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Dispora; The Ashes we Breath

Pat said:
Dude, one of the Emperors of China was 10. The wife of that one Prophet Mohammed guy way back was 14.
Oh. And the robot will never do anything. Other than just... Be there and be present in some RP scenes, if the plan is to RP a little. I'm actually planning for it to eventually end up on the wrong side of a hunting rifle. Or this world's equivalent.

Don't worry. I'm not trying to make the character the center of the universe. Probably will die horribly whenever one of the militaristic factions invade us for little to no reason other than for resources. I'm just here to see how long a faction unsuited for conflict can last alongside these warmongers. I'll have my fun.
Come to think of it I think Buddah was fifteen when he went on his journey for enlightenment.
id still prefer those things changed but they can stay i suppose so long as they do not become an issue later.
[QUOTE="Klimino Zepehphor]id still prefer those things changed but they can stay i suppose so long as they do not become an issue later.

I promise they won't. I actually intentionally made a younger type character to both disguise the character's gender, as, although it's not the most important part of the religion, gender is portrayed as unimportant, and to further portray this faction as innocent, maybe even a pushover.
Pat said:
I promise they won't. I actually intentionally made a younger type character to both disguise the character's gender, as, although it's not the most important part of the religion, gender is portrayed as unimportant, and to further portray this faction as innocent, maybe even a pushover.
The robot to include a 'death'. Roleplays often avoid character death. So might as well include one.
[QUOTE="Klimino Zepehphor]id still prefer those things changed but they can stay i suppose so long as they do not become an issue later.

Oh, this has bothered me for a while. It's breathe. Not breath. In the title.
Pat said:
Oh, this has bothered me for a while. It's breathe. Not breath. In the title.
Here's a tip buddy. Nitpicking the GM's grammar is not a good way to endear yourself to him or other players. Especially after adamantly refusing advice on issues with your sheet.

To be honest it rather makes you look like a prick.
i should make a note(in case i forgot) but for production(Local, food, Smithy, or Fortifications) you need to have a Squad assigned to it in order for them to operate.

Food Processing(outside of Local for Recycling) Will eventually start to need bodies of some sort to feed it, and of course the Smithy and the like uses up Materials and Special Materials in order to build Weapons and Gear and such.
Cashdash25 said:
Here's a tip buddy. Nitpicking the GM's grammar is not a good way to endear yourself to him or other players. Especially after adamantly refusing advice on issues with your sheet.
To be honest it rather makes you look like a prick.
This is true, correcting the GM's grammer can get him annoyed, but I think Klim's pretty mature. In any case, there's not much wrong with Pat's sheet outright. In fact, I'm rather interested in seeing how his faction will work out in this setting. (Though I can say I doubt it'll get along well with mine, given my factions' attitude towards other religions.)

Also, expect my sheet in a bit Klim.
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[QUOTE="Klimino Zepehphor]i dont care.

Cashdash25 said:
Here's a tip buddy. Nitpicking the GM's grammar is not a good way to endear yourself to him or other players. Especially after adamantly refusing advice on issues with your sheet.
To be honest it rather makes you look like a prick.
To be fair I never meant any offense and explained why I had a younger character and wasn't in any way going to have an advantage with the old spy bot, that isn't outright refusal, that's mutual understanding. Besides, I would think he would want to change the error in the title. I even said it bothered me and just suggested he modify a small mistake. But go ahead, make me out to be the villain.
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Nepty said:
This is true, correcting the GM's grammer can get him annoyed, but I think Klim's pretty mature. In any case, there's not much wrong with Pat's sheet outright. In fact, I'm rather interested in seeing how his faction will work out in this setting. (Though I can say I doubt it'll get along well with mine, given my factions' attitude towards other religions.)
Also, expect my sheet in a bit Klim.
No idea what your faction is like, but the Monks might have helped a bit with burying the dead or first aid, maybe some food. That is if we're not shot on sight.
There is no antagonism here, its just that klim probably was a bit busy suffering and hence didn't really care about changing it and really, is it something that actually matters its just a title for a suggestion thread.

I mean there is only one true villain out there, those with too wide a skull!

Fascistic jokes aside though you're not a villain, we aren't victims it was just a comment that was not considered important enough to the GM as well a title isn't really that decisive.
My "I don't care" comment was simply and only pointed T your need for me to change the title, to which the answer was simple and meant to be neutral as "I don't care." And not meant to be hostile nor negative.

I would be lying if I said I didn't find it a bit annoying but at the end of the day it simply wasn't worth doing more over.

I do feel cash might've jumped the gun a bit but hopefully the air can be cleared and moved on from on all sides.

Planning to cut off registration by the 17th at the latest, and from there we can start up the first turn and such.

As of now slots are still open and I'll get to those I still need to get to before said date for sure.
[QUOTE="Klimino Zepehphor]My "I don't care" comment was simply and only pointed T your need for me to change the title, to which the answer was simple and meant to be neutral as "I don't care." And not meant to be hostile nor negative.
I would be lying if I said I didn't find it a bit annoying but at the end of the day it simply wasn't worth doing more over.

I do feel cash might've jumped the gun a bit but hopefully the air can be cleared and moved on from on all sides.

Planning to cut off registration by the 17th at the latest, and from there we can start up the first turn and such.

As of now slots are still open and I'll get to those I still need to get to before said date for sure.

I know you went a little more in depth with guns in the first post, but how will our points translate to levels of each type of ammo? Do the levels give us different types of armor, and Specials as well?
Ammo will be based on what weapons you have, to which is based off of your quality. Armor is too a bit.

Specials are more unique to a degree so is based off of both quality and number(as usually you only get 1 or so so each might get different ammo)
[QUOTE="Klimino Zepehphor]Ammo will be based on what weapons you have, to which is based off of your quality. Armor is too a bit.
Specials are more unique to a degree so is based off of both quality and number(as usually you only get 1 or so so each might get different ammo)

How about levels in the buildings? Especially fortifications.
Fortifications is less specific but will simply make your defense better of course.

For buildings no specific numbers (as no one got them)but output and quality go up with each point, depending on the specifics of the building.
[QUOTE="Klimino Zepehphor]Fortifications is less specific but will simply make your defense better of course.
For buildings no specific numbers (as no one got them)but output and quality go up with each point, depending on the specifics of the building.

So would fortifications, and, possibly buildings, change the battle map for bases?
To a degree yes. Will be mostly automated though, at least for the earlier segments where no one is extremely well organized.
[QUOTE="Klimino Zepehphor]To a degree yes. Will be mostly automated though, at least for the earlier segments where no one is extremely well organized.

Later on everybody should try making a battle map for their own base. With you supervising.
As far as I gathered, ammunition is pretty much based off of

"Small" caliber, ei pistols, smgs and low grade rifles

"Medium" like battle rifles, assault rifles and shotguns

And "Heavy" like machine gun or large-bore sniper rifles. Possibly going up to mortars or rpgs, considering addy uses mortars.
Pat said:
Later on everybody should try making a battle map for their own base. With you supervising
For simplicity I will take players advice but it will take enough time without waiting on maps to be swapped around constantly to do turns so I'd prefer overall not to have everyone constantly hashing out base maps.

Nepty said:
As far as I gathered, ammunition is pretty much based off of
"Small" caliber, ei pistols, smgs and low grade rifles

"Medium" like battle rifles, assault rifles and shotguns

And "Heavy" like machine gun or large-bore sniper rifles. Possibly going up to mortars or rpgs, considering addy uses mortars.
More or less yes, though large maybe a bit bigger overall, with some shotguns going into small(but weaker ones and larger end of small)
[QUOTE="Klimino Zepehphor]For simplicity I will take players advice but it will take enough time without waiting on maps to be swapped around constantly to do turns so I'd prefer overall not to have everyone constantly hashing out base maps.
More or less yes, though large maybe a bit bigger overall, with some shotguns going into small(but weaker ones and larger end of small)

Will we have named weapons, armors, specials and such? Will they have a certain appearance?

The flag of Yl Junud depicts the Faith spreading across the entire world by the sword

The words displayed are the name (at the top) ad two testimonies of faith. the first, on the polygon shape, are words that represent the Saburi religion itself, and are required for prayer. The statements on the sword attest to the faith of His soldiers.

Faction Name- Yl Junyad (Saburi: The Soldiers of God)

Color- Black

Ethics- Religious Militants

Description and History- The religion of Sabur (as it is known in Vendetta 27/A) is an ancient practice whose origins are lost to the mists of time, but are rumored to come from the lost human homeworld. It is a way of life common and popular with the people of the hive complex (and indeed of many other worlds as well) for it’s message of equality, that all men and women are equal before God, regardless of station, and only differ in piety. The pieous will live forever in the gardens of Paradise, while the wicked will burn eternal, in the sulfurous depths of Hell. This of course, makes it popular with those who are used as chattel or human resources by the ‘heathen’ lords and government officials that rule them. People sleep easier with the knowledge that on the Last Day, these corpulent, corrupt men will be judged like all others, and likely as not, be condemned to The Fire for their crimes.


Yl Junyad was a group that existed before the invasion brought ruination to the world. It was self-described as a communal safety net for those who ascribed to the Religion. People would be looked after, or brought to prayer houses, and protected from the depredations of the pagan elite. According to the Empire, Yl Junyad was a planetwide terrorist organization, with ties to other larger Saburi militant groups in the wider galaxy. Maybe this is because Yl Junyad was always outspoken against the ‘pagans’ who worshiped the lords of vendetta 27/A, as well as most other religions that conflicted with their views (these were all dubbed “Yazirk” which translates to both “Paganism” and “Tools of the Oppressors”) and the fact that they engaged in active resistance, ranging from silent protests, to terror attacks, bombings and taped executions of the 'slaves of the state'. While it did better the lives of the oppressed Saburi, it also was undoubtedly a terrorist organization.

With the destruction of the world, the remnants of Yl Jund have banded together once more to bring the Word of God to the rest of the world. Now, there is no fascistic government to hold them back. Now, the time of downfall has ended, and the age of the Religion has come back to Vendetta.

(Long term goal, reunite with other extra-planetary Saburi factions, or factions friendly to the Saburi religion)


Name- Tamerlane Yl Voychev

Age- mid 30s

Gender- Male


Tamerlane joined the factory crews at a young age, like his father, and his father before him, and attained the rank of administrator of a portion of the city's weapons manufacturing district in his early twenties before he and his men were discovered smuggling military equipment to people in the slums. He was given a censure, and demoted to factory manager. His second offense, however, was far more severe, when it was discovered that he was actively aiding and abetting religious rebel groups by giving them information, supplies and safe housing, along with his employees. He was summarily stripped of his job, stamped with a dishonorable discharge from the service sector, as well as given a ‘traitor’ brand on his upper arm. Almost immediately later, he showed his true colors when he joined Yl Jund, a religious militant rebel group, and used his knowledge of the upper order’s military production capabilities to raid the weapons manufacturing district several times, eventually getting a substantial bounty put on his head as he gained military experience, and rose to command the city's Yl Junyad network, becoming a seasoned veteran. For several years, he commanded Yl Junyad, bringing it back from a somewhat dangerous group in the undercity to reconnect with the global insurgent network, and began staging daily attacks and operations, in a full-blown civil war. (Rumors that Yl Junud were at this time funded in part by the Grandisio Ferin Collective are as of yet unsubstantiated) Before anyone could collect the ever-growing bounty on his head, the planet was shelled into oblivion, thanks in part to both the orbital invasion, and Yl Junud's activity in destroying several planetary shielding nodes and killing the deputy commander of the local ground forces in a high-yield suicide bombing. Tamerlane, along with other religious adherents and members of Yl Junyad survived the shelling that followed in part thanks to the underground hideouts of their insurgency.

Now, with the military, and the controlling Higher Orders wiped out, it is time to stamp out disbelief and paganism once and for all, and then take to the stars, to join one of the far-flung enclaves of the faithful.

Special Addition- Gun Section

Tamerlane and his men can easily slap together a general purpose machine gun with adjustable barrels, to accept pretty much any caliber of ammunition, from pretty much whatever parts they have on hand. This skill is a holdover from their raids on the armory district, when they would steal components and build functional weapons out of them. As such, most squad have a pair of these modular guns in them.

Stockpiled Arms-2

Specialized Arms-2

Stockpiled Armor-0

Stockpiled Ammo-2

Quality of Stockpiles-3

Number of Followers-2

Quality of Followers-2

Specialization of Followers-2

Starting Fortifications-2

Starting Territory Size-2

Starting Local Production-1

Starting Food Processing Plant Production- 2

Starting Smith Facility Quality- 1

Starting Material Stockpile-1

Starting Food Stockpile-1

Starting Special Material Stockpile-2

Safety of immediate area-1



every faction is unique, both in their history and “””government”””, but also in what they are good at doing.

Each faction is allowed 2 Pros but must also take 1 Negative.

Battle Cry: Statements of faith of the Saburi religion, which have been used to the point of becoming an iconic battle cry of the Junyad (Most common are “Ahadyu Mawla” (God is our Lord) and “Sa’airul hadablaheib” (Let Rage the War Flames)

In battle, members of the Junyad can shout these battle cries, demoralizing the enemy and increasing their own morale.

The Straight Path

A significant majority of people who lived in Hive Complex Vendetta were “Faithful” AKA, adherents of The Religion. As such, the Junyad have a much easier time recruiting more people to join their ranks, appealing to one of the majority religions of the planet

Con: Death to the Apostate. The Junyad are not exactly under the radar. Before the war, their conflict with the Empire, across many planets and systems was the stuff of the headlines. As the war dragged on, they became more and more hardline. Now, those who support the Empire are seen by most adherents of the religion as almost subhuman, and fit only for the chopping block. Given it’s extreme attitudes, and tendencies to kill, maim or publicly execute these ‘apostates’ the Junyad suffers diplomatic penalties with all ‘modernist’ or ‘moderate’ factions, and cannot ally or trade with supporters of the Empire or those who worship humans or idols.

Notes on the Faction

Both Men and Women are seen as equals…so long as they further the cause. Men generally do this through military means, while women generally avoid combat, and pray, heal and administrate the camps and households, and defend them when the need arises. Both prisoners are permitted slaves of any gender, and can employ them or use them in any way they need. War brides and war husbands (affirmed rape of either gender) among the soldiery are allowed. The practice of homosexuality is societally frowned upon, but not punished per se.

Slaves can only be pagans. Making war on those of the Religion, who are not apostates, is forbidden.

All disputes must be settled by the Saburi Courts, who use The Qaytav, or “That which is read” one of the holy books of the Saburi religion to decide matters in the manner of the prehistoric prophets of the religion.

Most punishments are strict in nature, with many being meted out with lashes in equivelancy to the crime, and apostasy being punishable by beheading.

Slavery is tolerated, but it is seen as most virtuous to liberate yours in times of peace.
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Nepty said:

The flag of Yl Junud depicts the Faith spreading across the entire world by the sword

The words displayed are the name (at the top) ad two testimonies of faith. the first, on the polygon shape, are words that represent the Saburi religion itself, and are required for prayer. The statements on the sword attest to the faith of His soldiers.

Faction Name- Yl Junyad (Saburi: The Soldiers of God)

Color- Black

Ethics- Religious Militants

Description and History- The religion of Sabur (as it is known in Vendetta 27/A) is an ancient practice whose origins are lost to the mists of time, but are rumored to come from the lost human homeworld. It is a way of life common and popular with the people of the hive complex (and indeed of many other worlds as well) for it’s message of equality, that all men and women are equal before God, regardless of station, and only differ in piety. The pieous will live forever in the gardens of Paradise, while the wicked will burn eternal, in the sulfurous depths of Hell. This of course, makes it popular with those who are used as chattel or human resources by the ‘heathen’ lords and government officials that rule them. People sleep easier with the knowledge that on the Last Day, these corpulent, corrupt men will be judged like all others, and likely as not, be condemned to The Fire for their crimes.


Yl Junyad was a group that existed before the invasion brought ruination to the world. It was self-described as a communal safety net for those who ascribed to the Religion. People would be looked after, or brought to prayer houses, and protected from the depredations of the pagan elite. According to the Empire, Yl Junyad was a planetwide terrorist organization, with ties to other larger Saburi militant groups in the wider galaxy. Maybe this is because Yl Junyad was always outspoken against the ‘pagans’ who worshiped the lords of vendetta 27/A, as well as most other religions that conflicted with their views (these were all dubbed “Yazirk” which translates to both “Paganism” and “Tools of the Oppressors”) and the fact that they engaged in active resistance, ranging from silent protests, to terror attacks, bombings and taped executions of the 'slaves of the state'. While it did better the lives of the oppressed Saburi, it also was undoubtedly a terrorist organization.

With the destruction of the world, the remnants of Yl Jund have banded together once more to bring the Word of God to the rest of the world. Now, there is no fascistic government to hold them back. Now, the time of downfall has ended, and the age of the Religion has come back to Vendetta.

(Long term goal, reunite with other extra-planetary Saburi factions, or factions friendly to the Saburi religion)


Name- Tamerlane Yl Voychev

Age- mid 30s

Gender- Male


Tamerlane joined the factory crews at a young age, like his father, and his father before him, and attained the rank of administrator of a portion of the city's weapons manufacturing district in his early twenties before he and his men were discovered smuggling military equipment to people in the slums. He was given a censure, and demoted to factory manager. His second offense, however, was far more severe, when it was discovered that he was actively aiding and abetting religious rebel groups by giving them information, supplies and safe housing, along with his employees. He was summarily stripped of his job, stamped with a dishonorable discharge from the service sector, as well as given a ‘traitor’ brand on his upper arm. Almost immediately later, he showed his true colors when he joined Yl Jund, a religious militant rebel group, and used his knowledge of the upper order’s military production capabilities to raid the weapons manufacturing district several times, eventually getting a substantial bounty put on his head as he gained military experience, and rose to command the city's Yl Junyad network, becoming a seasoned veteran. For several years, he commanded Yl Junyad, bringing it back from a somewhat dangerous group in the undercity to reconnect with the global insurgent network, and began staging daily attacks and operations, in a full-blown civil war. (Rumors that Yl Junud were at this time funded in part by the Grandisio Ferin Collective are as of yet unsubstantiated) Before anyone could collect the ever-growing bounty on his head, the planet was shelled into oblivion, thanks in part to both the orbital invasion, and Yl Junud's activity in destroying several planetary shielding nodes and killing the deputy commander of the local ground forces in a high-yield suicide bombing. Tamerlane, along with other religious adherents and members of Yl Junyad survived the shelling that followed in part thanks to the underground hideouts of their insurgency.

Now, with the military, and the controlling Higher Orders wiped out, it is time to stamp out disbelief and paganism once and for all, and then take to the stars, to join one of the far-flung enclaves of the faithful.

Special Addition- Gun Section

Tamerlane and his men can easily slap together a general purpose machine gun with adjustable barrels, to accept pretty much any caliber of ammunition, from pretty much whatever parts they have on hand. This skill is a holdover from their raids on the armory district, when they would steal components and build functional weapons out of them. As such, most squad have a pair of these modular guns in them.

Stockpiled Arms-2

Specialized Arms-2

Stockpiled Armor-0

Stockpiled Ammo-2

Quality of Stockpiles-3

Number of Followers-2

Quality of Followers-3

Specialization of Followers-2

Starting Fortifications-2

Starting Territory Size-2

Starting Local Production-1

Starting Food Processing Plant Production- 2

Starting Smith Facility Quality- 1

Starting Material Stockpile-1

Starting Food Stockpile-1

Starting Special Material Stockpile-1

Safety of immediate area-1



every faction is unique, both in their history and “””government”””, but also in what they are good at doing.

Each faction is allowed 2 Pros but must also take 1 Negative.

Battle Cry: Statements of faith of the Saburi religion, which have been used to the point of becoming an iconic battle cry of the Junyad (Most common are “Ahadyu Mawla” (God is our Lord) and “Sa’airul hadablaheib” (Let Rage the War Flames)

In battle, members of the Junyad can shout these battle cries, demoralizing the enemy and increasing their own morale.

The Straight Path

A significant majority of people who lived in Hive Complex Vendetta were “Faithful” AKA, adherents of The Religion. As such, the Junyad have a much easier time recruiting more people to join their ranks, appealing to one of the majority religions of the planet

Con: Death to the Apostate. The Junyad are not exactly under the radar. Before the war, their conflict with the Empire, across many planets and systems was the stuff of the headlines. As the war dragged on, they became more and more hardline. Now, those who support the Empire are seen by most adherents of the religion as almost subhuman, and fit only for the chopping block. Given it’s extreme attitudes, and tendencies to kill, maim or publicly execute these ‘apostates’ the Junyad suffers diplomatic penalties with all ‘modernist’ or ‘moderate’ factions, and cannot ally or trade with supporters of the Empire or those who worship humans or idols.

Notes on the Faction

Both Men and Women are seen as equals…so long as they further the cause. Men generally do this through military means, while women generally avoid combat, and pray, heal and administrate the camps and households, and defend them when the need arises. Both prisoners are permitted slaves of any gender, and can employ them or use them in any way they need. War brides and war husbands (affirmed rape of either gender) among the soldiery are allowed. The practice of homosexuality is societal frowned upon, but not punished per se.

Slaves can only be pagans. Making war on those of the Religion, who are not apostates, is forbidden.

All disputes must be settled by the Saburi Courts, who use The Qaytav, or “That which is read” one of the holy books of the Saburi religion to decide matters in the manner of the prehistoric prophets of the religion.

Most punishments are strict in nature, with many being meted out with lashes in equivelancy to the crime, and apostasy being punishable by beheading.

Slavery is tolerated, but it is seen as most virtuous to liberate yours in times of peace.
Oh great, ISIS joined.

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