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Fandom Destiny: Rising Tides

Scottybird Corvus

Avenging Thread God
Heads up, folk, this is a potential reboot. If that turns you off, I'm sorry. I actually left it out of the title because I didn't want to scare off new players that might be interested.

Before I continue and give you my synopsis, I'm going to plug in a few names from the original game that I think might be interested in this idea:

@Veirrianna Valentine - @HoneyBear-Kat - @Ian Temero - @StoneWolf18 - @gogojojo331 - @spidermanda - @DiamondJack - @Kaine - @Naruyashan - @deadpool42 - @Cavil

Not all of you got in, not all of you had time and wanted to continue. Some of you begged me to keep it alive. Amusingly, my life is even more messed up than when the game ended. HOWEVER - in about a month my life should have calmed down enough to let me think I might be able to pull this off. Maybe. I'll keep you updated.

Oh, and this:

I was thinking as I was reviewing just today and saw that you had some decent points. I stand by some of my decisions, but if you want to chat sometime and talk about compromises to make this more enjoyable for both of us then I promise that I will be more civil this time and won't freak out so much.



Be prepared.



"We called it The Traveler, and its arrival changed us forever. Great cities were built on Mars and Venus. Mercury became a garden world. Human lifespan tripled. It was a time of miracles. We stared out at the galaxy and knew that it was our destiny to walk in the light of other stars.

"However, the Traveler had an enemy; a Darkness which had hunted it for eons across the blackened gulfs of space. Centuries after our Golden Age began, this Darkness found us.

"And that was the end of everything.

"But... It was also a beginning."

"Legends say The Traveler sacrificed itself to save us. Even now it hangs where it made its last stand, low above the Earth, keeping silent watch.

"The years that followed The Collapse were hard, but slowly we joined together to build a city beneath The Traveler. We built up our walls, defended ourselves from the horrors beyond, and slowly we began to grow. We began to venture back into the wild, only to find that we're not alone. Strange and deadly creatures have occupied our old worlds, agents of the Darkness that seek to destroy us. They are pressing hard against The City, probing for a weakness, trying to stamp us out for good.

"Your story begins in this time of great adventure and peril. You are a Guardian of The City; a soldier able to wield a portion of The Traveler's incredible Light. If you can find a way to save The City -- to reclaim all that we have lost -- you will become legend. If you fail, the last Light of civilization will go out."

Those were the first words that we heard from The Speaker, the appointed voice of The Traveler while it slumbers. He told us a great many things about the world that we have been born back into, a world that we no longer belong in. We died once before, and should have stayed that way. But our world had need of us again.

We did not understand much of what he said at first, but we have come to learn and understand that none of the things that intrigue the knowledge-thirsty Cryptarchs matter in the end. All that matters is this truth:

We are the chosen protectors of the Last City and our dying god. We can channel the power of The Traveler to carve our place out among the stars once more. We are few, but together our Light burns brighter than any star can ever hope to burn. We have killed the Archon of the House of Devils. We have conquered the Worlds Grave. We have executed the Cabal commander Bracus Tho'ourg and we have destroyed the very heart of the Black Garden.

While these words mean the worlds to us and the people of the City they mean nothing to our enemies, old and new. The Fallen houses that cowered in fear are preparing for war and the Hive stir in the shadows of their vile spawning chambers. Cabal ships hum with violent energies and the Vex work tirelessly on their strange weapons.

Our blows may have done some good, but they seem to have only angered our enemies more than they have stalled them, and yet these aren't even the end. New shadows grow and take form, still concealed by the war that we fight. Threats that we have never even imagined are preparing for us, but their preparation will be for naught. It doesn't matter how tall the mountain, or how strong the enemy. We will succeed. Even if our enemies rain down from the skies so thick that the sun is blotted out, our Light will shine through the clouds and pierce the stars.

We are few.

We are mighty.

We are Guardians.

We. Are. Legend.


If anyone is interested in asking about the mechanics and a bit of... Extra lore, the original page is here. The Mechanics tab is right next door to it. Oh, and heads up: I'll be changing a few minor things, but I'll make sure to post them here.

Now, who's ready to kick some alien ass?


In a month
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I might, though I couldn't put up with Bungie's shit and haven't played the game since after doing all this was in TTK so I'm not caught up. Hope that's alright. ^^
Totally fine, friend. I'm still picking the just barely post-crota timeline, so House of Wolves and TTK still haven't happened.


Although I will allow the use of the new three classes.
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Totally fine, friend. I'm still picking the just barely post-crota timeline, so House of Wolves and TTK still haven't happened.

Although I will allow the use of the new three classes.

Mmmm, wait a sec...

That could be an interesting plot device. Having the players go and actually GET the new subclass rather than begin with it.
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Wait, no. That might cause problems. Remember why I said people can't just BOOM switch class and energy and have it be as strong? I think that this would fall under the same kind of issue.
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]Wait, no. That might cause problems. Remember why I said people can't just BOOM switch class and energy and have it be as strong? I think that this would fall under the same kind of issue.

I say that remembering the lore behind switching subclasses. It would be something to add to character development, letting them adjust and learn how to use the damn thing.
Well, given how much new lore is in Destiny in relation to melee weaponry, how much new information has come out about the Eliksni, or Fallen, that further purports the idea of there being small, outlying houses as well as the whole of the basis for Rellia to begin with...

I would say I look forward to standing for the House of Ash again.
Hello. I'm new to the Rp, but I saw it and am a huge fan of Destiny so I just couldn't resist look this up. I ready the lore and mechanics and I have to say I love what you have written so far. Is it cool if I join up?
2tall2lose187 said:
Hello. I'm new to the Rp, but I saw it and am a huge fan of Destiny so I just couldn't resist look this up. I ready the lore and mechanics and I have to say I love what you have written so far. Is it cool if I join up?
I assuming so. ^^
*cries tears of joy at all the responses*

@Veirrianna Valentine I was thinking that too :) I'm looking forward to spending some time pouring over the grimoirs, but it'll be a bit. If you want to talk about what you think supports more or might detract, I'm sure we can come up with a nice picture together as a crew!

@HoneyBear-Kat BEAR-BEAR!!! You were one of the ones I missed the most from this ^~^ (others including StoneWolf for being a badass, Veirrianna for making a badass history, and Riven for being a plot-serving-badass. Wait, that is everyone besides @Ian Temero who isn't so badass, isn't it? xD ) I'm super glad you're as happy about this as I am!
@Ian Temero[/URL] who isn't so badass, isn't it? xD ) I'm super glad you're as happy about this as I am!
DARTH! *huggles* OuO


Ive been looking for a Destiny RP but couldnt find one. And the one we were in was REALLY cool xD

Also, just gonna give my two cents in:

As much as I would love having all classes, i think it would be cool if they only use one. Only because 1. It could say something about their personality (like if my titan uses striker, then shes rowdy and prefers bulldozing her way through situations, or, blade dancer means the guardian is quick witted and sharp, etc.) I usually match a character's abilities to their personality xD 2. I think it'll force everyone to work as a team. Like, if theres two titans and one has Striker while the other has Sunbreaker, obviously theyd work together to get enemies the other cannot (since Striker typically relies on closer targets)
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[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]DARTH! *huggles* OuO

Ive been looking for a Destiny RP but couldnt find one. And the one we were in was REALLY cool xD

Also, just gonna give my two cents in:

As much as I would love having all classes, i think it would be cool if they only use one. Only because 1. It could say something about their personality (like if my titan uses striker, then shes rowdy and prefers bulldozing her way through situations, or, blade dancer means the guardian is quick witted and sharp, etc.) I usually match a character's abilities to their personality xD 2. I think it'll force everyone to work as a team. Like, if theres two titans and one has Striker while the other has Sunbreaker, obviously theyd work together to get enemies the other cannot (since Striker typically relies on closer targets)

Mm, I like this idea...
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]DARTH! *huggles* OuO

Ive been looking for a Destiny RP but couldnt find one. And the one we were in was REALLY cool xD

Also, just gonna give my two cents in:

As much as I would love having all classes, i think it would be cool if they only use one. Only because 1. It could say something about their personality (like if my titan uses striker, then shes rowdy and prefers bulldozing her way through situations, or, blade dancer means the guardian is quick witted and sharp, etc.) I usually match a character's abilities to their personality xD 2. I think it'll force everyone to work as a team. Like, if theres two titans and one has Striker while the other has Sunbreaker, obviously theyd work together to get enemies the other cannot (since Striker typically relies on closer targets)

I like your thinking, love (it's a term of endearment! Don't flip out on me!). Although... I like the freedom to work with other subclasses as well. I do think that if somebody is going to, though, they need INTENSE training to essentially retrain the way they think. It's part of what I was going to have The Unseen, The Dawnguard and the Librarians do normally when they aren't cataloging, sneaking, beating shit up or being all-round badasses. However, the Guardian would never be as effective as another Guardian who is inclined towards that class. If you guys think that I should change it, though, and that we shouldn't allow that at all, then I'm fine doing that. Either one suits me fine enough, but I think that the freedom to change (really difficultly) fits the spirit of the rest of my mechanics better.
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[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]I like your thinking, love (it's a term of endearment! Don't flip out on me!). Although... I like the freedom to work with other subclasses as well. I do think that if somebody is going to, though, they need INTENSE training to essentially retrain the way they think. It's part of what I was going to have The Unseen, The Dawnguard and the Librarians do normally when they aren't cataloging, sneaking, beating shit up or being all-round badasses. However, the Guardian would never be as effective as another Guardian who is inclined towards that class. If you guys think that I should change it, though, and that we shouldn't allow that at all, then I'm fine doing that. Either one suits me fine enough, but I think that the freedom to change (really difficultly) fits the spirit of the rest of my mechanics better.

Agreed, if theyre gonna acquire another class they have to work really hard for it. I think your idea is great :D

And dont worry xD i use terms like that all the time xD i use love, sweet pea, darling, doll, and dear lol but i think the two i use the most are love and sweet pea <3 x3
[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]I like your thinking, love (it's a term of endearment! Don't flip out on me!). Although... I like the freedom to work with other subclasses as well. I do think that if somebody is going to, though, they need INTENSE training to essentially retrain the way they think. It's part of what I was going to have The Unseen, The Dawnguard and the Librarians do normally when they aren't cataloging, sneaking, beating shit up or being all-round badasses. However, the Guardian would never be as effective as another Guardian who is inclined towards that class. If you guys think that I should change it, though, and that we shouldn't allow that at all, then I'm fine doing that. Either one suits me fine enough, but I think that the freedom to change (really difficultly) fits the spirit of the rest of my mechanics better.

I'm cool with either, those my character's super I think is reliant on both a bit so I might be leaning towards the original idea. ^^
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Agreed, if theyre gonna acquire another class they have to work really hard for it. I think your idea is great :D
And dont worry xD i use terms like that all the time xD i use love, sweet pea, darling, doll, and dear lol but i think the two i use the most are love and sweet pea <3 x3

I'd be just fine being your sweet pea.


Although I think my top two terms are love and hon. Oh, and sweetheart.

[QUOTE="Darth Corvus]I'd be just fine being your sweet pea.

Although I think my top two terms are love and hon. Oh, and sweetheart.



There aint nothing wrong with that, sweet pea

As hilariously awesome as this flirt minor fest with my admitted favorite has been, I have to ask...



Oh, and I have to confess... I lied, Bear-bear... Ian in my favorite... :'-( Towwy
[QUOTE="HoneyBear-Kat]Le gasp~! How could you u .u ...
*dramatically throws the back of my hand to my forehead*

*runs to her, taking her hand and kneels to beg*

You don't understand, my love! I only lied so that I wouldn't hurt you! I knew that if I told you the truth, that I would never be able to see you, hear you, feel you ever again! You would be so heartbroken that it would drive us so far that I could never again write sweet prose to you!

Could you guys take this to a PM please? I keep getting spammed with notifications and it's not related to the roleplay at all.

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