Dex (Star Wars)



Intellgent and sophisticated while not hunting. Dex is a highly professional killer when he is chasing his target, a time that Dex would open admit as when he feels truely alive. Dex sees the Jedi, Sith and in some regards any force users as a blight on the universe believing that the conflicts between the orders to be a meaningless waste of lives and resources and is more than happy to both hone his trade and earn a living hunting the force sensitive.

Strengths and Weaknesses

A renown pilot and blade for hire, Dex Vartaria is a deadly melee combat wielding a pair of orange lightsabers and using his agility to outmaneuver his opponents before dealing his deadly strikes. This masterful skill with a lightsaber though is to compensate for a dangerous weakness, Dex is almost completly numb to the force only able to muster enough control to preform in melee and disragarding any force powers.


Piloting a modified scouting ship outfitted with improved sensors amd stealth capabilities Dex hunts his prey with a set of interlocking orange lightsabers while protecting himself with an armor system based off of the Imperial Scout Trooper armor which he typically covers by his trademark white overcoat.
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