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When Damon started talking, Henry got to his feet. He listened intently as the two men briefed the youths on what was to happen next, and just a few seconds after Damon's Amity crack, they were out of the train. It didn't phase Henry at all, he'd always felt out of place amongst the Amity; so much so that he barely even considered himself Amity at all. He was born to do this, it was only an unlucky coincidence that his parents were Amity. If nothing else, he'd make the argument that he was more deserving of the title of Dauntless than the Dauntless born were. They'd had it easy until now. They didn't have someone constantly arguing and second-guessing them for wanting to be Dauntless. As far as he could tell, the Dauntless born had taken their entry into the Dauntless ranks as a fait accompli. They felt entitled, and soon enough their entitlement would lead to laziness and carelessness. Henry was going to work, and work hard, until this thing was over.

It hadn't occurred to Henry exactly how they were going to get off the train, but if it couldn't be bothered to stop to let the initiates on it shouldn't be a surprise that it wouldn't stop to let the initiates off. The other initiates began crowding the doors to jump off, and Henry followed suit.

Once the kid in front of him jumped, Henry stepped up to the door and looked out. There was no time to think about this. Just as the person who had gone before him hit the ground, Henry flung himself out of the train with reckless abandon, hoping the train's forward movement would keep him from barreling into the other kid. Henry's feet hit the ground first, and his forward momentum sent the rest of him toppling forward. He'd hit the ground hard, and rolled several times before coming to a stop. He once again hauled himself to his feet, and began to brush himself off. He was a bit scratched and battered, but otherwise just fine; a quick look around told him that this was a pattern amongst the other initiates. He ran his hand over the top of his head to brush away any dirt or gravel his brutally short hair had picked up during the fall.

Henry heard a few of the other initiates chattering, and if he wasn't so happy to not have any broken limbs, he might have found a way to be disappointed that the fall hadn't knocked some sense into a couple of them. He, of course, gathered with the others around Damon, trying to hear what would happen to them next.
"Oh." was all Clary said to the boy's rather cold response. Did he think himself better than everyone else? So much so that he thought he could bet on people's lives? It made Clary slightly sick to think someone could be laying dead on the ground and that boy would get money for their death. Was this normal in Dauntless?

Just before she turned to walk over to the group gathering around Damon, she asked: "Did you bet on me?"

A smirk tugged at her lips and the glint in her eyes could mistake her question for a joke and it was but only kind of. She genuinely wanted to know. Did Dauntless think lowly of every Stiff even though she didn't consider herself one?

With a last long look, Clary turned and walked over to the group of kids. Her eyes scanned for Vivian as she combed a hand through her hair, setting loose rocks from her curls. Please tell me you made it, Vee.

She spotted the brown-haired girl much to her relief. Just seeing another person from her former faction made Clary feel less like a fish out of water. A small smile spread across her face, mostly from relief, and she focused her attention on Damon.

Talked to: @Faction Before Blood

Mentioned: @Yunn
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Dresden gets up dust himself off he notices another girl in a grey dress thinking to himself 'That's not Vee or Vivian'. I walk up next to her quietly say 'Hey I'm Smith or you can call me Nightingale'.

Opal would have stayed to watch the interaction between the Stiff and Jace, but she really wanted to follow instructions. It was to early to cause trouble, plus she wanted to try her hardest to become more than just 'Dauntless born'. Her real goal was to be able to call herself Dauntless, with no born after it unless she felt obliged to include her Faction of origin. She wished them both luck in their tension filled argument and grabbed at Amber's hand. "Come on, I don't want to miss instructions, and if we can be first or second, maybe even third at doing something we might just make an impression on someone." With that, Opal released Amber's hand and jogged over to Damon, her tumbling auburn curls bouncing behind her as she went. When she finally reached the separate side of the rooftop Opal halted her jog right in front of Damon, albeit a couple feet away. She noticed Zephyr being called down by Damon from the ledge of the building and all hopes of joining him to sneak a peek at what lay under them died. She glanced quickly back at Amber and V and gestured for them to hurry up. "Come!" Opal whisper yelled, but she beamed at them, already excited to find out what they had to do next.


Once Damon saw he had most everyone's attention he spoke up again, stepping up on the ledge so he could properly see the gapping hole beneath. One slip in the wrong direction and he could potentially lose his life. "jump." He said simply gesturing to the hole. "This is the way to your new home. Who's gonna go first? Anyone that doesn't... Well you know." He said with a slight smile.

For those of you who want to be first jumper, please be fair and give the others a chance. Throw a 50 faced dice in the dice log, whoever has the highest number will be first jumper.



"No" Jace answered finally looking at the girl "stiffs have no personality until they transfer. It's an unpredictable bet, not a good idea." He said and then turned his attention to Damon.
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As she talked, she dusted off dirt off her black jeans, and white tank. *Well today was a bad day to wear white* She thought as her tank had been smudged with debris that was on the roof. *I guess I can just keep it as a memory* She thought positively. She liked the thought of it, as she got older she'll start to reminisce this day, the day she had begun to walk her own path, and not just the path she was on just because she was born with it. She wanted to be dauntless not by blood, but by heart. She had always loved the saying of Faction Before Blood.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted as Opal had gotten a hold of her. "Oh girl, serious as always. Even without instructions we'll find a way to make it through." She then joked. "And we don't need to leave an impression, I mean, just look at us, we're unforgettable" Before saying the last sentence Opal had already jogged over towards Damon. "Hey! At least wait until I finish!!" She yelled, running, chasing the auburn haired dauntless.


She had quite an eventful fall after she jumped. Never experiencing such things, she did not know how to act. Instinctively she covered her head with her arms, so she would at least protect the most important part. Due to her unpreparedness she ended up rolling for a bit, before coming to a stop. Once she used her arms to support herself standing up she held both her hands to her heart which was beating ferociously of life *...Thank god* She thought as she sighed in relief. Even without the dauntless instructors instructions, she was already within close proximity with him, as well as the gaping hole.

A chuckle escaped Opal as Amber called out for her, yelling about how Opal should wait until she has finished speaking. She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed in amusement. "Please, your voice is so loud I could hear it from ten blocks away," teased Opal. "If I wasn't serious, who'd keep you in check?" Another full teeth smile spread across Opal's face. "You do make a fair point though, first jump isn't a big deal anyways, plus I'm used to doing reckless stuff like jumping off of a building or causing very small, very accidental explosions". This time her smile was sheepish. Opal was sure Amber knew about the explosion she had caused, she remembered telling her after she was released from the hospital, but you never know with Amber. Amber was also the only person that had seen the scars that enveloped Opal's entire back, even if it was only a small section of her back Opal had left exposed. They had been friends for such a long time, it was hard to hide her back all the time.

Opal rolled her eyes and grinned as she spoke her reply to Amber, "If anyone of us is unforgettable it's you, blueberry head." Opal reached up and ruffled Amber's short blue hair.

((Jace's gif, tho. xD ))

Clary looked up at the boy who had approached her with distracted eyes. Damon's words were still buzzing through her head. Jump. Jumping off a train had been scary, sure, but at least she knew where she was jumping to. Here she was jumping into oblivion.

She wiped her clammy palms on the skirt of her tattered dress. "Clary." she said automatically. "Clary Mona."

Clary didn't really like her middle name but it felt odd simply saying her first name. A nickname at that.

"It's nice to meet you, Smith." she said with a twist of her lips that was suppose to be a smile. The nervousness clawing at her made it hard to focus on anything but that gaping abyss.

Clary's eyes snapped to the boy who had unexpectedly answered her question. Seeing him made made the fire in her flare. It was just the way he spoke, the way he held himself as if he was God, made her stomach burn with disgust.

She stepped around Smith. She never had been this mad before and his answer was actually true but she couldn't smother the anger.

"Really? They don't, do they? Well, I guess you would know, wouldn't you?"

Her voice came out bitter and it felt odd on her tongue. She'd never said an insult before... Never out loud. Well, it wasn't a very well thought out insult but it was one nonetheless.

Talked to: @Faction Before Blood @Dtlee31
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realizing what Clary was doing Dresden tapped her shoulder firmly saying. 'I don't think its a good idea to start a conflict with a Dauntless born after all we are transfers don't you agree with me Clary'
Blade walked over to Damon to listen what he had to say. When he heard he thought to himself "great we have to jump off something again is this all that they do." He then continued looking and listening to people's conversations around him trying to decide who he could be a ally and who to avoid.
Sen walked through the crowds on her way to this hole to an abyss that everyone was going on about.

If all that was required of her was to jump, then her new life would be a lot simpler then her old one.

But it was when she was close enough to see it that she realized why no one had gone yet.

It was a deep dark hole to nothing.

it seemed to go on forever, and it was too dark to see a bottom..

She didn't know what was worse, being seen as weak for being afraid, or what lies below.

She couldn't help but freeze and scoff "Damn it"


"I do know actually." Jace countered with a smile "at least I should I've been fucking your mother for the last year and a half." He answered back sarcastically. To think... Well, actually he had to admit this girl had guts. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but still. He could silently respect that. He watched her carefully wondering if she could come up with a come back.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary(Mad).gif.f3c511d6cad06a8a9451d56143743673.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary(Mad).gif.f3c511d6cad06a8a9451d56143743673.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Gif war... Excuse the brown hair but apparently the photo I used for her CS was photoshoped.)

Clary blinked the black spots of rage out of her eyes. She'd never felt an emotion this intense. Smith's voice didn't even reach her ears through the white hot coursing in her veins.

Her body felt as if it was burning. Tingles ran up her spine but somehow she managed to keep her fists locked at her sides and her voice steady as she said: "Dear, you must be mistaken. My mother wouldn't fuck someone like you."

She'd never cursed before but the word seemed to roll of her tongue like any other word. She actually enjoyed it. Relished the way she effortlessly pawed her eyes over his body, regarding him how she'd regard a salted slug.

Her rage had turned calm like the eye of a storm. A deadly calm.



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June looked at the two who seemed to be fighting within the crowd, talking about somebody fucking somebody's mother. She walked over to them and turned to the girl who'd given the angry comeback, Clary. She had her hands in her jacket's pockets, a blank and absent look painted on her face.

"If it feels any better, my mother was fucked and killed by a mugger." She turned and looked at Damon, as if she hadn't said anything, picking her nose.

@Miss Alice
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Micheal leaned out of the car and didn't really have time to prepare himself to jump to the rooftop. He saw the others and didn't want to be left behind, so without any preperation he just pushed himself with brute strength and leapt out onto the roof. It was a bold choice, but he landed on his feet and kept running, giving a slight whoop of confidence after the fact. Soon after he swung around and started to cheer at the others, "Come on!" he yelled, laughing at the insanity of it. "You can do it!" he tried to encourage others.

After everyone landed on the platform, he looked around, seeing the gathering near this wide open hole in the roof. He ventured over, towering above some of the initiates as he looked down the hole. It looked deep, there was no bottom he could see, frowning to himself he looked about and wondered who would be the first to jump.


"Who are you? Whatever that's not important." He asked June after starring blankly at her for a moment. "Dear? I haven't been called dear since i was six...." He mused but smiled a little anyway " you know what, sweetheart? Your probably right. Most Stiffs wouldn't know what to do with me if they had me in their bed. Sex is too selfish, right? I bet none of them has partied just to party."
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"Well. That is a hole and a half." Rickard whistled, trying to see how deep it went - but to no avail. He had been shoved to the back. His... friend, Helena, was with him, but he was still at the back, and that was nowhere for an erudite Dauntless like himself to be.

But there were still a lot of people between him and this big hole, and Helena was... so very attractive. It was not cowardice that kept him from jumping first- believe me, there's an element of insanity to him too- it was merely chance. The set of events of the day had concluded with him being towards the back of the jumpers.

Almost like someone had rolled a dice for it.

"What'd ya say!!" She shouted. "My voice is not loud, it's just that everyone else's is too quiet!" Catching up Well no one of course!" Amber yelled at the other, the only one who was pretty serious and actually took care of her despite her craziness had been Opal after all. Though it's not an exaggeration that the other was crazy as well. With the mention of the ridiculous things the they did and the last one the other mostly did, and raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Accidental explosions? Sureee they were. They were obviously accidental." She said, repeating accidental twice, there was obviously no meaning to it. As her hair got mentioned she began to swirl it around her finger. "Oh really? Great! That was the look I was going for."


*Jump...I'm gonna have to jump down there..* Vee thought continuously, as she stared down into the hole, and gulped. *But...if I don't do this I won't be able to become part of a faction..And I don't want to be factionless* Shivering at the thought as she remembered them. Dirty, poor, unable to take care of themselves, useless, was the one term she had always thought of them as she was in abnegation, forcing herself to help them. Truthfully, she had never felt they had deserved to be cared for, they had all seemed like parasites to her as they clung onto the abnegation as their life buoys. *Plus I don't think I can survive if I become factionless...I'm quiet, awkward, can't make any friends, no survival skills* Without the protection of a faction she felt insecure.

*...If I jump towards the center than there's no way I'll die right?* Falling towards the center of the hole seemed to be the safest option. *...I don't think I can jump too far, but if I can sprint and use my momentum then at this angle I should be able to make it.* She encouraged herself. Her heart thumped, no one else seemed to have made a move yet. She had never liked the attention towards herself. She then remembered what had the Dauntless had valued bravery. *...If I make the jump first will it boost up my chances?* She thought. With the selfishness of being superior to her peers she slowly started off with small steps, then after 3 she had changed her pace onto a full out sprint. As she got close to the edge she made one final push to go further into the hole. She had only realized what she just did as she directly felt herself fall, she couldn't see what lied at the bottom of the hole, and that had made her uneasy. Closing her eyes shut, she didn't utter any sound in a situation such as this. It was more like something had sucked all the air in her, making her unable to produce sound.
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June watched as someone took the first jump. She got a little annoyed, as she had planned to take the plunge. Oh well, might as well let bygones be bygones. Bygones that should be passive aggressively leered at and silently hated. She took a breath and followed after her, skilfully using her hand to vault over the edge and plummet into the hole in a cannon ball.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary(Mad).gif.15efdbde3f11b75e089113dbb965797c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73781" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Clary(Mad).gif.15efdbde3f11b75e089113dbb965797c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Ugh, the hair... My OCD is tweaking.))

Clary rolled her eyes rather dramatically both at the girl's words and the boy's response. His comebacks were borderline childish and not to mention asinine but Clary found herself softening at his smile. He was quite handsome when he smiled.

"A girl wouldn't even want you in their bed. Who would want a slug in their bed?"

She scoffed quietly, her expression saying that her words were obvious.

Who was he to even talk about Abnegation? She may not consider herself Abnegation but they were still her family. Any thoughts of him being handsome were drowned in her anger. As she turned back to the hole they were suppose to be jumping in, Clary looked over her shoulder and said: "You're pretty when you smile. You should do it more, dear."

Her eyes held a glare and her voice dripped with sarcasm. He'd never know that she meant what she had said. Hell, Clary barely knew herself.

Her eyes grew wide as she realized that two people had already jumped, Vivian of all people being one of them. That meant it was safe, didn't it? It had to. The alternitive gave her the urge to vomit.

She could do this. Couldn't she?

Mentioned: @Orihara

Talked to: @Faction Before Blood



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V chuckled as she heard her new companions' reactions to jumping from the train. It was already obvious she had chosen the right faction, but she now she was absolutely sure she belonged.

She did find herself a bit out of her comfort zone when it came to the other girls' flirty banter. Once again she was reminded of her lack of experience in everything affectionate.

Luckily, Damon began speaking and Opal, apparently deciding to take V under her wing - something V appreciated - motioned her to join them all.

V listened with interest, though she didn't comprehend the whole "jump" thing right away.

She stole a glance over the side and pulled her head back quickly. "Is there anything at the bottom?" She asked.

Then, before a question could be answered, a girl - another Abnegation convert - went over the edge. V's eyes went wide.


Hunter Dominique

Jace inquired as to whether or not Hunter desired to lose money so quickly. Hunter grinned and chuckled, then shrugged. "What's a few bucks between friends?"

He then nodded at the other boy's assessment. "True. I would normally vote the stiff's off of the train, but the ones this year aren't looking quite as stiff as usual." He observed the number of Abnegation members jumping from the train.

When he heard Opal's rather loud response Hunter grinned and shrugged.

Then his attention was taken by Damon's little speech. Hunter wasn't particularly worried about the jump - he wasn't afraid of heights, and he knew enough about dauntless to know that most likely it was survivable.

Buuuut just in case... Hunter decided to not go first. Instead, he simply stood off to the side, looking pretty and watching for the first few jumpers.

Smith walks up next to Clary again looking at the hole then looks back at Clary. ' If you want me to I would gladly push you in the hole you would not have to worry about not jumping in if I do that for you If you want me to do that'. I go back looking at the hole again wondering what's waiting for all of us down there.
Hearing Smith took Sen by surprise, she didn't expect to see him again, let alone remember his voice.

Walking over beside him near the edge of the hole she barked "You there! The boy with the dream catcher?. Listen to me.."

Her gaze lowered to the ground before she continued " Take this as the honest truth from some one who grew up a Candor.. Don't be so nice all the time."

She looked up at him with worried eyes and added " If you keep acting that way, people are gonna think your a bloody divergent and slit your throat ! "

She shook her head and lowered her voice " ..Don't you understand?. This is our life now. You better act like a Dauntless before it gets you killed"

It was then she realized she was projecting a lot of her own insecurities and fears onto him.

She also wondered to herself why she even cared.

She then lightly punched him in the shoulder out of frustration.

It wasn't enough to hurt, but more to get her point across as she snapped " You Idiot "

She then walked over to the ledge, held her breath, and walked over the edge into the hole.


Damon watched as the stiff jumped and fell into the dark hole without making a sound. "Well... That was anti-climactic. Who's next?" He asked watching a dauntless born jump as well. He looked out over the crowd expectantly. When a girl wearing what used to be Abnegation clothing spoke up he simply shrugged in response "I guess you'll find out."



Sirius was waiting at the bottom near the net waiting for the first initiate to jump. If it weren't for the sound of the body hitting the net he would have missed the girl completely as his back had been turned. He turned to watch the girl settle in the net after the fall before he pulled one edge down so she would roll closer. Once he had her in arms reach he grabbed her under the arms to pull her off the net and set her on her feet before the next one jumped "what's your name, Stiff?" He asked her curiously. He couldn't help but see something familiar in her... Then again he thought he recognized everyone from Abnegation. Once he had her name he shouted out "first jumper:.." With the girls name attached to the end and everyone in the room cheered for her. He motioned for her to stand out of the way as he went to help the next one, a girl named June, if he remembered correctly.



Jace smiled at her sarcasm. "You'd be surprised, sweetheart." He answered back, watching her go. If she stuck around he didn't think that he would mind. He turned his attention to Damon and the group of jumpers, deciding he would show off a little. He stepped up on the ledge and turned his back to the hole so he was faceing the crowd. Making a small bow before he jumped backwards, doing a flip as he fell.
Listening to what Sen said thinking to myself 'I know I'm Dauntless I wish I had a on and off switch I could use maybe I just need time'. Rub the arm she punched realizing she jumped and called me boy. I frown for the first time and jump into the hole yelling 'My name is Smith'

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