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Fandom Desperate Search for Harry Potter


small meat crew
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welcome one, welcome all to my Harry Potter-specific roleplay search. it's obviously gotta happen, y'know? i just can't stop thinking about this godforsaken universe, and i really wanna dive into one and get the plotting and starters and some rp done before i go back to school. so, well, let's go to what i'm looking for in the roleplay itself and then i'll toss down some partner requirements.
  • i would love for someone to write as Fred Weasley for me and in exchange i shall be your character of choice (i play a great Draco, btw). i do mxf, fxf, mxm, and any other gender pairing you could think up. i prefer romance for my pairing (FredxOC), but that by no means your OC has to get romantic with anybody!
  • i have two plots (one fluff, one angst) to share with you...
    Yule Ball AU-ish: in an effort to avoid dateless students, the professors have decided to pair up the pupils themselves using a randomized system similar to the Goblet of Fire but instead of imminent death- there's romance! or, you know, not. there are cross-house pairings and cross-gender pairings so obviously not everyone is going to be head over heels for their partner but, hey, there's bound to be at least one couple that'll last.
    Darkness Approaches: you-know-who isn't the only bad guy out there, and the death eaters' sadism pales in comparison to the organization tenebrae whose sole focus is to cause destruction and take over the wizarding world. while the death eaters follow orders from one leader, tenebrae members are accepted by a council based on terrible deeds and it's up to our characters to destroy them before they destroy hogwarts.
  • the above plots stand only as a possible baseline for us to shape our RP, so don't worry if you have more ideas! share them with me! please!

and now, partner requirements (or whatevs).
  • disclaimer! these may seem harsh or rude but listen i really hate dropping threads and i just wanna be excited about a thread y'know?
  • OK first... 16+ please! well, unless you're a 14 year old with impeccable grammar and a firm grasp on the world, then we can talk. but i just want someone my own age or a little (or considerably) older, ya feel? don't let this one deter you too much, though, i won't actually care if you fit the other requirements.
  • good grammar is a must. it needs to be pretty great, you have to have a nice writing style. i just like it better that way, and i know it's probs annoying but i just like advanced writing. i might ask for a writing sample, but i probably won't.
  • please for the love of all that is holy do NOT just half ass Fred and write a novella for your OC. that is one thing that really agitates me and i'm super hard to irk. and i KNOW that would piss almost everyone on Earth off if i did it to them so don't do it to me thank u i love u.
  • be patient, but firm with me. man, i'm BUSY but sometimes all i need is a nudge after like a day. seriously, if i don't reply in 24 hours frickin tell me that i need to get my ass to writing (maybe don't be rude like that but) because i might have just lost motivation and need inspiration.
  • be long term. i've had a lotta RPs end because no one gets me motivated/i forget to reply/they forget to reply. so, just try to stick with me.
  • i like at least one reply a day, but that's also a lot to ask sometimes and i recognize that, so. and if you lose interest i prefer to be informed but i also understand anxiety and RP shouldn't be stressful... lemme know anything i can do to help, though!
  • my ass is sooo busy i work and have school and a boyfriend and like? sometimes RP isnt my top priority sorry bout it babes
  • length wavers with me, but usually a few paragraphs + dialogue = happy glowbug.
  • being friends doesn't worry me considering i'm pretty easy to get along with, but, y'know i like making friends so it'd be swag if we could have nice convos.
PM me/drop a comment with questions or if you're interested!
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glowbug glowbug

Hello! Firstly, that introduction gif had me laughing for a good minute, so thank you! Haha. Secondly, I love both ideas you've suggested. I think they could easily be combined. The first idea as a starting plot and then, to add drama, we could include the second plot as a new development. Just a suggestion. I'll happily try my best with writing Fred Weasley if you would return the favor by playing his other half, George Weasley, for me please?
glowbug glowbug

Hello! Firstly, that introduction gif had me laughing for a good minute, so thank you! Haha. Secondly, I love both ideas you've suggested. I think they could easily be combined. The first idea as a starting plot and then, to add drama, we could include the second plot as a new development. Just a suggestion. I'll happily try my best with writing Fred Weasley if you would return the favor by playing his other half, George Weasley, for me please?
yes, yes! i agree about the combination- i was going to write in an option for that but i figured i could just bring it up in the PM... and yes, i can try to be George for ya! feel free to PM me either with OC info or just a lil plotting intro thing, or whatever you desire!
b u m p !
i'm updating my OC so i'd love to RP the new & improved version w/ someone!
Hi! You, my friend, have made my day (and that is saying a lot, considering I've had a wonderful one so far.). This is... EXACTLY what I have been looking for and that is not just because I saw the word Draco by the way; although that played a good part in it.

Is this still open?

Your entrance was FABULOUS. Just saying. :)
Hi! You, my friend, have made my day (and that is saying a lot, considering I've had a wonderful one so far.). This is... EXACTLY what I have been looking for and that is not just because I saw the word Draco by the way; although that played a good part in it.

Is this still open?

Your entrance was FABULOUS. Just saying. :)
OF COURSE it's still open- please feel
free to PM me <3
HEy! I would loooove to play Fred for you if you could play Draco for me! And I love both your ideas as well! I might have a few plot candies myself too :3 PM me if you're interested!0
Hey! I'd love some doubling? I'd be Fred for you, of course! I'm a little rusty but I'll try my best! Would you be either Draco or George for me? I live for angst and fluff, I can't always reply once a day, but I do my best!
BUMP- if you've tried to RP with me up until now i'm sorry but unless i JUST replied to our thread i'm dropping the RP... HOWEVER hit me up un otra vez and we can roleplay!!!

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