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Fandom Descendants of the RED LOTUS Character Sheets

Kenzo Raxon

One of a kind
This is where you can post your Character Sheets. 

No OP as I'm sure that goes without saying. 

All RP Nation© rules apply. 

We will need at least a couple people for Team Avatar and a couple for Team Red Lotus.

Please specify in the CS which you are applying for

Once I have liked the CS it is approved and you are free to begin posting in the RP which will be posted soon!!

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Mu comes from a long line of earthbenders.  One of his maternal ancestors was a legendary earthbender, and, it seems, they've been trying to recapture that glory for the past four hundred years.  Mu, for some reason or another, sees this attempt to recapture the past as hopeless at best and self destructive at worst.  Mu had always wanted to be great on his own, rather than following his ancestor.  What made this slightly more difficult, is that earthbending was the only thing Mu was ever good at, unbeknownst to him, in part because he's the avatar.  He'd never been exceptionally intelligent, or strong, or agile, all he was really good at was bending.  Mu's parents had stars in their eyes, though, so they tried to get him to master the art by any means possible, spoiling him all the while.  His siblings were jealous of this blatant favoritism, and they made this abundantly clear.  Mu had no ill will towards them, though.  He might feel the same, in their shoes.  Mu left, on his 18th birthday, having not completed his training.  He didn't want to walk in someone else's shoes, so he vowed to never do bending again.  I have no idea how long that's going to last.

In an extremely smooth transition, Mu is completely and utterly average in terms of appearance.  He has very weak features, giving his face a very smooth, almost feminine look about it, with wide, green eyes.  His brown hair is left ungroomed in the front, but the back is tied in a bun.  He is short but wide set, made up of a bit of muscle from his training.  Mu only ever really had one virtue he prided himself on, and that was his patience.  His parents said it was the patience of an earthbender, and, for at least that trait, Mu was in no hurry to deny that.  He didn't have the willpower typical of an earthbender though.  His teachers were always at a loss as to how he could bend so strongly without the drive to do so.

Hopefully needlessly to say, Mu is team avatar.
-Name: Zhen Hua

-Age: 20

-Gender: Male

-Sexuality: Heterosexual

-Personality: While naturally cold and calculating, Zhen is a very passionate and loyal individual. He can be quick to anger but this is rare, and usually has no emotion on his face. Also, he is a bit of a daredevil and tends to take the dangerous path over the one of least resistance. It is also important to note that Zhen is extremely unpredictable!!

-Bending/Abilities: Zhen is a shockingly skilled Water Bender that never lets up. Borderline merciless, he typically ends up wearing down his opponents that are too strong outright. Which is rare. He is highly intelligent but doesn't put it on display. Additionally, Zhen is a very adept free runner, -and is extremely agile.

-Skill Level: Scary good. Labeled a prodigy at age 9. At age 14 he mastered BloodBending.

-Height: 5'11"

-Eye Color: Piercing Blue

-Weight: 177

-Hair Color: Very long,  Jet Black

-Weapons: Zhen never carries weapons on him, ever. He does however have a pet Ice Cobra which are rumored to be extinct.

-Biography: Zhen is Ming Hua's last living descendant and without a doubt harbors more bending prowess than she had ever attained. He diligently studied his ancestors' personal WaterBending styles and took it upon himself to expand upon them profoundly so. At the age of 9 he was labelled a prodigy of WaterBending and was revered by his home in the Northern WaterTribe until he was discovered to have mastered BloodBending in an altercation with another student during a formal demonstration.  He was subsequently banished from his home and now travels the world.  Only recently has he began studying the principles of his ancestor Ming Hua's involvement with the old group of freedom fighters known as the Red Lotus.

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The Red Lotus








Fire bending

Lightning Generation

Lightning Redirection

Abilities Cont.

 Since his youth Ken has held a striking affinity for lightning generation. The more traditional techniques of firebending had bored him, partially because of his own inadequacy when it came to mastering the techniques. After a bit of research he begun delving in to the technique called lightning generation, which was when his latent talents had really took off. In combat he rarely even bothers summoning burst of fire, but uniquely relies on lightning generation to attack. Lightning generation is typically utilized as a single, slow and powerful blow to finish an opponent, through repetition however Ken has greatly shortened the time required to generate lightning. This resolved in him becoming capable of dealing fast and decisive blows to his opponents. This combined with his dexterity and reflexes it makes him quite a intimidating opponent

Appearance Text Description:

Ken has long black hair that falls below his chin. That hair is typically constrained by a band keeping his hair constrained in a pony-tail at the back of his head. His body is lean, but well trained. His overall stature is unimpressive as he stands at a mere 5'8" feet from toe to head. Despite this, Ken never lets his head hang low by maintaining an almost too perfect posture. Never slouching or leaning has helped him to develop a strong back-bone. His skin is pale and well-maintained making it smooth to the touch with close to no blemishes. His iris' are a stark egg-white with piercing black pupils and a thin nose. His outfits are all light weight and typically will contain numerous pockets to conceal his belongings. 


Scout is skeptical of most people to put it simply. In order to earn his respect, you must impress him in some manner. That task is wholly more difficult than it sounds primarily because his expectations for others are even higher than his expectations for himself. The few he is close to have truly held a positive impression in his life, which means that they will garnish a great deal of respect from him. His loyalty to those few is unparalleled to his loyalty to anyone else.  That being said he holds animosity towards the common person. In his own words, there are few that are fit to walk along the soil alongside him. He is heavily critical of the common person, those who are contempt to slave away working for someone who is richer than themselves. He sees them as pathetic, as mere cattle to the rich and the powerful. The farmer is hardly any different than the very pigs that they care for.


His family lineage was often sought out after for the affinity with combustion bending. Its destructive force was lusted after by numerous war lords desperate to garnish power. P'Li was one of many of his distant family members who were kidnapped and used for that wicked power. Perhaps then, he was lucky when he was born nothing like her or many of his family members, lacking that affinity with combustion bending. In fact, his overall skill when it had come to fire-bending had left many disappointed. This lack of skill had made him quite bitter through his conception. The power of combustion bending was something he could not help but lust after, yet he was utterly unable to obtain it. This resulted in a strong resolve, he needed to find something, anything really that could make him stronger. In his heart he held a profuse hatred for man-kind, seeing what they had done to people like P'Li. Ken was inspired by the work that the woman had done to dissolve the structure of the world, yet he was jealous of the power that she had held. Through this determination, to usurp the powers that bonded the world together he mastered lightning generation. With this new found power, he wanted to do nothing more than to cause utter anarchy throughout the world. 

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Name: Alisa Hase

     -Never tells anyone her last name.

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 19

Physical Description: Alisa has long, black, silky smooth hair, with purple, colder eyes. Below that, she has a strong face. The girl comes in around 5'1 and isn't too heavy. She has a slim build, but has muscles behind that. Alisa isn't terribly strong, but she can keep a sword fight up.

Apparel: While she normally wears something casual with jeans and nothing too fancy to blend in, she sometimes wears, when she has to fight for her family, or needs to be formal:(Something like the clothes on this, only the clothes.)


Personality: Alisa honestly is a humble person. She hates talking about herself and any status she may have. Alisa, is optimistically realistic, and can see the small brightest, unless the situation is truly horrible. Alisa, while looking cold and hardened, is a very nice person, albeit a bit of a wallflower.

Bending: Fire

     Skill: Alisa is rather skilled in her firebending. She uses a weapon as an extension to cast her bending from, sometimes. However, she cannot use the lightning technique. Could never use it for some reason.

Weapon: A long blade, steel German Longsword. However, it is slim enough to maybe be considered a German style Katana. It has a emblem on the hilt. Said emblem is a highly stylized "H"

Special Characteristics: Scar on right eye, German accent.

History: Alisa Hase comes from a rather wealthy family. But this is the first thing she doesn't want people to know about her. While Alisa keeps good contact with them, she doesn't want people to treat her differently for being rich. But, besides from that, she grew up in a rather posh environment. However, she wasn't kept to dresses and being formal one-hundred percent of the time. Thankfully, her parents saw potential in her when she showed an affinity for bending, particularly fire bending. Pushing this aspect of her, Alisa lived training her bending and blades, becoming deadly in combat. However, she she finished this training at sixteen, she didn't really know what to do. So she has wandered for some time, going from simple bending fighting to just general things. Her life is about to get interesting however.

Name: Dimek Feng
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Dimek is an above average bender. Nothing to write home about, but certainly enough to hold his own. His more unique latent talent however, was that of metalbending. In this particular sub skill he found himself a natural, and forgo much of his core earthbending training in favor of training in metal bending. His time in the Republic City Police Force has allowed him to self learn this rarer art and apply it to personal style- using it in applications such as the metallic cables in the force's armor and forming weaponry from the segmented metal armor.
His greatest ability ultimately his cunning, applying unorthodox tactics to make up for his average bending skills. His time in the Republic City Police Force has helped him excel in his investigatory skills.
Physical Description:
Dimek carries himself at a tall height of 6'1, his time in the Police Force offering him a strong and athletic build. He's perhaps not the most outright strong, nimble; but he is resilient. Dimek has short dark brown hair, cut short into a crew cut with a stubble goatee against tanned skin.
Dimek wears a stripped down version of the Metalbending Police force uniform that he 'borrowed' during his suspension from the force. Simple dull brown trousers and tunic with the segmented metal armor applied in minimal fashion over it. Without the metal cable spool that the full armor offers, he has instead segmented the metal gauntlets of the armor to throw from his arms or form improvised weaponry.
Dimek is inquisitive to a fault, often at the cost of his own safety. He always tries to look out for the little guy before himself. He can switch from relaxed to focused fairly on the fly; a talented liar. While his life has caused him to become disgruntled toward authority, he still tries to uphold a moral code of his own and place lines that he will not cross- which may put him at odds with others of the Red Lotus.
Dimek's life until rather recent has been a relatively tame one. Born in the bustling heart of Republic City he grew up quickly, and after discovering his latent talent of metalbending he applied and was accepted into the Republic City Police Force, and eventually the elite metalbending division. Dimek was a by the books officer and earned a decent reputation as a detective. This however, was not to last; as he was falsely accused of conspiring with members of the Triple Threat Triad as an informant. He was branded a dirty cop, and while he escaped jail time due to insufficient evidence; he nonetheless was suspended from the force.

Now feeling betrayed by the established authority, Dimek has sworn to get to the bottom of his sudden suspension; and follows down the rumors of a group that'd come up in numerous cases over the years- the Red Lotus...
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-Name: Pema

-Age: 22

-Gender: Female

-Sexuality: Bisexual

-Personality: Pema has a quite  proper lady like manner as if born from nobiliy, seemingly rarely emotional beyond a smile and frown able to keep her emotions in check. She might come of a tad snotty but is anything but,  she is intelligent, friendly and approachable with a cheeky wit and humorous side. She is a thrill seeker and not above using under handed tactics if she needs to. 

-Bending/Abilities:  A very capable airbender earning her tattoos at a young age. She is patient fighter, as believer in neutral jing she waits and evaiding until the time is right and than striking hard. She is well attuned in spiritual matters able to see spirits and is bit far away from spirit bending. Otherwise she is acrobatic, quick and a fine cook. 

-Skill Level: 8

-Height: 5'8''



-Weapons: air glider 

-Biography: Descendent of Kai and Jinora, just out of education in republic city and now travelling helping where she can. (May expand later)
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Name: Moana (Mo-AH-nah) (Hawaiian for ocean)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 150 lbs

Allegiance: Team Avatar


Bending Capabilities:

As a waterbender, Moana's martial skills with the art are averagely developed for someone her age, though she's not one to be summoning immense floods at a whim unfortunately. Compared to a master...well she's adept for a seventeen year old girl. However, while she may not be a quaking tidal wave on the battlefield offensively, she is immensely skilled in the medical aspects of waterbending. Moana's skill in healing is venerable, masterful even for someone her age, and is something she takes great pride in. Another aspect of Moana's bending abilities is her capability of blood bending and the fact that, compared to her waterbending, is something which came to the girl almost naturally. Above simple physical manipulation, Moana's considerable medical knowledge has brought her to try and delve into its medical applications. While still wary of using blood bending at all, Moana has found potential in aiding with loss of blood through cuts or gashes, minimize internal bleeding, even possibly aid during cardiac arrest by keeping the blood flowing through one's body. For the most part Moana's medical applications of blood bending have been theoretical, the girl too wary of potentially killing someone with such an art to try such.


As an individual, Moana is a very warm, kind, and positive person to be around. Should she see another in need, the young girl will hardly hesitate to offer assistance as best she can. To those whom call her friend one will find someone of incredible patience and loyalty, and also of great determination. Whether it be simply someone to listen, to help, or to encourage, Moana will happily do so if it means helping a friend in need. Others may find themselves a bit surprised if they do not know the dark haired girl well; her conviction to help and aid others also displaying a great level of courage. Moana is hardly one to step away from a challenge though, especially when innocent people are at stake, and even more so should those she holds close come into danger. In fact should any matter of misfortune fall, Moana often will be one to run toward the chaos.

When it comes to conflict, if she can help it, Moana generally tends to prefer more nonviolent means of resolving a situation rather than throwing punches from the get go. In a way Moana could be considered a 'calm spitfire' of sorts, her generally kind and generous attitude capable of shifting into one of steeled and fiery determination toward that which she believes is right. If there is one thing that Moana tends to falter before though, it's the subject of blood bending. Her own past with the dark art of blood bending gives her a wary fear of not so much its deadly capabilities, but the ease of which such an ability comes to her and capable of being abused, something Moana struggles to come to terms with. As such, Moana often has a habit of pushing herself when it comes to developing her martial waterbending abilities, seeking to grow proficient enough in her skills so that the allure of blood bending is all but gone and something she can control rather than something she comes to rely upon and is controlled by.

Moana also wields an innate curiosity of the world around her as well as a thirst for knowledge. Not one to back down from the unknown, Moana greatly relishes the potential of discovering things thought long lost and in general seeing as much of the world as she can. Whether it be ancient ruins, new cities, or new concepts, Moana will never give up the chance to learn something new of the world.



-Moana's knowledge of chi within the human body is masterful even with her relatively young age.

-Wields very deep medical knowledge of the human body ranging from biology, chi flow, and even pressure points.

-Broad knowledge of herbs and plants as well as how to effectively apply them in medicinal fashions when needed.

-Combined with her healing abilities and knowledge of chi, as well as of the human body, Moana is capable of healing even considerable internal injuries and even sickness to a degree which otherwise would be difficult for healing methods via waterbending.



-Suffers from  Hemophobia, or the fear of blood.

-Has a fear of extreme heights, a hundred feet or so and above tend to give her vertigo and and potentially make her nauseated.

-Her martial capabilities with her bending leave something to be desired. She is able to hold her own in a fight with a similarly skilled opponent, but until her skill grows, is something she's lacking. Particularly struggles against intense, quick attacks.

-Cannot cook a decent tasting meal to save her life. She can create foodstuffs of great health and nutritional value, wonderful in survival situations....very...extreme...survival situations, but something which will challenge even the most hardened of palates and hungriest of stomachs.





-Exploring unknown places

-Learning/studying medicine

-Humming melodies to herself




-Needless violence

-Cruelty in any form

-Stubborn/short-sighted individuals




-Failing to protect those close to her.

-Hurting another as she did her mother

-The ease at which she can utilize blood bending, fearing she might begin to use the dark art to harm rather than benefit others and become too dependent on it over her normal water bending.


Character Flaws

-Generally Moana will approach a situation with the intent of peaceful resolution. This can often give opposition with no desire to act peacefully the advantage of a potential ambush or the first strike.

-Moana's thirst for learning can potentially blind her to repercussions of what gaining said knowledge may bring or the dangers of pursuing said knowledge whether they be physical, spiritual, emotional, etc.

-Moana's great desire to protect those she cares about tends to result in the youth heavily blaming herself if someone is hurt, often thinking she could have done something even if in all reality nothing could be done.



-Overcome her fear of blood

-Overcome her fear of heights

-Be able to create an edible meal. 

-Explore the world and learn all she can

-Exonerate her family's name and be able to return to her tribe.

-Equal her martial water bending to her medical water bending mastery.

-Eventually come to terms with her ability to blood bend and see it as something she can use instead of something she fears being used by.



Born in the northern water tribe as a single child, Moana was raised by her mother, a venerable waterbender by the name of Yura, and father, a similarly skilled waterbender as well by the name of Tarvak. Moana's parents both served the tribe as respected teachers, her mother teaching the martial aspect of waterbending, and father teaching the art's healing aspects. Yura's reputation among the tribe was one of respect, her indomitable will and fiery personality both regularly quelling any questions of her merit as a martial teacher. In stark contrast to his wife, Tarvak was renowned for his seemingly endless patience and calm temperament in any situation. His knowledge and mastery of the healing arts of waterbending earned him respect as equal to his wife among the citizens of their tribe.


Growing up, Moana earned a reputation for her curiosity. It wasn't alien for the youth's curiosities to land her in hot water with the elders and other adults of the tribe. While most of her curious ventures were innocent enough, a few garnered a slightly more...intense reaction to her poking about. One such occasion that was a particularly bad accident due to her curiosity was when Moana was nine, and during a simple walk through the capital with some friends, wound up incidentally toppling a series of sacred statues near one of the city's medical schools which subsequently resulted in not only their destruction, but the destruction of a rather large portion of the school's leftmost entrance wall. How she managed such a feat when said statues were well over twenty feet tall and crafted of solid ice nobody save Moana will know, but such an incident threw considerable anger her way. While her parents managed to largely soothe the upset caused by their daughter, they were put under steady pressure to 'control' their child's recklessness. Not getting off scot free, Moana's parents refused to enact the punishments which were suggested, but did understandably ground her from playing with her friends for a few weeks.


As Moana grew older the youth's curiosities and inquisitiveness luckily was largely shifted into the academic as she began to attend one of the northern schools. Performing quite well in general subjects such as history, writing, reading, and math, Moana seemed to struggle somewhat in the martial form of waterbending. While she wasn't incapable, the youth's difficulty in attaining the techniques of the art worried her parents, not out of their own pride, more so for concern of their daughter's own confidence and comfort in her abilities. Oddly enough, when the subject of healing was taught to Moana, she flowed into the art as if it were second nature. Excelling well past her fellow students in the subject of healing, Moana even surprised her teachers with how swiftly she caught onto the skills needed. Moana's parents, however, began to show concern for their daughter's seemingly tireless drive to learn more and discover. As any child would do, Moana simply shrugged off the warnings of her parents whom implored their daughter to temper her hunger for knowledge, the youth thinking of only what good could come from her pursuits rather than the possible consequences.

At the age of fourteen, Moana had been accepted into one of the prestigious healing schools of the Northern water tribe capital, comically enough the very school she'd inadvertently demolished slightly during her early youth. With greater academic information provided before her, Moana's skills and knowledge in the healing arts grew exponentially quicker. In a familiar fashion, the youth's healing capabilities swiftly earned surprise from her fellow students and even teachers as she advanced through her various classes at an incredible pace. The youn benders abilities soon surprised even her professors whom were masterful in their own right, some calling Moana a prodigey of healing, much to her chagrin as fame was hardly something Moana craved. As her knowledge grew, Moana's view of healing began to shift from solely learning to pondering what she could do to give back to the healing community which had given her so much to grow. With what she already knew, Moana began to build upon and expand it considerably. Her extensive medical knowledge of the body's biology as well as chi flow bringing her to ponder further applications waterbending which could be utilized to heal and mend. Eventually Moana's exploits brought her to the thought of the body's very biological makeup and how water's implementation within it had to be considerable. The heart, brain, lungs, blood, muscles, and nearly every aspect had to hold water in some form, and it was this knowledge that began Moana's ignorant trek down the path of blood bending at the age of sixteen


Moana's inadvertent exploration into blood bending began with seemingly innocent experimentation, books and scrolls no longer providing the knowledge she felt she needed. With the theories and hypotheses she had built up over the year since her initial start, Moana began to apply her theories on a small scale. At first, she began simply with small aquatic creatures such as sea sponges and cuttlefish, learning further of how bending could be used on the body with each trial. Eventually Moana's excitement in her discoveries lead her to steadily grow the scope of her experiments, moving onto larger creatures such as octopi, larger fish, and even seals which all only further grew the youth's excitement in her findings. Through her studies Moana had found potential in the blood bending she so ignorantly had tapped into; seeing applications to counteract the bleeding of cuts and wounds, assist with internal bleeding, and even potentially combat cardiac arrest by manipulating the flow of blood within an person. Needless to say Moana's excitement to unveil her findings only grew over the length of time she spent exploring her theories and experimenting in the art of blood bending, but the youth hadn't gone unnoticed. While she'd kept her parents in the dark of her actions, wanting to surprise them along with medical community of the city, suspicion had grown with the girl's skillful abilities, and as such tails frequently spied upon Moana during her trials, promptly reported them to the city council with the chieftain himself even becoming involved. 


Eventually Moana's deeds would come to haunter her when she reached the age of eighteen, the youth returning home from the medical academy she attended eager to reveal what she'd spent so long working on. Upon reaching her home though, what Moana saw brought immediate surprise to her as a group of the city guard were stationed just outside the entrance, speaking with her parents whom bore grave expressions, her mother shaking her head as if in disbelief. As she approached, Moana's parents were the first to see her, Yura quickly running to her and embracing her while reassuring her that the guards wouldn't take her away, much to Moana's confusion as her father similarly embraced and assured her. It wasn't long until the group of guards approached the family, addressing Moana as if she were a fugitive, and stating she was to be incarcerated on the grounds of being a danger to the city and her people. Needless to say, hearing such words struck Moana hard, the young girl looking to the guards as they faced her as if she were a dangerous beast. Her parents stood between her and the guards whom wasted no time in moving to apprehend the young bender. Fear filling her, the thought of being taken from her family and locked away soon bringing panic as well as Moana began to back away, ultimately fleeing and only worsening her image in the eyes of the law. Desperate to simply get away even as her parents called out for her, Moana's only desire was to distance herself from the guards whom quickly gave pursuit. In her panic, Moana frantically threw her bending about the world around her; erecting haphazard barriers and crumbling walls all in an attempt to lose her pursuers. Yet all her attempts were in vain as Moana became cornered, the guards pursuing her quickly barring her escape. She still didn't understand what was happening, her words of question only met with hostility. A familiar voice rang out as Yura suddenly arrived, placing herself between the guards and her daughter. Moana's mother implored the city guard to give her daughter a fair trial rather than immediate incarceration for deeds she was ignorant to. Sadly Yura's words fell on deaf ears, the guard assailing her in an attempt to apprehend her daughter. While Yura gave no retaliation, she was hardly going to let her daughter be taken so unjustly, defending her from ferocious attacks hardly befitting an innocent child.


Seeing her mother attacked in such a way without any retaliation on her mother's part pushed Moana over the edge. She frantically searched her mind for something, anything she could do to stop what was happening. Even though her mother was managing to hold back the group of guards for the time being, Moana knew she couldn't hope to try and match the city guard in a battle of sole martial waterbending as her mother so capably did so. Every passing second only increased Moana's desperation to find and end to the situation, thoughts swarming within her head until she reached out for the closest thing she could grasp. Stretching her hands outward, eyes clamping shut, Moana screamed out for everything to just stop. Swiftly the splashing and crackling of bending came to a halt, silence following. As she opened her eyes, Moana clasped her hands over her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes at the sight she held before her. The group of guards indeed stopped, their bodies collapsed to the floor tensed and twisted in unnatural ways as pained groans left them, but what struck Moana the hardest was the sight of her mother's body collapsed upon the ground.. As she knelt down beside her mother, Moana was able to decipher quickly enough that she had suffered severe internal damage to her heart. Tarvak soon arrived shortly after his daughter's sudden outburst, rushing to his wife and child. Tarvak quickly went to work tending to his wife's wounds, trying to reassure both her and his daughter at the same time while he worked to stabilize her barely functioning heart. Her breathing shallow, Yura simply smiled faintly as she grasped her daughter's hand weakly in her own. Even in her current state, Moana's mother tried to calm her daughter, begging her not to forsake her wondrous abilities in bending and healing because of her actions, and reassuring her that any child thrust into a situation such as hers would have lashed out. Moana merely held her mother's hand in her own, tears falling from her eyes as she listened to her mother's words, not thinking herself deserving of such forgiveness. Soon enough additional city guard arrive, calling for aid for their injured comrades, before approaching Moana. The youth didn't resist as she was taken by the guard while city guard medics began to tend to their wounded brethren and even to her mother as well. Moana felt numb as she was escorted through the city, being guided through various passageways and paths so as to keep the recent events a mystery until further action could be taken. Eventually Moana was brought to a cell, the construct heavy wood and metal, designed to incarcerate waterbenders without fear of their cell being damaged.


Left within her cell, Moana simply sat in silence, tears no longer able to fall, constricted with the thought that she'd just caused the death of her mother even as she was protecting her, and what her deeds would bring upon her father. How much time passed Moana didn't know, having retreated into her mind in an attempt to try and convince herself all that had transpired was a terrible terrible nightmare. Unfortunately Moana was pulled back into reality, but by a familiar and warming voice. Tarvak stood outside of his daughter's cell, eyes shimmering with barely contained tears, and expression of grave sorrow. Initially, Moana's heart lifted slightly as she discovered her mother had been stabilized and would likely recover given some lengthy recovery time, but thoughts of what sort of long reaching effects her foolish actions would have on her mother quickly quelled the modicum of relief she felt. Having pulled many many strings, calling on favors decades old, Tarvak had managed to spare his daughter her current fate even if he wished he could have done more. For deeds such as hers, an individual would have been imprisoned for life if not executed, but Moana's father had managed to convince the current chieftain to lean in favor of banishment rather than the current punishment given to her. Being an old friend of the Northern water tribe's current chieftain largely was what helped in Tarvak sparing his daughter such a horrid fate as she was headed toward. Of course such news still struck Moana hard in the chest, her concerns to what would become of her parents as possible fallout for her actions gripping her heart firmly..


Ultimately Moana's banishment was something kept secret as both the council and the chieftain didn't want the public to grow concerned over the worry that individuals capable of blood bending were present amongst them. Moana was permitted to pack what she could carry herself and bid farewell to her mother and father. Visiting her mother before her departure, Moana took solace in seeing the indomitable woman retain her determined humor even in her weakened state. Yura felt sorrow at her daughter's banishment as any mother would, not wanting her child to go through such, but knowing such a fate was a better alternative than what else was available. With her belongings packed, Moana boarded the soonest ship she could, knowing staying any longer would only bring more sorrow to both herself and her parents. The day of her departure Moana's mother was able to see her off with Tarvok, the two parents embracing their child before she boarded the ship destined for Republic City. Both shed tears, but both held hope as well that their daughter would find her place in the world and live a happy life. Moana's eyes didn't dry for a good hour as she watched the place she'd called home fade away beneath the waves of the sea, but eventually the young woman collected herself. There was no use in dwelling on what has already happened, focusing on what was to come however was; and so looking to the horizon as the sun slowly began to rise from it, Moana focused her mind on this new chapter within her life.


Not wanting to squander what her parents have done for her, Moana looks to the future with the hopes of bettering herself and finding her place within the world. Eventually Moana wishes to return to her home and exonerate her family from her foolish youthful ignorance, but to do so she knows she must come to terms with what she is capable of doing, and learn to ultimately come to control her blood bending rather than let her fear of it control her.


Here's a theme song I feel fits her rather nicely as well because why not after putting this much effort into the profile.

(Dunno why it wouldn't center...apologies.)

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