Do my dystopian goons look too much like Nazis?


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This is for a universe I've been working on. Underground cities and stuff (in a nutshell).

I'd give them something other than gray uniforms, but considering they're going to be fighting in caves, it wouldn't make much sense. Their helmets are something along the lines of an Adrian helmet, although I may have failed to make it look like that.

Nothing's wrong with "slightly Nazi", as long as it's not the first thing that comes to mind.

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They do have a bit of a nazi vibe to them, but nazis are topical right now, so you're fine.
You can make the uniforms brown too. Any of the Earthy tone colors (except greens) would make sense for fighting in caves. As for your question, kind of. Looking at the first 2 men, I did not immediately think Nazi, but as soon as I saw the eye-patch on the 3rd one, then yes I did.
They have a kind of British facism feel to me, like V for Vendetta sorta thing. I dunno it really depends on how much nazi is too much nazi for you,
You can't really go wrong with Nazi inspiration for your modern villainous regime. They set the standard for evil for the next couple of centuries, after all.
The first thing I thought of was an old-timey British constable or a miner, so I think you're good. 
Whats wrong with looking like the Nazis ? Look at the Imperial Army from Star Wars ? 
Nazis make great Punching bags. in fact, making them closer to actual Nazis will make more players want to Punch them out. the key is to avoid some of the clear controversial Nazi Emblems like the S.S, or the Gestappo. the uniforms shouldn't be an issue though.
i would gladly punch Nazis to Death any day of the week. heck, i wouldn't mind stabbing, slicing or shooting them either. nothing makes a good pulp movie better than a small group of people making a mountain of Nazi Corpses does.
I suppose having fascist-esque uniforms doesn't matter very much, as long as they're not completely depersonalized. They're antagonists, but still human- that's why I didn't make edgy masks universal.

I made some versions with brown uniforms. They aren't bad, but I think I'll modify them slightly and make them for another faction. I made some more models of the gray ones, as well as specific classes for some of the goons. The most Nazi-ish of them is the officer, because of the peaked cap. Though, they won't be seen that often anyway.

I like their mining helmet-style headlamps too much to pay attention to the fact that they probably should be wearing nightvision goggles instead.

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I suppose having fascist-esque uniforms doesn't matter very much, as long as they're not completely depersonalized. They're antagonists, but still human- that's why I didn't make edgy masks universal.

I made some versions with brown uniforms. They aren't bad, but I think I'll modify them slightly and make them for another faction. I made some more models of the gray ones, as well as specific classes for some of the goons. The most Nazi-ish of them is the officer, because of the peaked cap. Though, they won't be seen that often anyway.

I think it's good having backstory and lore behind the uniforms as well. Like patches of actual units belonging to this fascist state in your world on the soldiers and actual ranks attached to their uniforms. Might want to think about doing something like that ^^

I'm also curious as to what program you use for this?
I think it's good having backstory and lore behind the uniforms as well. Like patches of actual units belonging to this fascist state in your world on the soldiers and actual ranks attached to their uniforms. Might want to think about doing something like that ^^

I'm also curious as to what program you use for this?

I use MS Paint and I get bored easily.

Probably won't include specific units, as these are just supposed to be broad representations of what certain factions look like. Including ranks might be a good idea, though.

Though, I have some figures for regular cops, as well as paramilitary/secret police guys.
Hahaha the little men in uniforms are adorable as fuck. Awesome. 

They don't really resemble Nazis to me, they actually look a bit more Russian in my opinion. 
I use MS Paint and I get bored easily.

Probably won't include specific units, as these are just supposed to be broad representations of what certain factions look like. Including ranks might be a good idea, though.

Though, I have some figures for regular cops, as well as paramilitary/secret police guys.

I like them. I also like the headlamps. It could be an opportunity for humor. 

Private: So, sarge, you ever think these giant lights on our helmets make us easy to see? I mean, we can't really see them unless we're looking right at them anyways, they can see us from---

Sarge: Shut up, Jenkins. 

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