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Blade noticed people jumping into the hole and finally looked down at it getting out of his mind and actually realizing what he had to do. *great I have to jump off a building and into a...dark hole. Two of my fears in one this ought to be fun* he thought to himself. Though jumping off the building wouldn't be that bad it really wasn't that high. The dark was the part that made him scared, but he tried to remember he was in dauntless he had to face his fears thats what being brave means. After telling himself this he put on a brave face and jumped down into the hole hoping there was something down there to catch him.

A girl jumped down, he nearly held his breath, heart racing and hoping she was alright. Then the cheers started and he thought he heard someone say they were fine, but it could have been his imagination. More people started to jump, one after the other, feet first into the darkness. As he realized the crowd was thinning, he finally stepped up to the edge and decided to do it. It would be just like swimming in a deep pond, only without the water. Holding his breath, the young man pushed himself off the edge and fell, arms to his side as if he just soared.

Then, he slipped into a net, slung down from his weight he nearly bounced out of the net but caught himself rolling down the side towards the waiting people. No one helped him out, though he figured he'd be fine, tall enough to step out with ease. Looking around, he was in shock, never before having taken such a risk. He survived and now, he was Dauntless.


Opal glanced at V, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Don't worry V, Damon might dislike us but they wouldn't send us all off to our deaths just yet." Opal slung her arms around V and Amber's shoulders. Her tight leather vest rose up with this action, revealing her flat stomach and pale skin. She pulled both of their heads in close and lowered her own head to get her lips closer to their ears. "Or would they?" whispered Opal in a mischievous tone. With that, she let go of her friends and sprinted towards the ledge, her combat boots pounding onto the ground. She leaped onto the ledge and without pausing, sent herself flying into the air and spun herself into a very showy Rudy (A front flip with a 540 twist and 1/2 spin). The sun caught her hair just right as she flipped and, just for a moment, it looked like actual fire growing from her head.

Her stomach felt like it was coming up her throat as she fell, and the fall itself seemed to go on forever. Her bird heart rattled in it's cage of bone. She wondered what was at the bottom, it couldn't be just solid ground, could it? 'Maybe it's water, or perhaps one of those giant, air filled landing blocks? Maybe a tram-' Opal was interrupted from her train of thought when she felt something catch her. She was propelled upwards once more, but returned and bounced around on her savior. "A net! Of course! Oh my god, I was beginning to doubt if there was anything at the bottom!" A man pulled down the net and caught her rolling body. He placed Opal onto her feet and asked for her name. "My name?" Opal asked back, her eyes widening in surprise. 'My name, huh?'

"It's...it's Char, or Charred. Like, what fire does to stuff."

She stepped back after he declared her name and a crowd of Dauntless roared in approval. Now she would wait for Amber and V, and when they arrived Char would tell them about her new identity.

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Sirius helped those he could out of the net calling out their names as he did. He noticed that there was an unusually large number of transfers this year, which would mean they would have to tweak their ranking system this year but Damon an him could worry about that later. He was more focused on getting the initiates out of the net before the next one came down.


Eyes shut she wasn't able to see anything, until the buoyancy of the net had propped back up. Opening her eyes she questioned to her self. *I'm alive?* Dumbfounded she let herself lay on the net for a bit looking up at the sky. Though it was slight, her lips curved for a second. When a guy had took her off the net her face returned to being the same unreadable expression. When asked for her name she held two of her fingers forming a 'V' sign.


She agreed with Opal's comment. "Yeah Opal's right. If they wanted us dead, they would've done it sooner." She laughed, saying it all naturally. "Opal stop that, you'll scare them away." She said looking at all the other initiates. Then the sneaky girl had taken off first. "Hey! Don't just go ahead and go first!" She then began to chase her, and jumped closely behind her.

Without a inch of fear, a funny feeling coming from the pit of her stomach, as usual she began to laugh. Once she hit the net, she rolled off without one helping her and just said her name. "Heyo 'Char'" She teased her as her new friend decided on a new name. She on the other hand loved her name the way it was. "Oh by the way I'll just stay the way I am. Still gonna be Amber." She answered Sirius.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary.gif.14ecd33f561f6d6eb53f3ee0cb7490e4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74148" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary.gif.14ecd33f561f6d6eb53f3ee0cb7490e4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clary stepped forward, the toes her shoes hanging off of the edge of the hole. She looked over her shoulder at Smith... No, that wasn't his name. Dresden. How could she have forgotten him? He was that kid who was always asking questions about everything.

Guilt twisted her stomach even more. Now she really felt as if she was going to puke. Yet somehow she managed a smile and said: "Just because you show kindness doesn't mean you're possibly Divergent, Dresden."

Clary kept her voice steady and even calm which seemed quite the feat considering how she felt on the inside.

Then she watched as Dresden and a few others plummeted to their possible deaths. But she could hear cheering so that must mean that they landed safely. Right?

Swallowing against the bile rising in her throat, Clary closed her eyes and let herself fall.

She let her arms spread wide like she was flying but it wasn't a pleasant feeling. Her organs seemed to all be stuffed in her throat and she felt dizzy as if she was spinning into nothing.

Then she came to a sudden stop that sent her brain slamming into her skull. Or at least that's what it felt like.

Cheers erupted and she cracked her eyes open to see a crowd of people standing before her. Initiates were mixed in with the crowd. All of them. Good, no one died.

With the help of a man who she didn't know, Clary climbed off of the net that had caught her. She stumbled a few steps, still a bit dizzy.

"What's your name, Stiff?" the man asked not unkindly.

"Clary Mona." she answered breathlessly.

The crowd cheered again and she finally felt like she belonged somewhere. She was home.



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He fell gracefully, stepping up to the edge of the building - and the drop down into darkness - turning around, closing his eyes and holding his arms out to catch the wind... and just falling.

Effortless. Much easier than everything else to come would be, no doubt.

And yet the best and greatest feeling he had ever felt.

As he was helped off the net, to the whooping cheers of the already fallen and their new companions in the Dauntless faction, he couldn't help but glance back up at the next person to jump and just wink slightly at them.

Good luck.

But no matter how Dauntless, an Erudite born will always show Erudite tendencies.

Sidling up to Jace, he gave him a nudge.

"Hey, pal. Just thought you might want to know I heard a few of those other guys chatting about you earlier. Something about a rumour? Your sister? Parents? Didn't get the specifics. Just thought you might want to... uh... know, I suppose." He suggested slyly.

"Also thought you might be interested in having a friend like me who can listen in on what they're saying discreetly. Would I be wrong? I doubt it, but you can confirm me anyway."
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Blade fell wondering what was waiting for him at the bottom. His hole body felt cold with anticipation, but he was pulled out of it when he hit the net at the bottom. He bounced a little and then rolled off to the cheers of the crowd. When he was off someone asked him his name. He simple said,"Blade",trying to hide his excitement. Then the man shouted his name to the crown and they all cheered. He has never had this much attention before and he couldn't be happier joining the crowd to wait for the next jumper.
Dresden watch's as more people start to come fall in the net he sees Clary when the crowd cheered surprisingly. Dresden starting to cheer he covered his mouth realize he was cheering he walked over to were Clary was in the crowd and said ' I'm glad you jumped I so your face when you looked in hole but we made it right just a few more steps to go I guess I have no idea but looking forward to it'.


V watched as the first few went over, listening to Opal's response about how they probably wouldn't kill their initiates right away. That did not comfort V very much - though she hoped the other girl's assessment was valid.

Then, to her surprise, the girl took a running leap into the void. V's eyes opened widely as she watched her new friend disappear into the darkness. V turned to say something to Amber but found the other girl already running towards the edge, and jumping.

As V heard the laughter trailing the oddly happy Amber, she decided to go for it.

Taking a breath, a small smile on her face, V took off at a run, whooping as she fell.

The whoop echoed behind her as she fell - she was proud she kept it relatively strong and not terrified sounding - only stopping when she arrived at the net, and letting out a laugh as she bounced a bit.

Then she found herself directed to get off, to make room for the next person.

As she landed she found herself asked for her name.

"V" she said, now confident with the name.

Then she went over to join the group, keeping an eye out for the two she had decided to form a bond with.


Hunter Dominique

Satisfied by the fact that no one was apparently intentionally dead - or at least the pile of bodies would be big enough - Hunter decided to take a chance and jump.

Unlike the other initiates, Hunter walked over to the end of the roof. He straightened his jacket, ran a hand through his hair, then calmly stepped off of the roof - quickly disappearing into the darkness.

For a moment - despite himself - his stomach was in his throat and his heart practically stopped beating as the wind whistled past his ears during his descent in the near darkness.

He was pretty sure they wouldn't kill the newbies, and couldn't think why they would want to kill the dauntless born... then fear gripped him. What if his parents had arrainged it... would they...

no... no... don't think like that.

Whooosh, Hunter landed in the net.

He slid onto the floor, a smile instantly reappearing on his face.

"Hey Sirius." He said, "Hunter's good. And why mess with something good?" Hunter chuckled.

Sen woke up on the ground near a large net as people were continuing to land in it and walk by.

Apparently the stress of the fall caused her to pass out briefly.

"Dammit" she complained as she struggled to her feet.

The last thing she wanted was to look weak in front of the others and here she was passing out in the initiation.

she felt as though she didn't belong, but she was bent on making this work.

There was no way she was going to become a faction-less nobody.

Doing her best to shake it off she stood up, recomposed herself and walked with a very deliberate sense of movement.

She was trying so hard to make every step count that it almost was stupid looking, and drew more attention then she wanted.
"Girl, you look like the biggest fucking idiot this side of the city, walking like that. Did you soil yourself after you fainted on the way down or something?" Rickard chuckled, looking at Sen and her futile efforts to look presentable after... that.

What an absolute blockhead, though. Really. If a little fall was gonna make her pass out, what hope did she have in Dauntless, huh? Rickard didn't want to see anyone fail, as such, but this was just stupid.

He hoped she proved him wrong.
June pushed at Rickard's arm a little roughly, annoyed at the snarky comments coming from the hole on his face. "We're here to kill pestulent scum, not act like it." She was ready to take her training very seriously, and if she was going to have to put up with snide assholes, well, she was going to make sure that was squared away fast. "She'll toughen up here, or not. You worry about yourself."
He grinned, and held up his arms in a mocking surrender.

"Oh my. Don't ravish me, will you? I feel so intimidated by you."

"Take your own training as seriously as you like, but I'm here to enjoy my life as well. I heard the food is good, the rooms are nice, and the tattoos are oddly painless for some reason. I've also seen no girls that weren't stunningly beautiful, and that fall back there was the best thing that's happened to me all week - besides Miss Helena, of course."


Jace grimaced a little at the transfer's question. "Why do I feel violated all of a sudden? You haven't been here five minutes and you're already noseing around in other peoples business." He wanted to smack the other kid but he knew violence now wouldn't get him anywhere. He would have to wait until he and Hunter carried out their plan to weed out the weak links. This Nose would certainly be one of Jace's targets. "I am well aware of the rumors surrounding me, and for your information I would like to know exactly what happened as much as the next person would."



Zephyr was the last person to jump, feeling choked by his fear of heights. He took so long that Damon actually offered to help the boy. When Zephyr shook his head in a yes motion Damon picked the small boy up by the arms and threw him over the side of the building. Zephyr screamed like a girl the whole way down untill he was caught by the net and plucked out by Sirius.



Damon wasn't going to say he took pleasure in throwing his baby brother off the building... But he would be lying if he said he didn't. He gave Sirius enough time to get Zephyr out of the net before he, himself jumped now that all the initiates were down there. He landed with an oomph and helped himself out of the net, waving to his brother In law, Sirius, to take the stage.



Sirius waited until everyone was down and out of the net, helping those who needed help and patting Zephyr on the back once the boy was on his feet, before he started talking "Alright, listen up! Dauntless borns go with Damon. Transfers stick with me, I'll give you a tour of the compound. Pay attention, I'll only do this once." Before he even finished talking he started to walk off towards the pit, walking past rooms and halls that lead to places and pointing out all the important ones, like the tattoo and percing shop. He showed the kids the very open dorm space they would be living in, casually pointing out there was no privacy for any thing that might go on in the bathroom. He pulled a large tote bag off his back that he had been carring and tossed it to the ground. "Getting dressed and then head to the dining hall. I believe tonight's special is hamburgers" of course the dauntless borns would already know the place like the back of their hand so they would go with Damon straight to the mess hall.
Blade followed Sirius around the compound looking with interest at everything and trying his best to remember the lay out. When he saw the bathroom conditions he was slightly agitated, but didn't complain knowing there was nothing he could do.

He was looking around the room when he heard the bag hit the floor and quickly caught his attention. He listened to what Sirius had to say and quickly went for the bag of cloths just incase there wasn't enough sizes that fit him not really caring what food they were serving. After getting his cloths he went to a corner bed and changed trying to hide as much as he could. He changed from his plain grey cloths to the black military like ones. When he was done changing his eyes changed from a light silver to a dark brown, but he didn't notice.

He didn't go straight to the dinning hall after though instead he acted like he was doing something to stay and listen to people's conversations.
Rickard, June's next victim of murder. Just kidding. Or not. She followed Damon, grabbing some stuff to eat and sitting down with it. She messed around with her food a little boredly, with a cheek resting on one of her hands, hiding a slight smile. Look at all the food, mashing around and being so funny and cute. She started eating, making small nom nom nom sounds.
As Dresden saw the other transfers following Sirius he want with them looking at all the rooms the tattoo shop interested him very much he walked to were Sirius dropped the bag and change cloths he looked at his new attire it look nice on him he thought when Sirius said something about food he realize he was a little hungry 'where is the dining hall again sir Sirius'
The jump-

Aerinne would look around herself, to the initiates, then to the hole. She watched as some freaked out, some took a leap of faith, and some clung to the pavement like the hole itself would reach up and pull them down into the depths of disaster. When it was her turn, she rested her feet half on the pavement, the tips of her shoes sticking out over where the concrete stopped. She looked down, and a sense of disaster, a sense of impending doom, and all your worst nightmares bubbled up into her veins.
And she loved it. She smiled and closed her eyes, spreading her arms out eagle-wise and tilted her body right off the edge. She broke out into a grin as the air soared by her, and adrenaline rushed through her body. And a few seconds later, the large knotted net caught her. She pulled herself up, bounding over the side and waiting next to where the other initiates were. After hearing Sirius's speech, she walked over to stand by Damon. A few moments later, they were in the mess hall slash cafeteria, where she quickly got in line and pulled a few items onto her tray, snagging the last piece of chocolate truffle cake. She sat down next to some of the Dauntless borns, and scooped a forkful of cake into her mouth.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary.gif.78b2cb6ff52d14e758953a0be5ae97cc.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74436" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary.gif.78b2cb6ff52d14e758953a0be5ae97cc.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clary joined the group at the opposite end of the net. Her heart was still pounding as she craned her neck back to look at Dresden who she was standing in front of.

"Yeah, I'm glad that I jumped too." she said with a giddy laugh.

She didn't know whether to feel scared or angry or nervous or excited. Her body seemed determined to feel every single one causing her nerves to jitter and her hands to shake.

However, once the next Initiate landed in the net, Clary cheered before she knew what she was doing. The shaking intensified but she thought it was mostly excitement; a giddy excitement. All of her emotions were put to the side as she watched the new members of Duantless fall into the net.

Possible, she reminded herself. Possible new members of Dauntless.

After the crowd quieted and Clary's voice was slightly scratchy from cheering, the man who had helped the Initiates down from the net began speaking. Clary tried very hard to pay attention to what he was saying but the voices around her were incredibly distracting.

A boy's cocky voice, probably someone from Erudite, said something about rumors. She tried to ignore him as he said something horribly rude to Sen then Clary simply had to turn when she thought she heard shoving.

She didn't see any shoving but she did see the boy's-J she had decided to call him (for jerk)-pissed off look.

So it was true then. The rumors. Whatever they may be about his mother she didn't know but by the look on face and his answer, whatever it was, was true.

That piqued her interest. Though she'd probably never know anything. There was no chance that she'd ask him and there was also no chance that she'd go behind his back by asking someone else. She wasn't like that.

For most of the tour, Clary had been stuck in her head but she still remembered the important places. She'd been anticipating what their room would look like and to say that she was disappointed was an understatement. It was a fucking box.

She snatched a black t-shirt, convereses and black pants from the duffel bag on the floor and hid under one of the bed's sheets to change.

The comfort of the bed made her want to curl up and lay there forever but it was fairly obvious that she couldn't. She'd have to rest her weary bones later.

Clasping her hands in front of her, Clary walked up behind Dresden but pressed her lips into a thin line when she realized that he was talking to Sirius. Her question would have to wait...



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June suddenly seemed to go into a quiet state of Rage. She spoke softly as to not embarrass herself. The chicken strip she clutched in her hand would squeal for help if it could say anything. "You think you could get away with hiding what you REALLY ARE? Divergent trash!" She grabbed the other end of the chicken strip and ripped it in half. She dunked it in ketchup. "Your blood is disgusting. I'll extinguish it!!" She ate the chicken strip. Was she... roleplaying with her food? She didn't seem to have any friends, as she sat alone at her table. "There will be no trial for you, insect." She ate the other half.


(Pretty sure he never said his name... But whatever)

Sirius looked at the kid with the question a little blankly before answering "I already showed you...and I'm not here to hold your hand, if you can't find your way down here you might as well look for the exit. It will save the others the trouble of trying to outrank you." And with that he was gone, down the hall and heading for the members' apartments, leaving the transfers to fend for themselves. Really all they needed to do was follow the noise from the other members and the smell of the food.... But he was already too far away to point that out.
Hmmm interesting answer Dresden thought to himself this place is going to be very interesting to live in. Dresden turns around and almost bumps into Clary 'O sorry Clary I don't see you behind me you want to join me in the dining hall' I notice that she has on are new attire 'It looks good on you' I pinch her shoulder something my....family use to do.
Sen despised the fact that she was called out, and hated even more that he was right.

She felt humiliated, but that shame made her aware that she was sticking out too much.

There was little she could do to save face, so she simply mouthed * Fuck you* before walking as far out of sight as possible.

A few hours however she crept up behind Rickard while he was busy talking to some one else.

gliding a single finger nail across his neck she whispered in his ear- " Im not here to Fucking impress you."

Stepping around in front of him she added - "But when the time comes, I'll enjoy your applause "

She added an awkward wink.

She never was a flirt, but she didn't want to come off a too nasty.

She didn't dislike him, but she wouldn't survive if she didn't assert herself.
Sitting alone in the dining hall, Jaida was kinda sad... She should have friends. She was just wallowing in her sorrows right now.

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