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One x One Discordibus Mundi

So, where are we going next, storyline wise? I suspect Lindzi won't be able to find much of worth before Shivali does, but did you two want to write some conflict between them or something?

I was thinking we could have a scene where the Archmages send someone to search Niko's chambers, also.

For the moment, Niko's probably going to go looking for Lindzi. He's also going to be uncharacteristically energetic--like he drank too much coffee--for a while.
That's what I was thinking.

Lindzi can read magi, but she has no idea what she's even looking for.

She'll probably think at first that Niko's meeting went really, really well. Haha!

Poor thing.

And also do we think she should snitch to Niko or naw?
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We all know Lindzi's bad at keeping secrets. But Niko's going to freak when she tells him that Virgil's supposed to make an appearance.
Bring the angst!
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Phew, okay, have had the past couple weeks from HELL. So let's try this again, shall we?

Shivali's going to head to the library. Not sure if she'll bring apprentice or leave him somewhere. Presumably she's going to run into Lindzi and...? Tell her off? Ignore her? Take all her books? Also, how is she going to even find Lindzi, while she's sitting on top of a bookshelf....

Important things to address before we get writing this next scene.
Lindzi is probably just goibg to be super suspicious looking, honestly. She's a frazzled looking pixie looking over a shit ton of books with no relation to one another in op of a bookshelf in the part of the library that she looks as if she has no business being in. But she'll probably freak out when she sees her, as in, look startled, glare and then flee.

I'm on vacation tho until the 12th so I'll havr limited update time
Well, no worried on that, because I've been super busy (moving and trying to coordinate my life), and Drake apparently is obsessed with his 1x1 rp and can't focus on other things.
Still mostly alive. Should really post... but I have to prep for my new class tomorrow....
Well, I was teaching it, so I don't know if it counts.

Alright, so here's where I'm at: I have Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder, so in the summer I have to deal with anxiety/depression, on top of normal real life stuff. At this moment, not doing so great, so I'll try to post when I'm able. If all else fails it will go away around October, and then I'll feel way better, and should be posting regularly again.
It's no problem at all, I totally understand. It's common in Oregon, but during the winter when the sun goes away. Self-care first! I'll be here when y'all get back! :)

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