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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

The Suspicious Eye

Your Darling Devil


You have been attending Demios Academy, home of the most elite and powerful students in the entire country. This well known institute has housed some of the greatest known heroes the world has ever seen. However there is a darker entity living underneath the school, something no one expected. After a series of unknown earthquakes rumbled the school, a long forgotten part of the school has bee re-opened, there underneath the school is an entire other dimension and which has been seeping into our world. Now after 6 months after the quake, Deus has finally come back to Demios Academy. This time, he intends to take no prisoners, this time he won't hide, this time he will be ready.

Be prepared for the 2nd coming, because Deus has
The gentle spring breeze flushed throughout the school as the sunny afternoon began. The sky was a bright blue without a cloud in the sky, everything seemed perfect. After the recent unexplained earthquakes, it seemed as if a normal calm had washed over the area once again. Underneath the bright blue sky was the large campus of Demios Academy, home to the most powerful and prestigious children. Spearheaded by the immortal chancellor Donovan Demios, this Academy has become one of the most well known and powerful schools on the planet. The school provides a hands off approach allowing, most schedules, study times, syllabuses, activities, events, lunches and other school interaction to be handled by the students. Nearing the middle of the school year for sophomores and Juniors the students were preparing for the newest event, New Spring. This event was created by the student council which essentially runs the entire student portion of the school.

The PA system came on announcing it's activation with three dulcet tones. Then a calm female voice came over the PA system. "Good Afternoon students, it is 1:00pm and are ready to give the afternoon announcements. First off the recent environmental advisory due to the earthquakes that have been occurring over the past few months has been lifted. Next there will be a student body meeting tomorrow at 4:00pm, attendance is mandatory so we do hope you can make it. Now for a special announcement Demios Academy's Student Council is proud to announce the new....... festival.......called......cherry......vie......." The calm female voice became drowned out by the fuzz of white noise. Suddenly, the PA system screeched loudly. As the screech died down a voice could be heard through the crackling of the radio waves.

"Greetings.............students........classmates, friends and foes alike" The crackling continued for a few seconds followed by a soft whisper that could barely be heard with all the static. Before anyone could make out the whisper the louder voice ontinued, "You might wonder..... wonder....... wonder...... why you all are here, well there is a reason: I HATE-HATE HA-HA- HATE ALL OF YOU............ Don't worry I wouldn't dare-dare d-d-d-dare to kill you all.......Kill you all......k-k-kill you all, yet. You all are going to be my entertainment for as long as you all are- are- are, intriguing. I've tapped into quite a lot l-l-l-lot of power and have decided to use it to make a......dollhouse. This is m-m-m-m MY world it alters in any way I............ please, and the only way to get out is if I decide to. You can............ die, but I wouldn't recommend it, I may not be so benevolent as to let you live.................question ..................you all ................. where I am? ..................hidden..............with you.................. camouflaged ...........down...........

Now.........Come find me...........Now

H-H-H-Happy hunting.

Welcome to my world freaks......freaks.......FREAKS...... Don't disappoint

The sudden message finished playing after skipping track and repeating words. The white noise died out and the female voice came back on. "..... are we back? What was that?" Some whispers could be heard in the background, the words your mic is on was the gist of it. An "Oh my!" followed by a nervous laugher came through the PA system as the girl realized her mistake. "Well, that was odd, a thorough investigation will be taken to find the disturbance in the PA system. Meanwhile, there is a event coming up this weekend hosted by the Demios Academy Student Council called New Spring. There will be various booth's and other fun activities including the Cherry blossom viewing, and fireworks. Please come out and support the school. Vendors and clubs that wish to register for booth's should send in a email to the Student Council or find a member to help situate that. Again, apologies for the interruption and have a pleasant afternoon!" There was a quick click and the PA system turned off.

The young raven haired girl turned to the rest of the student body with a worried look. Her ice flower hair pin sparkled in the light above her silver blue eyes. She slumped down, using the desk to lean against, her yellow ribbon bobbed. "Well that was a disaster. We're going to have to find out where that recording came from." The young girl glanced at the clock, it was now ten minutes till 1:30. The girl jumped up causing the other Student Council Members to startle. "Oh shoot! I have to go! I'm late for a meeting with the chancellor!" She grabbed her bag and her books and rushed to the door. She turned back to the others. "Remember to pinpoint the location of that recording, we don't want it to happen again." The other Studen Council Members nodded in agreement and understanding. "Okay I gotta go bye!" With a fast wave she turned away from the other members and made her way out the door.
Shuuya Kano

Kano shook his spray paint can and started to paint the side of the school building. He liked to mark things and hated when the janitors washed it off. As his can ran dry he took off his gas mask and looked at his master piece. "Finished" Kano let his work sit until he heard near by voices. "Oi! You there! Stop what your doing right now!" Kano laughed as he saw the school cop heading right at him. "Sorry man, gotta dash!" With that Kano rushed off and around the corner and the school cop followed after him. Little did the school cop know that he was following a clone and the real Kano walked off back to the inside of school.

As he was walking through the halls he caught sight of Shara and blocked her path. "Heyo Shara. Where ha heading to so fast? Fancy meeting? Can I come with?" Kano didn't bother waiting for and answer and just started following Shara to wherever she was going.

@The Suspicious Eye
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Takao was walking through the hallway when the voice was heard over the loud speaker, it was Shara. A very cute girl indeed..but she was a mysterious one. Suddenly she was cut off and a new voice came on. It sounded so familiar , but he couldn't quite put a finger on it. What did he mean..what did the voice mean and where the hell was it coming from. Takao wanted to go inspect , but had no intentions on doing so. He wanted to cause mischief. A lot of mischief. Down the hallway he continued until he saw Shara and this kid named Kano walking together. Aww look at the cute bunch. Takao wanted to mess with them, but for once decided to be nice and ignore them. He did wonder if Shara knew where this voice came from. Maybe he should ask.
Pearce's violin shrieked as the announcement came over the intercom; the sudden - and deafening, compared to the quiet room he'd been practicing in - voice having caused his bow to slip. Annoying and unpleasant, at the very least. Placing the instrument in its case and snapping the latches shut. Pushing open the door that led from the janitorial closet in which he'd holed himself up inside of, Pearce took a confident step out into the bright hallway. Light assaulted his eyes, and the dark-haired male shielded his eyes, ".. The hell was that? Did our PA just take the plunge into madness? Delightful."

Willow (whom had been standing watch outside of the closet) shot a look at her brother, lips turning upward in a wry smirk. "We can only hope, no? Wouldn't mind a little bit of excitement," She muttered drolly, pushing herself from the wall she'd leaned herself against. "In all seriousness though, it seems as though some ruffian has hijacked our announcements. Sounds like he has something dreadful planned for everyone, eh?"

Pearce rolled his eyes in response, taking his sister's cello in hand and lugging it over his shoulder, "Maybe it'll be a bomb threat, we'll get to leave a bit early. Or a shooting - those always end in fun ways with us around, eh?" The eldest sibling knocked Willow in the shoulder with a playful smile. She responded by rolling her eyes, turning to begin walking down the hallway with Pearce in tow, "This isn't a particularly ordinary academy. I'm sure the problems that arise around here are a -little- more intense than just a shooting."
Gen Ed/Remedial classroom:

"Come on work with me here. Time to pay up don't cheat with me." Ken said as he calmly leaned against the door with his eyes closed. "Dude you sound like some gang member. Look I'm not paying and this is bullying, which can get your *ss kicked out of here so fast you won't even be able to send out a spark." The kid said. "*sigh* Look wh-" Ken got cut off when the announcement went off, he was going to ignore it like always, but this one defiantly was different. "The hell? That didn't sound friendly in the least." He joked before facing the kid. "Look Samuel, pay up or I tell the person you asked about...well I'll tell them you asked me for personal info that no one should know. Honestly you are a creep, but it doesn't concern me unless you don't pay me." He said with a grin as electricity danced around him for a second.

"F-Fine! Here you jackass." Samuel said before handing Ken a wad of cash. OP ran down Ken leg and up Samuel taking the cash in his mouth. He then went onto a table and actually began to count it. After a second he let out a squeak and Ken let out a laugh. "Hahaha! Yes I know that was completely unnecessary, but I always find it fun when he does that. Anyway Samuel, don't do something stupid like that again. I don't think I'll sell you anymore info. Anyway! Good luck stalking you 'girlfriend' without me." He joked before walking over and picking up Op and the cash. "Later." He then headed out of the door as he wrote in a small book about his recent business.
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''This school sure is big...'' thought to himself Xen as he entered through the gates and reached the gigantic school yard. ''I hope I can find some strong opponents here, but more importantly...I wish to make some true friends'' he added, still talking to himself. This was a new start, another chance which he wouldn't dare to waste.

As he walked through the school yard he remembered his past mistakes and decided to never make them again. No one was ever going to know he was part of the Monkey King's blood-line. No,he will never make the same mistake again. Descendant of Sun Wukong or not, he was Xen, simply Xen, no one other than Xen and he wanted everyone else to think the same.

Tera scanned through the words on the page, quickly flipping it over and repeating the process on the next. She'd recently become interested in Celtic mythology, and the library of this school had yet to disappoint her in its vast array of literature. She'd just finished reading about Dullahans, the headless horsemen of Ireland, when the speaker blared to life. Tera was only mildly interested in what it was saying, but a loud voice had changed that interest to annoyance in a matter of seconds.

She'd woken up with a headache this morning and it hadn't gone away since and now, here this person was, deciding to ruin the sanctity of the library with their obnoxiously loud voice. When the announcements finished Tera quietly picked up her book and headed out of the room that was now filled with whispering students, determined to find somewhere else where she could read in peace.
Shara Rain

Shara made her way down the halls. She didn't have time to think about who the voice was or what was the meaning of the odd recording. She was shuffling through notes trying to get an agenda of what she would need to do today. Okay so after my meeting with daddy, uh I mean the Chancellor I need to show one of the transfer students around. What was his name again? She shuffled through some papers and smiled, ah Xen. Odd name. She shuffled through more paper reading plans for the New Spring festival. Fireworks, food, band names and numbers it was a wave of information. She was making her way down the halls when Kano popped up in front of her. She gracefully sidestepped him and nodded "hey Shuuya. I'm off to the Chancellor's office. You're welcome to come. I'm sure Mr. Demios would love to talk to you about your vandalism." She smiled at him still walking straight towards the Chancellor's office. Shara liked Shuuya he was like a fun younger brother, although he got in just as much trouble as her older brother.


Des Demios- Gen Ed Building

Des scratched his head as he woke up from a nap. He had been sleeping in one of the empty rooms. He loved free periods it was the best time to do nothing. He leaned against the edge of the open window. He watched as the other students running one way or the other. "Like buzy ants, man. This school is so boring." Des yawned and leaned out the window. "Nothing interesting ever happens." He looked out for a fee more minutes and yawned. He got up and walked out of the empty room. He herd scribbling and turned to see a kid. He had recognized him from around here, "Hey, you're that secrets kid, Ken right?"


Donovan Demios ~ Around the school yard

"That's a admirable wish young man." Donovan said. He was right behind Xen, he hadn't been following him for long. Donova was checking the charms on the front gate when Xen had passed By. As Chancellor he knew a new student when He saw one. He had hidden his presence to follow the boy and see where he would go. He decided to make himself known since Xen looked somewhat awestruck.

@Azure Sky

(And so it begins)
''Ah...Thank you, but since when have you been there?'' asked Xen, rather surprised. Awestruck or not, he'd usually feel people when they were close to him, even if they weren't in his line of sight. The man in front of him must have been quite good at hidding his presence. Looking at him better Xen realised he was a teacher of sorts. There was no way a gatekeeper or a janitor would have had the type of clothes Donovan wore. Thinking better he belived his reaction to the man was slightly rude so he decided to apologize. ''Oh, I'm sorry for the rude reaction, I was just surprised'' he said.

@The Suspicious Eye
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Gen Ed Building

Ken looked over his shoulder and smirked. "Secerts? I prefer to call it information." He joked while placing the small notebook in a very well hidden pocket on the inside of his jacket. "Do you need something? Desmond, or do you prefer Des?" He turned around and faced Des while Op climbed onto Ken's shoulder and sat there nibbling on some seeds. "Let's see if I remember correctly you are Des, full name Desmond Maurus Demios, 18, Junior, Dark energy manipulator. Though I find your power boring, why do so many people want to manipulate dark energy? I mean if you have the imagination almost any power can be awesome, though...no matter how you slice it mines is the best. Anyway! You like pranks, messing around, darkness and your little sis." He said with a smirk before placing his hand on his chin. "I just want to clarify this, but you and I are best friends right?" He joked before placing his hands in his pocket. "And yes I'm that 'secret' kid. Ken Tanaka." He said with a smirk.

@The Suspicious Eye
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Sophomore's classroom

"Talk about an interesting way to start the day off the day..." Mitsuru thought, referring to the announcement, as she looked up at the PA system before turning away from it. She didn't seem worried at all."It was probably that junior student...What was his name?...Oh right, Desmond. If I heard correctly he enjoys pulling pranks on others. Way to outdo himself."

Mitsuru quietly stood in front of her classroom door as she stared out into the the halls of Demios Academy. A nearly empty bag of fried onion rings lay on her hand as looked at the students passing by, most of which seemed to be juniors. Shara, Kano and the Whittaker siblings were only some of the few students that Mitsuru saw and actually recognized. She only knew their names and faces though. Other than that Mitsuru's mind was like a blank sheet of paper when it came to them. A guy carrying a big staff also passed by, but Mitsuru had no idea who that was. After she was done with her morning snack Mitsuru headed straight back into her classroom and sat down on her seat near the window. She opened a brand new bag of junk food, this time being nachos. Spicy nachos. According to the bag these were called 'Mouth Melters' and even advised the consumer to call the firefighters before eating one. Not really carrying for the warnings Mitsuru opened the bag and ate a single nacho. It only took a few bites before Mitsuru's face turned bright red, but her expression remained as emotionless as ever. She even panted a bit, but that didn't stop her from eating another nacho. As the bag slowly became empty Mitsuru's face began to progressively turn redder and redder.

"I can't take it anymore..."Mitsuru thought as she felt her tongue crying for mercy.

Without a second to waste Mitsuru jumped off her seat and silently stormed outside while still holding the bag of snacks. Nachos flew off the bag as Mitsuru pushed her way towards a vending machine. After putting the money in and selecting a random combination of numbers a can of blueberry cola fell off the machine. Mitsuru immediately opened it up and chugged down the cold content to put out the fire that had started inside her mouth. As soon as she was done Mitsuru laid her back against the wall and began to quietly pant.

"Wow...that was something..." Mitsuru thought as dried up her lips with the sleeves of her sweater.​
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Alecta was meditating in her room when the announcements came. Unwilling to completely break her focus she just took a deep breath and listened peacefully. Letting the sound fall like a pebble in the quiet pool of seething lava that was her mental construct of relaxation. Then someone hijacked the P.A. The rant made her pop one eye open in irritation. A routine announcement she could take. This was rather, disruptive. As the ranting finished, she sighed and slowly opened her other eye. No way she'd get her focus back after that. So she leaned back against the soft backrest of fur and fangs she called Ignis and sighed, making the massive dog, sensing her disquiet, wake from his meditation as well. He harrumphed at her, a noise she knew to interpret as If you're going to do something, do it. I'm getting bored just watching you. The last part was delivered mockingly, judging by the glint in all six of his eyes. She gave him a rub on his belly, feeling his warm satisfaction as she did, and stood up. Her eyes automatically gravitated over to her bass, put reverentially on a stand next to neat pile of sheet music and sundries. She usually played a little after meditating. But after the ranting, she wasn't in the mood. So she contented herself with flicking a couple strings with her pick to make sure it was still in tune. It was so she walked over to her door and unlocked it. As she did she projected one thought to Ignis. Walk? Ignis was a three headed mythological monster. He shot to his feet like a happy puppy and ran over to her, tail wagging and all three heads panting. Alecta enjoyed the giddiness that washed over her and opened the door, letting him bound out and smell the fresh air. She followed and the two started their walk.

The School grounds

Ignis was running zigzags across the path, smeeling everything three times and chasing squirrals up the trees. Alecta, meanwhile, kept his excitement at a low burn at the back of her head and cut a straight path through the flower garden's path where the two were strolling. it was a nice day for a walk, and the two were taking advantage of it to the fullest. After a too short time, they reached the entrance to the main grounds and Ignis's heads popped up. He smells some weird life force, and he wants to look at it. Alecta instantly recognized through their link. Find its owner but stay close. She relayed back. he complied, walking a few feet ahead of her in his sniffer pose, one head in the air, one with eyes front, and one on the ground. Eventually he found the source. It was a young man, her age but much taller. With black hair that looked like it belonged in one of those Japanese comics she'd seen people raving about in the commons. Ignis confirmed he was the source. His life force is unusually strong. She confirmed, reading it's scent as her friend did, My dad said there were people like that, with strong pneuma. He found it in Martial artists mostly. but this guys off the charts! Her curiosity spiked Ignis' and he bounded over to sniff the boy, ramming into his leg in the process. Alecta rolled her eyes at the dispay and her dog's right head looked back at her in indignation before immediately returning to his sniffing. Looking over, she saw that the spiky headed student was talking to the chancellor. Odd. Ignis hadn't even detected him. She'd better apologize for her friend and say hello. That would be the polite thing. She cleared her throaght and made put on a polite tone, "Please excuse Ignis," She said, putting every ounce of diplomacy in her body into her voice, "He can get excited when he smells something interesting."

@The Suspicous Eye @Azure Sky
Donovan Demios

Donovan laughed at the boy. The laugh was warm and from the heart. "There's no need to apologize young man." He smiled as he continued to speak "I have had milenias to practice hiding my presence from others. There are very few who can find me when I don't want to be found." He loozed at the boy cheerfuly "so are you a new student here at Demios Academy?"

Suddenly the little three headed creature ran up to Xen. It was the young Ignis, Donovan smiled as he watched I'm investigating Xen. Donovan loved animals of all kind just as much as humans. He watched Alecta come up. "I'm sure it's fine Alecta." Donovan turned to Xen, and smiled "this is Alecta Nekros one of most impressive students." He then turned to Alecta and smiled warmly.

@Azure Sky


Des Demios

Des smiled at the kid. Ken's reputation precedes him, the kid new his stuff. He talked a lot, but he seemed cool enough. Des waited for him to finish talking before he spoke up. "Des is fine." He really had nothing else to say. Kid knew his stuff all correct. Although, he wouldn't call them best friends Des repspected the kids talents. He always turned down the kids who wanted to put a hit on him. Des believe that if you sleep with A snake you can't blame the snake for getting bitten. He chuckled a little and looked to Ken. "You know you have a pretty bad reputation. I respect that. You're good in my book."

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Darath Lancor Agorn

School Grounds

Darath continued walking around aimlessly in the school, he had already packed his stuff in his dorm, so he made his way to the library in search of a nice, silent, relaxing place to read a book. "Hmm, what kind of book do I want? Maybe a thrilling adventure, maybe a fact-filled biography on a great warrior? As long as it's nice and quiet I can read all day there." He hadn't noticed the interruption on the announcements, and continued to ignore them while he was unknowingly talking out loud to himself. Before he could stop, he almost ran into a striking girl who seemed to be slightly older than him, maybe a junior. Since she was coming from the library, he thought he could gain some knowledge from questioning her a bit. "Hello miss, uh, could I ask what book you're reading? I just want to read in a quiet room for a bit, but I don't have any books so I was going to head down to the library, is that where you're coming from?"

Before Donovan had replied, an interesting three-headed dog started to sniff Xen. He looked at it with curiosity until a girl came and apologized for the little creature's behaviour.

''Yes, I just transfered here'' he replied to Donovan, then he turned to Alecta and said: ''It's ok, his appearance really intrigued me''. Xen then thought about it a little more, then looked at both Donovan and Alecta and added: '' My name is Xen...Xen Evans, pleased to meet you''. Xen was happy to actually have friendly interactions since the very moment he stepped inside the academy. He was smiling and giving off a slightly awkward attitude, although he wasn't exactly shy, but it was just slightly difficult to chat with most people because of his past experiences.

@The Suspicious Eye @theunderwolf
Tera stopped abruptly in her stead as she heard a voice, having been absorbed in her own thoughts. She studied the boy in front of her. She recognized him as a sophomore, but nothing more concerning him came to mind. "Oh, yeah. It's called The Celtic Otherworld. Although I don't know how interesting it would be to most people." She said, showing the cover to the boy. "Finding a book you like should be easy, but finding somewhere quiet might be a bit trickier. Everyone in there is talking about the announcement now, so some peace is hard to come by."

Ken Tanaka

"Good in your book? Hahahaha! That's new." Ken said as he laughed. Most either avoided him or tried to use him in hopes of squeezing out free information, which he would never do. "So then Des, do you call me out to see if I was the 'secret' kid, to do some business or just a friendly chatting session? Oh! And incase you didn't know I can talk a lot." He chuckled a bit when he stated the obvious, but didn't care. Des had been on his radar as an interesting person for a while now and he was rather curious. The amount of info he knew on Des was without a doubt on stalker level, though when he thinks about it that's nothing new he has stalker level info on everyone and best of all he doesn't need to actually stalk anyone! @The Suspicious Eye

Darath Lancor Agorn

School Grounds

As Tara replied, Darath listened intently, "Are you going to a quiet place? If you are, I'd like to come with you so I know where to go whenever I need to retreat from the loud places." he said, now walking with her, towards wherever she was going. "Also, could I read that book after? It seems very interesting." he added, looking at the cover of the book, it seemed like it might be a bit informative. It never hurts to learn, right?

Des Demios -Gen Ed Building

Des put his hand in his pockets and shrugged. "You just kind of appeared out of nowhere. I thought it be polite to say hey." He smirked and looked at him "Since we're such good pals." ( BLARG brain fart.) He looked at the kid he could be a great asset to him, but really didn't have any enemies. Everything was boring and peaceful. The only interesting thing that's happened were those earthquakes. He looked up at the ceiling and after a long pause spoke "this school is so dull huh?"
Alecta nodded at the chancellor and had the emotional control to not blush at his praise. She turned to Xen and smiled, "Whats so intriguing about Ignis?" Alecta said with the humor of one who had dealt with the issue many times before," he's a perfectly normal Cerberus!"

She thought at Ignis, and the massive canine complied. He returned to Alecta's side with a short jump and bark, than sat peacefully by her side. She gave all three of his heads a scratch and his tail wagged even faster.

@The Suspicious Eye @Azure Sky
"Sure. I was planning to go to the terrace right now. The flower garden's also a good spot normally but because of the New Spring celebration coming up it's pretty busy there right now. And yeah, if you really want to read it. I'll be done with it in..." Tera glanced at the book in her hand. She had placed a bookmark about half way through it, so she probably had another 100 pages give or take. "Give me about an hour and then it's all yours."

Takao heard a small yelp from around the hallway, it was by the sophomore class. It sounded like a female, But who? He walked over and saw a girl drinking something she had got from the vending machine. Why the yelp of pain though? He was curious and approached the woman and hit his elbow against the drink machine and a can of the blueberry drink popped out. Takao reached down and grabbed it and held it out for the girl. "I couldn't help but hear you cry and wonder what had happened. My name is Takao. Is there anything I can help you with my fair lady?" Takao was very suave and sweet talking to females. Males on the other hand, got his playful and joking side..but if any one of any gender was mean to him..they would see the dark side.

@The Servant
Ken Tanaka -Gen Ed Building

Ken leaned against the wall and nodded. "Yeah, no one is asking for any good info, just who loves who type of boring stuff." He said obviously disappointed. "It has been far too long since I have gotten in a good fight or even done a prank. Actually I need to get onto that. Maybe I'll do a classic prank." He said before letting out a sigh as he got up from the wall. "I have a feeling something is going to happen, let's hope it's intresting." He said with a grin as he stretched letting out a yawn. "Is there a class soon? I forgot." He muttered as he scratched his head. @The Suspicious Eye

((I changed him to a junior instead of a sophomore if that is ok.)) (I have never been to highschool so I thought a sophomore was higher than a junior
xD )
Ryllian Langh-School grounds

Ryllian was yawning after a good lunch while lying under the shadow of a tree nearby one of the side entrances of the school, he was about to fall asleep as the PA system activated and the afternoon announcements started, he was about to ignore it since most of the times they said things that didn't concern him, however suddenly the announcements were interrupted by a weird voice, it seemed to be threatening the school but he didn't knew what was it about.

Interested in what had just happened he stood up and decided to go and look for someone who may know about what was happening "Maybe someone from the school council" he thought, he never had any particular reason to talk with most of the students, but it seemed like this time he'd have to get involved, after all things had been boring lately and either he found something interesting to do or he'd end up with enough drawings to cover all the walls of his room, after thinking about this, he went on his way to the student council room in hope someone would explain everything to him.

((I've been distracted, I didn't realized everything was already three pages long :o , anything major has happened?))

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