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Destiny Hurts

Enzer growled at her brother and looked at sam "Sam listen to me i love you with all of my heart.. I know my brother is stronger and he will force me out to where i wont be able to save but i just want you to know i do five a damn about you and i hated that my brother forced me to abandon you..I felt like an ass.. i felt like i hurt you the most and i hated it.. so if it makes you happy..kill me first..I dont want to be the chosen one...if it means not being with you.." (by the way that potion was unstable so its up to the gm what it does mostly)
"Enzee?" Sam opened her eyes looking Enzer deep in the eyes. "Who said you could talk, beast!" Jotaro said bringing his foot down on the part of Sam's leg right below the knee. "AHHHH!" Sam cried out. "Think of this as a lesson dear sister." Jotaro said in Elven as he grabbed Sam by the jaw forceing her mouth to stay open, then her poured the potion down her throat. "Leave the whore." Jotaro grabbed Enzer by the bicep and dragged her away from the prison.
Enzer cried trying to reach out for sam "SAMANTHA!!!!!" she called out in her misery as the elves separated them she felt powerless..angry..that she couldn't do anything but be part of a fate that she had to accept. she mentally growled as she looked at the council whoever they chose wont evel fill the hole they stabbed removing Samantha from her. if she could she would curse the place so she could rule with her but no she cant.. 'i just wish sam was here.. and that i could breed with her..that she was the chosen one..' she thought as jotaro prepared his sister for the meeting.
The potion made Sam feel funny, she couldn't place it. She looked down at her leg the bone was sticking out a bit. She slowly drifted off to sleep in a pool of her own blood.

When Jotaro and Enzer walked back into the house Enzer was in tears. "What happened Enzerubebii?" Their mother asked as she wrapped her arms around her only daughter. "A demon suduced her, and the problem was taken care of." Jotaro said as he walked to the other room. "Enzer, what happened?" the concerned mother asked patting her weaping daughter's back.
"I fell in love with someone mama... she was nice to me...and didn't care about my fate she wanted to be with me..She ran to her room crying not caring what her mother or her brother had to say she just wanted to be alone.. without Samantha she rather be alone..she cried for hours and hours till she fell asleep. dreaming of what could had been, the adventures.. the romance.. it hurt that her death was by her own brother and she couldn't do anything.
The sound of a door opening is what woke her. Then a sharp pain in her right leg when she looked up she saw an Elven doctor pushing the bone back into her leg she fell asleep again. The next time voices woke her. She tried to move but found that there were shackles keeping her hands behind her head. When she swallowed she felt the collar around her neck. "I thought I told you to pierce the demon." "My lord with all due respect, she doesn't seem like a demon and even if she was, do you think your sister would approve of that kind of humiliation?" "My sister thinks that the whore is dead."

After a few minutes of talking Jotaro came into the small cell. "You have caused me a lot of grief, whore." Jotaro waited for a response but only received a glare from Sam. "What? Elf got your tounge? I gave you a chance to leave. Begging won't help you now." with that Jotaro turned around and started work at the alchemy station infront of Sam's cell. Sam tried to get up but found that there were bands of metal around her ankles attached to another set of bands around her thighs. "Your fully restrained, I could do what ever I want to you now. You should feel lucky, most human males would use your body as a toy if they got you in this postion." That's when Sam in her semi-lucid realized she was in her underwear. She struggled to get out of the restraints then she felt a pain in her leg again. "Don't worry you'll be a lab rat nothing more, or less depending on how your mind works."

After a few hours Jotaro came back to the house to be confronted by his Mother "We have a... Visitor." then she stepped to the side revealing a man sitting with his sister at the table. His fingers were intertwined and he had a sword on the table infront of him. "Who are you human?" Jotaro asked his patients wearing thin. "The name is Lang, I want to ask you a few questions. Sit." The last word was an order. "Who do you think you are to come into this village and make demands?" Jotaro said as he remained standing. "I just want some anwsers about this." He grabbed Enzer's wrist and lifted it so the back of her hand was exposed where Jotaro and their mother could see the blue mark. "Thats the mark of the holy mother the one who will bear the..." He was cut off by Lang. "I thought elves were support to be smart. When did it appear?" "Roughly ten years ago, shortly before the black sun turned white." Jotaro answered. Lang looked a little shocked by this, then he started laughing.
Enzer twitched a little in pain by langs grip and gave a gentle kick under the table to ask him to loosen it and smiled when he listened. Jotaro growled "listen you better explain then why you think my sister is marked!" Jotaro growled. Enzer was slowly questioning her own culture about the mark. "lang.. what does it really mean?" enzer spoke finally..
He sighed "I'm not sure, I'll need to look at the legend of the 'holy mother' as you called her" Lang said "Absolutely not!" Jotaro said banging the table. "Galea." As Lang said this name a spirit appeared behind him and the room heated. "If you get violent we will have to raze this village to the ground! As for Enzerubebii's question. It's obviously an origin mark, the strange thing is it appeared after your birth, and almost exactly at the same time I killed my brother if what you said was correct."
the mark gently burned Enzer hand and she twitched in pain. she looked at lang "Sorry i was a bitch to you before.." she whispered.. jotaro growled then syango spoke. "In our village we lived in war. Many people looking for the sacred one. The one born of the mark of the holy mother. That was when Enzer was born I saw the mark and knew of her fate to marry a chosen one that will give life to this world. So we trained her and searched for her mate.." "Till she got soiled by that demon.."jotaro muttered
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"Fine! I'll show you the damn legend, then you take the other mystic trash with you" Jotaro reluctantly agreed with Lang's demand. "Follow me. They walked across the village to Jotaro's tower and into the dungeon. Where there was a wall of symbols. There was also a door behind them. That Enzer had never seen. The other two were distacted and Enzer could possibly slip away. Either up the stairs or into the door.
Enzer was at a flip coin knowledge or escape knowledge or escape..She bit her lip. Lang would understand. She ran for the door she assumed it was a way out. a shortcut if she took the stairschances are her brother had that guarded little did she know what she was going to see.
When she opened the door she sqinted in the darkness there was a figure, as she stepped in the door a torch lit somewhere. Her heart skipped a beat, then it felt as if it stopped completely. The room had a table covered in research materials and obviously experiment potions. It also had a cell wall but the most shocking thing was behind the bars. Sam was on her knees with a rusty collar attached to cuffs around her wrists. On closer look she also had two rusty bands around her thighs and ankles forcing her to kneel in a puddle of her own blood. She didn't move.
"SAM!!!!" she screamed she sat there and cried "Im...so sorry..i loved you so much yet.. i couldn't defend you...I talk the talk i show i can walk the walk yet.. i couldn't infront of my brother.. Your no demon to me..your an angel.." She growled and grabbed the keys and opened the cell and the broke the shackles. "Come on Sam dont die on me. Dont die on me please.." "what the hell is going on.." Jotaro said hearing noise from the door.

enzer looked for a cloak and when she found one covered sam with it. "Shh shhh its okay love im here im right here.. lets try to get you out." She looked at her mark growling. "I hate being cursed with this mark but right now i really need to get you out right now.."
Sam got up trembling as she moved there the sounds of bones cracking obviously she hadn't moved from that postion for the 30 days since she arrived (let's say there was a time skip between then and Lang showing up). She was very skinny she had obviously been starve. When she put weight on her right leg there was a snap and she fell as her leg snapped under her own weight. Sam had scabs all over her back as if she had been whipped.
enzer got her on her back and carried her the best she could to the elvan hospital and ordered them to heal her and they did out of fear because they knew enzer when anger and she was really angry. She knew it would take days and her 'stupid wedding' was coming soon. She just wanted Sam healed and put into safety If anyone touched Sam from here on out they will die by her hand.
As the Elven healers worked the honor guard burst through the window. "Sorry love." Enzer said ruefully as she threw Sam back onto her back and flea out the window. Below there was a crowd forming a circle around lang, there was a flash of fire and three of them were gone. Enzer quickly jumped over the side of the wall and ran. Hours later they came to the tavern at the cross roads. They got a room and sat together. Sam hadn't spoken since her rescue, and was very, very dirty.
Enzer prepared a bath the best she could and Gently guided Sam to the bath. Even cleaning her. She was trying from her actions to show she was sorry. "Lister i understand if your mad at me..But I love you no matter what. If my brother ruined your beautiful voice ill give you pen and paper fot you to speak. If your leg is still injured Ill be them till healed. All i ask right now is for you to love and trust me again.." She gently rinses her off and goes to get a towel.
Sam smiled just a little, then she started crying. When Enzer heard this she came running in. Sam was sitting in the tub naked tears coming from her face like a faucet. The bathroom was small wood furnished, and the light from the lamp was dim. As Enzer appoached Sam held out her arms. As Enzer lifted her lover, her lover gave her a hug.
Enzer dried her off the best she could and kissed her. "Shhh shhhh its okay shhh..." She kissed her Uke lover gently and dressed her in a dress that was originally one of hers. "Its a little long however.. it will have to do for the night...i dont want you getting sick.. Now Do you need anything?Food? water?Me to politely shut up?" Enzer knew she was maybe a tad to protective the past hours. She tried to convince her to eat and drink water for a while and growled at anyone that tried to get close to her.She even wondered where Lang was since He said they were going to meet at the crossroads to explain everything.
Sam made a gesture for her seme lover to get pen and paper. Enzer got up and went over to the desk and grabbed the pen and paper. Once Enzer got back to the bed Sam wrote.

Thanks for loving me so much.

Oh and three things

1. You forgot my panties -.-

2. Can you buy me a note pad when we have the chance

3. I would love it if you sung for me. I don't want to bother you but I used to love to singing

With the last request see looked up at Enzer with wide eyes.
Enzer nodded and began singing. the song she used was the song of the nature protectors. One very close to her heart and sings everytime shes sad.


Sam snuggled up to Enzer. And wrote on her paper.


Am I your mate?

Sam looked up at Enzer with her big eyes. Enzer could see the statement in her eyes. "Be honest, I need to know."
Enzer nodded to her "Yes you are. Now i know its trouble some but can you tell me what my brother did?I can assume he used you as a lab rat.. but the potions he makes are dangerous."
Sam closed her eyes a bit. Then she looked at Enzer. And started writing
It hurts to think about it

it felt like I was in hell he didn't feed me once

He would ask me to put my leg out and then he would heal it

After he would heal it he (She falters a little bit when writing here) he would ask me to thank
She looks pained here, and on the brink of crying.

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