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Fandom Destiny: Rising Tides

StoneWolf18 said:
Warlocks are the best, don't listen to them. :P
Oh no! Stony is delusional, guys! Who's going to go over the chart this time? Someone needs to break it to the poor guy.

Veirrianna Valentine] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19501-alphadraco/ said:
@AlphaDraco[/URL] needs to hear this too, but in the original RP, Exotics from in-game were not available right off the mark, and while Exotics could still be obtained, it was to be in RP.
Keeps people from fighting over them and all, you know?
This, my beautiful friends, is why I like you guys ^v^ You make your papa proud, my wittle Guardians.

Anyway, @AlphaDraco I read through your CS briefly, and I have a bit of an issue with your character. Well... Three issues, really. Here's what I see:

(a) Being that old would mean he has so much experience in this kind of stuff that there is absolutely no reason he shouldn't be with The Unseen.

(b) It looks like you didn't actually take my CS from the original thread, so I don't know if he's a Gunslinger or Bladedancer and what his energy proficiency or modified super are. That could tell me a lot about how he operates.

© Back to him being old, we really don't have enough documentation to say for sure what that was like then, so I'm not really comfortable someone playing a character who should know that kind stuff.

So basically I'm not comfortable with what you based his whole CS on. In the original story, Trey (my character) was supposed to one of the better of the leaders in main army (there being about 3-4 others better than him and were still considered basic Guardians) but not even he has as much experience as what you are giving your guy. I don't remember if I asked for time as a Guardian in the old CS's, but if I did you may want to look over them. Actually, it would be best if you took a look at them in general. You'll want the template for when you remake this character since you are missing some key elements.

I don't mean to be harsh, but that's how I see it. Now, if you can find enough documentation to be able to say you can put together an impossibly detailed history of the Last City, I'll totally let you keep him the way he is. But if it isn't a 10 page essay with MLA formatting and sitting on my desk in three weeks then you're getting an F in your Last City History class >:-p
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@AlphaDraco[/URL] needs to hear this too, but in the original RP, Exotics from in-game were not available right off the mark, and while Exotics could still be obtained, it was to be in RP.

Keeps people from fighting over them and all, you know?
VV if it's not a precision kill i feel i've done it wrong, unless a level is full of minotaurs then anything less than a 50% is a cock-up for me.

Also I need MY THORN!! It speaks to me it does, it tells me things
@AlphaDraco[/URL] I read through your CS briefly, and I have a bit of an issue with your character. Well... Three issues, really. Here's what I see:

(a) Being that old would mean he has so much experience in this kind of stuff that there is absolutely no reason he shouldn't be with The Unseen.

(b) It looks like you didn't actually take my CS from the original thread, so I don't know if he's a Gunslinger or Bladedancer and what his energy proficiency or modified super are. That could tell me a lot about how he operates.

© Back to him being old, we really don't have enough documentation to say for sure what that was like then, so I'm not really comfortable someone playing a character who should know that kind stuff.

So basically I'm not comfortable with what you based his whole CS on. In the original story, Trey (my character) was supposed to one of the better of the leaders in main army (there being about 3-4 others better than him and were still considered basic Guardians) but not even he has as much experience as what you are giving your guy. I don't remember if I asked for time as a Guardian in the old CS's, but if I did you may want to look over them. Actually, it would be best if you took a look at them in general. You'll want the template for when you remake this character since you are missing some key elements.

I don't mean to be harsh, but that's how I see it. Now, if you can find enough documentation to be able to say you can put together an impossibly detailed history of the Last City, I'll totally let you keep him the way he is. But if it isn't a 10 page essay with MLA formatting and sitting on my desk in three weeks then you're getting an F in your Last City History class >:-p
Yeah, I understand. I was just pasting a previous character that I was going to base another character off of. Also, not really using exotic weapons. Just like the models of them.

For the details on the last city founding, I believe several of the Grimoire cards talked about the time after the class. There were warlords and raiders that ruled over sections of the world, and in the early days they threatened the City.
hudhouse said:
Any chance we can play as Fallen? In the lore they should be able to use the Light of the Traveler
That'll be a no, I'm afraid. The Grimoire suggest that they COULD, but fell from Grace and in their anger and their pride turned to the Darkness. One Dreg in particular even refers to it as its ally (although it does insist that it isn't REALLY Darkness, per se). So no. Sorry, man.

AlphaDraco said:
Yeah, I understand. I was just pasting a previous character that I was going to base another character off of. Also, not really using exotic weapons. Just like the models of them.
For the details on the last city founding, I believe several of the Grimoire cards talked about the time after the class. There were warlords and raiders that ruled over sections of the world, and in the early days they threatened the City.
I do recall that bit, but that's about all we've got for the early life of the Last City , I think. It's good to see you're trying to defend it, though! Oh, and its good to know that it was previous character. Makes me a lot less worried :)
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When a hunter accuses you of disrupting his line of fire, answer thus: it was imperfect, and I could not abide it

no slide

"I stand about 5 feet and 9 inches tall...though...you are clearly standing in front of me..."


"Isn't that a bit personal?"

General Appearance

Nil has lean yet muscular frame, angular features, hair hued a pale blond, illuminated icy blue eyes along with a complexion in the same manner.

Armor Appearance


"I have yet to understand why those Titans wear such heavy plating. Mobility is key on the battlefield"

Super Modifications

Nil has a...unique method of using a nova bomb. Warlocks are scholars as you might have already known, spending most days attached to a collection of scrolls or ancient artifacts. And from her studies, she had learned of a balance between two polar opposites. One symbolizing hope, the other fear. Nil is able to shroud her nova bomb in solar energy, though this being a dangerous task considering if one of the elements were out of balance, it would consume her. Leaving her either lost in the void or burned to ash depending on which had the upper hand. Yet if performed perfectly, this balance has a devastating effect.

"Most...fear those who have stared into the void simply because they compare our work to the Wizards of the Hive. Yet, I will not be held back. Gifted with the Traveler's Light, armed with the secret physics of a lost age, I will tear reality asunder. Therefor I will fear nothing, and nothing will not fear me."

Energy Proficiency

"I excel with void energy, but please, remember this. Yes, we have talents. Enormous, wondrous powers. But you should put the smirk away. Do you know what a Guardian is? What we are? Not yet. Your name is another pebble. You are but a cold apple seed. But in due time, you will grow."

Apple of Discord


Vestian Dynasty


Void Edge


Nil has an...interesting personality. A disarray of various things, all transformed into one. Most often, to everyone's displeasure, she is immature. The one that has to make that one joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, has to combat most things in that manner no matter the situation. And somewhat emotionless, rarely you will ever see Nil have fits of rage, or misery without a good reason. But, this doesn't mean that she is unable to show fear, because trust me, she can. More antisocial than others, not wanted to get involved with unnecessary social interactions, yet Nil isn't a loner. Once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. All of these make her harder to "Get used to" than most people. Learning how to deal with Nil is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.

Now, when called upon, Nil can somewhat become an opposite of herself. She is exceedingly intellectual. A great joy of her's is to solve problems of assorted degrees and to test her mental ability. Serious, yes it is possible for Nil to become quite pensive in certain situations. Taking the utmost precaution even when doing the slightest action. A very rare sight is to see her become emotional with not a single justification. It does happen, if one were to see this that is, then you are of the very few.

She is also almost never seen without a book in hand. Even during combat Nil will still attempt to get in a page or two. Her speech will also be littered with various lore quotes and has a tendency to speak her mind.


Nil has quite an interesting history. Starting off with she was a reef born awoken living as any other one would. Unlike most, she took interest in the military rather quickly. She enlisted as soon as she became of age. This not only tested her physical state, but mental and emotional as well.

The first few years were tough. Countless hours of drills, mock-ups, and of course, the classic Veteran vs. Recruits. Yet after braving those few do-or-die months, Nil had finally freed herself from that torment and entered the more rewarding years of her career. Despite not really getting along with anyone else throughout the large army, Nil had little time to bond with anyone due to the reef wars soon beginning as her 5th year ended. Everyone was more than ecstatic about the war beginning for it was the first large number of fallen they were going to face, unlike the small patrols of about 5-6 they had so easily wiped out.

Things were going well, possibly a bit too well. But, there was a problem. As the seemingly endless war raged onward, Nil at the age of about 35. Some of the fallen, a sizable portion of the house of winter, had gone off the grid. While trying to locate them, an abandoned fallen ketch had been found and Nil along with 16 others with one of the 7 paladins leading them had gone to investigate the wreckage. And when they arrived, it was soon apparent that abandon it wasn’t. Almost the whole House of Winter of venus was laying wait in there. Massacring all awoken who had ventured inside.

Now, it is 18 years since she had been reborn. She remembers waking among the ancient rubble, only barely able to stand yet recall what had happened. Though, the bond she wore burned brightly against the rising sun. She is reluctant to part with the relic yet it giving a clear indication of her former allegiance. If asked about this, Nil would most likely dodge the question. Not wanting things to get complicated. And, then there’s the small fear that lay inside of her. If Mara, her former queen were to ever call for the guardian's aid, Nil would most likely be there. And if anyone were to recognize her name (For those who had been slain were remembered) the reunion would be as messy as the surprise attack on the fallen ketch, so long ago.

Ghost's Name

"His name is Malik."

Ghost's Skin


You notice that Malik's shell is different than your ghost's. You soon wonder how they had obtained one.

Ghost's Personality

Malik is a bit like Nil, being immature at times. Messing with the newborn guardian's gear so their health support visuals will read deathly low causing them to panic. But, when needed, along side Nil they are a very intelligent pair.

From somewhere in the room, you can hear someone screaming for help, saying that he's dying. Malik and Nil appear think nothing of it but if you were to study them for a moment, it was obvious they are trying to keep a straight face.

Relationship with Ghost

Malik and Nil could be siblings, simple as that.

"Ah Malik, he was so young too. Perhaps only a few days old" She tells him, her tone thick with humor.

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Race: Exo

Gender: Male

Age: Active: Too long to count

Conscious: Twenty years?

Class: Warlock

Armor Appearance: Pitch black armor adorns the frame of Khaos. His armor is personally modified to be smooth and metallic on the forearms and legs, while stealing robes from the hunters.

Appearance Under Armor:

Super Modifications: Khaos raises a hand and creates a super dense version of the Void Bomb (As seen in rift). He then collapses space in front of him in a line, making a wormhole which he then throws the Rift Ball through. The rift is accelerated fast enough that when it flies through the other side it cracks due to the sudden speed drop, imploding on itself and causing an intense explosion.

Energy Proficiency: Void

Combat Style: Khaos fights like a Fallen Dreg mixed with a Lord of Iron. He charges his foes while bouncing between cover, engaging at close range with powerful weapons and siphoning abilities.

Khaos's bullets hunger for life. Every time he hits a target with any of his weapons or abilities he gains grenade energy at an accelerated rate for 4 seconds. If he kills a target he gains an extra chunk to his super meter, letting him fire it out more often than most without {--REDACTED--} {--REDACTED--} {--REDACTED--}​
Khaos is a straight forward, hard working Exo. He loves to sing, shout out metaphors, prove his intelligence, discover new things, and discover things about 'Ikelos'. He hates being wrong, being unable to learn, idiot teammates, dying, being rebooted, and losing data that could lead him to 'Ikelos'.
Warlocks were a mysterious bunch for most likely a singular reason, so people like Khaos were never allowed in. Khaos was an intelligent researcher who learned a singular secret of the traveler that drove himself mad. He flung himself away from the Traveler to try and desperately understand why it would allow such chaos to exist. He went towards the sword that saved the planet, hunting the elusive one.
Khaos spent 17 years of his life wandering through the wilderness with only a Hand Cannon, and his data pads. He was lucky enough to survive out in the wilds from rogue guardians and aliens, but could not find the one thing he needed. He needed to find the elusive savior of the sword. He found exactly what he wanted in the Forgotten Shores... where the Fallen had uncovered a strange diamond-shaped door.

Khaos dragged himself through a hail of energy against his bullets to reach what he was searching so long for. He forced his decaying and crippled body against the steel-like substance and demanded to see who he thought saved them. He demanded to see 'ABHORRENT IMPERATIVE'. The cold doors remained closed as he was gunned down by Fallen. He was left alone due to his rotting parts... leaving him an oil soaked nightmare so close to the sleeping giant.

Then the ghost arrived, and he awoke to his first reboot, unable to remember a thing.

Personal Motto:

"Hunt for something, even if you aren't a Hunter.

Guard and love something, even if you aren't a Titan.

Learn and cherish something, even if you aren't a Warlock.

My hunt, IKELOS. My Guardian, Yuki. My knowledge, Light."

Ghost's Skin:

Ghost's Personality: Mu-Yuki has a bright personality that loves to talk and chatter with others. She is inquisitive, loving to learn just as much as Khaos. She sometimes glitches out due to her strange mechanics, leaving her shy in fear of being branded something she isn't, defective.

Relationship with Ghost: Khaos and Yuki pretty much just talk to each other, knowing only some details about each other. Yuki has a habit of explaining some of the metaphors Khaos likes to spout out, showing some understanding. She normally plays music for Khaos when he is on a rampage, reminding him of his sanity on her side, while on Khaos's side making fighting have a little bit of joy to it.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Erinyes.JPG.d4b00695165d6529ca62a5061a17359a.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Erinyes.JPG.d4b00695165d6529ca62a5061a17359a.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Erinyes Floros

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Hunter (Nightstalker)

Super Modifications:

Volley- (replaces the tether ability) Fires a single arrow that splits into a dozen smaller projectiles and covers an area. Can also be used to fire multiple small arrows one at a time.

Energy Proficiency:

Primary Weapon:

Sniper Rifle: The Chosen

Primary Weapon Upgrades: Skip Rounds, Armor Piercing Rounds, and Explosive Rounds (not at the same time obviously)

Secondary Weapon:

Sidearm: JabberHäkke

Secondary Weapon Upgrades:


Heavy Weapon:

N/A. Erinyes has chosen not to use heavy weapons in favor of better mobility.

Modest, reserved, and soft-spoken, Erinyes is one of the last people you would expect to pick up a gun, though she seems to have a talent for it. She cares deeply for her fellow Guardians and has a great love of life. On the field she tends to be a team player, preferring to support the group with pinpoint sniper fire, ricocheting her bullets to hit targets that are behind cover. She never fights in the Crucible, finding herself unable to pull the trigger when her opponent is another Guardian.

Much of Erinyes' memory is damaged and what little she does remember she does not talk about. One can only assume that her past was a dark one.

Personal Motto:
"Life is precious and the Traveler has given me a second chance at it. A chance at redemption for my past sins."

Ghost's Name: Uriel

Ghost's Personality: (to be developed)

Relationship with Ghost: Uriel is the only person that Erinyes has ever truly been able to call a friend.



  • Erinyes.JPG
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I'll have some time in about two hours or so to look over CS's a little more and go over a couple changes I want to make as well as how you guys think the beginning should flow. Last time was a little bit broken in that regard, but I know how I want the flow to go later.
StoneWolf18 said:



When a hunter accuses you of disrupting his line of fire, answer thus: it was imperfect, and I could not abide it

no slide

"I stand about 5 feet and 9 inches tall...though...you are clearly standing in front of me..."


"Isn't that a bit personal?"

General Appearance

Nil has lean yet muscular frame, angular features, hair hued a pale blond, illuminated icy blue eyes along with a complexion in the same manner.

Armor Appearance


"I have yet to understand why those Titans wear such heavy plating. Mobility is key on the battlefield"

Super Modifications

Nil has a...unique method of using a nova bomb. Warlocks are scholars as you might have already known, spending most days attached to a collection of scrolls or ancient artifacts. And from her studies, she had learned of a balance between two polar opposites. One symbolizing hope, the other fear. Nil is able to shroud her nova bomb in solar energy, though this being a dangerous task considering if one of the elements were out of balance, it would consume her. Leaving her either lost in the void or burned to ash depending on which had the upper hand. Yet if performed perfectly, this balance has a devastating effect.

"Most...fear those who have stared into the void simply because they compare our work to the Wizards of the Hive. Yet, I will not be held back. Gifted with the Traveler's Light, armed with the secret physics of a lost age, I will tear reality asunder. Therefor I will fear nothing, and nothing will not fear me."

Energy Proficiency

"I excel with void energy, but please, remember this. Yes, we have talents. Enormous, wondrous powers. But you should put the smirk away. Do you know what a Guardian is? What we are? Not yet. Your name is another pebble. You are but a cold apple seed. But in due time, you will grow."

Nil has an...interesting personality. A disarray of various things, all transformed into one. Most often, to everyone's displeasure, she is immature. The one that has to make that one joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, has to combat most things in that manner no matter the situation. And somewhat emotionless, rarely you will ever see Nil have fits of rage, or misery without a good reason. But, this doesn't mean that she is unable to show fear, because trust me, she can. More antisocial than others, not wanted to get involved with unnecessary social interactions, yet Nil isn't a loner. Once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. All of these make her harder to "Get used to" than most people. Learning how to deal with Nil is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.

Now, when called upon, Nil can somewhat become an opposite of herself. She is exceedingly intellectual. A great joy of her's is to solve problems of assorted degrees and to test her mental ability. Serious, yes it is possible for Nil to become quite pensive in certain situations. Taking the utmost precaution even when doing the slightest action. A very rare sight is to see her become emotional with not a single justification. It does happen, if one were to see this that is, then you are of the very few.

She is also almost never seen without a book in hand. Even during combat Nil will still attempt to get in a page or two. Her speech will also be littered with various lore quotes and has a tendency to speak her mind.


Nil has quite an interesting history. Starting off with she was a reef born awoken living as any other one would. Unlike most, she took interest in the military rather quickly. She enlisted as soon as she became of age. This not only tested her physical state, but mental and emotional as well.

The first few years were tough. Countless hours of drills, mock-ups, and of course, the classic Veteran vs. Recruits. Yet after braving those few do-or-die months, Nil had finally freed herself from that torment and entered the more rewarding years of her career. Despite not really getting along with anyone else throughout the large army, Nil had little time to bond with anyone due to the reef wars soon beginning as her 5th year ended. Everyone was more than ecstatic about the war beginning for it was the first large number of fallen they were going to face, unlike the small patrols of about 5-6 they had so easily wiped out.

Things were going well, possibly a bit too well. But, there was a problem. As the seemingly endless war raged onward, Nil at the age of about 35. Some of the fallen, a sizable portion of the house of winter, had gone off the grid. While trying to locate them, an abandoned fallen ketch had been found and Nil along with 16 others with one of the 7 paladins leading them had gone to investigate the wreckage. And when they arrived, it was soon apparent that abandon it wasn’t. Almost the whole House of Winter of venus was laying wait in there. Massacring all awoken who had ventured inside.

Now, it is 18 years since she had been reborn. She remembers waking among the ancient rubble, only barely able to stand yet recall what had happened. Though, the bond she wore burned brightly against the rising sun. She is reluctant to part with the relic yet it giving a clear indication of her former allegiance. If asked about this, Nil would most likely dodge the question. Not wanting things to get complicated. And, then there’s the small fear that lay inside of her. If Mara, her former queen were to ever call for the guardian's aid, Nil would most likely be there. And if anyone were to recognize her name (For those who had been slain were remembered) the reunion would be as messy as the surprise attack on the fallen ketch, so long ago.

Ghost's Name

"His name is Malik."

Ghost's Skin


You notice that Malik's shell is different than your ghost's. You soon wonder how they had obtained one.

Ghost's Personality

Malik is a bit like Nil, being immature at times. Messing with the newborn guardian's gear so their health support visuals will read deathly low causing them to panic. But, when needed, along side Nil they are a very intelligent pair.

From somewhere in the room, you can hear someone screaming for help, saying that he's dying. Malik and Nil appear think nothing of it but if you were to study them for a moment, it was obvious they are trying to keep a straight face.

Relationship with Ghost

Malik and Nil could be siblings, simple as that.

"Ah Malik, he was so young too. Perhaps only a few days old" She tells him, her tone thick with humor.

My good sir, I only have two issues: (1) Malik's ability to alter OTHER Guardian's equipment and (2) the fact that you didn't tell me what Nil's weapon layout is. #2 is easy enough to add in, but you're going to want me to rationalize my first, I suspect. Here I go.

When a Ghost pairs itself to a Guardian they form themselves a special link to that soldier and their equipment. The connection to their Guardian's armor is VERY powerful, and the Ghost is capable manipulating of countless untold things within and without. However... I have never seen someone else's Ghost interact with another Guardian in that way. I suspect that while they are mini wizards for their warrior they are in fact incapable of changing anything about another Guardian except for maybe their mind on subjects they never cared about to begin with. Think of it this way: If a Ghost were to be able to read and manipulate the gear of every Guardian on the team they would probably be stretched so thin that the benefit you would have gained is null and void.

If you have a decent argument to support the idea and can convince me to let you keep it, then sure. Otherwise I'm cool with Malik playing pranks, but he should not be able to make a Guardian's suit blare warning alarms.

But seriously. Great job, Stony.

CS Revision Queue:



https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19501-alphadraco/ and Rusty (waiting for updated CS but will prioritize since you technically posted next)

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/4979-darth-corvus/@Darth Corvus

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/4979-darth-corvus/ and Trey Zorn (I wanna remake my character too, guys!)


https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6290-hudhouse/ and 01-Khaos

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5026-ian-temero/@Ian Temero

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5026-ian-temero/ and Erinyes Floros

@Whomever posts next and their character
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Right, so, I agree with this a lot as well, and it helps that we originally made the character together. I'd say you're right on all accounts as far as weaponry goes, I added in why I had the spear chosen in the fighting style option, and it makes logical sense as well from a fighting aspect. Finally I chose for the Good Doctor to have small, precision based explosions that focuses more on velocity and the ability to track targets, figuring that dues to her tendency to be closer, or to need a fire-and-forget option, tracking and low blast radius's seemed like a good way to go.

Name: Shaelyn Mihr





Armor Appearance: Shaelyn wears armour similar to that of most Eliksni, the arms and legs bearing the familiar spikes, with the body and masque carrying the same tubes often used to channel ether for the respirators. The over all colour for the armour is steel-grey with bone hued accents a cyan lighting, including her helmets eight 'eyes'. Due to her nature in the Eliksni ranks, as well as her personal experience, rather than wear a cloak, she wears a scarf similar to that of the makeshift scarf most Hunters make first, the difference is that hers is mixed with chain mail and cloth that bears the mark of the House of Ash.

On the note of mail and the Mark of Ash, both can be found, under for the former, and on for the later, parts of her armour.

The armour is a mixture of the Corsair's Revenge with the Wolf Pelt Weave armours in appearance.

Appearance Under Armor:

With pale blue-grey skin, white hair, and golden eyes, Shaelyn doesn't stand out much in terms of being an Awoken until one accounts for her height. Standing at a mere 4'10.5" outside of her armour the woman is practically diminutive until you find her on duty. In armour she measure in at 5'3.25" and is not to be taken lightly.

Shaelyn either carries herself strongly with a determined stride, often moving with purpose. The only time this changes is in field, where she takes on a dangerously more predatory gait.

Super Modifications:
Bladedancer(Modified to augment her spear, Shaelyn becomes a leaping, twirling and hard to follow dervish of death), specialising in stealth and exceedingly high mobility. Shaelyn utilises Void Leap(Blink Jump), the Axion Bolt(Arcbolt only with void usage as seen below. Same grenade, different element.), and(Presumably options here despite being new classes) the smoke grenade melee, as well as Shadestep.

Energy Proficiency:

Combat Style: Utilising a mixture of stealth, speed and agility, Shaelyn will close on her targets as fast and quietly as possible, usually attacking any of the furthest outliers with a grenade or spear throw before drawing her shock knife and engaging in the nearest targets. Usually striking quickly, she will leap between targets that do not die after the initial strike to keep them guessing. For anyone else just out of range, or in some unique cases, Shaelyn will utilise a side arm, but only if no other choice is presented.

She often uses erratic and unpredictable movements, such as her Shadestep and Void Leap(Blink Jump) capabilities to ensure she's hard to track and pin down.

The reason she utilises a spear as opposed to a sword was due to her Kells instructions. Despite having trained with a sword and dagger first it became clear that Shaelyn lacked reach due to her height, and as such was at a significant disadvantage in head to head combat. Karasiks had her then train with a number of different options, from longer two handed swords to a pair of slightly shorter than most swords, but eventually they came to settle on a spear.


  • Primary Weapon- A custom made spear that aids in channelling Shaelyn's void energies.
  • Secondary Weapon- A void based Vesosic-C Sidearm.
  • Heavy Weapon- The Good Doctor, focused on low radius, high velocity and precision hits with tracking.

Personal Weapon Ability:
Shaelyn's spear has a small burst thruster on the back for faster velocity and increased range when thrown, and can be summoned back to her(similar cool down as say, a standard throwing knife, or summoning a Sparrow)

Somewhat aloof, even for a mysterious Awoken, Shaelyn tends to be calm and friendly even under pressure, and carries more respect for the Fallen than most. Due to her upbringing since 'rebirth' amongst the House of Ash she's developed a strong sense of honour and has adopted many of the more tribal characteristics as the Fallen. If she feels leadership is flawed, she will challenge for it. Likewise she also believes in settling most disputes through combat.

Despite this she is patient and caring to others, more so than one might expect given her upbringing, and carries a surprising amount of understanding that not everyone is like herself.

She also carries a judgemental mindset towards other Guardians, mostly due to her belief of their over reliance on firearms. Her belief is that such an overt reliance on such things is why the Guardians tend to fall more often than not, running out of ammo and being lost for answers afterwards. She mostly keeps her thoughts to sidelong disapproving glances and rare sarcastic remarks.

Shaelyn had been one of the original Awoken and after many years they found their way back to their home system and began colonising the Reef. During this time Shaelyn's ship was struck by a stray asteroid and while not demolished, injuries caused by the impact claimed her life.

It wouldn't be until some time later that her ships wreckage would be found by Koryn, a stray Ghost that had found himself wandering amongst the Reef before eventually taking refuge inside the ship, and, in turn, finding Shaelyn's corpse and returning her to life as a Guardian.

They were found less than a day later by a Fallen Ketch belonging to a small and relatively unknown Fallen house, the House of Ash. This particular house specialised in violent deconstruction and salvage, also known as blowing things up and picking up the pieces for later use. However since Shaelyn's ship wasn't trying to run away and was already a mess it was less of the former and more of the latter.

As the House of Ash began to encircle the ship, now resting in a cargo area, and Shaelyn attempted to make an escape she quickly realised she wasn't getting far. Only minimally armoured and with no weapons, it didn't take much for the Fallen to ring up around her and allow a simple Dreg the honour of killing a Guardian. It charged straight at her, and with some advice from Koryn, Shaelyn put the Dreg down as quickly as she could. The group that made a ring around her took objection to that, of course, and brandished their weapons for the kill. As they prepared to take the guardian down there was a massive roar and they immediately ceased hostile intent as their Kell stepped into the cargo area and past the ring.

The Kell then began to engage her, a knife in each hand. Immediately put on the defensive, there wasn't much Shaelyn could do to fight back, but she wan't of the mind for dying either, and as such she kept trying to fight back regardless of the scours she gained in her armour or the number of times she was struck with the backs of the Kell's hands.

Eventually the Kell watched her as she struggled for breath after suffering a particularly nasty blow across the face from one of his elbows and did something she hadn't expected. Laying a blade of his across the ground between them, the Kell uttered words in his

language and backed up a few paces, motioning for her to lift the blade up. Hesitant at first, Shaelyn lifted the blade into a ready stance only to find the Kell slowly acting out a specific manoeuvre with one of his own blades and then pointing to her before doing it again. Emulating the Kell's actions, he seemed to nod before attacking again. Realising that she'd been taught a counter for his attack, due to Koryn's advice, she tried a number of times to recreate the counter manoeuvre before finally succeeding. Her reward was a vicious strike across the face that rendered her unconscious.

Awakening some time later, much to her initial surprise, Shaelyn found herself chained in the training room of the Ketch under close guard, but still given minimal room to stand, stretch and thankfully brought meals on a semi-regular basis. Every day following was a day the Kell would come to the room and walk her through a new sword manoeuvre, and every day she would meet the challenge, Koryn informing her it was likely one of the only reasons they kept her around. As time progressed and months passed Shaelyn eventually earned more and more freedom, first being the allowance to walk the whole training room unchained, but leading to more and more freedoms such as a Vandal sparring partner, escorted walks through less restricted parts of the Ketch and occasionally trinkets or baubles left by the Kell that occasionally served to tell her small parts of history.

After a time she began to be awarded responsibilities around the Ketch, cleaning, or moving cargo, and even helping with salvaging, all whilst they kept an eye on her.. At the same time her skills with a blade grew more and more, and after a time she began to be given small missions that she'd run along side other Fallen. It wouldn't be until a full two years stay with the Fallen and under the tutelage of the Kell that she would be allowed to participate in a full strike against the Hive that would prove to be quite successful.

Upon her return from the strike, Shaelyn was surprised with a ceremony that was her full induction as a member of the House of Ash, the Kell deciding that she had proved both her loyalty and worth to his House. She was rewarded with her freedom, Fallen armour, the bone knife she'd often trained with and a cloak bearing the Mark of Ash.

From here on forth Shaelyn continued her service under her Kell, who should would later come to know be named Karasiks, and continue serving her House. During this time she would also become versed in spear based combat and be awarded an electrified blade. Then, on a routine scavenging mission in a wrecked ship, roughly half a year after becoming a member of the House of Ash, their party would be ambushed by the House of Wolves.

During the ensuing battle much of her party would either be killed or scattered as they attempted to fall back from their more numerous enemy, and Shaelyn, separated, would then encounter a team of Guardians. Under the lead of Koryn she joined them against the House of Wolves and beat them back, but by the time the dust had settled Shaelyn realised that she was either the only survivor of her party, or that the others had presumed her to be dead and left.

With no other options available, and with much prodding from Koryn, Shaelyn joined the Guardians and went with them back to the Tower to meet with the Speaker, and train to become a Guardian herself.

Despite taking a longer time than most to due to the need to prove herself to be trust worthy and not a liability, especially after having beaten a Guardian senseless, having used his own Ghost as a cudgel, Shaelyn was eventually cleared to become a Guardian, and some time later assigned to Beta-Prime.

Personal Motto: "Like any Eliksni, I will only be truly Fallen when my blood drains and I fail to rise again."

Ghost's Name: Koryn

Ghost's Skin: Grey and black with the House of Ash crest and a green 'eye'.

Ghost's Personality: Bold and surprisingly basic and 'tribal', Koryn spent much of his time around the Fallen of the House of Ash with Shaelyn. He's somewhat vicious and liberal in the idea of violence fixing problems involving hostiles.

He had little objection with the time spent with the House of Ash, taking the time to learn what he could and understanding that part of that time was with his Guardian being a hostage. He also viewed this as a unique learning opportunity and gathered as much knowledge as the could.

Relationship with Ghost: Shaelyn and Koryn get along amazingly well, with Koryn often watching Shaelyn's back as they go into battle, and Koryn often aides Shaelyn like a spotter to watch for other enemies that may cause problems or attempt to sneak up on her. Koryn will also help Shaelyn plan on how to deal with enemies when pinned down.

Despite this, Koryn sometimes wonders just how much of the Fallen stayed in Rellia, even after she joined the Guardians, and keeps an eye on her.
@StoneWolf18[/URL] it looks like Layout wasn't in my original CS's, but I'm thinking it's a good idea to add it.
Well, we did a lot of the creative process for the house together anyway, and her having a Rocket launcher makes sense, same with only one primary melee, finally, the whole, 'feral-child using feral weaponry' makes a lot of sense as well. I imagine Shaelyn will butt heads with the Vanguard more than she agrees with them though.
I'm female, just wanna point that and that this was all accepted for the original roleplay, so I don't see a problem.

Another thing to note is that he was pranking newborn guardians. Those who haven't figured out how to protect everything yet and are still trying to realize that they are ALIVE, so the last thing on their busy Ghost's mind would be to run diagnostics. And it would be only basic things, not actually affecting the health of the guardian.

Oh, and the loadout isn't a problem.
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StoneWolf18 said:
I'm female, just wanna point that and that this was all accepted for the original roleplay, so I don't see a problem.
Another thing to note is that he was pranking newborn guardians. Those who haven't figured out how to protect everything yet and are still trying to realize that they are ALIVE, so the last thing on their busy Ghost's mind would be to run diagnostics. And it would be only basic things, not actually affecting the health of the guardian.

Oh, and the loadout isn't a problem.
Whoops! Sorry! I don't usually use sir as a gender specific title, more of just an honorific, but if it bothers you I'll cut it.

The main reason I'm being quirky about that Malik's alarm tripping is because this reboot isn't just me copying and pasting the old game, this is me trying to polish it and make it better.

Also, and I say this in genuine confusion, I'm not entirely sure how what you just said was related to my issues with it enough to actually rebut it. I'll admit that I thought that the points you brought up were already kind of a given. I sorta assumed that's what Malik was doing from the get-go, but the problem was that it was somebody else's armor that wasn't his Guardian.

StoneWolf18 said:
How's what?
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Whoops! Sorry! I don't usually use sir as a gender specific title, more of just an honorific, but if it bothers you I'll cut it.
The main reason I'm being quirky about that Malik's alarm tripping is because this reboot isn't just me copying and pasting the old game, this is me trying to polish it and make it better.

Also, and I say this in genuine confusion, I'm not entirely sure how what you just said was related to my issues with it enough to actually rebut it. I'll admit that I thought that the points you brought up were already kind of a given. I sorta assumed that's what Malik was doing from the get-go, but the problem was that it was somebody else's armor that wasn't his Guardian.

How's what?

It doesn't bother me, but assumed my user confused you.

I understand how your worried, but would there be any reason for Malik to interfere with the armor of someone on his team? You act as if I'm going to make one of the vanguard explode. The idea is to have him pull simple, occasional pranks to guardians without endangering their mental or physical health. Think of it as the guardian believing he had been dying when the alert wasn't even about their status because they don't know how to read the HUD yet.

Oh, and Nil's loadout was added.
StoneWolf18 said:
It doesn't bother me, but assumed my user confused you.
I understand how your worried, but would there be any reason for Malik to interfere with the armor of someone on his team? You act as if I'm going to make one of the vanguard explode. The idea is to have him pull simple, occasional pranks to guardians without endangering their mental or physical health. Think of it as the guardian believing he had been dying when the alert wasn't even about their status because they don't know how to read the HUD yet.

Oh, and Nil's loadout was added.
Oh, thanks! I'll check it out in a moment.

Still, though. I dunno about it. You're right that it seems harmless, but I have this issue with it in my head due to continuity of reality. Or, well, fiction, I guess. Science Fiction in fact.
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Oh, thanks! I'll check it out in a moment.
Still, though. I dunno about it. You're right that it seems harmless, but I have this issue with it in my head due to continuity of reality. Or, well, fiction, I guess. Science Fiction in fact.

You have an issue due to the flow of science fiction...? What?
... I am very tempted... although my experiences with group roleplays in the past hasn't been, ah, encouraging. Not to mention, my ever flitting attention isn't suitable for such a big commitment. OTL I am still very tempted though.

Guess what is starting to slow down to a degree?


So basically we are now completely out of the old house and are just unpacking and making the new place home. And we actually have interwebs now. So, I'm going to be going and getting myself a laptop soon here, and when I do I am TOTALLY starting this bad boy up. Now who's with me?

Also, me and Ian were just joking around about vehicles in Destiny and we started thinking about what a car made in the tower would look like, and then I realized that Trey was a mechanic for jumpships. He would totally branch out and discover new playthings, so Trey and his car are now totally gonna be cannon. His car is bae.

@asphodelscripts If you decide you like once things get rolling, I'm sure we can find a place for you around here :)
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I think I just decided I'm going to continue to go through CS's before I re-do Trey.

So, the current queue is as follows:

@AlphaDraco and Rusty (waiting for updated CS but will prioritize since you technically posted next)

@hudhouse and 01-Khaos

@Ian Temero and Erinyes Floros

@Whomever posts next and their character

@Darth Corvus and Trey Zorn
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