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Fantasy Destined: Warring Seasons


Huggles fo all :3
Before creating a character, read over the rules carefully and endeavor to follow them. They're there to keep rp this a fun and friendly place. ^_^

Da Rules

1. Follow all RPN Rules. Kind of a no brainer.

2. No god modding, and no bunnying unless explicitly permitted by the other Player(s) whose character you wish to control.

3. Absences are permitted, real life happens and all that, but if I am not contacted within a week of your last post and the thread is otherwise active, your character will be assumed to be a tag-along until you come back.

4. Romance is allowed and encouraged, but of course use discretion. Fade to black when the clothes start to come off please. xD

5. Absolutely no OOC conflict, this is supposed to be a fun place.

6. Character deaths can happen, but if they do I promise it will be in interest of staying true to the plot and setting, and I will ask you in a pm if you are satisfied with the outcome before I post the post in which i kill your character. If you don't we can talk it out and try to compromise beforehand.

7.Last but very, very far from least, have fun!

Character Sheet
(format can be changed to your liking)​


Alias/Nickname: (Optional)

Season: (Refer to the Overview)

Age: (18+)


Appearance: (Picture of any art style and/or 1 paragraph minimum description)

Abilities: (No more than 3, be creative but keep it along the lines of your season as described in the Overview, and keep it fair and balanced.)

Personality: (Optional, but a list of general traits would be appreciated)

Background/history: (optional, can be fleshed out within the rp if one so chooses)

Mark: (an unusual trait in appearance that marks you as Destined. This can be a scar, a symbol, an unusual hair color/ eye color/ skin tone, whatever you think fits.)

Misc: (Any other details about your character that seem important to mention. Optional.)
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Alias/Nickname: ...Yana

Season: Autumn/Fall

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Slender, but toned. 4'9". Dark brown eyes. Light reddish-brown hair. Usually wearing light leather armor and a cloak with various weaponry including but not limited to, twin daggers hidden in her boots, various throwing knives hidden on her person and sometimes she carries a short bow and a quiver of arrows.

Abilities: Darkness/Shadow Manipulation, Invisibility, Superhuman Agility

Personality: Yana seems almost innocent at times and is often overly cheerful, but it's a facade. She only acts that way because it allows her to use her innocent appearance to her advantage. She's actually quite calculating and alert. (I don't wanna. I hate this part. That's all I'm typing.)

Background/history: No. Mind your business, Nosy.

Mark: An abstract outline of a fox above the back of her left knee.

Misc: No.



Name: Tobias Spellsong

Alias/Nickname: Keeper

Season: Spring

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: Standing around six foot two, Keeper has a very toned physique and expressive blue eyes. He carries a wooden flute with him and a gnarled staff that has a dagger hidden within the top portion


  • Spellsong: the ability to weave magics into his music that can calm, silence, heal, hypnotize, and even incapacitate those who hear it. Duration of the spell effects are based off the energy he uses to weave the spell. The longer he weaves the more taxing it is on his stamina, causing fatigue if carried out for too long.
  • Nature’s connection: Keeper is extremely sensitive to nature, The aura that every living thing gives off. He can discern something’s needs just by spending a little time with it, in turn creatures will do his bidding.
  • Regrowth : An ability that can be used to heal wounds, restore fatigue, cure ailments and status effects.

Personality: Very dramatic and charismatic. Keeper strives on the need to get along with people from a social aspect. Appreciates music. He isn't timid at all, often looking conflict in the face and standing up for himself and those he cares about.

Background/history: Honestly, I need some time to flesh this one out.

Mark: A Symbol on his chest to the likeness of a bear. It tends to glow when he is accessing his abilities.


Misc: Despite the fact that his primary role is healing and supportive, he can hold his own should the need ever arise.

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Name: Ezekiel Earnest

Alias/Nickname: Zeke

Season: Winter

Age: 20



Abilities: Telekenetics, move and alter things with the mind. More will be revealed later.

Personality: Zeke is a an outgoing type person. Unlike his brother he's more or less willing to get to know a person. He also has a slight anger problem when thing don't go his way, he turns into a different person.

Background/history: Reveal in Rp.

Mark: His left eye has a scar in the shape of a cross that meets at the pupil

Misc: He thinks alot. A little to much for his own good. He constantly plays out scenarios or just plain wonders.
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Name: Emmanuel Earnest

Alias/Nickname: Manny

Season: Winter

Age: 24

Gender: Male




1) The ability to move objects with his mind. (Even if he can't see the object he may still be able to move the object)

2) Telepathy= the ability to communicate with others.

3)The ability to adjust people's perception casting illusions.

Personality: Emmanuel is a strategist at heart. He sits quietly in the corner observing things from afar to think up the best way to deal with the situation. He is far more quiet than others as he is always observing and thinking about things.

Background/history: Emmanuel is the older brother of Ezekiel. More in IC.

Mark: Has the picture below tattooed on his back as well as amethyst colored eyes.

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Name: Jared Stone

Alias/Nickname: Stone

Season: Summer

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Abilities: Jared can generate stone armor on command. His main weapons are his arms, which he can form stone around to create blades or bludgeoning hammers.

Personality: Jared has a temper, to say the least, he's good at keeping it under control most of the time, but if anyone keeps pushing him he is known to fly off the handle. When in a rage, his powers go crazy and seem to run amok on their own, creating a creature that resembles a hulking stone golem.

Background/history: Will flesh this out through RP.

Mark: Hidden under his eye patch is a bright red eye, glowing like a dull ember.

Misc: Jared has a serious weakness for alcohol. The best way to earn favors from him is whiskey.
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Name: Aki Masame

Alias/Nickname: None ATM

Season: Autumn

Age: 22

Gender: Female



Abilities: The ability to have impeccable speed and/or agility.

The ability to trick the eye (Illusions).

The ability to shape shift into any desired form.

(Are those powers alright?..)

Personality: Aki isn't really the center of attention, nor does she want to be. She is quiet and keeps a low profile, but can surprisingly be cheery. She's not good at socializing and doesn't plan to talk to others much. Her smile and laugh are captivating, but not many have caught her this way. When she gets embarrassed, she can blush and stutter slightly. Some people would call her shy by the way she slightly gives off a faint redness in her cheeks when speaking to someone. But, she doesn't think so. Plus, if you tease her, she can easily become defensive or slightly angry.

Background/history: Will reveal in rp :P

Mark: A strange symbol on the side of her neck.
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