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Fandom Descendants

alright I think I have a kid for the fairy tale oc, its gonna sound odd but its red riding hood and The Wolf (i'd consider him a werewolf in this case) sounds good?
Ya that sounds great, i was kinda hoping for someone to do that actually.

@Geek with Me go ahead and reply to the starter!
Thats alright, whenever you can get it up works! C:
By the by,does lance look good,i forgot to make sure before I posted haha.
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if I may ask,are we still waiting on people to do the charater sheets or just post?just curious,cuz excitement :D
I think pawz is still waiting on other people,before starting the story progression,but I think I could add some filler till this gets going,let me see if I can think of something.
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Im going to get my reply up here in a little while, and we will just comtinue the story. Ill give @xXLoohooXx another week or so before i open the spot up again
Yes they have a entered and are supposed but me and @Momoka 's characters are about to start a sibling war in the throne room, xD so the entrance of these princes is going mostly unnoticed .

Also @juuchanisu is going to be joining our rp eventually c:
Hey guys. I've been super busy with school and rehearsals and It takes me awhile to read things so as soon as Ive read everything i'll make my post. Im sorry about the delay
Again thats okay, i understand how life gets in the way of things. Dont worry about it c:
Hey sorry i dissappeared for a little but im back and i will post a reply today

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