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Fantasy Destined: Warring Seasons

Derg omg.

Really glad it be Thanksgiving break right bout now or I'd actually have to do my homework.
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[QUOTE="The Doorman]Derg omg.
Really glad it be Thanksgiving break right bout now or I'd actually have to do my homework.

^_^ you're welcome.
If I am truly the reason why this roleplay's start has been postponed then by all means, start without me oh mah goodness.

I can do some finagling and jump in.

I have found myself more busy than first anticipated.

Doorman don't wanna be a doorstop.
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I was feeling concerned

The Doorman]oH GOOD I was feeling concerned [IMG]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0hi7cd2Ig1qktqch.gif[/IMG] [/QUOTE] FIRST POST OFFICIALLY UP! WEWT! [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9566-the-doorman/ said:
@The Doorman[/URL] LOL I apologize, my own procrastination and technical issues were most at fault here. @thefierysiren saved my butt when I forgot to let everyone know I was actually working on the post this time. My bad, lesson learned. This is the first rp I have ever gmed so bear with me folks. xD

So, this is where you guys start off. After you each post an intro I shall move the plot along. Have fun guys! ^_^

@babyjoker36610 @Affili @FrontLine @Alex Phalin
I get you man, I have started at least 5 rps and I'm a terrible procrastinator when it comes to management xD

You are a far better GM than I, lol.

FrontLine said:
Lol oh well. I should have been had a post up though.
Maybe so, but you didn't and it's in the past. No use dwelling on it. ^_^

That was my positive moment of the day. Optimism is exhausting.
Great posts so far everyone. :) I'mma let some more character interaction happen before I get on with the plot, so depending how many replies happen tonight and tomorrow I'll either move things along tonight or tomorrow afternoon/evening.
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I have some slightly disheartening news everyone, @FrontLine has sadly quit the rp. By the way @Affili, you haven't posted in a while. Still interested? Anything in the way of replying atm? please let me know ASAP.

On a brighter note, I'd like to have everyone's opinion on when I should post to move things along. I see that the IC has slowed down again, just making sure if you guys would rather keep interacting for a little bit or if I should go ahead and move things forward.

@babyjoker36610 @Alex Phalin @thefierysiren @ForgottenSky9272 @Affili

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