• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern DnD friends the rp! rpn edition! ( may include un-realistic things. so used pretense of modern.)


Restricted camazotz
no future stuff. ))

So hey. Who here likes dnd but doesn't want to admit it? Well this is sorta for you. Make a character ( it can be able to do anything for all I care. ) And start in your house. communicating with someone else. If you don't want to interact with someone just yet. Say you notice the message ( if using herpder messenger. ) but you are busy with something else.

Yes, This does allow ALL the cussing that is allowed. But, just don't do like drugs and alcohol please. I don't like it, most others don't like it. So please don't. All characters, as long as all parts are filled out. ARE ACCEPTED~ Yay happy dance what?

Oh yeah. You also rp yourself filling out a dnd sheet. Which I will provide, when I edit the character sheet section. We will be using starter set story. Unless if I find a better one. This will provide days of roleplaying hopefully. At least a week. This might be a long, or short rp. I don't know. But we won't be playing dnd all the time. There will be interaction outside the game, that effects how the story goes. I will be the DM of course.

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