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Fantasy Diplomatic Affairs (Open to 1)


New Member
Diplomatic Affairs

With the Yuletide Ball just scant hours away, the Mistbury Palace bustled with servants and contracted decorators preparing for the grand event. Coinciding with the Ball, as was tradition, the eldest of the Hammond heirs would be crowned ruler of Mistbury. This meant that the Palace would be host of numerous royal families for a number of days, allowing the new royalty to find a prospective partner in ruling. Quite obviously, the very fate of the kingdom hung in the balance. This was something that Juliana Hammond knew all too well, as she was the eldest of her three sisters.

Juliana stood in the Great Hall before the great doors of the Palace beside her sisters, watching the snow swirl about in flurries just beyond. The royal families of the surrounding provinces had begun arriving, as had the Lords and Ladies of Mistbury itself, all dressed in exquisite finery fit for a king, all sweeping deep bows and curtsies as they stopped before the four Hammond daughters, and another before King Septus Hammond.

The King, Juliana realized as she stole a glance at him, looked just as fidgety and nervous as she felt, though she did do a much better job at concealing it as she greeted guests as they arrived. The gleaming silver ruby-encrusted crown he wore sat regally atop his head of chestnut curls, the very crown Juliana would be given in only a few hours. The dainty tiara resting on her head seemed to press down on her with a newfound weight.

"Only a few left." The whisper came from Juliana's youngest sister, Evangeline, who stood right beside her. "Then we can go get ready for the ball!" Excitement shone like embers of a newly-lit fire in her eyes, a smile gracing her lips. Juliana waited until the closest guests were a few paces away before replying. "And just think of all the little brothers these Princes have brought with them." The squeal that came from Evangeline earned a glare from their father, but Juliana couldn't help the giggle that slipped past her lips.

"Hush now, you twits," Hissed Seraphina, the second eldest, despite the smile that was one her own face. Juliana shifted her gaze back to the still-arriving royalty, offering as sincere a smile she could muster. Nervousness gnawed at her, but she kept her composure - had no other choice, really. She was to be the new face of Mistbury. She had to be as close to perfect as she could get.


After being whisked away by a crowd of servants and maids and being fussed over for the better part of three hours, Juliana stood in front of a full-length mirror. She had expected extravagance, but her tailors and seamstresses had truly outdone themselves; she wore the colors of the Royal Family, with a deep crimson dominating most of the dress and silver embroidery accenting the white pearls subtly but magnificently. The dress was eye catching, of course, but it didn't demand the attention of the entire room. It was exactly as Juliana had requested; let the focus of the night be on the celebration of Yuletide, not on her.

Hair that matched the hue of her father's had been braided up in an elegant style, keeping it off her shoulders and out of her way. There was no tiara this time; soon, she would be crowned Queen. There would be no use for one then.

"Thank you all, so much," Juliana gushed, turning to face the beaming seamstresses and tailors and servants. "It's perfect."

"Anything for you, Miss." Agatha stepped forward, the middle-aged woman bowing her head slightly in respect. Agatha had served in the Palace for as long as Juliana could remember, and she was by far her favorite. "We couldn't have asked for a better Queen."

Juliana smiled sheepishly at the comment, successfully keeping her nervousness from showing through. "And I couldn't ask for better help to stand by me. Thank you."


The ballroom seemed packed beyond any possibility as Juliana entered, a reverent hush falling over the crowd of royalty. She took careful, calculated steps as to not trip and make a fool out of herself, and to not make it seem as though she was rushing. Ascending the dais at the back and center of the room, Juliana took up her place facing the people of her kingdom. 'Chin high, kitten. You must demand authority with confidence, not commands.' The words of her deceased mother echoed in her head, and she shifted her chin higher. She could almost feel her warm hand resting on the small of her back, giving her courage.

Juliana had practiced this many times. She would not falter or hesitate. She would not stumble over the words. Everything would go smoothly and the celebration could begin.

"Juliana Hammond of Mistbury will now recite the Bond of Kings. Or, in this case, Queens." A slight rumble of laughter swept over the crows, and then the room was once again silent. 'You can do it, kitten. You know the words. Let them dlow from you.' And so she did.

"Constantem fidem erga populum et regnum, et ad coronam." The syllables rolled off her tongue as she spoke, blending together just as she'd practiced them. "Sanguis meus, anima mea, et vita pro vos." The answering silence of the crowd before her said everything - they accepted her as Queen.


Sitting on her newly acquired throne - right beside her father's - Juliana looked over the ballroom as a spritely jig was danced. She had never been one for hopping and fast dances like that. The slower, more formal kind was what she preferred. Still, it was entertaining to watch the people below enjoy themselves.

The crown her father had once worn was now atop her head like a great ornament. Her mother had never favored wearing crowns; 'They give the wearer and big head and a bigger ego.' Juliana smiled at the thought of her mother, trying not to acknowledge that she was sitting in what was supposed to be her throne before now. It had sat empty for years now.

With a small sigh, Juliana stood. What kind of Queen did not interact with her people? Taking only a moment to put a warm smile on her face and sweep the memories of her mother from her thoughts, she descended the dais and entered the crowd.


|| Goddamn that took like four hours. I'm not dead, though.

Okay, here's some rules for ya:

- 20+ lines, preferably. More are definitely accepted.
- Adept grammar in the English language
- Ability to realize I have a life and it is not roleplaying
- Bump me every 24 hours? Yeah, that's fine.
- Swearing is fine cause I'll be doing that too
- Keep it realistic. Magic is dormant in Mistbury (though the plot could twist in that direction), and science fiction is a no. Thanks.

That's all? Oh! Romance is fine, and either gender is fine as well!! Juliana is single as a pringle and ready to mingle. Just don't rush her on it

PLEASE answer these questions before replying:
~ What is the first line of the Bond of Kings? (Latin or English, either is fine)
~ What is Juliana's father's name?
~ What are the royal colors?
~ What is Juliana's youngest sister's name?

Many thanks and happy roleplaying! ||


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