Devdan and Charanzan


Gentlemenly Gentlemen

Elf-Devdan Whitmore

Gender: Male 
Age: 1016 though Devdan looks to be about just twenty two. L'oreal  I guess 
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: Elf and Demon. 

Eye colour


Charanzan- White

Hair Colour




Devdan- 6'1

Charanzan- 8'1

Devdan-150 lbs

Charanzan- 250 lbs
Appearance: Devdan- 
 Charanzan- /monthly_2016_09/57d5c84989851_4388605-demonknightsc.jpg.3e38abbbe361ca4578eb12c49a7c7208.jpg

Body Type:

Devdan- Rather slender still retaining his appearance from when he was in his twenties. He wears mostly upper class outfits. Immortally has given him a bih of taste.

Charanzan- Very bulky with hooves  for feet as well as yellow skin and horns on his head. He wears classic armor with demonic patterns and design elements. And a cape.   


Devdan is a rather cold man with a quick wit. He has seen so much that it has hardened the man making him rather cynical yet his morals and genuine passion for life have kept him from becoming completely emotionless. His is quiet the loner in general though he does form friendships he just... doesn't expect them to last is all. He will always try and lend a hand if someone is in need of help however. 
Charanzan is in contrast a rather... energy filled with a much more wicked sense of humor. He too has seen a lot that rather then harden has give more arrogance maybe not wrongly so but still he does always think he knows best. He prefers to see himself as the guardian of peace, partly due to seeing himself as better then them thus it is his duty while also having a bit of a caring side. He doesn't mind company as much while also not expecting a friendship to last. He is a lot more goal focused though he will help people if he must. Oh yes he also enjoys rhyming.

Devdan knows magic from his spying when he was in the kingdom. Ice-spikes to pillars are Devdan's forte with ice magic being what he knows the most. Ironic really. Still he knows how to get by in a fight. Somewhat. His magic knowledge does extended to other branch but they take time and energy from the man. 
Charanzan has a lot of physical strength in contrast to his elven companion. He also has a lot more in terms of endurance  but he still can be hurt. He also knows how to use his sword well. Like most demons he knows much about fire magic able to breath it as well as survive and even be healed by it. He lacks most any other magical knowledge, leaving that to Devdan

-Vast magical knowledge including spells and creatures. 
-Good in a fight
-Alot of life experience

-Extremely strong and durable though he can still be hurt
-Adapt in fire magic
-Knows much of the magic world

-Isn't great in terms of durability
-He can sometimes be reluctant to accept help
-Can be harmed by mental attacks to do with his past

Magical requires focus time and energy.

-Anything holy will hurt the creature 
-Sometimes gets 'carried away'
-Is rather arrogant 

-Somewhat chaotic 

Back back many many years ago, there was a simple young servant called Devdan Whitmore. His job was to serve a court mage who served the lord of the land. How Devan had a secret though...  the love of the king's daughter. Being non-noble he was not allowed, yet he tried to purse this love. Until they was found out. Dragged in changes the court mage came up with a horrible punishment. He sealed a demon  to Devdan, something that had been caught while it stalked around the castle. Then he tried to finish the broken Devdan by throwing him from a cliff. Yet the man found that, while injured, he wasn't dead. The demon had saved him. For this demon wanted to shake the chains of what he was. Due to his binding Devdan gained immorality of a kind.
For years later Devdan and Charanzan learned of there relationship. Of how through two specific phrase the demon or the man would take form, while the other would stay in the mind, waiting to be awakened. They also learned that they could talk through mediation. Through this they learned how alike they were. Charanzan wanted to leave his home land (he has never said were it was, trying to forget) to go explore the world, maybe even assist it. Devdan wanted to use his knowledge to try and help people through out the land. Through the years he also learned some sword skills. So they explored for many years. visiting most of the kingdoms. There names are know to few and even then they a whispered. They went through so many places. It made Devdan cynical yet still wanting to help.
Job: Devdan operates  as a trader of unique antiquities. 

Transformation chant (To Charanzan) Change! Change, O' form of man!
Release the might from fleshy mire!
Boil the blood
in the heart for fire!
Gone! Gone! the form of man 
Rise, the form of. Charanzan. 
Gone, gone O Charanzan
Come the man 
Knows as Devdan. 

Last edited by a moderator:
@SirGrey Sorry if this is annoying, but would you mind bolding your headers for each section, and spacing out the two characters. 

For example: 


Charanzan - ghdjghjgsgrdsgregegr

Devdan - grenagrenagrean

I can see you did this for some things, but not all (pretty much you only didn't do the spacing out bit in body type). It make it waaaay easier for me to read, so just tag me again when you've done it. 

Oh, small thing, your personality says "Personality: Personality -"

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