Describe a color


New Member
Describe what kind of feeling a color gives off or what it means to you. Example;

I chose red. Red is warm and reminds me of summer. Summer is a great time for me, because I get outside when it's warm, unlike during winter.

Knock yourselves out : )
French gray. It makes me think about my past life. I used to be a fisherman, you know? and that was the color my friend painted his tree house...good times.
Uh-green. Because it reminds me of life, not just flora matter but life itself. It shows that things are even thriving in the most harsh conditions!! Like cacti in the desert or weeds in my stepmom's garden after she pulled all of them out 50-something different times already.
Uh-green. Because it reminds me of life, not just flora matter but life itself. It shows that things are even thriving in the most harsh conditions!! Like cacti in the desert or weeds in my stepmom's garden after she pulled all of them out 50-something different times already.
Yes, green is a great color, and I like it too! Hahah : )
Orange. It was my old science teacher's favorite color. It reminds me of halloween and pumpkins (including pumpkin spice, which she liked too much.) It also reminds me of orange tabby cats that have pelts that look like pure courage. Maybe it also means bravery? Anyways, I still want to touch the cat.
PINK. When a cat sticks out there tongue, what do you see? PINK. What color are a cat's paws? PINK. What color are some cat noses? THINK AGAIN PINK. Also, some axolotls are pink. BUT MOSTLY ADORBS CATS. ...and the horrendous carpet in my room that looks the color of cat throw up. QwQ
Red and or orange. They're very warm colors, both physically and emotionally. Though they are also very spicy and bitter, like blood or hot sauce.

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