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One x One Discordibus Mundi

@DancesWithVulcans , maybe a white-magic apprentice, so she has some sort of motivation to try to help Niko?

Also she can either try to catch him, or he'll sort of stumble into the chair she's sitting in, I guess.
I put all the lore and stuff from the other thread up here, for reference purposes. And also because it's beautiful and I didn't want to waste it.
Niko like: Just a poor, sickly Mage who needs his apprentices' help to walk. Nothing unusual at all....

I'm going to feel bad about killing that poor unsuspecting apprentice, though. Niko's about to get pretty creepy.

Like he wasn't before.

I almost feel bad for her.

But I'm excited to see what happens.

Lindzi's post will likely come some time tomorrow (My birthdayyyyyyy!!!!)

Don't wait up for me with the posting. I'll post soon, but we'll want Niko to have lured
his prey Amala up to the workroom before Lindzi goes back to their quarters. Possibly even having Niko back by the time Lindzi gets there would be good...
So tired..

I got loaned out a lab to help while they fill a vacant position and I forgot how tired it makes me. It's a welcome break from my cubical though.
That's funny, because the GM of my other RP just recently had the worst (three-day) hangover of her life a few days ago...
Jesus, that post! Lindzi, my heart!

I'm sorry! I'm so sorry.

I'm going to... go home and rethink my life choice.

(Relevant: [media]

[/media] )
Uh, you can reply once more if you want, but I won't hold it against you if you don't.

I imagine it would be like passing out, but with less waking up afterward. And a lot more painful....
Okay, I will post, so Lindzi can get back unstuck, and Drake can finish up that creepiness and get Niko back with Lindzi.
I had the mental image of Niko like just stuffing Amala under the bed before Lindzi comes back in like a little kid trying to hide something pop into my head.

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