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Fandom Digimon Infinity [Characters]


Dragon Knight

Digimon Infinity.png


  • Make sure you read the story, rules and mechanics before you post a Character Sheet


Character Sheet Skeleton


Name: Your name and surname (Please keep it pronounceable, yes Digimon is a Japanese, but most of you aren't Japanese.)

Age: Any age within reason

Gender: Male, Female or any of the others.

LooksDescribe your looks and use a picture if you want.

  • DigiSoul Colour:
  • D-Cell Colours:

Personality & History: Describe your personality and a bit of your history in here.



Name: Obviously ends in mon

Type: One/Two words that describe your Digimon, like shark or holy angel, etc

Personality: Describe your Digimon's personality.

Looks: Describe your Digimon's looks as a rookie or use picture

Human World

Name: Obviously ends in mon

Type: One/Two words that describe your Digimon, like shark or holy angel, etc

Level: In-Training

Looks: Describe your Digimon's looks as an in-training.


Name: Obviously ends in mon

Type: One/Two words that describe your Digimon, like shark or holy angel, etc

Level: Champion

Looks: Describe your Digimon's looks as a champion.

D.N.A. Digivolutions

Name: Obviously ends in mon

Type: One/Two words that describe your Digimon, like shark or holy angel, etc

Level: Ultimate

Partner: The Digimon they fuse with to become this Digimon.

Looks: Describe your Digimon's looks as a ultimate.

Bio-Merge Digivolution

Name: Obviously ends in mon

Type: One/Two words that describe your Digimon, like shark or holy angel, etc

Level: Mega

Looks: Describe your Digimon's looks as a mega.

(Ultimate left out at first because we don't have them yet, but as you get them you may add them. You don't have to though.)

  • Please only post Character Sheets, chit chat is for OOC.

  • You may only post in the RolePlay when I have accepted your Character Sheet over PM.

  • Please post with the correct format and make sure to put Digivolutions including Human World form in a spoiler to keep Character Sheets short.
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Name: Dane Talin

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Looks: Dane has messy dark brown hair and brown eyes. He generally wears blue jeans, a black flame shirt with a red jacket. He was given a pair of goggles by the DigiSeer which he begrudgingly wears as proof he is leader. He did however tint them so they work like sunglasses.

  • DigiSoul Colour: Orange
  • D-Cell Colours: Red & Black


Personality & History: Dane grew up with four older siblings and parents who were always working or too busy for him. He was a loner in school and hasn't made many (if any) friends. He is a bit of hot-head and loses his temper easily. He is however very kind, caring and extremely loyal to his friends. He is smart, thoughtful and paranoid at first. When he trusts you as a friend, he will do whatever he can for you. He was the first kid chosen by the DigiSeer to be a Digidestined, as such he has been made the leader against his wishes. Due to this he has become like a guide and authority figure for the Digidestined.



Name: Pyromon

Type: Dragon

Level: Rookie

Personality: Pyromon is a fiesty Digimon that loves to fight, he can get violent and totally lose his temper. He is very loyal to Dane, but generally carries a nasty attitude towards others. He is usually followed by Starmon who sees his as his sensei. He is a fierce fighter who aims to win!

Looks: He looks like a small dragon/dinosaur similiar to Agumon. He is red with black tribal tattoos over his body. He has no wings, a small stubby tail and two small horns at the back of his head. He has a ruby embedded in his chest.

Human World

Name: DemiPyromon

Type: Mini Dragon

Level: In-Training

Looks: Much smaller, he is about the size of a teddybear now. He looks cuter with only one horn on his head and small stubby arm and legs. He no longer has a tail.


Name: Pyrodramon

Type: Dragon

Level: Champion

Looks: Now much larger so he can be ridden by Dane. He now looks much more like a beast with a third horn on his nose and his horns much longer. His tail has become longer and has a sharp fin at the end. The tattoos have become much more widespread. His front arms have become massive dragon wings for flight and when he is not flying he walks on all fours.

D.N.A. Digivolution

(None yet)

Bio-Merge Digivolution

Name: WarPyromon

Type: Dragon Knight

Level: Mega

Looks: After fusing with Dane, he is a humanoid Digimon covered in red chrome digizoid (that looks like a cross between scales and armour) with the black tattoos becoming more symmetrical and patterned. The red ruby in his chest has become more spikey and intricate. His three horns became a gold crown like crest. He has a long prehensile tail and his dragon wings spread from his back and sometimes look like a cape. Dane's goggles have covered the eye's, now forming sharp shades that look like Starmon's.
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Name: Neil Ashton

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Looks: Neil has medium length hair that he dyed teal. He almost always wears a black jacket over a white shirt, a black beanie, and white headphones that he keeps around his neck.


  • DigiSoul Colour: Teal
  • D-Cell Colour: Teal

Personality & History: Neil has two distinct sides to him When he isn’t focused Neil is light hearted and very childish. On the other hand when the situation requires him to give it one hundred percent he is able to focus only on that the task at hand and almost becomes emotionless while doing so. No mater what persona he is there is always a common factor. Neil wants to be a hero so he will always try to walk down the path of the good guy.


Name: Robomon

Type: Cyber

Level: Rookie

 Personality: Robomon is a kind and talkative digimon. He enjoys playing around and like his human partner he is very childish.

Looks: Robomon stands at 3 feet tall and is silver and black. He has two large yellow balls for eyes and mechanized teeth that can crunch through a wide assortment of material.

Human World

Name: DemiRobomon

Type: Mini cyber

Level: In-Training

Looks: Stands at about 1 foot tall and takes the appearance of a black robotic Koromon. 


Name: RoboToromon

Type: Cyber animal

Level: Champion

Looks:  Takes the size and form of a bull.  His skin is made up of overlapping steel plates. Underneath these steel plates layer upon layer of wires, gears, and motors act as his muscles and give him strength. He also has a third horn that curves upwards from the center of his head. He has three tails that have blades attached to the end of them.

D.N.A. Digivolution


Bio-Merge Digivolution

Name: MechaHeromon

Type: Cyber Knight

Level: Mega


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Name: Lucas Grant

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Looks: Lucas has slightly long blond hair that sometimes covers his blue-grey eyes. He usually can be found wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, with either a blue or green jacket, whichever one is currently clean. On each wrist is a decorative band, and on his left wrist he wears a smart watch. He also generally has a small bag on him that is full of video games.


  • DigiSoul Colour: Green
  • D-Cell Colours: Black and Green

Personality & History: Lucas comes from a home with parents who constantly fought. As such he had trouble learning how to properly interact with others. By the time they finally separated Lucas was a withdrawn individual. In his early teen years he moved to a new city and found he couldn’t connect with others. The only exception to this was online interactions. Starting with Digimon World Online, Lucas got into online gaming, finding he could connect virtually. Lucas escaped into gaming and as such was thrilled when he was contacted by the DigiSeer and given the chance to interact with actual Digimon. He now feels truly alive in the Digital World and connects with the Digimon and other Digidestined like his online friends.


Name: Jagermon

Type: Beast Soldier

Personality: Jagermon is a very serious Digimon, totally devoted to the task of saving the Digital World. He is kind of the reverse of Lucas as he started out joyful but his heart hardened as he got older, seeing and understanding more about the Digital World. He generally looks down on the Digidestined, and humanity in general, but has a bit of a soft spot for Lucas as his personality reminds him of his better days.

Looks: Jagermon is a green furred bipedal wolf with a white tail. He is mostly covered by a large black hood and cloak, sometimes all that can be seen of him is his golden eyes. He always carries a grey coloured futuristic looking rifle with a scope.

Human World

Name: Pupmon

Type: Mini Beast

Level: In-Training

Looks: Pupmon is small, about the size of a soccer ball. His body is made up of the head of a young green furred wolf, with a small white tail at the back.


Name: WereJagermon

Type: Beast Soldier

Level: Champion

Looks: WereJagermon is similar to Jagermon but is now much larger and hunched over, usually moving on all fours. While still a green furred wolf with a, now much longer, white tail, the cloak of his Rookie is now ripped and tattered around his body. He also no longer carries a rifle, instead having two giant silver cannons attached to his back.

D.N.A. Digivolution

(None Yet)

Bio-Merge Digivolution

Name: Arsenalmon

Type: Master Soldier

Level: Mega

Looks: Upon reaching Mega level Arsenalmon is a human type Digimon covered in green armour with white accents. The helmet on his head resembled the head of a wolf with golden eyepieces. Generally his body is covered by a giant black cloak he wears. Hidden under this cloak is a multitude of guns and explosives, seemingly of every variety. He also carries a larger version of the rifle he carried as a Rookie. From under his cloak a long white tail pokes out, a leftover from his beast type previous forms.


Name: Micha Barnes 

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Looks: Micha has short blonde hair which is usually made up in a wild fashion. He's usually dressed in dark pants a white button up and a black blazer with a loose tie around his neck. And a pair of reading glasses that help reflect his blue-green eyes. 


  • DigiSoul Colour: Gold
  • D-Cell Colours: White and Gold

Personality & History: Describe your personality and a bit of your history in here.


Name: Obviously ends in mon

Type: One/Two words that describe your Digimon, like shark or holy angel, etc

Personality: Describe your Digimon's personality.

Looks: Describe your Digimon's looks as a rookie or use picture

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