So I guess my go-to character is a debonair and artistic necromancer who is going to be really upset about having to kill you.
I find myself making characters that are cold and aloof on the outside. But are actually kind and warm-hearted. They're usually distant towards others because they came from abusive families.
I love to play really shy, timid, quiet, and reserved characters who deep down in that shell they hide in are kind and compassionate caring individuals.
I like to play 'The Paladin' archetype. Characters that are inherently good and are there to do Justice™ and help people in need™. Usually Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral.
I find it fun to put such character in situations where they have to choose between Lawful and Good the answer varies depending on the character XD
And to spice things up, Mr. Vice Guy is super fun to play because Good Is Not Always Nice. 🙃
Right now, I have quite a few god-like characters. I don't know why - I just ended up with quite a few!

I tend to play sweet, true neutral type characters, though, a lot. They are some of my favorites to write for; I do have two that are chaotic (neutral, and evil) and they're rough for me, as it requires a particular headspace and that can get a bit exhausting. The same with my Lawful Evil character - exhausting to write for him, but I love him a lot. I try to divide up what I have, for I always have someone to write for, I just lately ended up with powerful deity-like characters.
kickass but feminine women. girls who will sock you in the face and then immediately check that their nail polish didnt get chipped. love that kind of character.
I like to think that I play a wide range of characters but some of my favorite characters to play are:
>>The abrasive or shady types who may be good, selfless people but have a horrid reputation.
>>Big, dumb lovable oafs who always get into trouble like a bull in a china shop.
>>Occasionally the tortured soul or the cruel monster with just a sliver of humanity left in them. They're usually the cold, cunning type or feral to a degree.
My favorite kind of characters to explore are those who are immortal and non-human in nature. I like to explore the mind of someone whose relationship with time, death, and morality have been influenced by their unique circumstances. I especially like to have them view humanity very positively. I'm a little tired of the 'humans suck' according to everyone, so I like to play with the idea of 'humans are awesome' from the point of an inhuman entity that's trying its best to live among them.
I wouldn't say, I have one particular type except those open to change and improvement.
I've enjoyed playing very regimented people who only play by the rules and seen them relax and become more spontaneous. and see very rebellious and free spirited become more disciplined and helped them succeed.

I would say I slghtly prefer playing the shy introverted character more as it's easier to explore their thoughts and feelings. but i'm more tan happy to play extroverts too
I dont really have a type of character that I'm most drawn too.
since a lot of my characters are very different from each other, but the one focal point for them is that all of them are made by picking two aspects of me, and enhancing the two aspects to be bigger than my own.
for example I'm a bit ruthless but kind-hearted, then well the new character will be even more ruthless and kind-hearted, and i will build around that.
what type of life did they live, do they behave like that to everyone or only a few people.
I almost always play the 'shy girl' type, but some of my chars I've played are different from that, like I enjoy playing the 'ice queen type' or the 'quirky girl type'. I just tend to go for the shy ones since I am an introvert myself who is shy. One thing all of my chars have in common, they're all straight.

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