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Fantasy Divinity Unbound: The Dragon Goddess (Characters Page!)



Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)
Welcome one and all to the Divinity Unbound: The Dragon Goddess Characters Page!!

Here, you can post your new characters for the RP down below!

As always I've included my own Character first as an example of what I expect from ya'll!

Have fun!


Age: 1,434
Date of Birth: 860 BSE (Before Selicene Era) (** Time and Calendar will be fully and formally explained if the RP idea gets off the ground)
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 120 lbs


Magical Affinity: Healing
Magical Education Establishment: Sothalin Academy Of Healing
Years Practicing: 1,414
Magical Ranking: Master
Presiding Councilman For Ranking: Elven Councilman Hrathu Miil'engard
Date Of Ranking: 800 BSE

Personal Strengths:

* Powerful Connection To The Flow Of Mana
* Powerful Connection To Nature
* Level Headedness
* Compassion
* Empathy

Personal Weaknesses:

* Compassion - (can often be too trusting or forgiving)
* Gullible
* Naïve
* Sheltered
* Injury Prone
* Memory Loss - (explained in bio)


  • The personification of "Benevolence," Elena hasn't a single negative or aggressive bone in her body. Nor has she since birth. As a High Elf with a powerful connection to the planet, nature, and the flow of Mana in the world around her, she holds each to be sacred not just at a cultural level, but a spiritual one as well. At birth, as with all High Elves, she was exposed to a high concentration of mana to test her Magical Affinity which was revealed to be Healing Magic which perfectly suited her personality. Given her powerful connection to nature it's no surprise she easily befriends the creatures of the forest, and she holds them all very near and dear to her heart going so far as to name every single one of them and talking to them as if they were her own people and capable of speaking back. Many a times she wished she were a Nymph who had the ability to actually communicate with them as she believes they'd be far better company than the politically minded and motivated people she's usually forced into contact with.
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Randir Elrohir​
  • Name Meaning: Wandering Elf Knight
    Birthplace: Elven Territories in Hyenta
    Birthday: Ninth day of the ninth month
    Gender: Straight Male
    Height: 6'2"
    School: Krauxose Academy
    Magic: Transportation
    Rank: Master
    Race: Half high elf half dark elf
    Age: 331

    Personal Strengths:
    Extensive knowledge of transportation's applications
    Powerful Connection To The Flow Of Mana
    Spearmaster & thrown weapon expert

    Personal Weaknesses:
    Has trouble bothering to make real friendships with short lived races
    Thinks in terms of decades, and centuries instead of hours and days
    Desperately trying to stay in touch with his emotions
    Fear of loss

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  • 88cc502ec83d4d479564ddd7e620dc22.jpg
NORAHuman, Female, born 557 SE, age 17, Barbarian, Outlander, Hunter-Gatherer, Chaotic Good
- Playlist -

Child of the Shield
Daughter of Ivor
Niece of Torbjorn and Ingrid
Cousin of Frode and Geir

Nora hails from a warrior mountain clan who prides itself for its protection and preservation of the Ursuline Cliffside. Wild bears have inhabited the area’s caves for centuries and the clan considers the animal a sacred source for food, clothing, ferocity, and the most important spiritual connection to all Gods. Each year, the clan honors the Divine Ursa Spirit during a time simply known as “The Cleansing”. It begins when the mountain timber turns red and ends when the morning woodland floor is covered in frost. Clan members are encouraged to restore their spiritual balance through sacrifice and competition. This is also the time when hunters are permitted to search beyond clan marked territory for bears. But consequences for severing the divine connection by harming a bear unobserved by The Cleansing can hold many forms. Clan members often discuss and decide appropriate consequences for most cultural misconducts. Killing a cub, however, is always punishable by death.

-x- Praised are the warriors who demonstrate the ability to befriend ursa. -x-

Nora’s family is recognized and respected as one of the clan’s three Shield Karls, who report the clan’s conditions to the clan leader. From birth, Nora’s life purpose has been to maintain the good image of her family. But Nora has always felt restricted because of her status and expectations. So, she’s made lots of mild misdemeanors to circumvent them, including skipping Shield gatherings, pestering clan members, and scaring livestock. She stepped too far out of line once for provoking the clan master’s bear, Oki. Her father managed to convince the clan leader to let her injuries be a lesson and that it would seem unreasonable for the clan to hold judicial punishments against a child. Nora’s aunt, however, finds herself scolding Nora’s rebellious behaior most often and believes her father to be incompetent at proper parenting. He’s just too soft with her (and Ingrid never understood why her sister married him in the first place). Many other clan members notice Nora’s relationship with her father from a more admirable perspective. It’s clear that their bond is strong.

-x- Remembered are the warriors who die valiant in battle. -x-

The clan has been preparing for Nora’s Ursa Ascension Ritual, which initiates a child’s adulthood responsibilities. It is traditional for the child’s mother to give them their first bear cloak. Ingrid has agreed to complete this role in place of Nora’s deceased mother despite her niece’s wishes. But before the ceremony can begin, Nora must endure her trial, which will send her to survive on the peak of the mountain for three days. In total, it’s a two week long solo survival trip. To some, its an intimidating task, but for Nora, it’s just the adventure she’s been waiting for.
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A Summary of Krag
Scribed under duress by Ellias Sinsarion

Forewords from the Scribe: It appears Krag is within one of his Controlled states now, giving off an unnerving sense as this social persona dances along the edges of the Uncanny Valley. He speaks slowly, gruffly, and attempts to enunciate to the best of his ability, though some words seem to get muddled regardless. Restrained growls resonate from deeper within, betraying this ability to otherwise converse with society at large without fear or concern. I believe his manner of speaking should be lauded, for a creature such as himself rarely lends its unique perspective to a scholarly mind or any with the courage to stay within its presence.

Along with his special experiences and capabilities is his trained etiquette, notably so that one would go as far as to say the creature has been rehabilitated into civility, even if it never sets paw into the court's halls. This manner of speech is always pre-empted with the type of dialogue to next leave its maw, as inflections and tonality would be lost upon our more gentle ears. For example, young Krag has said to me, "Question. Are you the writer of this [fine establishment]." To be fair to him, I almost would have missed that it was a query to my profession and simply assumed a beast was just stating what it saw. After a brief, yet enlightening, discussion with Krag, I am delighted to say that he is as capable to higher thought as the rest of us!

Well, were it be that he could speak any faster. However, his body language simply gave off the aura of an ambush predator, prepared to strike in an instant should he so choose. But thankfully, here I still am. All to say, that this beast of a soul has complexity that I would endeavor to explore, should I have the time and he the patience.

Regards, Scribe Ellias Sinsarion​

  • Biology​

    This striped hyena-esque brute is an enigma. While biologically similar to that of the sylthii race, Krag has taken on a more devilish appearance than those of his kind. One quality not the least being his reflective eyes, similar to that of a feline's photosensitivity and granting him functional low-light vision. Another such mutation includes bat-like ears, presumably giving the predator enhanced noise reception and quite possibly echolocation. One may only speculate as to how Krag acquired the physiological deviations, but he has taken every unique strength and pursued them with an intense focus to terrifying results. Sylthii, and by extension most canids, are inclined to be day pack hunters and using their brute strength and numbers to overwhelm their targets. Krag has, despite his bulk, proven to be effective at stealth and ambush tactics.

    On top of the frightening physical alterations are what one may expect from the common sylthii. A powerful build, as Krag stands at 6'5" when he is not hunched over. Canines strong enough to tear hide, yet not as powerful as some renowned creatures, with powerful molars that allow them to crunch and consume bones. Their digitigrade legs that, as long as they aren't encumbered with inflexible armor, can serve as powerful hind legs to a quadrupedal form and improve their running speed nearly two-fold. Tough claws that can rival a falcon's hooked talons, with Krag's being more so wicked. His torso is lean, strong enough to support such a bestial neck and head. His limbs are lithe, and with the right posture (such as the one he is always in) Krag could comfortably swipe the ground without losing momentum or going prone.

    There is one more fascinating feature of this frightening creature. An invisible affliction. Even as the accepted members of his kind have a macabre sense of justice, none have the outright sense of slaughter and inherent need to consume their hewn foes. As described by Krag, this bloodlust, this cannibalism, is a dark mark on his mental state of which has no inner respite. Being Krag's thus-far only confidant, general physician, and acquaintance willing to lend more than the metaphorical ear, I can only determine this state of being as a part of his physiology rather than a cultural upbringing. In matters of warfare and hunt, Krag is officially a threat. Give a wide berth to he who struggles to not eat the viscera from his crooked weapons.

    First Impressions​

    As iterated above, Krag has a clear relation to the striped species of the sylthii race. Standing at 6'5" and weighing in at 225lbs, this cream-colored beast has dark brown stripes all along his back, upper arms, and thighs. The spots around his eyes share the same dark brown as the stripes, sporting a few splotches of brown on the left of his muzzle and none on the right. His brown mane, shaped as a mohawk like most other sylthii, is haphazardly cut to not cover the eyes and leads down his spine, immediately meeting with the overly fluffy haunches of his shoulders. The overall image that Krag attempts to portray, and successfully most would say, is that of an intimidating and feral warrior.

    In social circumstances, whether he is visiting the open market or drinking you under the table at the lowliest pub, Krag is a methodical actor. Every point of action and trail of thought is the result of manual effort, causing his speech and mannerisms to look as though they are broached by one of lesser mental faculties. Although this is far from reality. If that were not enough cause for concern, there is also some question into his actual age. By his own account, he was birthed no more than four years ago. Which, of course, seems implausible as he easily towers most humanoids and has the experience of a veteran skirmisher, ignoring the fact that sylthii mature at approximately the same rate as humans. For now, I will list both his apparent and known ages, as 32 and 4, respectively. The truth may come to fruition one day, if not for me, for Krag.

    Conveniently, Krag's Uncontrolled tendencies, wild and frantic, align with his true manner of speaking and acting that is typically repressed. A series of cackles, barks, and growls will butcher his language, more in line to the chaotic yelps that the sylthii are known for. I have only had the opportunity to witness this behavior once before, when I accepted a bounty hunting trip with our esteemed hero. . . as an observer, of course. Spectating from the safety of our carriage, I noted there was a distinct line at which Krag must cross that will grant him the excitement confined within, and the boundary is as simple as any physical confrontation. His approach began with a bounty hunter's presumed spiels of taking in the target dead or alive in a rather reserved tone, and a knife to the shoulder in response prompted a primal rage which only lasted until the bounty's last breath; a brief affair, altogether, moments really.

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Source of the FC
  • Name: Kasumir
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 41
    Date of Birth: 533 SE
    Height: 1.73 cm
    Weight: 70 Kg
    Magical Affinity: Wind
    Magical Education Establishment: Maruzunian Academy of the Magical Arts
    Years Practicing: 25
    Magical Ranking: Master
    Date of Ranking: 574 SE
    Currency on Hand: 10 Gold

    Personal Strengths:
    - Loyal
    - Open Minded
    - Friend of Nature
    - Bookworm
    - Extensive theoretical Knowledge of Magical Arts

    Personal Weaknesses:
    - Strong Self Doubt
    - In the Middle of an existential Crisis / Low self esteem
    - Impulsive
    - Extremely distrustful
    - Lack of Determination / Direction
    - Despises Moral Reasoning
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Why should our fates be written in the stars, when we can grasp it in the palm of our hands?


Nuelehtil Lur`Aranal (Nu-leh-till Yur-ar-ranal) an`Oai - an`Oai basically indicates that she is of the ruling lineage of clan Oai. Contrary to fal`Oai, which indicates that the person is from clan Oai, but not of direct lineage from the ruling family. This surname is usually omitted unless giving an introduction under formal settings.

Drifts As The Wind
- All Hinokian tribesmen and women are given a title to go along with their namesakes at birth by the Hinokian Starsages; this may change if something noteworthy happens to them during and after their lifetime. These titles are also used as nicknames among the Hinokian tribes.
11th Candlemaiden - A title granted to the night watcher charged with lighting the outermost Glimmershroom in case of an attack on the clan. Children of the clan chiefs by tradition, are not permitted to be the 11th Candlemaiden as they are the first line of defence against the sworn enemies of the Hinokian people; the sand trolls. As such, many 11th Candlemaidens barely last a single yearly Cycle. The title is irrelevant outside of the Hinokian tribes and to those uninformed of the Hinokian ways.

AGE: 27
D.O.B.: 547 SE
RACE: Human

APPEARANCE: Slate grey almond shaped eyes, dark cocoa brown long hair. Small busted and athletic, though still in possession of a relatively feminine build... ..
"Why? You interested?"
Height: 5 ft 4... shutup!

MAGICAL AFFINITY: Spellweaving - The spellweavers are deft and agile dancers of the Hinokian Tribes, using magic in the form of spellthreads to puppet constructed Marionettes of varying sizes, including that of dismembered body parts. When they come out of the Hinokian Highlands to trade with the settlers, they often perform theatrical plays of macabre humour known only to the Hinokians.
MAGICAL TUTELEGE: Spellweaving is a cultural magical art form unique to the Hinokian Tribes, a skill passed on from one generation to the next. Drifts As The Wind learned the art from Master Weaves Fine As Silk.
MAGICAL RANKING: The Hinokians do not have any established ranking system.

REGION: Baelroth, Wastes Of Katal

SONG: Nuelehtil's Theme

  • "A typical psychotic woman who will maim you in your sleep to expand my horde of dismembered limbs..." The grey-eyed woman answers in an almost freakish offhanded way. "I'm just kidding." She adds after a moment with unblinking eyes. Despite her assurances, you can't help but feel a little conscious of your exposed arms; more so as you catch her unnerving stare.​

    Nuelehtil Drifts As The Wind, as is her namesake, has a rather short attention span and even shorterheight patience. While she is quick-witted, often excelling and remaining cool-headed in unpredictable circumstances where others might break under duress, she has a tendency to rush things where a more methodical approach would be of greater benefit. There are only a few things wherein Nuelehtil would spend extra care on, such as tinkering on her marionette, Kalla. Nonetheless, she grew up with an endearing precociousness, a trait that carried into adulthood enabling her to learn new things quicker than most, assuming she put her mind to the task.

    Talkative to a fault, she has an insatiable curiosity to turn over every stone, squint into every horizon, pick through people's thoughts, spy in between closed windows... no, seriously!

    Raised amongst theatrical thespians (and artisans), she has developed a subconscious flair to embellish her words for more dramatic effect, making her just a tad bit less reliable when it comes to relaying information. *cough*

    Calm under duress
    Nerves of steel

    Poor risk management
    유 유 유

In essence, spellweaving is a kind of puppetry magic. Centred around dance and marionetting, spellweaving is a cultural art of the human Hinokian Tribes taught from one generation to the next. Magic users of this tribe of humans would be capable of casting magical webs simply known as spellthreads; this is the core foundation of spellweaving. Spellweaving is divided into two branches. Control over the willing and control over the unwilling, with the latter being way way way more energy-intensive albeit less complex while the former requires more finesse and complexity. Control often does not extend beyond the close range, with established maximums of around 20 - 25 feet depending on the spellweaver's capabilities.

Control over the unwilling is simply casting your spellthreads to encumber, constrict, or compel another object or being. The more 'unwilling' a subject is (e.g. another human who would obviously be struggling compared to a simple object like a rock) the harder it is to affect it, and this difficulty increases in physical and magical effort exponentially, so much so that Spellweavers rarely ever try to use it on another living being (even if they had the prowess to do so in the first place). At best, adept Spellweavers could likely constrict a troll ten times their strength for a little over five seconds before the effort leaves them completely drained.

This brings us to the other part (and more commonly used form) of spellweaving that requires less raw physical and magical prowess, but more practice and experience. Control over the 'willing'. The 'willing' in this case are inanimate objects which have been 'prepped' by the spellweaver beforehand using magical runes, allowing for more delicate and precise control. In this tribe of human's case, they use magic to control specially constructed marionettes into a weapon that is an extension of themselves (think puppets with swords and daggers); or simply as a means of entertainment to earn coin to trade with the 'outside world' (outside world, in this case, refers to the rest of standard civilization that is not of the nomadic tribe).
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