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1x1 fan digimon rp between myself and ehmonchyruru

Character sheet layout
Digimon tamer sheet
-Digimon partner(s):

Digimon sheet
-Digimon type/species name:
-stage names/levels:
-main stage:
-Nickname(s): (call name or names given by tamer if given any)
-romantic partner: if they don't have one, yet or at all, leave blank until they do
-Family members: if they have data/blood family, adopted family or something, put it here
-Tamer or tamerless:
-If answered tamer above, tamer's name:
-other important information:

Please don't post if you don't have permission, this will remain a 1x1. You are more than welcome to watch or follow along though ^^

I am open for other 1x1 rps, digimon or not. I believe my bio/account page lists my interests

ehmonchyruru is not open for rp invites
Digimon tamer sheet
-Name: Sam Barlowe
-Nickname(s): Sammy
-Age: 16
-Gender: Female
-Pronouns: She/Her or They/them
-Orientation: Demiromantic Demisexual
-Digimon partner(s): Koboldmon
-Other: Sammy is a relatively recluse-like person. Lacking friends outside her digimon partner and whoever is online and looking for a teammate in videogames.

Digimon sheet
-Digimon type/species name: Koboldmon
-stage names/levels: Kipmon (fresh) Monchmon (In-training) Koboldmon (rookie) Keepermon (champion) Grandkeepermon (Ultimate) Holygrandramon (mega)
-main stage: Koboldmon
-Nickname(s): Kappy
-Gender: Female
-Pronouns: She/her or They/them
-Orientation: Demiromantic/demisexual
-romantic partner: N/A
-Family members: N/A
-Tamer or tamerless: Tamer
-If answered tamer above, tamer's name: Sammy
-other important information: Koboldmon is a young and well-meaning digimon. They are kind almost to a fault and often tries to make new friends, even if it is a rather inappropriate time. They are a vaccine type holy dragon digimon.

koboldmon-keepermon.jpgKoboldmon is my character, art is by digitalclaws over on twitter


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