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'No thank you for letting me help you' I notice her looking around and say 'Even the protectors need patching up every know and then Sen'

Opal slung her arm around Amber's waist after her blue haired buddy placed her own arm around Opal's shoulders. Yes, she almost forgot in all this excitement that Amber was one of her best friends and favorite people. They both got along so well because their personalities fit perfectly together. Amber encouraged Opal to make the most out of every moment, and Opal reminded Amber that sometimes seriousness was needed. Opal's eyes twinkled and she let a laugh escape from her pearl colored lips. She smirked and winked at Amber,"Don't worry about the newbies, you got me to cause trouble with". She gave a little shiver when a new surge of excitement filled her. "Dude right? This is the day we dreamed of, and we're both here!" She was about to continue with her energetic ramble when a familiar boy leaped onto the train, quite impressively at that. "Hey Am, look who finally made it, Dauntless's pretty boy". Opal rolled her eyes at Hunter's purposeful display. 'Of course he's trying to assert himself. I mean, I did similar but I'm not known for showing off.' It took her a moment but she recognized a few more Dauntless born standing around them, still, you'd expect more Dauntless born to stay in their amazing Faction. And then a Stiff approached them and called out to them, mostly to Amber but Opal decided to invite herself into the conversation. Amber replied to her, basically repeating what Opal was thinking to herself after the Stiff's outburst. Shooting a glance at Amber, Opal smiled and said "I like her."

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As the other responded putting an arm around her waist, nothing could've felt more complete.When they first she was like *

Finally someone gets me

* When she threw her arm around others, she had expected something else in return, or she'll feel she was the only one having fun. Like hello, I put an arm around your shoulder, give me something in return. She chuckled as Opal's next words.

"Haha, yup with the two of us, even the dauntless compound can't contain us!"

She cheered. She then finished the other girl's sentence.

"I know, today's just the start, after this we'll be the best, or maybe the worst depending how people look at it!"

While they were laughing,

prince charming

had made his entrance.

"Well I guess it was about time for him to bless us with his



Amber joked sarcastically as she saw how plain obvious he was. Though it was kind of disappointed as there weren't more familiar faces on the train. As Opal expressed her thoughts about the Stiff she smiled back towards her.

"I know right? Aren't I such a great judge of character?!"
June placed her earbuds back into her ears, taking a breath as she resumed her music. It's fine. Don't think about it. Just because they act different, doesn't mean anything. They just transferred from separate factions, so they have their own personalities. Nobody's divergent. They're fine. She leaned against the wall, closing her eyes for a bit. All her life she'd been taught to hate difference and it made her a very assuming person.


Viola grinned at the other girl. She was happy to hear that she was considered "cool," even happy enough to ignore the nickname given to the members of Abnegation. She didn't even really mind. It was true - though that hadn't stopped Viola from beating up some jerks back when her brothers were kids.

"You're judge of character is right so far.. but you never know." Viola couldn't believe herself - was she really being sassy? Plus, she was being more talkative than she had been in a very long time.

The other girl asked her name.

I'm..." Viola paused for a moment. "V" She said simply with satisfaction. She deserved a new name... a unique name (or so she thought). "Just V."

She then looked over to where the two other girls were discussing... a boy apparently. A handsome boy, true, though their mocking statements were most definitely true - the boy liked to showboat.

Who's he?" She asked, curiosity getting the better of her.


Hunter Dominique

Hunter chuckled, though he was a bit relieved to hear that he could keep his money - not that he really needed it. Among all of his other wonderful character flaws, Hunter also didn't like to part ways with things he might be able to use in the future - that included but was not limited to both money and information.

This proposal from Jace seemed to offer him both of these options. He got to keep his money and he could gain some info on newbies. "Color me interested." He said with a mischievous smile. He enjoyed messing with newbies - especially if that meant that he could get ahead. He wasn't going to become factionless if he could help it - and he couldn't disappoint his parents.

"...also, speaking of interested." He nodded behind Jace's shoulder.

As he talked to Jace he had noticed a group of girls looking in their direction. Enjoying the attention, he smoothly ran a hand through his hair and winked at them.

Things really seemed to be going his way.

Jace was happy the other boy was interested and decided to form a plan with him later, when there weren't so many potential targets so close to them. Instead he turned his attention to the girls. "Good. We'll talk later then" Jace could enjoy the attention of the girls though he didn't crave it the way he assumed Hunter did, actually he wasn't interested in the girls at all but he could play along.


After regaining his composure from the spat with Jace, Zephyr went to look for that abnegation girl again. Determined to at least get her name.
Henry regained his composure and hauled himself to his feet; he stood, and looked forward down the car. It was exactly what you'd expect a bunch of 16-year-olds to be doing. Squawking like hens about this or that:

Oh wow look at what the pretty boy did!

Look! I'm asserting myself by calling someone else names!

Yay we were born Dauntless! Let's ignore the fact that the cut on our hand is no older than anyone else's on this train!

Each was more painfully vacuous than the last. Henry had no use for any of it.

What mattered now is that Henry had made the first step. It was only now that Henry realized this. He was really on the train. He'd wanted this all of his life. He'd come from his short-sighted peacenik upbringing and now was on a train barreling towards whatever awaited him. Even if he washed out and became factionless, he wouldn't have to wonder what could have been. He was here, now, and despite being in a train car full of people that appeared as if they were on a field-trip from school, Henry himself was about the business of Dauntless. Right now -thankfully- the business of Dauntless was to ride on this train. Henry grabbed a seat along the back wall of the train near the door. He would ride quietly.

Henry allowed himself a smile, the feeling was amazing.

Amber's enthusiasm made Opal stifle a giggle. She was glad her friend had so much faith in them, she only hoped that her words proved true and one of them wouldn't end up Factionless. 'This is the risk of having friends as an initiate' thought Opal. 'One wrong move and you may never see them again.' The thought of being cast out of Dauntless made Opal shudder, but imagining Amber being thrown out made her heart clench. When V replied to Amber Opal couldn't help but gape at her. She had never engaged in a conversation before with a Stiff, but she always imagined them somewhat monotone, perhaps a bit boring. 'A Stiff being sassy? What a sight.' Opal nudged her blue haired friend with her shoulder. "Dang Amber, V's comin' after you."

"Oh man, don't even bother with him. If you really want to know, his name is Hunter, Hunter Dominique, and he's the biggest flirt I've ever seen in my life." Opal shook her head at Hunter when he sent their trio a wink. "I advise you to not become romantically interested in him, but do what you want." Opal had never personally been caught up with Hunter, but she was especially skilled at eavesdropping. "The boy beside him is Jace. There's a few rumors about that one, but it's not my place to speak about it."

"On the contrary, I'd love to hear you speak about it." Rickard appeared beside them, having shifted from the previous failed conversation effortlessly.

"I mean I can tell he's suspect of something - it's in the way he holds himself - and that he has something of a penchant for violence, from the way you're avoiding revealing rumours, like he could snap you in two."

"But I'm Erudite. I think I know more than I actually know. Why don't you tell me?"
Blade walked through the train weaving through the people most of them not even noticing he's there. As he moves he's listening to the others around him hearing the tone of their voice, watching all of their body movements and twitches, and sizing everyone up. He already noted how to act around most of them, but some people seemed harder to read.

He did this most of his life being forgotten by everyone you tend to learn tricks and this one was very useful. This skill would work well if he stayed in abnegation, but he hopes he can us it for fighting and surviving in dauntless.

After traveling all through the train he finally gets to the front were the people he is most interested in were and floated around watching and listening to everyone
Clary could only hear the beating of her own heart as she took the steps to the Hub, clinging to her older sister's hand. She knew what was going to happen. So why was she so scared? Maybe it wasn't fright but nervousness. Yes, nervousness was a much more acceptable feeling to have when soon Dauntless would be her new home.

Clary lifted her chin slightly, her grip on Valentina, her sister's, hand tightening. Their eyes met for a moment and Clary could see the knowing in Valentina's sky blue eyes. Clary suspected that everyone had that same look; they all knew. She wouldn't be staying in Abnegation.

Valentina nodded as if giving her permission. As if she was saying: It's ok. We all know, Clary. She squared her slight shoulders and, without looking back at the rest of her family, she pushed open the Hub doors.

The roar of voices filled her ears and vibrated in her chest. Her heart thumped wildly against her ribcage like a bird caught in a cage. This was it. This was the day that she'd been waiting for almost her entire life. Yet she didn't feel excitement nor did she feel particularly nervous anymore. All she felt was an eerie calm like a stormy ocean that suddenly went still. Even as her family came up and hugged her, even as her mother said: "We love you, Clarissa." and the unsaid words hung thick in the air: No matter what, she still felt as if nothing could touch her.

Once they took their seats, Clary fidgeted, pulling at her grey dress, shifting in her stiff seat, chewing her lip. It was painful to sit there, watching while everyone else chose their faction, probably the ones they've been dreaming of, while she sat there. Fire ignited in her veins with each name that was called and when her name was announced, Clary shot up earning herself disapproving looks from Abnegation.

Her eyes were locked on the hot coals that represented the Dauntless. Her footsteps echoed through the room in time with her heartbeat. This was it. Clary took the knife with steady, sure hands. Her eyes flicked to her family one last time before stepping in front of the burning coals.

Clary pressed the knife to her palm, flinching as the blade cut into her flesh. Blood, hot and sticky, seeped from the long gash.

Clary took a deep breath and thrust her arm out.

Her blood sizzled as it dripped onto the coals. “Clarissa Wellen… Dauntless.”

She lowered her arm, keeping her hand squeezed shut. Clary looked back at her teary-eyed family but couldn’t bring herself to feel sympathy. Her heart was still pounding, its pace quickening as she looked to her new family.

She’d done it and now that she had, that vulnerable fear slammed her in the chest.


Clary walked out of the Hub with panicked steps. Her cobalt eyes were flitting around searching for her family but they were gone. Stupid, stupid, stupid, she scolded herself. Why couldn’t she have stayed with the monotony of Abnegation? She knew what would happen each and every day and that’s how she liked it. Why did she leave?

Clary didn’t have more time for regrets though. The train was coming.

A boy just as scrawny as her bumped into her side in his mad dash to catch the Dauntless train. Clary stumbled forward then tripped, hitting her knees hard. She ignored the pain and darted forward blindly, half in panic and half in determination.

She saw the entrance and saw how fast the train was going and for a fleeting moment she thought she wouldn’t make it. But her feet kept going.

She ran faster than she thought she ever could and soon she was leaping and clutching metal. Her vision focused suddenly. Adrenaline coursed through her veins putting all her sense on overdrive.

Clary made her way to a spot on the train where another Abnegation girl sat. Vivian was her name, wasn’t it?

She gave her a shaky smile, glad to be near someone from home in such a foreign place. Though she doubted that she herself looked anything like a girl from Abnegation.

Her eyes were wild, her rusty-colored curls loose from her bun and pasted to her forehead with sweat. Blood still leaked from her hand and scarlet stained her dress.

Clary guessed that she looked much like the factionless but still leaned toward the Abnegation girl, her hair falling over her shoulder.

“You’re Vivian, right?” she asked quietly, her voice quavering.

Making her way towards the middle section of the train where she believed was less crowded and quiet than the one from earlier. It was simple, most of the individuals in this part of the train were all transfers. Finding a seat, she sat up straight, as she was able to find a peace of mind. Straightening her messy brown hair with her hands, she stopped when she felt a shadow looming over her. Looking up, she saw a familiar face, *Clarrisa, was it?* As the other abnegation girl said her name, she nodded. Scoot over a bit, she motioned her to sit next to her out of courtesy.


As she was sassed, and nudged by her auburn haired friend, she couldn't help but joke around. "Yes, yes, she is, she's out to get me." She laughed. "But I don't think it's gonna be that easy. I ain't no pushover." She added pinching Opal's cheek. Turning her attention back towards V she said "Pretty sassy now are we?" With her free hand she shaped her fingers in a shape of a gun, pointing it at the stiff. "Now I like you even more~"

Soon the conversation had turned towards the so called prince, and agreed with Opal. "Yup, though it's obvious, as you can see he's pretty much full of himself. Honestly." She added as she saw the wink aimed towards them. Not backing off, she too decided to send a wink back at him, she never was the type to stay put, and continued to talk. "As expected of Opal, so well informed aren't you." She said giving her friend a hug.
@Yunn @GinjaGen @Dtlee31 @Endemic Wolf @Zed @Blackrose7@BirdTheWord @viska @Orihara @RowdyPotato @Bazmund@redfang54 @Ashaficent @Kittycat @PlaguedWithInsanity @Miss Alice

Getting off the Train


"All initiates gather round, thank you. The rest of you can go elsewhere; climb on the roof if you have to; that outta make a scene" One of the Dauntless leaders enters the carriage, his dark wild hair slicked almost flat to his head with sweat. He rubs his fingers across his face, his fingers running through every dent, every scar that blemishes his appearance. He has seen many a battle, by the looks of it, his nose still bloodied and bruised. "I would apologise for my appearance, but half you guys will end up far worse than myself by the end of the initiation. The name's Damon. I'll be in one of two people in charge of all of you until you complete your initiation." He glances over to the Amity and Abnegation transfers, several of which are still clumped together in a small huddle, like orange and grey penguins trying to keep warm. "If you complete your initiation, that is".

The man named Damon pulls a towel out of his pocket with the dauntless insignia shrouding it's facade. "Dauntless tradition. All Initiates have to take a leap onto the compound after the choosing ceremony. I never really saw the reason in such things, but no one ever does" he remarks, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Anyway, in a few moments the next part of your initiation shall begin; here at dauntless, we like to make you hit the ground running. Literally"

A grin appears on his face. "On your toes, initiates! I hope you've packed your jumping shoes!" Magnus leans out the side of the train, only his fingertips preventing his certain death. He points towards an upcoming building. "Because you'll need them" as soon as the building was close enough the man jumped, tuck and rolling onto the building perfectly. Lose gravel clung to his clothes and he had a few minor scratches but nothing serious.

Zephyr & Jace

The boys gathered round as instructed already knowing what was going to happen and an idea of what was coming up after that. After Damon jumped the boys shared a look and followed suit, giving enough space so that they would not land on each other.
The dauntless born girl, June, wasn't quite listening to the man, as she had been listening to death metal the whole time; she didn't need to though, as the sight of her brothers all jumping out at once gave indication of the next part of her initiation. She hovered over to the next, less crowded door and jumped out without hesitation, landing on her feet. She plucked out her earbuds and put them away as she ran with the rest, anticipating the next part. There was a lot of running and jumping in dauntless, no doubt. It was like a gymnastics class, only there were no pads or handholding.
Blade listened and saw what they were doing. This didn't faze him much because he knew they would have to get off some way and dauntless always makes it crazy. He let most people get off first not wanting to get pushed to his death. When he saw his opportunity he smiled and jumped landing on his feet, but then letting his knees fall from underhim and rolled to take away from the impact. His cloths tore a little and his hands were scratched, but that was expected. He got up with little hesitation and followed everyone else wanting to see what was next.

Opal grinned even harder when Amber pinched, but she pulled away from Amber when Damon began speaking. His words rekindled the roaring fire of adrenaline that heated her blood. A flicker of nervousness spiked into Opal's bird heart, though she decided to push that feeling down. If she had to do this she might as well make the most of it. "This is it! Amber, V, get your asses ready because I don't want to see either of you falling to your deaths." After Damon leaped she saw Jace and Zephyr make their own jump. "Come on babes, you don't want to be last, do you?" She sent a smirk back at Amber and V before charging towards the open exit, the force of the wind already causing her hair to lash around her face. She didn't hesitate at the door, just took the leap of faith and prepared herself for the landing. That was one thing about Opal, she never backed out or only half committed to any of her actions, if she was doing it she was giving it her all. She passed the edge of the building, sending a wave of relief through Opal, now all she had to worry about was how she was going to land. The balls of her feet hit the ground first but to lessen the force of the impact she immediately tuck and rolled before swinging herself up to her feet. She laughed and stepped away from her landing position, now freeing the spot for someone else to land. Opal turned around and called out to her best friend and the Stiff girl, whom Opal decided she may one day become friends with, "Lets go girls!"

Watching a few of the people jump out the train I watch to see how they do it after three or four of them jumped I decided I could do I may get a cut here or there but I ever done this so that's to be expected I take the dreamcatcher off my neck and wrap the string on it around my risk like a bracelet I walk to nearest door feeling the wind on my face I make room to run and jump out the train I land on my feet at first but the momentum trip me I roll a few times I stop rolling a look up and see the girl that jumped before me yelling to her friends on the train I check myself my pants are ripped a little bit and I have a cut on my arm the dreamcatcher is ok I nodded to myself and say 'Good first jump'


V smiled at Amber, glad to once again be someone the cool Dauntless girl said she liked. She was definitely not used to it - in Abnegation no one paid anyone compliments particularly - but man did she like it! It was much more free.

"Well, you're not so bad yourself." She replied with a chuckle, somewhat awkwardly pointing her own finger guns at the other girl. Yet another new thing to add to the list.

V then cocked her head to the side, her eyes on the boy as he gave them a sort of wink - which did V was unable to compute - as she listened to the other girl's information about him. She was curious about the information the girl named Opal had about the boy and his companion, but figured she would ask her about it later - if she made it.

"Don't worry, he's not my type." She responded. It was true. He wasn't like the Abnegation boys - not that she liked those particularly either - and was thus practically another species from V.

Then, as sudden as the train ride had begun, it was over, and one of the Dauntless leaders was suggesting they jump off of the train.

After an initial moment of fear - especially after the quip about shoes (V's were definitely
not running shoes) and the very motivating comment about falling to their deaths by Opal, she decided to go for it.

"See you on the other side!" She shouted at the two Dauntless girls - who, V noted after she'd shouted it, were already jumped. Then she took a breath and leapt off after the Dauntless initiates.

Her landing was anything but smooth, but as she awkwardly rolled away from the edge of the track as the train whizzed by, her torn dress bottom practically over her head by now, she couldn't help but let out a short moment of laughter - in relief, in excitement, in happiness.

Then she got to her feet, breathing hard from the fall and the laughter.

"We made it." She chuckled.

@Yunn @RowdyPotato


Hunter Dominique

Hunter heard his companion respond, confirming that they would meet later to discuss the details of their dastardly deed. He nodded his own head in affirmation, "Sounds good," though his attention was focused on the girls. He simply figured his companion was just as entertained. He knew about the two Dauntless girls - not as well as he should have, considering the fact that he didn't typically pay attention to others - but the stiff was new.

Hunter was quite happy with himself, in fact, when Amber returned his wink. Sure, she probably wasn't interested. But even fake interest made him look good, as he knew the other Dauntless guys had seen her respond to his advance.

Then, it was time to jump. Sadly turning his attention away from girls, he made his way to the side of the train. He quickly joined Jace and Zephyr in being one of the first few to jump off.

This was yet another activity Hunter had perfected. He skillfully tucked and rolled, landing fluidly and popping back up as if it was the easiest thing in the world. He smoothed his hair back down and rearranged his jacket as he turned to watch the others jump from the train, walking over to Jace.

He examined the newbies, "So... who's gonna fall?" He examined those remaining on the train. He knew he shouldn't make another bet so soon after the previous one, but he couldn't really help it.

@Faction Before Blood

After the boys landed they went their separate ways. When Hunter walked up to Jace's side the boy shrugged. He really didn't think any of the transfers were capable of truly being Dauntless. "Are you sure you want to lose another bet so quickly?" He asked with a smirk. "I suppose the Erudite would be the most likely. I doubt theyre even allowed run let alone jump in their part of the city."

"Well done V!"
Opal cheered and patted V on the back. This Stiff didn't seem all too stiff, so Opal decided that she would reward her with her friendship, though it wasn't much. Opal would be nice to her, perhaps even defend her if she truly needed it, but it was her first priority to make sure V, or anyone else for that matter, didn't turn on her or Amber. She didn't and probably wouldn't place her trust into anyone but Amber until her and her friends place was secure. "Not bad for your first jump, and you're takin' the rough tumble like a champ". However, Amber's shouts had Opal laughing so hard she could barely breath. When she finally recovered herself she sent a playfully flirty wink at Amber and chuckled once again. "Wow Am, I didn't know you were in to that kind of that kind of stuff." Opal ran a hand through her flowing auburn locks, the glint of sunlight made it shine more red than auburn, but that was one of the few coincidences about Opal's body and her obsession for fire and laughed again before gently bumping her shoulder into her blue haired friend and smiling at her in a teasing manner. A sudden rogue thought bubbled up to the surface of Opal's consciousness and soon she wondered how much fire she'd get to play with during her training, even if it was just lighting up a match. 'Probably none, but we'll see'. Hunter's comment sparked an interest in her, so she peered over at him and crossed her arms, her signature smirk gracing her porcelain colored face. Jace's predictions pushed her to say her next few words even more, not because she particularly cared about the two, but because she believed everyone was fair game until proven. "Don't underestimate the competition boys".

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*Oh Damon, we all know you didn't want to put up with us.* Amber thought sarcastically, as she knew he was just there scaring mostly the new transfers so he wouldn't have to train any more of them. *I for one would like to have more competition. It's more exciting that way* She smiled in excitement at the thought while not really listening to Damon's speech. She more or less knew what to do. As both girls were ready, and the door opened her beanie had soon fallen off her head, but she paid no attention towards it. She soon jumped simultaneously, after them shouting. "Oh please Opal, my ass has always been ready!!" However noticing that it didn't sound as it did in her mind she quickly screamed., while free falling. "NOT IN THAT WAY IF I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING" Without much left to say she immersed herself as her heart pounded wildly, with the air pressure pulling her down towards the ground. Just like Opal, she knew exactly what to do, after all she was made for this. As she was closer towards the ground, she skillfully left her feet to touch the ground for a split second before reducing the pressure by rolling forwards. Letting out a sigh of relief she looked around her to see both Opal, and V had made it. "Ah wasn't that great you guys!! I feel really refreshed after that!!" She said stretching her arms. Right now she had only experienced a few cuts and bruises from sharp rocks on her landing.


At first she stared at the Dauntless instructor dubious. *Really jump off? From here?* She thought as she didn't move from her seat even when the instructor did so himself. But soon some initiates had also started to jump off, mostly the Dauntless born. *...Is this something that's normal here?* Hesitating on whether to jump or not she looked at the new transfers coming from other factions. It seems most of the dauntless have already jumped off. If she didn't hurry she'll end up failing, and she hated the thought of that. Slowly she decided to approach the doors, and looked down, it was gonna be a long drop. If this were any other faction they would see this as life threatening and never attempt such feats. *But...I guess it's normal here.* In order to become dauntless, then she will need to experience things, way more frightening then this. *If this is normal here, then I need to make it my normal as well.* After all this is only the initiation. It was only just the beginning, she didn't want to give up just now, she hasn't even done anything.

After contemplating till the last moment she squeezed her eyes shut, and jumped.

Yunn said:
*Oh Damon, we all know you didn't want to put up with us.* Amber thought sarcastically, as she knew he was just there scaring mostly the new transfers so he wouldn't have to train any more of them. *I for one would like to have more competition. It's more exciting that way* She smiled in excitement at the thought while not really listening to Damon's speech. She more or less knew what to do. As both girls were ready, and the door opened her beanie had soon fallen off her head, but she paid no attention towards it. She soon jumped simultaneously, after them shouting. "Oh please Opal, my ass has always been ready!!" However noticing that it didn't sound as it did in her mind she quickly screamed., while free falling. "NOT IN THAT WAY IF I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING" Without much left to say she immersed herself as her heart pounded wildly, with the air pressure pulling her down towards the ground. Just like Opal, she knew exactly what to do, after all she was made for this. As she was closer towards the ground, she skillfully left her feet to touch the ground for a split second before reducing the pressure by rolling forwards. Letting out a sigh of relief she looked around her to see both Opal, and V had made it. "Ah wasn't that great you guys!! I feel really refreshed after that!!" She said stretching her arms. Right now she had only experienced a few cuts and bruises from sharp rocks on her landing.


At first she stared at the Dauntless instructor dubious. *Really jump off? From here?* She thought as she didn't move from her seat even when the instructor did so himself. But soon some initiates had also started to jump off, mostly the Dauntless born. *...Is this something that's normal here?* Hesitating on whether to jump or not she looked at the new transfers coming from other factions. It seems most of the dauntless have already jumped off. If she didn't hurry she'll end up failing, and she hated the thought of that. Slowly she decided to approach the doors, and looked down, it was gonna be a long drop. If this were any other faction they would see this as life threatening and never attempt such feats. *But...I guess it's normal here.* In order to become dauntless, then she will need to experience things, way more frightening then this. *If this is normal here, then I need to make it my normal as well.* After all this is only the initiation. It was only just the beginning, she didn't want to give up just now, she hasn't even done anything.

After contemplating till the last moment she squeezed her eyes shut, and jumped.
((Instead of rewriting a new post since you posted like a minute after me I just edited my previous post to include Opal and Amber interaction :D @Yunn ))
Clary scooted closer to Vivian at her invitation to sit. Or at least that's what she took it as...

"It's... good to see you." she said slowly, not quite sure what else to say. However, her statement was the truth even if her and Vivian weren't friends. "It's good to see another Stiff." she joked feebly. A nervous and much-too-high-pitched laugh bubbled out of her chest.

Clary pressed her lips together, casting her eyes downward. What happened to you? she asked herself. It was the nerves, she concluded, making her as awkward as a newborn foal. Sure. Nerves.

Her eyes wandered to the train door; a square of blurring sky and city. It was quite beautiful if you didn't let your thoughts wander to how you'd be getting off. As far as Clary knew, the Dauntless train never stopped. Maybe they'd make an exception?

A big, hulk of a man filled her vision, causing Clary to jerk up her head. It wasn't until he started speaking that she knew who he was: Damon, their instructor.

She hung on his every word but none of them were particularly helpful. Judging by his glances at Amity and Abnegation, Damon didn't even think that they could make it through initiation. That sent a white hot rage scorching through the pit of her stomach. The intensity of it surprised her but she thought it was well warranted. She wasn't Abnegation. She never was.

Clary stood rather abruptly, all but forgetting about Vivian.

She whipped around and took deliberate steps to the very back of the train. She'd show that bastard.

Clary crouched, tensing her muscles and spacing her feet apart. She closed her eyes, took a breath and bolted.

For a few moments, she was flying. Her hair whipped in the breeze like a bloody flag and she reveled in the feeling of being caught in the air. Then her shoulder hit gravel. Hard. Pain flared like lightning and intensified as she rolled over and over. She could feel scratches blooming across her skin but she didn't care. Even as she stood on shaky legs, Clary felt overwhelmingly free. So free that she caught Damon's eye and held his stare, lifting her chin proudly.

Then an interesting word piqued her attention. Betting.

She turned to the boy who had spoken the word and, feeling especially brave, walked over to them. She didn't bother picking off the gravel on her or even attempting to fix her hair.

"Betting? On what?"

@Yunn @Faction Before Blood
Now it was Sens turn. she waited in line as the others jumped.

in truth it was a tactic to stall as she hated the idea of jumping from a moving train.

sneering, and cursing under her breath she inched to the edge, took a deep breath a jumped.

The jump did not teat her well; her cloths tore in many places, and she suffered many minor cuts.

The most painful of which was on her shoulder.

the cut was deep and she had to pick gravel out of it.

"Damn it all.. this day is off to a bad start! " She complained as she ripped what was left of her left sleeve off.

Gathering her resolve, she took some of the gray dust from the ground and drew lines like war paint on her face.

"Alright you bastards, you wanna play rough? I'll show you I belong here." she sneered as she staggered forward to meet up for the initiation

Damon rolled his eyes at the red headed stiff that stared him down. If she thought she was big and bad because she jumped off the train the kid had another thing coming. He beckoned everyone over to him on the opposite edge of the building after a majority of them jumped and waited, rather impatiently, for them all to gather around and yelled at Zephyr to get off the small wall that separated everyone on the roof from a hole in a lower roof top below with a gaping hole in it. The faster he could get the kids out of his hair the faster he could get to dinner.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.38eb4a782156eb71fe64943ba75e017f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73461" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.38eb4a782156eb71fe64943ba75e017f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zephyr stepped down obediently, not one to anger his uncle since he knew what the older man was capable of and waited with the group for Damon to explain what was going on now.


The boy wasn't really interested in the bet but if he could make a quick buck he would do it. When the red haired stiff came over he fought to hide his scowl, what made her think she was invited into this conversation? But still, he played nice... For now "on who won't make the jump" he answered simply not really looking at the girl



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