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Fandom Destiny: Rising Tides

StoneWolf18 said:
Could you guys take this to a PM please? I keep getting spammed with notifications and it's not related to the roleplay at all.

Sure thing, friend. We'll take our epic rendition of every season of The Bachelor ever elsewhere.
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]HAH!
Sure thing, friend. We'll take our epic rendition of every season of The Bachelor ever elsewhere.

*coughs* someonesjealous *cough*

Oh, and I have to confess... I lied, Bear-bear... Ian in my favorite... :'-( Towwy

[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]WUT

Oh wait a second...i forgot they sort of...buffed it with the new levels xD i havent played destiny in like a month cause i dont have live :'D </3

*throws glitter* YOU GET TO BE WITH LORD BAE-- oh i mean...LORD SALADIN *u*

*faints* lord salad <3 my love
My in the works character, and the slightly modified CS Sheet here. There was some renaming of abilities to adjust for her being a Void class now also. It's also totes W.I.P and subject to change.







Armor Appearance
: (words are recommended, as you can customize your armor however you want with words, but if

you have a picture you like, use it)

Appearance Under Armor:

Super Modifications:

Energy Proficiency:

Combat Style:

Layout:(Add the bullets yourselves, otherwise it forces a spoiler break here.)

Personal Weapon Ability:


(History Before Death)

Personal Motto:

Ghost's Name:
(most Ghosts are named by their Guardian to make their relationship more personal)

Ghost's Skin:

Ghost's Personality:

Relationship with Ghost:

Shaelyn Mihr





Armor Appearance: Shaelyn wears armour similar to that of most Eliksni, the arms and legs bearing the familiar spikes, with the body and masque carrying the same tubes often used to channel ether for the respirators. The over all colour for the armour is steel-grey with bone hued accents a cyan lighting, including her helmets eight 'eyes'. Due to her nature in the Eliksni ranks, as well as her personal experience, rather than wear a cloak, she wears a scarf similar to that of the makeshift scarf most Hunters make first, the difference is that hers is mixed with chain mail and cloth that bears the mark of the House of Ash.

On the note of mail and the Mark of Ash, both can be found, under for the former, and on for the later, parts of her armour.

The armour is a mixture of the Corsair's Revenge with the Wolf Pelt Weave armours in appearance.

Appearance Under Armor:

With pale blue-grey skin, white hair, and golden eyes, Shaelyn doesn't stand out much in terms of being an Awoken until one accounts for her height. Standing at a mere 4'10.5" outside of her armour the woman is practically diminutive until you find her on duty. In armour she measure in at 5'3.25" and is not to be taken lightly.

Shaelyn either carries herself strongly with a determined stride, often moving with purpose. The only time this changes is in field, where she takes on a dangerously more predatory gait.

Super Modifications:
Bladedancer(Modified to augment her spear and sword, using either one Shaelyn becomes a leaping, twirling and hard to follow dervish of death), specialising in stealth and exceedingly high mobility. Shaelyn utilises Void Leap(Blink Jump), the Axion Bolt(Arcbolt only with void usage as seen below. Same grenade, different element.), and(Presumably options here despite being new classes) the smoke grenade melee, as well as Shadestep.

Energy Proficiency:

Combat Style: Utilising a mixture of stealth, speed and agility, Shaelyn will close on her targets as fast and quietly as possible, usually attacking any of the furthest outliers with a grenade or spear throw before draw her sword and engaging in the nearest targets. Usually striking quickly, she will leap between targets that do not die after the initial strike to keep them guessing. For anyone else just out of range, or in some unique cases, Shaelyn will utilise a side arm.

She often uses erratic and unpredictable movements, such as her Shadestep and Void Leap(Blink Jump) capabilities to ensure she's hard to track and pin down.


  • Primary Weapon- An Eliksni Shock Blade modified for void damage.
  • Secondary Weapon- An Eliksni Shock Pistol modified for void damage.
  • Heavy Weapon- A custom made spear that aids in channelling Shaelyn's void energies.

Personal Weapon Ability:
Shaelyn's spear has a small burst thruster on the back for faster velocity and increased range when thrown, and can be summoned back to her(similar cool down as say, a standard throwing knife, or summoning a Sparrow)

Somewhat aloof, even for a mysterious Awoken, Shaelyn tends to be calm and friendly even under pressure, and carries more respect for the Fallen than most. Due to her upbringing since 'rebirth' amongst the House of Ash, she's developed a strong sense of honour and has adopted many of the more tribal characteristics as the Fallen. If she feels leadership is flawed, she will challenge for it. Likewise she also believes in settling most disputes through combat.

Despite this she is patient and caring to others, more so than one might expect given her upbringing, and carries a surprising amount of understanding that not everyone is like herself.

She also carries a judgemental mindset towards other Guardians, mostly due to her belief of their over reliance on firearms. Her belief is that such an overt reliance on such things is why the Guardians tend to fall more often than not, running out of ammo and being lost for answers afterwards. She mostly keeps her thoughts to sidelong disapproving glances and rare sarcastic remarks.

Shaelyn had been one of the original Awoken and after many years they found their way back to their home system and began colonising the Reef. During this time Shaelyn's ship was struck by a stray asteroid and while not demolished, injuries caused by the impact claimed her life.

It wouldn't be until some time later that her ships wreckage would be found by Koryn, a stray Ghost that had found himself wandering amongst the Reef before eventually taking refuge inside the ship, and, in turn, finding Shaelyn's corpse and returning her to life as a Guardian.

They were found less than a day later by a Fallen Ketch belonging to a small and relatively unknown Fallen house, the House of Ash. This particular house specialised in violent deconstruction and salvage, also known as blowing things up and picking up the pieces for later use. However since Shaelyn's ship wasn't trying to run away and was already a mess it was less of the former and more of the latter.

As the House of Ash began to encircle the ship, now resting in a cargo area, and Shaelyn attempted to make an escape she quickly realised she wasn't getting far. Only minimally armoured and with no weapons, it didn't take much for the Fallen to ring up around her and allow a simple Dreg the honour of killing a Guardian. It charged straight at her, and with some advice from Koryn, Shaelyn put the Dreg down as quickly as she could. The group that made a ring around her took objection to that, of course, and brandished their weapons for the kill. As they prepared to take the guardian down there was a massive roar and they immediately ceased hostile intent as their Kell stepped into the cargo area and past the ring.

The Kell then began to engage her, a knife in each hand. Immediately put on the defensive, there wasn't much Shaelyn could do to fight back, but she wan't of the mind for dying either, and as such she kept trying to fight back regardless of the scours she gained in her armour or the number of times she was struck with the backs of the Kell's hands.

Eventually the Kell watched her as she struggled for breath after suffering a particularly nasty blow across the face from one of his elbows and did something she hadn't expected. Laying a blade of his across the ground between them, the Kell uttered words in his

language and backed up a few paces, motioning for her to lift the blade up. Hesitant at first, Shaelyn lifted the blade into a ready stance only to find the Kell slowly acting out a specific manoeuvre with one of his own blades and then pointing to her before doing it again. Emulating the Kell's actions, he seemed to nod before attacking again. Realising that she'd been taught a counter for his attack, due to Koryn's advice, she tried a number of times to recreate the counter manoeuvre before finally succeeding. Her reward was a vicious strike across the face that rendered her unconscious.

Awakening some time later, much to her initial surprise, Shaelyn found herself chained in the training room of the Ketch under close guard, but still given minimal room to stand, stretch and thankfully brought meals on a semi-regular basis. Every day following was a day the Kell would come to the room and walk her through a new sword manoeuvre, and every day she would meet the challenge, Koryn informing her it was likely one of the only reasons they kept her around. As time progressed and months passed Shaelyn eventually earned more and more freedom, first being the allowance to walk the whole training room unchained, but leading to more and more freedoms such as a Vandal sparring partner, escorted walks through less restricted parts of the Ketch and occasionally trinkets or baubles left by the Kell that occasionally served to tell her small parts of history.

After a time she began to be awarded responsibilities around the Ketch, cleaning, or moving cargo, and even helping with salvaging, all whilst they kept an eye on her.. At the same time her skills with a blade grew more and more, and after a time she began to be given small missions that she'd run along side other Fallen. It wouldn't be until a full two years stay with the Fallen and under the tutelage of the Kell that she would be allowed to participate in a full strike against the Hive that would prove to be quite successful.

Upon her return from the strike, Shaelyn was surprised with a ceremony that was her full induction as a member of the House of Ash, the Kell deciding that she had proved both her loyalty and worth to his House. She was rewarded with her freedom, Fallen armour, the bone knife she'd often trained with and a cloak bearing the Mark of Ash.

From here on forth Shaelyn continued her service under her Kell, who should would later come to know be named Karasiks, and continue serving her House. During this time she would also become versed in spear based combat and be awarded an electrified blade. Then, on a routine scavenging mission in a wrecked ship, roughly half a year after becoming a member of the House of Ash, their party would be ambushed by the House of Wolves.

During the ensuing battle much of her party would either be killed or scattered as they attempted to fall back from their more numerous enemy, and Shaelyn, separated, would then encounter a team of Guardians. Under the lead of Koryn she joined them against the House of Wolves and beat them back, but by the time the dust had settled Shaelyn realised that she was either the only survivor of her party, or that the others had presumed her to be dead and left.

With no other options available, and with much prodding from Koryn, Shaelyn joined the Guardians and went with them back to the Tower to meet with the Speaker, and train to become a Guardian herself.

Despite taking a longer time than most to due to the need to prove herself to be trust worthy and not a liability, especially after having beaten a Guardian senseless, having used his own Ghost as a cudgel, Shaelyn was eventually cleared to become a Guardian, and some time later assigned to Beta-Prime.

Personal Motto: "Like any Eliksni, I will only be truly Fallen when my blood drains and I fail to rise again."

Ghost's Name: Koryn

Ghost's Skin: Grey and black with the House of Ash crest and a green 'eye'.

Ghost's Personality: Bold and surprisingly basic and 'tribal', Koryn spent much of his time around the Fallen of the House of Ash with Shaelyn. He's somewhat vicious and liberal in the idea of violence fixing problems involving hostiles.

He had little objection with the time spent with the House of Ash, taking the time to learn what he could and understanding that part of that time was with his Guardian being a hostage. He also viewed this as a unique learning opportunity and gathered as much knowledge as the could.

Relationship with Ghost: Shaelyn and Koryn get along amazingly well, with Koryn often watching Shaelyn's back as they go into battle, and Koryn often aides Shaelyn like a spotter to watch for other enemies that may cause problems or attempt to sneak up on her. Koryn will also help Shaelyn plan on how to deal with enemies when pinned down.

Despite this, Koryn sometimes wonders just how much of the Fallen stayed in Rellia, even after she joined the Guardians, and keeps an eye on her.
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Sorry I've taken so long to respond, guys.

@2tall2lose187, @The Great Catsby go ahead and make CS's like outlined in the original thread, and my friends here will check you before I get to you. The bar is set VERY high, so I expect good things :)

I try to be friendly with my RP's and let a bit slide, but I'm a bit of a sticker about CS's and first posts. Since a first post is your character's birth into this world of words, I won't let people get away with lame. It must be special to commemorate the glorious occasion. But a CS IS your character. They are who you will be playing for the rest of the game (or, at least, most of it - Ian may have gotten permission to be... A bit special xD ), so it should be PERFECT. You ken what I speak, lads and lassies?

Like I said, though. The guys here know basically what I like, so I expect to see all of you bouncing ideas off of each other for your characters and also for any plots you might like to see (I do get the final say, but that's just a given at this point, I think). I'll come in whenever I have time and give my corrections, but I'd like to see at least one of my original pals comment on it first, 'kay?
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Oh, and @Veirrianna Valentine, I haven't looked through it all, but I think that it's okay if you use some of the Nightstalker abilities like the Smoke Grenade, although you'll have to tell me more about Shadestep since I'm not very familiar with Hunters.
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Oh, and @Veirrianna Valentine, I haven't looked through it all, but I think that it's okay if you use some of the Nightstalker abilities like the Smoke Grenade, although you'll have to tell me more about Shadestep since I'm not very familiar with Hunters.

Double click crouch and you either dodge roll or backhandspring out of a tight spot.

Edit: Titans claim it needs to be removed in PVP cos it's too OP despite their supers and ability to survive most melee hits never seem to get mentioned, nor does the fact Hunters have the lowest overall health.
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[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Double click crouch and you either dodge roll or backhandspring out of a tight spot.
Edit: Titans claim it needs to be removed in PVP cos it's too OP despite their supers and ability to survive most melee hits never seem to get mentioned, nor does the fact Hunters have the lowest overall health.

That's because most Titans are just lil' bitches who can't handle someone being cooler than them in some aspects even if they can trample all over them in others.

PS: Titans rule, Hunters drool.
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[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]That's because most Titans are just lil' bitches who can't handle someone being cooler than them in some aspects even if they can trample all over them in others.
PS: Titans rule, Hunters drool.

Right you stay over there and have fun with your tiny super range and I'll just cross-map you with a Golden Gun.

Also what's the policy on exotic weapons? I need My Thorn....*Gollum*


Full Name


"Yeah... I don't exactly remember that one. Think it started with an A."



"Just call me Rusty pal."



"Don't let the old hardware fool ya, I'm the deadliest son of a gun ya will ever meet."



"Warlocks have their fancy space magic and Titans have their brute force. Well, I have a knife."



"Eh, when did the first Ghosts appear again?"


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Relaxed and Confident


Rusty is most likely the most unique Exo you will find anywhere in the solar system. He is laidback, confident, and has a penchant for teasing younger and less experienced guardians, which pretty much means nearly every other guardian. His relaxed and confident demeanor an rarely if ever be broken, with even the most dire situations allowing him to still crack some small jokes. He tends to be a bit more antisocial than most guardians, but that is mainly because of his preference to live outside of the Last City, as well as his hatred for politics.

Despite his attitude towards other guardians, Rusty generally cares about those within his fireteam. He sees himself as a guide to prevent the young ones from getting themselves killed from stupid mistakes, like letting a Ghost try to unlock a door without alerting the enemy. He will call others out on their mistakes, especially if they are really stupid mistakes. Like letting a ghost anywhere near a locked door. He really dislikes ghosts. Anyway, he can often be summed up as that jokester grandfather everyone has. That's made of metal. And can use space magic to make a flaming pistol. Completely normal.

"If you let that Ghost anywhere near that door, I will personally make sure that you'll end up waking up on Venus, surrounded by Vex, and without your armor."


Well, to put it simply, Rusty has had quiet a life. He remembers nothing of the time before he was resurrected by a Ghost, but he has had more than enough time to make new ones. For the first century, he mainly spent it wandering around the runs of Earth, either helping others survive, or hunting down bandits and tyrants that had come to plague the land. He spent countless days walking from ruined city to ruined city, scavenging and fighting at each location. Eventually, he would find a home underneath the Traveler, where the City was beginning to form.

Now with a place to reside and leadership to follow, Rusty set about clearing surrounding land of hostiles and bringing back any Golden Age Technology that he could find. He worked to keep the fledgling City safe from any threat that opposed it, alien and human alike. He was able to watch as the small City grew into a massive metropolis as he years passed, more and more people migrating within its walls. However, within the last century, Rusty grew bored. He missed the days of adventure and scavenging for supplies. For actually being able to get out of the city walls instead of training new Guardians. So he left.

For the last seven decades, Rusty has been wandering the planet, and sometimes off of it, exploring everywhere he could. He has set up dozens of bases in various exclusion zones throughout the world, each with their own supplies and weaponry. He fights the Fallen whenever he can, and sometimes when he can't, and is often on the lookout for the occasional rookie guardian that needs their hindquarters saved. Of course, now the Tower has found him and needs him to take a couple of guardians out exploring. Wonderful.

"If you want to hear my life story, just read a history book. I'll be in there right next to the T-rex."


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Old Reliable

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The Surf

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The Wanderer V0.9​

Well, here's at least an outline of my character.
I'll get mine back up once I redo some of the coding. In the mean time, I just did the unthinkable.

Bungie's gettin ONE more chance, but my hopes aren't very high.
IG42 said:
Right you stay over there and have fun with your tiny super range and I'll just cross-map you with a Golden Gun.
Also what's the policy on exotic weapons? I need My Thorn....*Gollum*
Golden Gun can't one shot a Titan in Sunbreaker anyhow, Bladedancer has reduced range and no health buffs, making it borderline useless, or a glorified stealthy stabby fucker, and Gunslinger is currently the most powerful, with one shot headshot throwing knives, normally one shot supers with decent range, and the tripmine.

Titan's can get a buff from their Striker, Defender or Sunbreaker Supers, however, and already have fairly decent armour to begin with, while Sunsingers have a revive and health buff, Voidwalkers have a decently ranged AoE one shot, and Stormcallers have a large, chaining, AoE quick kill with high mobility.

Also Titans have a dodge ability too, something a lot of them like to ignore when bitching out the Shadestep.

Finally, and @AlphaDraco needs to hear this too, but in the original RP, Exotics from in-game were not available right off the mark, and while Exotics could still be obtained, it was to be in RP.

Keeps people from fighting over them and all, you know?

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