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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Kano's room - Cat Man.

"A little mayo here, some pepper there, a cyanide pill and a slice of cheese!" In case you were wondering, Kano is currently making a few sandwiches. As he made them he started unknowingly humming a happy tune. He was happy for obvious reasons, it has been a very fulfilling day. He got a few pics of Shara with nothing but a towel on, re did his mural on the walls of the rear gate and now he was going to have lunch in the chamber of music with Megaera. Twas a good day indeed. As he put the finishing touches on the sandwiches Kano wondered if he should make a few more. Right now he had a good amount for him and Megaera but what if Simon made a visit? He made an extra two just in case. With their lunch in hand he made haste to the chamber of music. On his way he felt his phone vibrate. "Oh? A text from Meggy mayhaps?" He quickly pulled his phone from his pocket and sure enough it was Megaera asking if she could kiss him. Upon reading it Kano blushed slightly and replied.

To Megaera.

If you want, its the ladys choice.

I am perfectly fine with it though.

Cya soon.

- Cat Man with love.

Chamber of music - Kano

Taking it all in Kano stood dead center in the chamber of music, he took a big whiff of the air for a good 8 seconds before exhaling heavily. He liked this place. He scurred to where the piano was and put his food down next to it. He then began hugging and rubbing it. "Ohhhhhhhhhh~ its been too long. I missed you too much baby, im sorry I have been gone for so long, I just have been busy. But how about I make it up to you? You, me, a new friend and a few sandwiches, I know how much you love an audience, and a BLT." Kano got to the other end of the piano and sat down on the seat. He cracked his knuckles and put his fingers at rest on the keys. He began and the sound of the piano echoed throughout the room.



Lilly Pond

When Mari arrived at the lily pond, Violet was nowhere to be seen. Only a boy, someone who looked familiar from halls or class, was there. She tried to think of his name, but it wouldn't come to her. When she got close, though, Mari knew something was wrong. The air felt completely different than the air only ten feet behind her. It was cold, and a strange mist seemed to be rising up from the pond.

"E-Excuse me, are you alright?" Mari asked, using her primary persona. He did look upset, though she had no idea why. It was probably something bad, if his powers were active.

Lilly pond - Jarius.

Jarius was deep in thought, he didn't even notice how cold he made it. The fool loved Shara, but ruined his chances in this world and the last. He wanted to give up, he wanted to curl up into a ball and sleep forever. Jarius was caught in a bottomless hole of self woe, till he heard a voice above. He looked up from the pond to see a girl asking if he was ok, the temperature rose a bit. "Y-yes I'm fine... actually... no I'm not." Jarius took another stone beside him and tossed it into the lake. Without looking back up at the girl he spoke again. "I have been having problems for a long time now. It's... It's been a long week filled with confusion. I'm sorry. I'm boring you with my stories and I don't even know you name. Mine's Jarius." Jarius talked with a somber tone and never actually looked up at the girl he was talking to.


Lily Pond

Mari felt the temperature rise as soon as the boy was made aware of it, but it still wasn't by much. She decided it would be in her best interests to learn more about this boy and why he was so upset. Mari told herself it was because it was good to have something to hold over his head, but there was something else she felt that Mari would never admit.

"I'm Mari, and you're wrong." She smiled, her scared girl persona vanishing, replaced by her rarely used optimist. "Nobody has a boring story, from a trip to the supermarket to..." To killing a parent. "To relationship trouble, or a fight. Now you've got me curious, so tell me what's up."

Jarius looked up at Mari, surprised. Someone was being nice to him, this was new. It had been a while since the last time he felt like someone actually liked him. He patted the ground next to him as a way of telling Mari to sit down. Where should he start, so many places to begin. Thinking about it he decided to start with Shara. "Well you see, im having slight girl problems, with Shara. She kind of hates me, I feel. What do I say next, do I tell her the reasons? She hates me because I almost killed her several times, she hates me because I made her kill her own parents, she hates me because I sent her through hell and traumatized her. "She hates me 'cos I was a little too forward during our first meeting... and 'cos I walked in on her half naked in the bathroom and said she had nice underwear." He blushed when he mentioned the bathroom situation, he tried his best to hide it but it was easy to see on his pale skin. "I-I really like her, but I think I ruined it. Your a girl right? Do you think you can help me?" For the first time during this whole conversation Jarius looked up and into Mari's eyes. His own eyes empty, void of a happy emotion.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Kirigiri.Kyouko.600.1784635.jpg.157f0001bd5878ed12d93f750c978bad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54858" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/Kirigiri.Kyouko.600.1784635.jpg.157f0001bd5878ed12d93f750c978bad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Megaera - Music Room

Megaera made her way quickly to the music room, taking long, purposeful strides. She felt the phone in her purse buzz, but she ignored it. It would probably just be another message from Kano confirming he'd received her message. Just as she reached the music room, however, she abruptly stopped. Her long purple hair with its single braid settled abruptly against her back, fluttering irritably at the sudden change in momentum. The heels of her long black boots clacked neatly one after another, as her feet came together in front of the door. From inside, she could hear strains of piano music leaking out, tantalizing her with its sound.

Taking a deep breath, she walked inside, trying to be as quiet as possible. Seeing Kano's fingers fly across the instrument like that, though, she could not stop jealousy from rearing its ugly head in her heart. She tried not to let it show on her face how much she wished she could even just touch the fragile things, but she wasn't sure how well she succeeded. Still, it was music, and he was playing it beautifully. She could appreciate that without any hard feelings. She didn't say anything, waiting for him to either stop of his own volition, or finish the song.




  • Kirigiri.Kyouko.600.1784635.jpg
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Lily Pond - Being a therapist

Mari saw his eyes when the boy looked up at her. His eyes were like her normal ones, when she wasn't in the middle of playing a part. There was no sadness, or happiness, or anything. It was almost shocking, meeting someone like her.

Except he was nothing like her. He was acting emotional, he did have a romance problem. So his eyes, their lifelessness, was only temporary. She was still alone. "Well, have you apologized?" Mari asked, knowing he hadn't mentioned an apology. "And not some meh apology that you didn't mean, an actual 'I'm so sorry, I screwed up bad.'" Why was she still helping him? He obviously had no knowledge on Deus, and this Shara girl was so unimportant that Mari barely recognized her name.

Kano - Chamber of music

Wrapped up in the song Kano couldn't perceive anything around him, for him all that existed was him, and his piano. As he finished his song he let his hands fly into the air above him giving his hands a little flourish in the air as the piano slowly died down in volume. Kano didn't notice Megaera till once his song was completely done. "Oh hey Megaera! Impressed at what you saw?" Kano pushed his chair back and walked over to Megaera. He put a arm around her shoulder and continued talking. "Yeah, back in my good o'l days things got boring, had to entertain myself somehow. 'Magic hands' that was my nick name. By the way thanks for coming!" Kano happily skipped back to the piano where the sandwiches were, he took one (a meatball sub) and started chowing down. As he finished his bite he sat back down on the chair facing the piano, he made some room and patted the seat, it was clear that he wanted Megaera to sit down too. "Hey, can I teach you how to play?"


Jarius - Lilly pond therapy session

When Mari suggested that he serenely apologize he put his palm to his face. "I have tried that before. It never really worked, I think im bad at saying sorry. But..." While it was true that no amount of apology could make up what he did to Shara in the past the thought never came to him that this Shara has no memories of what he did. This Shara was different, he could have a second chance, he was about to jump for joy till another thought hit him. This Shara wasn't the same one that he once knew. The air grew cold again around them. Nothing in this world was what he once knew. He didn't belong here and yet he was. His eyes stayed the same. Jarius stood. He knew that there was one person who knew where he was. "Deus, you bastard, wait for me... Mari, thank you for your help, ill apologize as soon as I can. In return, is there anything I can do for you?"

Metaphysics said:
Charlotte Ultaine
Academy Courtyard

Status-Approaching Stage 2

Charlotte felt the egg grow warmer and it surprised her by a bit. She slowly set the egg down in front of her. "Oh...are you hatching?" She said to herself as she watched the egg wiggle. "You seem to be." She added as she took the egg back into her wamr and loving embrace. To her the egg felt like a little sun.
The egg wriggled and vibrated warmly then it grew hotter and hotter. The egg boiled rapidly and then cracked. It cracked and then a tiny round ball popped out of it. It's black eyelids opened revealing two adorable yellow eyes. It vibrated and gave a sweet "mewr?!"

Student Dorm Roof

Mai's information was 100% wrong. Violet was nowhere near the lilly pond intact she was up on the student dorm roof tending to the roof garden. She loved the plants and the animals that came to the garden. It calmed her and set her at ease. She crouched down and sighed. "I can't believe my spell made all that calamity. I mean I didn't do the fireworks part, but still...." She hung her head. "Awww, I'm afraid Shara hates me now. Ugh this sucks." The plants and animals all came around her and rubbed against her warmly. She smiled and looked at them kindly. "Well at least you guys don't hate me."
"Ouch!" She yelped as she suddenly let go the now searing hot egg. She set the egg down in front of her and watched the egg hatch. She saw the tiny round ball with yellow eyes and she squealed internally. Then she heard a cute 'mewr' and she could feel her heart melt. "Oh hello." She said while sitting in front of it. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a sandwich neatly wrapped in foil. She unwrapped the foil and offered it to the creature. "Do you want some?"
animegirl20 said:
Alice was having a strange dream and the dream was starting to turn into a nightmare. She woke up suddenly and looked around then laid back down. "Damn it! Why the hell am I having the strange dreams!." There were other people there and tones of chaos. She didn't like it, it was really terrifying. What really disturb her was Des laughing at the whole thing like it was a joke. ".....Great what is this a warning......." She decided not to get up just yet she was kind of happy he wasn't in the room right now. Specially after having a dream like that. "Just a normal day for Alice. Ugh"
@The Suspicious Eye
Roof of Chancellor's house.

Des sensed that Alice had awoken it was so odd. He groaned, somehow this girl reminded her of someone that he used to know. He smiled sleeping late huh? Well I guess so. She was in her dorm room but Des could almost see her. His presence had covered her from head to toe, no one would doubt she was anyone's but his. He smirked at the idea. "Well I should pretend to get ready I guess." He vanished only to appear in his room where he stayed in the darkness.

Metaphysics said:
"Ouch!" She yelped as she suddenly let go the now searing hot egg. She set the egg down in front of her and watched the egg hatch. She saw the tiny round ball with yellow eyes and she squealed internally. Then she heard a cute 'mewr' and she could feel her heart melt. "Oh hello." She said while sitting in front of it. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a sandwich neatly wrapped in foil. She unwrapped the foil and offered it to the creature. "Do you want some?"
The small creature rolled around a little and came closer to the sandwich. The creature sniffed it with it's unseen nose and rolled closer to it. It hopped up and bit a tiny piece of it. The creature vibrated a wave of colors and bit onto the sandwich and began to devour it completely. The small puff ball ate and ate unit it reached the girls hand. IT bit sharply into it with a loud crunch!
"..." 'Hold it in....' she thought. "..." 'Hold it...' "...ngh..." 'Nope, not holding it.' She thought. "EEEYOOOWWW!!" She exclaimed in pain as she squeezed her eyes in pain. She slowly removed her finger from the creatures mouth. She exposed her finger to sunlight to let it heal. "I'm alright...I'm alright..." She said. "Cute but deadly..." She commented as she looked at the creature.

Lily Pond

Mari smiled when she saw Jarius get up, seeming like he had snapped out of it. But no, one look at his eyes told her that he wasn't himself again, that he was just distracted. She felt... Something. It was an odd feeling, something Mari couldn't place-


The name. The person she was hunting. Jarius said the name. Deus. He knew Deus. Mari's facade nearly broke apart then, her obsession almost ruining everything. "Jarius, can you take me to him? To Deus?" She had to go, had to finish her objective. Nothing else mattered, nothing.

If he refused, she would threaten him. If he kept refusing, she would break him. Nothing was extreme enough, nothing was terrible enough if it meant winning.

Metaphysics said:
"..." 'Hold it in....' she thought. "..." 'Hold it...' "...ngh..." 'Nope, not holding it.' She thought. "EEEYOOOWWW!!" She exclaimed in pain as she squeezed her eyes in pain. She slowly removed her finger from the creatures mouth. She exposed her finger to sunlight to let it heal. "I'm alright...I'm alright..." She said. "Cute but deadly..." She commented as she looked at the creature.
The monster burped as it rolled around from falling to the fund. It centered itself and tilted itself up looking at the girl. Her blood trailing from it's mouth. The creature gave a cute, but toothy grin. Then a long forked tongue came out of it's mouth and licked the trailing blood. "Mew? Mewr? Merrrrwuuu!!" The creature began to bounce up and down happily coming closer to the girl.
Jarius looked at Mari, he inspected her. Looked to Jarius like she knew that Deus existed but she didn't know where he was and to be honest, Jarius didn't really know where he was too. He knew that Deus was alive, he was here and most likely in possession of someone. "Mari. I like you, so I'm going to tell you this. Deus is a bad guy, I don't know why you are looking for him but I have quite a bit of history with him and I can tell you that getting involed with him is bad news." He sighed deeply. Hearing someone else utter his name made him sick. "Look, I have a close friend named Amias who might know. If you tell me your reasons for wanting to meet Deus I can talk to him. But let me just tell you now if you plan to make an ally out of him." The air grew even colder, it began to get hard to breath and even the ground bellow Jarius began to freeze. " I will fucking kill you right here right now." Jarius's eyes were no longer empty, it was obvious that he meant what he just said. Sure he seemed harsh but he has lost too much to Deus and he had already faced off with him once, he knew what Deus was capable of and he was taking no chances.


Being Threatened (How Rude!)

Wow. This kid knew his stuff. Mari was more than a little impressed with his knowledge, and his abilities no doubt surpassed hers. She was almost afraid of what he could do.

But she had proof of good intentions. Without a word, Mari lifted up her shirt, showing the massive burn across her hip. She looked Jarius in the eyes, hatred plastered onto her face. "I wanted to. To work with him. I thought my secret would be safe if I was on his side. He seemed powerful, almost untouchable."

Mari took a breath before continuing. This was a gigantic gamble. Either he believed her and her secret was out, or he didn't and she would have to fight him, maybe die. Him believing her meant she had a path to Deus, either working with Jarius to eliminate him or working with Deus to eliminate Jarius. "I've killed people. My father first, and then a boy who found out about my powers. I was scared, so so scared. Then I came here, and was waiting for the hammer to fall, for someone to make the connection." Mari was shaking. She told herself it was calculated, trying to sell what she was saying, but it wasn't. Not completely. "Then the voice came over the intercom almost a month ago. I thought I could find him, and maybe he could help me. But after last week, after seeing what carnage he made... I will kill Deus, and redeem myself. That is why I need to find him, nothing more or less." She wasn't completely lying, just stretching the truth where she needed to. What she told him was more than enough.

Megaera tried to shrug off his arm, as Kano casually slung it around her shoulders, but he had already moved away so probably didn't even notice the motion. She was very impressed at what she'd seen and heard, but should she really tell him that? It wouldn't hurt, but what if he misunderstood and thought this somehow changed something. Actually, it probably wouldn't make much of a difference with him. He seemed determined to make her his friend, though she had yet to understand why that was. In the end, she went for the option she usually went for, and didn't say anything at all. Tentatively, Megaera took a sandwich and took a bite of it. It was quite good, and she felt grateful to him. When he asked if she wanted to learn the piano, however, she stared at him in a mixture of shock, anger, and amusement - a confusing mix of emotions for her. Was he mocking her? He knew what her powers were, he knew that she would never be able to learn such a thing. In light of his incredibly imbecilic question, even his mention of the nickname "Magic Hands" felt offensive. If she'd been in front of Simon instead of Kano, she would have started a loud spew of angry words, but this wasn't Simon she was dealing with. So, the breaker simply swallowed her bite of food, and tersely replied, "No." She took two steps backwards and pursed her lips unhappily unconsciously, not complying by sitting down next to him.

Jarius - Lilly pond interrogation session.

Jarius saw the burn, and he thought he was the only one with scars to show. He eyed the burn wound for a second before making a conclusion. "Ok, you pass my test. But I warn you, Amias's test will be a little longer." Jarius took two fingers and tapped the side of his head three times as if knocking to see if anyone was there. Jarius had noticed something ever since he came to this world, Amias and him seemed to be drifting farther and farther apart. "Sure Deus will keep your secret, as blackmail." Jarius began to laugh at Mari, people were funny like this. "Untouchable, yes, untouchable! But let me tell you something. I went toe to toe with that monster, sure I didn't win, but he didn't ether." Jarius's tone of voice was suddenly drastically different, he sounded like someone else using Jarius's body to speak.

"Believe me when I say that you and me are in the same boat, I have betrayed, I have sinned, I have helped cause mass hysteria with that monster!" Jarius put his hands on Mari's shoulders, it was hard to tell what he was thinking, he was happy but it wasn't a normal kind of happy, his smile was sadistic and savage.

"You remind me of a friend I once had. She also wanted to kill Deus so bad and yet, she was taken over by him and she turned against the one she loved her name was Mason, you remind me of her. You know I cant help but find it kind of funny, you say that you want to kill Deus and redeem yourself. Fine, final test." Jarius backed up and put some distance between him and Mari. "Allow me to show you the monster you wish to fight. Come at me with as much hatred as you have for Deus!" He still didn't believe her, not fully. But first he wanted to test her resolve. Jarius had no intention of breaking her, but he did have the goal of cracking her mask. Jarius was only able to go toe to toe with Deus because he broke his.


((@firejay1 so I won't be able to work on my reply to you till much later today, sorry, last day of school and there is a lot going on.))

Yay a Fight!

Mari was actually stunned. The boy had changed significantly, in minutes the very person she met seemed to fade, replaced by a boy who seemed to know nothing but the fight. His very tone had changed, and Mari was almost certain that he wasn't anything close to the same person.

So he wanted to fight. His funeral. Mari pulled out the switchblade she bought after her trip to the hospital and held it in his direction. She didn't speak to him as she prepared, taking a few breaths to ensure she was ready. Mari remained calm as she spoke, knowing that being mentally stable would be key in winning, "Before we start I must know, powers or no powers? Regardless, you can have the first strike." She needed to gauge his abilities, to see how he moved. She couldn't reveal her own combat style or powers without first having an idea of what he was like.

And if he said no powers...

She'd think of something.

Chamber of music - Kano

"Ah come on Meggy, don't be so shy. You will never make friends by hiding in that shell of yours." Kano snapped and the piano warped in front of Megaera and the chair underneath her, Kano also teleported Megaera a few inches above the ground and when she fell Kano made sure to make it so that she was sitting next to him with the piano keys before her. "Trust me, it will be fun." Kano carefully took the back of Megaera's hands praying that his 'magic hand' wouldn't get broken in the process. There was no snap followed by pain so Kano was in the clear to touch the back of Megaera's hands. Guiding her hands he put her fingers on the piano. Her fingers touched the keys, they went down, and sound came from the piano. "Alright heres something fun we can do. You play theses keys like this over and over on this side and ill do something else on the other side of the piano." Kano guided Megaera's hands to several keys and pushed her fingers down on the keys she needed to play. After he showed her what to play a few time he went to the other side of the piano. He put his fingers at rest on the keys. "Alright, play what I showed you and ill join in with some improve. Lets make some music."

@firejay1 ((Ok I have a logical reason for what happened in this post that I would be happy to explain in our PM.))

Lilly pond - Jarius

Jarius eyed the switchblade that Mari pulled on him, right off the bat she pulled out a lethal weapon with no hesitation, ether this was her resolve or she was a bonafide psychopath. She murdered two already, she probably held no qualms about killing another. "Good, show no hesitation. As for powers yes they are allowed. If the first move is mine then I shall not hesitate. On guard!" Without missing a beat after Jarius spoke a thick fog grew, it was hard to see what was directly in front of you and after 10 feet all that could be seen was white. Approaching Mari shrouded by the mist was a figure slowly coming at her.

@Homage ((May it begin.))
What shell was he talking about? This was a very well-crafted shield-armor thing that protected OTHER people. She wasn't hiding. She thought grumpily to herself, but she wasn't allowed to continue that line of thought much longer, as the newly dubbed Cat Man snapped his fingers. Megaera yelped when her surroundings suddenly changed. Before she could reorient herself, she felt a pair of hands press against the back of hers. She almost panicked. Almost. By some miracle, the purple-haired girl managed not to scream and fling him off of her. The back of her hands were safe, after all, to touch, she just... wasn't used to it. Next thing she knew, there was pressure against the tips of her fingers. She gasped and squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to see the beautiful keys shattering under her hands. She bit the inside of her bottom lip hard, and tears almost began forming in her closed eyes.

A sound rang through the air, but it wasn't the sound of discordant notes mingling with loud cracks. Her eyes flew open, blood running almost cold with pure shock. She stared at her fingers, as he showed her the notes to play, and shakily began moving them, still unable to believe it every time a pure note came shimmering out of the piano with her gentle touch. Following the boy's instruction, she began playing, messing up a few times, needing some correction, but really playing a piano. Then, it really hit her, what she was doing. A sort of breathless laugh began shakily slipping out of her mouth, making her mess up a couple more keys. She forgot all about the fact that someone else was with her. She forgot about not being comfortable with him, and she forgot that this was technically all impossible. She was quivering with something that felt like it would overwhelm her. Megaera turned to look at Kano, unaware that she was beaming brightly enough to light the sun, and laughed again, this time a full laugh. "I'm- Oh my God! I'm- I'm playing the piano! Can you see me? Oh my God!" She continued laughing as she turned her attention back to her fingers, trying her best not to mess up too much. She was barely paying any attention to what Kano was doing.

Mari - Lily Pond

Mari made a poor decision. She should have known from the moment she walked into the foggy room, its temperature dropped, that Jarius had some sort of water-type power. Was it fog creation? No, if he could stand up to someone who seemed as tough as Deus then his powers couldn't have been that pathetic. Of course, he could have had a second one, with fog as his backup power.

Mari would have tried to think more on what his powers could have been, but she didn't have time. The fog was too thick, she could barely see her own hand in front of her. Well, it wouldn't matter: In less than a second Mari was completely invisible.

She had to escape the fog, make it so that she was the only one who couldn't be seen. Without a true direction in mind, Mari slowly walked to where she thought the hallway she entered the room from was in.

Charlotte looked at the creature oddly. "Wait...you like blood?" She said as she looked at her healing finger. She bit into it hard and held out the bleeding digit for the creature. "Here you go, fresh blood ya little vamp ball. At least that's what I think you are..." She commented as blood dripped from the once again healing wound.

Status: Stage 2 imminent
Ken's Dorm/ Academy grounds

Ken was off in dream land for a long time and honestly he may have been in a coma. However.....he was awaken by a really loud *THUD* on his window which made him jump and fall out of his bed. "What the hell?" He muttered as he rubbed his head and walked over to the window He draw the curtains back and opened the window. Before Ken could understand what was going on a black object hit him hard in the forehead. "OW!! What the hell!!!" He exclaimed as he grabbed whatever hit him.

As he tightened his grip on whatever it was the thing started to squawk very loudly so loud Ken was forced to let go and cover his ears. "SHUT UP!!!" He yelled at the thing making it freeze mid squawk. With a sigh Ken sat on his bed and started to pick out the black feathers which were stuck in his hair. "Okay.... Try that again." The black puff ball began to squawk again but not as loudly or panicked as before. "A........ Dragon..... Are you sure it wasn't an oversized lizard?.... Though that's what all dragons are.... Oversized fire breathing and flying lizards " Ken asked the small crow as he carefully picked it up and let it perch on his arm.

The crow nodded and squawked some more making Ken go into thought. "Interesting..... Thanks for letting me know.... Let's make sure you don't have any brain damage." He said as he got up and placed the crow on his desk. He fixed a small bump on the birds head and when he was down he fed it some snacks before sending it off on his way.

"Well Op..... I think we should go check this out." He said as he grabbed the mouse that had been hiding from the crow. He grabbed a few more things including a small spider that had something to tell him as well. "A fight at the pond? Great which should I go see? A fight or a dragon..... A fight or a dragon..." He muttered as he mulled it through his head. ".............. A dragon." He said as he strolled out of his room.

After he left his dorm he placed the spider near a vent before making his way to the school grounds. Following the crows directions he soon found the dragon in question. "........ That's cool...." He muttered before walking over to a tree and climbing up it to get a good view of the girl and the dragon. Of course he remained hidden not wanting to scare either off.

@Metaphysics (Watching you from a tree, but hasn't made contact..... PS I swear he is not a stalker/creeper xD )
Kano - music room

Kano joined in as Megaera started playing what he told her too. Using what she was playing as a base for his improve, it didn't take long till the sound of an actual song made by the two was echoing through the chamber of music. Kano played on listing to Megaera laughing like a normal person, she was as excited as a kid who just learned how to ride a bike, no, she was much more happy then that. "Yeah I can see it, you are doing good!" Kano looked over every once and a while at Megaera. She was so happy, it was kind of cute. Watching Megaera play made Kano smile, it was the warm kind of smile that comes when you make a loved one happy. It was the type of smile that Kano has not put on for years. Before Kano was a girl that had accomplished a feat that no one else could in the last 6 years, Kano was happy about something not sadistic. Once Kano finished up he tapped the back of Megaera's hands. "Megaera. This is a special piano, I know a guy who makes miracles happen. He owed me a favor and he let me borrow this for a bit. Im sorry I cannot free you from your curse permanently but at least I can give you this experience for a bit." After seeing Megaera this happy it kind of made Kano want to find a way to free her. "Hey, after we finish lunch want to go somewhere with me?"


Lilly pond - Jarius

"Ahha! Got cha BIT-" Jarius said this as he came literally jumping into the spot he thought Mari was. Sadly Mari was no longer there, all that was there was mist and a sad, sad little Jarius. "Dangit! Looks like I lost her, alight, plan B." From his fingertips red strings came out, the rushed all over the ground forming something similar to a spider web on it. He closed his eyes and felt it. Mari stepped on one. In that general direction and ice spike shot out from above Jarius. The spike was blunt at the top to assure she didn't die. It was hit and miss, he didn't know Mari's exact location but he knew where to fire. One after the other Jarius sent ice spikes in her direction.

@Homage (you can decide if any hit or not)

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