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Cloak draped over her head, she dodged to the shadows, watching yet another of her retainers walk past. That was the last of them. Now she could safely make her way to their old meeting place. Excitement at meeting her old friend made her hurry her pace. Why the secrecy? Why did he keep quiet all these years? She expected answers and he would deliver, whether he liked it or not.


The abandoned barn house on the outskirts of town was testament to time, age and neglect. But to the prince, it represented a memories of peace.

However, now was not the time to bask in old reminiscing. Around him his men waited. All he'd told them was that their guest was important. They had no idea of his connections to royalty or his own status. He planned to keep it that way.


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Aren Mihiel

Location: Abandoned barn house

Status and Mood: Reading. Curious but not nosy.

Mentioned: @monopoisoner

Tagged: --

Notes/Comments: Oh Aren...if only you knew. 8')

Aren briefly wrinkled his nose against the dust that floated around in the air. It dried and tickled the back of his throat. He wasn't allergic to dust so to say--he grew up in libraries for goodness sake--but meeting up in an abandoned barn house meant that nobody cleaned up around here. Which meant that they kicked up a lot of dust from the floor when they all trooped in. And that meant that even the most dust immune twenty-three year old could feel the effects of having dust clogging his nostrils.

He moved his book off his lap and out of sneezing range, sneezed, before put it back. His dilemma might also have to do with the fact that he was in the sunniest but also dustiest corner of the old barn house...

After sneezing a couple of more times, the red head decided that sometimes the warmth of the sun was not worth the battle against dust bunnies. It wasn't like he could read in peace and comfort with all the sneezing. So, with a quiet and long-suffering sigh, Aren finally moved out of his corner before settling down a few meters away into much cleaner air. He noted idly, as he leaned against the old wooden walls of the barn house, that he was now much closer to the door. Where an apparently very important person, according to Roan anyway, was supposed to come through and meet up with them.

Shrugging to himself, he only took a moment to eye the door curiously before lifting an old near unusable tome to his face and turning his gaze back to his choice of reading material. It was easier on his sanity to not question every single action of Roan (no matter how odd and contradictory he is). After all, what are comrades without trust?

It's not like he's going to kidnap a princess and cause political chaos.

that would be where Aren puts his foot down.
Status and Mood: Hungry

Location: Nearby village

Mentioned: Roan Nosta, Xiu Nue

Tagged: --

Notes/Comments: But Khiel, you ARE still just a smol immature child 8D;;;

Khiel Varesteu

To put things frankly, Khiel was bored. He was often told that he was hyperactive and he was starting to think that it was true, judging from the fact that one of the things he was worst at was sitting idly in a single place. This posed a problem for him during situations like this where they had to wait for someone. Being that he wasn't a mannerless fool, he had been planning on waiting patiently with everyone else but things never seemed to work out as he planned. Pacing back and forth kicked up dust, undoubtedly annoying several of the people in the barn house and he had resorted to rolling around on the roof. However, even his love of high places and gazing into the distance couldn't keep him amused for very long. Worst of all, he had found out that he had absolutely no food save for a stale piece of bread when he had checked inside of his food pouch, which was quite odd. Had someone gone through his knapsack? But then again, he never really paid attention to his food stock since he usually replenished it before it was even close to running out. He wasn't very fond of accusing people needlessly, anyway.

Having gotten an idea on how to keep himself occupied while their little group waited for this "important person" according to Roan and Xiu, Khiel hung upside down on the roof and peered out from the top of the doorway. While upside down, he called out to the rest of the group, their leader in particular, as to inform them of his temporary leave.
"I'm going to the nearby village to go get a few things!" He had run off without a word last time and had ended up being accused for treason which was not very fun, even for him. He had managed to somehow prove himself innocent, but this had taught him a lesson on the effects of the paranoia of rebel groups. It had occurred to Khiel that he would probably get in trouble for sneaking off, but he hadn't expected to be labeled as a potential traitor for what he had thought was a harmless self-indulgent errand.

After flipping himself off of the roof and onto the floor, he began to run towards the village that he had mentioned. It wasn't very long until he arrived at his intended destination and soon, he had acquired the food that he needed. This was done completely legally, of course. Shop lifting wasn't really his thing, at least, not anymore. That was a thing of the past when he was still just a small and immature child.

Status and Mood: Confuzzled

Location: Abandoned barn house

Mentioned: @monopoisoner

Tagged: @Birb

Notes/Comments: --

Elise Lucianeris


Elise sneezed for what was about the fifth time since she had entered the dusty barn.
"You certainly don't experience this very often in a forest," she mumbled to herself as she lifted her face up from the arm that she had just sneezed into. While it was true that dust did indeed exist in a forest, she had never really experienced what it was like to be sitting in an area full of it as there was never really a period of no rain for a long enough time to allow the dust to pile up. That and her mother was a bit of a clean freak. Sometimes, she could have sworn that her mother had started cleaning the house simply because she had spotted a single speck of dust on her otherwise spotless furnishings.

Apparently, she wasn't alone on the sneezing, although whoever it was had it much worse. Sniffing for what was hopefully the last time, Elise returned her attention back to the bow that she had been cleaning. People often told her that she polished her equipment much too often, but she felt that it was better to be prepared and in her best condition at all times. Besides, there was nothing to do until the important person--according to the leader of their little group--found his or her way to the barn. The choice of the old barn as their meeting place was just a slight bit queer in Elise's opinion. If this person was so important, why meet in a dusty place like this that doesn't seem to have been properly taken care of in the past few years? It was either because this place was of some significance to the two of them or because it was a place where no one else ventured into, that was for sure.

Turning her gaze, Elise peered curiously at Roan. As one of the newer additions to the group, she had yet to come to understand the man. He was still young, but his eyes told others that he had seen and experiences things that most people in their twenties did not normally even think about. She had heard from several people that the eyes were the windows to the soul, and perhaps this was true. However, other than this, Roan kept all else about himself a well-kept secret. She never directly inquired about this, of course. It was none of her business. She wasn't about to possibly pry open old wounds just to sate her curiosity. There was something else that she wished to ask someone else, though.

Elise walked over to the red-head who had moved over to the doorway of the barn house. Not realizing that she might possibly be bothering him by doing this, Elise pulled the book that was stuck to his face down and peered over it.
"By important, what degree of importance might this be?" Elise asked. "Would it be a personal importance such as friendship or importance on a...political...a grander scale? From what she knew, Aren was the resident smarty-pants who seemed to be able to answer all of her questions regarding people and customs. Back in Nier, every term was clear-cut. Friends were called close while people of authority like the council elders were called important. Recently, she had picked up that others seemed to use the word "important" to describe both people who were "important" on a personal level as well as being used as a general term. However, she still couldn't seem to be able to tell the difference between the two uses of the word.
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monopoisoner xxx ???? ? TAGUEL (HAWK)




above the barnhouse

inside the barnhouse

Roan Nosta (

Elise Lucianeris (

Aren Mihiel (

? ? ?

Overhead, Xiu flew through the sky, silently studying the land through the eyes of his other form. Tasked with keeping watch, his blue eyes barely blinked as it stared at the pair of farmers tilling the field, before dismissing them as nothing more than what they appeared to be. Quite frankly, he disliked being given jobs that pulled him away from the group. He much preferred being in the thick of things, manning the helm and directing close-up. But Xiu also knew that out of all of them, he was the best to act as guard. Eagle eyes and all the attached puns Roan could think of. The taguel accepted that he was best suited for the task, true, but that didn't mean he'd grow to love it anytime soon.

With his current round finished, he perched atop the barnhouse's roof. The pain of switching forms was one he was accustomed to. The act of dressing while he was transforming, however, he was not. No normal human clothes could properly account for his wings, so he'd often have to dress mid-transformation, during those few seconds where his wings were small enough to fit through the small slits. His accessories had transformed with him; unlike regular stones, those that Taguel wear transform with them, though they
cannot use its power to transform.

Pocketing his aviastone, he glided to the loft's window, using his wings to land on the sill. No taguel can fly in their human state, but they're able to use their wings to safely glide short distances. From his observations up above, he knew a few members of their group had chosen to explore the nearby town. Some others chose to converse amongst themselves. He gave a cursory glance to Roan, who nodded at his direction before returning to rebinding the leather around his blade. Xiu knew he was simply prepping himself for the conversation to come. Personally, he wasn't against the idea of talking to Claire; god knows they needed more allies, and certainly powerful ones. But he knew that for Adelaide and Roan, the reunion was more than just political alliance. It was a deep friendship that spanned many years, and the guilt of cutting off all contact from their dearest friend was finally confronting them head-on.

The dust was practically nonexistent to the Taguel, used to such habitats thanks to his travels. He walked towards the doorway, where Elise, one of their newer recruits, stood conversing with Aren. Despite being a bit of a distance away, his heritage lent him sharper ears than most and he heard the last of her question.

"Aren, Elise." He gave them both a quick nod, before settling atop one of the barrels next to them. Xiu folded his wings behind him so they didn't block the doorway should anyone want to come in or go out. "I overheard the question. The person we're waiting for is important in both ways." The diplomat paused, debating how much he should reveal. He decided against saying anything plainly. He'd rather have Roan come up with the excuses so Xiu could match to him instead of the other way around. He was much better at remembering details than the renegade prince. "If we can get her to cooperate with us, a lot of things would definitely shift in our favor." Chief of which was a proper bed, but he wasn't about to say it.

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The repetitive act of binding the leather around his blade's hilt helped him calm his thoughts, tuning out the others voices and actions until he'd internalized what he needed to do. He looked up briefly as a shadow covered his light, nodding in greeting at the Taguel who'd taken it upon himself to act as the group's retainer. Roan owed much to the hawk, but he would convey his gratitude once he was in a much better position to do so.

He stood... and as he did, forgot that he was on the loft of the barn and immediately hit his head against the roof. He soundlessly rubbed the affected area, though to anyone within the barn it would be obvious what happened.

The barn door opened, and he instinctively crouched down, shielding himself from view at whoever entered. Unfortunately, that also made him unable to see whoever was at the door. From his perch he saw Xiu take a defensive stance, and then saw the wings relax as he laughed in greeting at whoever arrived. Curiosity made his brown lift in question, and he righted himself, jumping off the ledge and onto the ground where everyone else was.

The expression on Claire's face made him chuckle. Golden eyes expressed their amusement, and his voice had a hint of laughter.
"I didn't quite catch what you said, but your face is the same shade as your eyes." He gestured at the others to stand, and then bowed his head in respect to her title. As they were right now, he was nothing but a mere citizen. A friend, maybe. But treating her as equal in rank was inexcusable. "Princess, these are Aren and Elise. You've met Xiu before I believe. Aren, Elise, Princess Claire of Atols."

While he'd have preferred to keep her status hidden, sooner rather later it would be revealed so might as well gauge his gang's reactions now.
"Adelaide, Claire and I used to play around in the castle stables in Yune together, so we used to be good friends." That, at least, was true. He couldn't count the number of hours they'd all decided to visit the horses and wyverns their family kept in the royal stables. In all likelihood they'd assume he was some sort of stable boy.

Though his expression softened at the memory, his next words were curt and straight to the point.
"Claire, this is a large favor and if you want to refuse you can." Honestly, begging was not his style and while he wasn't exactly pleading, he knew he was basically asking Atols to go to war. "How would you feel about trying to take back Yune by force? Do you want to? If so, do you think your father can be convinced to assist us?"

Aren Mihiel

Location: Abandoned barn house

Status and Mood: Can't read. Exasperated?

Mentioned: --

Tagged: @Nano @monopoisoner @vosien

Notes/Comments: --

Already too used to being interrupted and being peppered with questions when he's clearly just trying to get some reading done, Aren wasn't so much annoyed as he was a bit exasperated. While he still honestly didn't get how some ended up thinking that being a tactician also equated to being a human encyclopedia, the red-head couldn't blame them. It wasn't like he refused them...and he was probably the most patient member of their little troupe.

So, when Elise pushed down his book and asked her question on their guest's importance, Aren just quietly closed and put away the ratty old tome that he was reading for academic purposes rather than combat. It looked like he wasn't going to get anything progressive done with an event such as this secret meeting going on. That, and it was rude to read while talking to someone. As his family would say, they were taught better than to give anyone anything
less than their undivided attention.

However, before he could even open his mouth to answer the red-head was interrupted by the arrival of Xiu, their resident Taguel. And possibly more than well informed diplomat.

When Xiu answered Elise for him, Aren just nodded in agreement. He had guessed that much from Roan's choice of meeting place. After all, the barn was secluded but sometimes seclusion did not leave much room for camouflage. Which meant that their guest was of too much political importance and sensitivity to meet in a public place. Also, because of the state of the barn itself, Aren guessed that the place was actually not well known. Possibly of personal preference. Not to mention the secretiveness of the whole thing... Though Roan's decision making skills were (at times) on the questionable side, his reasons were (usually) sound. Yes, they some times need to keep the man in check (his head gets shamefully big some times) but Aren knows that there are far more
worse leaders to follow.

"So, it would probably be wise to try to be a bit more careful to not cause cultural misunderstand-" Aren looked at Elise's face meaningfully, hoping she would take the hint, and started to warn her before being interrupted by the newcomer. He relaxed the grip that he had on the sword on his side, an unfortunately necessary reflex, when the newcomer, red-faced and all, asked such an unnecessary and clumsy question. Though her words were sounded calmly, her body language practically screamed to him that she was clearly uncomfortable.

That, and Xiu clearly knew and possibly even trusted her.

Aren wasn't allowed much time to process the abrupt new arrival before their leader joined their little party (it was starting to get a little chaotic in his opinion). ...And introducing the newcomer as the princess of Atols.

The red-head stared at the princess quietly as if he wanted to pick apart her brain right then and there, before bowing respectfully. Instead, Aren turned his intense gaze to Roan. Practically burning holes into the side of his head, Aren, forgetting that his analytical gaze was actually rather unnerving at times, silently get his questions fester inside. He wasn't going to ask aloud. He respected everyone's privacy too much to needle for the numerous questions and answers that he always had collected at the back of his mind.
'...I expecting something less...dramatic.'

But...Roan really didn't do things small did he.

As some of his kin would say. Go big or go home.
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LOCATION: outside abandoned barn house

WITH: none

MENTIONS: Claire Aquene (
@vosien ); princess' childhood friends ( @monopoisoner )



A figure clad in gold briskly walked through the fields. The sun shone brightly overhead, casting its golden rays on the already golden figure. It stood no chance of not being detected if it approached its destination normally so the route it followed directly cut through the tall crops and winded through an apple orchard that would lead directly to the back of the barn that his target had been headed towards.

Gailardia Arlorne crept low and moved as quickly as he could on the edges of the fields while he kept an eye trained on the princess he had been tasked to protect. Frankly,though, he already had an idea of where the princess was headed. Memories of following the princess in the same manner such as now dictated that where she was headed was a place only she and her childhood friends knew about though said childhood friends were feared to have perished at the downfall of Yune monarchy. Doubtful as it may be, the only time the princess ever visited their hiding place was to play with her friends. That made the gold clad retainer suspicious, so rather than maintain a comfortable distance, he chose to stick close by in order to determine what sort of predicament the princess has found herself in.

When he'd reached the edge of the field of corn, he stopped with his eye now trained on the barn. On top of the barn was a taguel whose wings he swore he had seen somewhere before. That didn't matter at the moment because the main concern Gai had with this particular presence was that if he wasn't careful he could get caught. Now that would put a damper on the timetable. He had meant to arrive faster than the princess so that he could eavesdrop on the conversation fully but that seemed impossible now with that winged taguel keeping watch over their surroundings.

It was only after a few minutes that Gai was finally able to move again. The taguel had gone back inside the old barn which allowed Gai the window to move as freely and as quickly as he could. He broke into a run as he tried to make up for lost time. In a matter of minutes he was already behind the barn, back pressed against the wall so as not to get caught snooping around. Gai breathe in deep and let out his breath slowly. He wasn't getting paid enough to get involved in sticky situations like this. Aside from sweating like a pig, his boots were caked in mud from all the sneaking he had been doing. Claire would be in so much trouble after this was all over.

The blonde-haired young man closed his eyes as he pressed his body against the wall of the building and tried to focus on the voices that were coming from inside. Though he could only make out few snippets of phrases he had an idea of what these people wanted from the Princess, and this put her Majesty in a dangerous position. But he couldn't make a move yet, not until he knew enough. So he remained as still as he could and listened closer to the goings on inside the abandoned barn house..


Jace Reeves

The travelers tavern in town was quite lively as usual with the drinking and gambling. Especially on the table off to the side with coins and bills stacked on top. The table seated four players, all wearing the hood on their travelers cloaks, keeping their faces mostly hidden. Sitting closest towards the window, the figure casually looked over his cards. Ever since he came he has been on a winning streak. It appeared to be his lucky day today.

By now he was laid back. His short legs sitting on top of the table.
Man, this is way easier then stealing. I should've done this sooner. He thought, smiling behind his mask. As the first three cards were shown, the figure on his left called, "All in!"

Then bags of coins, and stacks of bills soon appeared in the middle of the cash pool. Intimidated by the amount of money raised as they were not confident with their own hands the other two folded. Looking at the bags of money, his eyes gleamed as he began to calculate how much was in there before making his answer,

Throwing in half of what he just earned they went onto the final revelation as the last two cards were revealed. His opponent had two tens, along with the other 2 shown on the table, it was a four of a kind. With this hand even without looking at his own the other had already begun to take the money. Upon this sight he felt the smile behind his mask twitch. Getting off his seat, Jace grabbed the others hand, hard.
"Just what do you think you're doing?"

Revealing his two cards, the queen and ace of jack of hearts, along with the king, ace, and ten of hearts on the table his hand was a royal flush. In response the other forcefully pulled his arm out of Jace's grip. "Impossible, you've obviously been cheating this whole time you pig squeak!"

"...Pig squeak?"

He repeated the other's last words, slowly processing them through his brain over and over again until he felt blood rush towards his face. Crumpling the two cards in his other hand, this action had dropped the other cards he had hidden beneath his sleeve.
"You want to to go at it?!"

Without waiting for an answer, he kicked the table over. But before anything else someone tapped his shoulder. Coming back to his senses he immediately felt regret. *
Crap...I did it again.* Trying to keep his calm he turned around knowing fully well who had just tapped him. "Haha...Sorry about that owner, I promise it won't happen next time. And you know what you can have him pay for it~"

He spoke quickly, pointing towards the guy from earlier. Next he made a run out the window before the owner could have any chance to make him pay. *
Ahhh, I guess I won't be able to go in for awhile.* He thought dejectedly as he kept running in case either the owner or the guy before went on to chase him. Before he was in the outskirts of town.

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