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Realistic or Modern Detention?!??!


My back hurts
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Nakao swirled the sweet lollipop in between his rough, long fingers. He stared at it as he held his head up by resting it on his free hand. The desk in the disgustingly old and unused classroom was littered in papers, letters, and possibly a note from everyone else in the damn staff (Which he ignored). Just what the hell did they think he was? Everyone's errand boy? Nuh uh. Fuuuuck that.

He placed the sucker back in his mouth, twirling his tongue around the cherry goodness and looked at the clock. 3:04 PM, Siiiggh. He absentmindedly looked through papers before seeing the classroom door swing open. Ahh.. right. It's detention. Why else would the he be here? To admire the rotting disaster this room was? No. To watch these little nose pickers who can't even behave themselves for 8 hours.

Seems like it was the normal few people walking in. To be honest, he didn't really bother to remember any of the students names. They always leave after a few days anyways and they don't bother to remember his. Not that he was really a teacher, naw.. Just your regular nurse. A few bandages here and there, a couple of fake sicknesses to skip out on class, and the occasional exciting shots.

Nakao leaned back in his squeaky chair and sighed, almost about to close his eyes when he noticed not everyone sat down. He turned to see two unfamiliar faces standing by the door. Oh! Right, He did get a note about that... But completely forgot about it! Whoops! Sorry Mr. WhateverYourNameWasAgain. It's a little hard to remember things made by people he didn't care about.

"Just come in and take your seats."

Giving a twirl in his seat and a very slow backwards twirl again to face them, he held out his hands. He'll need the slips for why they're here after all.

"Oh, uh.. I'll be needing those."
The boy shuffled his way through the opening of the door trying not to make much of a enterance. He held his pink slip under his eyes hiding half of his face. He inched his way slowly to the teacher's desk, questioning how this guy got hired with wild colored hair like that. Do they just hire anyone at this school? Probably, considering how the staff employed here handles giving students detention. They pass out these pink slips like goddamn candy half the time. He pressed the slip onto the desk and slid it closer to the teacher.

He muttered "...Hello", and turned around and settled into the desk closest to the door.

He fixed his beanie and pulled his sleeves over his hands. Slumping over, his eyes began to study the profane carvings crudely crafted into the wood desks.


Ah yes, thank you stranger for sharing your ever so insightful knowledge with the rest of whoever may rest their eyes upon this life changing information. He digs into the "F" with his nail to make an annoying "scrtch scrtch scrtch" noise. It's so damn quiet in here.....If the liaison didn't walk in on him during his "session" with the office intern yesterday like a damn COCK SUCKER he wouldn't be stuck in here for 5 days like a loser. Wait...maybe... If HE wasn't such a cocksucker he wouldn't be here... Yeah that's what he meant.
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This room is unfamiliar to Surioso, who just started highschool here as a frosh. Looking around, it was mostly filled with deadbeat upperclassmen twiddling their thumbs.

Honestly, she was afraid that detention in highschool was going to be rough. A lot more rough than middle school. The idea of being treated as an adult was kind of scary...

The supervisor, supposedly, was heading towards her and the boy next to her. She looked down at her slip, grinding her teeth.

For smoking in class and blowing smoke into instructors face

What a bunch of baloney hoo haa that is. Surioso crumpled the slip in her hand from frustration, even though it'll probably just get her in more trouble. "Ah..." she perked up to the man. "Sorry... here you go." She said dismissively, then dropped the crumpled ball of paper in his hand. "Where do I sit?" Despite saying this, she pulled the first chair she saw out and sat down. "Is this where I sit?" she acted like she was talking to a stupid person. "Is it?"
"Mmm. Whatever." It's fucking detention, I don't give a hell where you sit. He turned away from the brat and sat back down. Crreeeeaaakk. Disgusting, This chair is so noisy. Ugh.

He looked at the pink slips.. Let's see what these kids did THIS time. He unwrinkled the girls first, little tears where made and the creases made it a harder to read, along with that the writing was awful.

Surioso Tomorrow? I think the Gym Teach hates this kid.

Didn't stop smoking when asked and blew smoke in the teacher's face. Yuck, Nakao didn't mind smoking.. just the thought of having someone else's rank breathe blowing smoke into your eyes is gross. He looked up at the girl and chuckled before throwing her slip away, writing down that she did come to detention.

Uhhm.. Oh right, this kid just put it on the desk. Let's see, Let's se- Oo"Oh my god."

Michi Orichi. Huh, I think the staff talked about this kid lately.

Nakao's eyebrows knitted together, His eyes squinted and unsquinted. The face he was making was probably a mixture of disgust and ...maybe impression? This kid has fucking guts doing that shit here. But who's the fucking creep who agreed to this? Sexual relations with a minor.

Throwing the note away and writing down procedures, he looked back at them.

"Don't you guys have.... like... homework or something to do instead of picking your ass?"

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