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Futuristic Do Androids Dream of Electric Hearts? OOC

A character sheet is coming tonight and the deadline will be around February the 24th - for all characters to be submitted. (once a character is accepted, you’ll be given access to the discord)
I am thinking of playing an eccentric scientist who used to work for Cyberlife but left. The classic true brains behind the android who began believing in the sentience of the Androids and had disagreement with Kamski over it the running of the company. Public enemy number 1 for the company.
I am thinking of playing an eccentric scientist who used to work for Cyberlife but left. The classic true brains behind the android who began believing in the sentience of the Androids and had disagreement with Kamski over it the running of the company. Public enemy number 1 for the company.
I love these type of characters so much! But we're hoping to avoid characters who could potentially have canon relationships, this being a prime example. So while you can't play someone so closely linked to Kamski you could still play a Cyberlife employee, just someone a little further down the Cyberlife hierarchy.
I love these type of characters so much! But we're hoping to avoid characters who could potentially have canon relationships, this being a prime example. So while you can't play someone so closely linked to Kamski you could still play a Cyberlife employee, just someone a little further down the Cyberlife hierarchy.
Fair enough. To the secret lab, i need to brew!

kansas city pink GIF by Polyvinyl Records
I really like that idea of character!! It serves as a good foundation for a character, and the inclusion of cyber-life employees would add variety to our roster. (believing in the sentience in androids)

We truly want to make this story our own with original characters, and adapt our own narrative,

The presence of strong familial or personal connections to canon characters would require us to incorporate them more extensively or consider the overall impact and reference.
Oh heck yeah it is! Got a few questions on what's considered plausible now that I've read over the CS. I was initially hoping to make an RK-series model attached to the DPD/FBI, but I'm unsure if it would be allowed now that I think of it.
Oh heck yeah it is! Got a few questions on what's considered plausible now that I've read over the CS. I was initially hoping to make an RK-series model attached to the DPD/FBI, but I'm unsure if it would be allowed now that I think of it.
An RN series would be acceptable, but it will be looked at carefully of course to make sure it isn't too overpowered.
What opportunities you guys think of Anastasia being underground doctor for androids sort of things. Helps android with clandestine repairs, modifications and appearance altering through a front in a garage?
Love for Anastasia to already have an android girlfriend. Either passing her of as an assistant in her garage or she modified to truly pass as human. Someone who may or may not know who Anastasia truly. Something to play around with the idea if it true affection from the android if Anastasia has the ability to minipulate her mind and such. Especialy if Anastasia could have caused the deviancy in the first place.
Hello! Let me know if I need to change anything character-wise c: She's not entirely done yet, I'll see what I can get done tonight!

A vet android sounds so cute c: Yumin loves animals so she'd definitely want to talk to him if that's what you went for

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