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✩ wishing star ✩
✔ = if the character sheets are done


  • Levyathene Belladonna ✔
  • Daichi Sakamaki ✔

@F R O S T Y

  • Melatanyne Kairos ✔
  • Ayato Sakamaki [ MAY BE A TEMPORARY CHARACTER ] ✔


  • Orion Sakamaki [ PAUSED ]


  • Terra Styx ✔

feel free to edit, if there are some points made on other character sheets that you may like to add.

consult here to add more notes (clothing choices, history, etc.)
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Levyathene Aurelie Belladonna


“Daughter of evil

And a mother of sorrow,

Craving her freedom

Wickedness, her sin,

It's her very own birthright,

Power locked within”


General Information


Full Name: Levyathene Aurelie Belladonna

Nickname(s): Levy, Vya, Serpent

Title: The Third Enchantress of Darkness, Wickedness

Age Appearance: Early 20s

True Age: +1,000 years

Birth Date: April 16, ????

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Enchantress

Birthplace: The Third Plane of Reality

Current Residence: The Sixth Plane of Reality


Physical Traits


Skin color: Fair, and slightly pale

Height: 5’5”

Hair color: Black

Hairstyle: Her hair grows down to her waist and is wavier towards the ends than the start

Eye color: Gold

Physical description: Levyathene has a slim figure, with tattoos on her right palm, on top of her left hand, across her right upper arm, and on her left hip. Those tattoos are symbols of her passing her studies.

Weight: 126 lbs.

Scars: Multiple whip-lashings across her back from (failed) attempts to end her.

Scent: Rose petals and fire

Blood Type: ???? (Demons don't have specific types)

Blood Taste: Very silky, with a strong and sweet flavor and a hint of bitterness - Think of vanilla ice cream and wine.





Hundreds and thousands of years ago, there was only the prevalence of Light in all Planes of Reality; All beings were happy, and there was never any feeling of remorse, or sadness, or hatred. The Goddess of Light, Ica, created the Eleven Planes of Reality all on her own, and bore twelve children: Abia, Enora, Pio, Era, Ondine, Mies, Gaia, Kai, Atlas, Eowyn, Lucifer, and Silas.

Lucifer was different from the rest of his siblings, and found himself outcasted from the eleven other siblings. He sought to be different from them to impress their mother, and win control over a Plane to control.

To isolate himself, Lucifer often taught himself magic within the shadows of caves and forests - Far from the view of his mother and siblings. Little did he know, that he had created Darkness single-handedly, and as he interacted with creatures of his mother’s world - They became corrupt, and the creatures of light grew stressed. Ica was unsure of where this sudden corruption was occurring, but she knew she needed to stop it.


Upon the day Ica chose to give a Plane of Reality to her children to rule, they needed to show their mother that they were fully mastered in magic and were capable of handling themselves independently. Each of them displayed their own versions of Light Magic with ease and beauty, until Lucifer took his turn.


Horrified and frightened, Ica gave the other 12 of her children the Planes of Reality, and kept Lucifer under her watchful eye - Where she would attempt to reteach him her ways. Lucifer was unhappy with this arrangement, and only grew stronger the more hatred he built up for his mother. In a state of madness and utter disgust towards Ica, Lucifer murdered her during one of their lessons, and Lucifer stole Ica’s power to become even stronger. This led to Lucifer seeking out his siblings in other planes, and murdering them.

Abia, Ica’s first born son and closest match to her power, grew confused upon not having any communication with his siblings and mother, and saw through every Plane - Only to find out they were murdered by his brother Lucifer. He knew that he had to put an end to this, whether Lucifer was his brother or not.


Finding Lucifer in the midst of creating new creatures for every Plane, Abia took his chance and engaged in a battle against his brother for the death. In the end, Abia found himself exiling his beloved brother to the First Plane of Reality, and he took the Eleventh Plane for himself.

Lucifer and Abia possess control over five each of the Planes of Reality - And have a neverending battle over the Sixth Plane of Reality (Where we reside). They both possess seven children, who also are at war with each other for their fathers’ glory.


Levyathene is the third child born to Lucifer out of the Seven Enchantresses of Darkness, bore by the demoness Cahrryss. The Third Plane of Reality possessed few people of which believed in their former Goddess, Era, which caused problems for Levyathene in her childhood.


She was often pressed hard by her mother to do her best and never back down - Being the embodiment of Wickedness, an Element of Darkness for her father’s reign. Considering the fact that Levyathene was the only child of her mother, she got all (if not most) of the attention, which made her sure to work harder and gain enough power to travel Planes to join the battle her siblings were in against Abia’s children.


During the midst of her life, Levyathene bore the child of a demon named Orev - Which she and her mother cherished greatly. Azazel, her son, was a joy in Levyathene’s life who she made sure to care for as much as she possibly can.

At last, Levyathene had gained enough power and attempted to conquer the believers of Era who had punished her so harshly as a child, but found herself held back when presented with the Amulet of Light.

The Amulet was held against her, which weakened Levyathene’s powers as the believers of Era began chanting some Light Spell she’d never heard before - And before she knew it, she and Azazel was cast into the Sixth Plane before her mother could save her.

Although she’d got what she wanted - Levyathene was cast into a ‘church’ where her kind was often punished and ostracized, and since she’d touched the Amulet before being cast into the unfamiliar Plane, her powers were drawn into the Amulet that Levyathene cannot unleash alone. All Levyathene has with her is a pocket book of spells her mother had given her when she was young… However, in a Plane where her powers are so weak, how can she cast properly?


The church then proceeded to torment Levyathene in multiple attempts to rid her of the ‘evil’ within her (which is impossible, as Lucifer is her genetic father). When Levyathene refused to ‘release the Devil’ within her, she was punished even further by having her own child killed before her very eyes. The Priests forced Levyathene to watch the murder of her son, and proceeded to imprison her and torment her for many more years. Levyathene would then proceed to grow a deep hatred for the Church, and anything involving religion - Which she avoids like the plague.

Eventually, she was founded by Karlheinz, and due to the lack of brides requested to have the girl. The Church, seeing Levyathene as a lost, powerless cause, let the woman go.



Although she’s the third born to Lucifer, Levyathene is far more subtle than her outright older siblings and father are. Cahrryss had taught her the art of deceit, and Levyathene picked up quickly.

Upon first glance, she seems docile and timid - Almost harmless if one would curse her. This caused the Enchantress to gain some masochism due to many taking her fake weakness for granted. However, when pushed enough, she becomes the almost exact reflection of her father: A sadistic, wicked, and sinister being.


When fighting, Levyathene plays mind games. When she can’t control her victim, then she makes them suffer in silence - Going to the extent of slowly tormenting their everyday life until they’re weak enough for her to conquer, and eventually murder.

She’s a bit reliant on her magic, however, which is her downfall. Levyathene finds herself desperately looking through books for any help on how to gain her power back to join her siblings in the battle against Abia’s descendants. Without her magic, she feels bare, which is often covered up with a scowl or blunt attitude. Often times, she will grow desperate enough to write letters that never get sent to her siblings in hopes they will find her and take her away from this horrid life of ‘humanity’.

She’s very gentle and motherly towards children, and often times can choose to protect a child over using them for her own benefit. Due to the loss of her child, Levyathene hates the topic of children dying or being harmed.

The church is seen as a large threat to her, and she would do anything to either avoid or destroy anything or anyone related to the church. Simply seeing a priest or monk would cause Levyathene to fly into a rage.

Levyathene often times has nightmares of her past with the church, and can resort to almost not sleeping at night to avoid seeing flashbacks of tormenting and her child’s dead body.

Being in captivity makes Levyathene feel extremely uncomfortable; she hates being caged in, and would keep very private about her thoughts and feelings until she’s been freed. At first, Levyathene would do her best to fight until she can get the hint that she can’t get what she wants. She would be seen scanning her territory, trying to find any weak spots for a plan to spring an escape. Irritability overcomes her, and she snaps every so often when she feels she needs to be alone.

Levyathene hates not being in control, and feeling inferior to anyone, which makes it difficult for her to follow orders given by others.



Father: Lucifer

Mother: Cahrryss Belladonna


Brothers: Lois Zaquar, Sage Furcifer, Desmond Narcisso


Sisters: Circe Melyn, Deidre Narcisso, Sena Pagan


Past Lovers: Orev Kronin

Marital Status: Single

Offspring: Azazel Belladonna




(Mostly Evanescence lol *cries*)

Extra [/media]




((A/N: The tattoos glow when Levyathene casts or tries to cast spells.))





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"It's messing with my head, I must be dead. So, suddenly it's all picture perfect. Life is so good and I don't deserve it. Oh, no it doesn't make sense."


B A S I C ? I N F O R M A T I O N



Name ? Melatanyne Levanae Kairos

Gender ?
Female ?

Species ? Nephilum-Fae [ half-angel, half-faerie ]

Age ? 860 years old [ immortal ]

Age appearance? 16-17 years old

Known as ? The False Nephilum [ used as a method of mockery, read below for more information ]; Mel; Melly [ her father's nickname for her ]

Sexual Orientation ? Pansexual

Birthday ? Unknown, sometime in May

Birthplace ? The Forest of Elvalyrnn

Childhood Residence ? Heaven [ Sector #034 of Minor Archangels ]

Current Residence ? Sakamaki Mansion

Allies ? Her familiar, Au Rum [ meaning 'Gold' ]

Enemies ? None

Abilities? Ability to shapeshift at will; ability to heal minor wounds [ her tears are able to close wounds more quickly ] ; ability to summon temporary wings

P E R S O N A L ? I N F O R M A T I O N



<-- Mel as a child

Hobbies ? Gardening, making pastries

Dislikes ? Reading, interruptions, death, harsh criticism

Favourite Food ? Cake & cookies

Family ?

[ father] Saint Raphael of Healing, Archangel

[ mother ] Lynn of Kairos, Fae

[ cousin ] Raelynn of Damiros

[ brothers / sisters ] None

Relationship Status?

Past Lovers ? None [ formerly forbidden by her father ]

Offspring ? None

Fears ? Fire [ cause: her village was burned down ], being alone [ cause: family issues ]

Weaknesses ? Fire, Au Rum, triggers of memories of her family

History ? In a completely different dimension, where Adam and Eve were once created along with a more advanced species known as the Fae, the Lord of Heaven [ in this case isn't God, but Luce Del Sole ] could not wave his hand for things to appear magically. Having to build & sculpt every small piece of what he desired from his own hands, Lord Luce took centuries to establish Heaven. It took nearly three thousand more years to form Earth, along with the Underworld. He divided the world into four divisions, four parts of his creation that would work in harmony: Inferno, the Underworld; Anima, to represent humanity; Heaven, to represent his archangels and he; and finally, Fate, the division of Fae.


The fourth archbeing to be made was given the task of maintaining a good relationship between all worlds. Raphael, the Archangel of Healing, was overly friendly to humanity and the Fae, spending more time with them than he did with the other Angels. This soon gave the beings in Heaven a malicious perspective on his intentions, and whether or not the angel would stand with his own kind if necessary. Lord Luce, having found this conflict disturbing to the balance of his created harmony, split Heaven itself into sectors. With so many archangels and other angelic beings, he decided it would be best to separate each minor species into a small group.

During this internal conflict in Heaven, Raphael bore a child with a local Fae queen of Kairos. Lynn of Kairos became the mother to his first child, who sadly died when he was unable to be born with the proper genetics. Lynn soon bore another, which brought her out of her deep misery. Naming the child was a complicated process that actually required the advice of Fae elders. Raphael unknowingly abandoned his duties, and Melatanyne Levanae Kairos was cared for during her first twenty years of childhood.

Precisely at two decades old, the young half-Fae had her father taken from her life. Due to neglecting his duties, Luce forced the angel to return without saying good-bye. The Lord Luce then burned half of Kairos as a reminder that the species were not allowed to mingle as familiarly as Raphael had implied. Queen Lynn brutally hung herself, torn by the prospect of never being able to see her husband anymore. Unaware that her mother was dead, Mel tried to 'awaken' the Fae for years. Unfortunately, by making matters even worse, her father returned after years of imprisonment.

Raphael, eager to see his family and disobeying Luce once more, was heartbroken when he was met by the scene of his daughter caressing a corpse's hair. He ordered a funeral to be held instantly, learning with deep regret that his daughter had thought that, for years, her mother was merely in a deep slumber. When Mel learned that Lynn had been dead for the past decade, she became broken and completely cut off from her friends and her father. Kairos, having held off crowning the new queen, decided that, as a whole, they preferred not to have such a deranged child on the throne. Shunning the child, they basked the presence of a new queen, sent by the Empress of Fae.

As an apology, the Archangel gave his daughter a familiar, Au Rum, which was a miniature cream-white rabbit with golden antlers sprouting from the top of its head, near the ears. Raphael managed to stay with his only offspring for a couple centuries, but was captured by messenger Archangels, who, without hesitation, banished Mel into an alternate dimension before the Archangel of Healing. They restrained him easily, and the father was forced to watch his beloved daughter disappear through a hole of eternal separation. The journey had taken a century to get to this alternate dimension, yet the girl had not aged at all, but merely stayed alive for another century without food nor water. Karlheinz found the girl quickly, interested by her otherworldly scent of blood. During this, Raphael was mocked by his fellow archangels for bearing a child that wasn't even able to show signs of angelic power, thus the nickname "The False Nephilum", to shame the Archangel of Healing.

P H Y S I C A L ? T R A I T S



Height ? 5''2

Weight ?
120 lbs.

Blood taste? Thickly rich, and mildly sweet, rather like honey

Skin ? Fair, although very lightly tanned due to having been exposed to the sun during her childhood.

Scent ? Lavender and rosemary

Description ? Mel possesses a rather petite figure, appearing wispy and thin due to her Fae ancestry. This gives her the appearance of a fragile, glass-like being. In reality, she is more than capable of defending herself.

Her long lavender-violet locks cascade down to just above her waist, where it is often kept loose and free of ties. The only exception is a barely noticeable braid that is made near her right ear. Her violet locks curl very slightly at the ends, but she occasionally will braid it, or tie it up, when gardening. She has childish bangs hanging right above her eyes, cropped to give a neat appearance.


Due to her love for sweet-smelling things, she will have violets, or lavender roses, tucked into the depths of her hair every waking moment. Mel has hazy, dark violet eyes, with lighter hues near the bottom. Barely visible silvery-purple colouring can be seen around the pupil. If needed, she can summon herself wings, appearing angelic due to being a half-Nephilum. The wings have ivory plumage, with faint violet tints at the ends of each feather. However, summoning wings takes up a lot of her energy, and she generally will lose consciousness in the aftermath.

Mel is also able to shapeshift, which alters her form drastically. This also takes a toll on her well-being, but is practised often when possible. No matter how different her next shape is, she possesses vividly bright mauve eyes.

Markings ? Each elemental tattoo is given to the offspring of a Fae when they reach a certain age and fulfil their training. Because Mel was only able to connect to the earth and healing elemental, she was given both. The earth elemental tattoo resides on the inside of her left wrist, and the other is inked on her right forearm. A fully-trained Fae should be able to master every elemental.

M E N T A L ? T R A I T S



Pros ?

+ Normally quite gentle [ WARNING not applicable when she feels triggered ]

+ Careful / Attentive to small details

+ Diligent at tasks [ especially baking & gardening ]

+ Patient


- Unable to understand human feelings

- Unpredictable

- Can sometimes be childish / doesn't take things too seriously

- Forgetful

- Difficult to interpret

Personality ?

  • Au Rum ?

    Mel has a deep love for her familiar, displaying it through caring for the creature as she would for a pet. She can quickly become defensive and provoked if an individual is interacting with Au Rum without her consent.

    Friends and family?

    She harbours a genuine trust for her family, and befriends easily. However, for father figures, she tends to have doubt. Her lack of trust for Karlheinz grows when she realizes that he practically abandons his offspring. Because she doesn't like being alone, she may display clingy traits, wanting to please her temporary friend, or companion. Mel never parts from her familiar's side, since it is the last gift she had ever received from her parents. Already said, despite the endless love she holds for her mother, she blames her father thoroughly for not being there when she needed him most. This can actually be described as one of her minor selfish acts.


    She is wary of those she doesn't know, but she warms up to females more quickly. She wouldn't seek their attention or conversations, because she can swiftly become distant. Mel can be more than willing to trust someone she can bond with. The more common traits she shares with a person, the more she is eager to please them.



Songs? Hollow by Tori Kelly ;


Theme song ? [media]


? ? ?

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Terra Styx




( Physically 19)




Sarcastic , Flirtatious and easily annoyed makes Terra a very colourful person and I'm not just refering to his language when he is anger. Terra is a kind and loyal person but this traits are sometimes over shadowed his shamelessness and flirtatious nature. He loves to flirt and they tease people to see THIER reactions which he finds 'cute'. He is somewhat vain and absolutely loves his hair and has great pride in it and will attempt to kill anyone who hurts it unless they are a child or baby animal. Sage is sarcastic and this sarcasm is only amplified when he is annoyed, when he is angry he is referred to as a 'demon' , 'hell spawn' or most commonly the personification of evil himself ' Satan'. He becomes sadistic , rude , cruel and just plain evil. He harbours little resistment against men but easily gets over when he gets to know the man in question.

Terra has a soft spot for small animals and children , he wishes to be a father but his sexuality won't allow it but he has no problem adopting. He cares for those he loves greatly and will die for them. Terra is something of a masochist and likes being treated roughly and getting called insulting terms as long as it isn't a homophobic slur which if you call him is a sure fire way to get killed .


Men, Sex , His hair , his friends and family , children , animals , cooking ,the moon , singing and dancing / Annoying people , arrogance , idiocy, people hurting his hair , snakes and all other reptiles , heat , homophobes.


Witch/Amazonian hybrid


February 15


Secret Amazonian Village

in a

unknown forest



Beautiful is a great word to describe Terra. His long silky soft light brown almost blonde hair reaches his mid thigh and is pulled into a low pony tail , he possesses a slender and feminine build that make many mistake him for female. His facial features are soft with large vibrant blue eyes , a narrow nose and pout lips. His skin his pale and soft to the touch which many people are jealous of. His eye colour changes at times between blue , lilac and red , lilac when he is seducing someone or is feeling lustful and red when he is angered.




135 ibs



?Blood Taste?

Thick , rich and tastes kind of like a mixture of strawberry and vanilla with a hint of tangyness



?Unusual Features?

Changing eye colours

?Sexual Preference?


?Relationship Status?


?Past Lovers?





Super Strength:

Terra is extremely strong , being able to scatter a bolder and break down a iron door as well as break chains.

Super edurance:

Terra is highly durable , being able to Get Up after being punched through a stone pillar that holds up bridges


Skilled Marksman:

Terra is adept in the use of a bow and arrow





His brother


Sakamaki Mansion


A dead Wizard father

A Amazonian mother

One half brother


Terra was born after his mother raped his father and used him to get herself pregnant. He was raised, trained to fight and taught by the Amazons to believe that men were tools and he was the soul exception, he grew up believing him and women were better than men but when his father came for him his world was turned upside down. He hated his father and brother at first and saw them as beings that were lesser than him but by the time he was 15 his father finally got to him and Terra began viewing everyone was equal and began loving his father and brother.

He taught magic by his father but hardly ever used it. When his father dies his normally loving and caring brother became cold and distant and even began abusing Terra sexually and that cause Terra to live in fear until he finally snapped and ran away.

He harboured a hate for men when back to his mother who welcomed him back with open arms. Once he turned 21 he left and began traveling, learning about the world and seducing men only to break THIER hearts after. During his travel he started to realized all men weren't bad , just a vast majority of them.

?Theme Song?

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  • 15%2B-%2B1

    Name: Sakamaki Kanato

    Gender: Male

    Birthday: March 21st

    Sign: Aries

    Age: 17 (Actual age is unknown)

    Race: Vampire

    Height: 165 cm

    Weight: 56 kg

    Eye Color: Mauve

    Hair Color: Royal Purple

    Blood Type: O

    Complexion: Very pale, with dark undertones beneath his eyes, most likely due to lack of sleep.

(YOSH! One down, one more to go~)

  • raito_sakamaki_render_by_kuroko201-d6ewe6o.png

    Name: Sakamaki Laito

    Gender: Male

    Birthday: March 20th

    Sign: Pisces

    Age: 17 (Actual age is unknown)

    Race: Vampire

    Height: 174 cm

    Weight: 61 kg

    Eye Color: Light Green

    Hair Color: Burnt Umber/Chestnut

    Blood Type: O

    Complexion: Very pale. Has a mole on the right side of his chin.

(Both down, eyyy~ Excuse me while I go take a bath in holy water.)
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  • tumblr_mlwh3uJbFp1rndatdo5_1280.png

    Name: Sakamaki Ayato

    Gender: Male

    Birthday: March 21st

    Sign: Aries

    Age: 17 (Actual age is unknown)

    Race: Vampire

    Height: 174 cm

    Weight: 56 kg

    Eye Color: Olive green

    Hair Color: Cardinal red, wine-like shade

    Blood Type: O

    Complexion: Fair, indicating a rather healthy sleep pattern

This type of character sheet doesn't work that well for me, to be honest. xD I was really lazy, so thank-yew, Mello.
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  • vxne9y.jpg

    Name: Sakamaki Daichi

    Gender: Male

    Birthday: September 13

    Sign: Virgo

    Age: 17 (Actual age is unknown)

    Race: Vampire

    Height: 185.45 cm

    Weight: 79 kg

    Eye Color: Cyan

    Hair Color: Ocean blue with faint white highlights.

    Blood Type: AB

    Complexion: Fair, with light bags under his eyes. Possibly due to lack of sleep.

Warnings For Terra

Terra while kind and loyal is also easily angered person , he becomes cruel and sadistic and will do almost anything to make the one he hates suffer , this includes torture , mental abuse and many more.

Don't know why I did this

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