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Fandom Do Rei Mi! Precure! Character Sign-ups


School Idol
[ This is the place for your characters.] [Note: We will be taking Huggto's transformation item.]

-Regular Info -

View attachment 483061

Name: Hamebuki Yozora

Age: 15

Personality: Yozora is your typical quiet girl. She always sits in the back of the classroom. Yozora has a kind heart and is quite lonely.

Bio: Yozora is the daughter of a famous tech company. She is meant to be the heir but she dreams of being an Idol. Simply due to the fact that she knows she can meet many people. She has lived a sheltered life; always being picked up at the front gate. Later, Yozora had to quit school to help her sick mother who eventually passed. She has recently enrolled in the local school.

- Cure Info-

Cure Luna.png
Name: Cure Luna

Based on: the moon

Transformation Line:
"With the beauty and grace of the moon....Cure Luna!"

- Luna Beam [ Causes a beam to be fired from Luna's open palms]
- Moon Flower Dance [ This is her finishing move. It purifies the enemy]

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