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Fantasy Demons Light Academy [Invite Only]

Pryo snapped at Dante as he run up Aria's arm and onto her head. Aria sat up " well that's what you get for jumping on someone's face Pryo " she looked back to Dante " similar to it taking demon energy to summon my guns "
"Dorms are not assigned, this dorm belongs to myself and Dante so leave and don't you dare call me a mongrel or I'll tear out your throat now begone"

Morning star snarled then trotted inside

@Solemn Jester
As the beast dies it creates a loud bang and attracts Leif to the room

"Ummmm... Go team?" he says as he walks in only to see the battle had ended and there was no need for his help.

"Well anyone need anything then?"
Aria shrugged " I can't summon more than one... And if I drop my gun it disappears " she said as she stood up and stretched then yawned " Pryo... Weren't you watching our stuff? " Pryo tensed then jumped and ran off
@Solemn Jester[/URL]
(Umm no one besides Naraku can hear Alphonse sooo edit?)

All of a sudden Naraku attempted to wrap all nine tails around Morning star. The ends pointed at his throat like daggers."Don't be so quick to threaten your elders little pup. I must have misspoken. We weren't assigned this dorm as much as...it's the dorm we want." Naraku said with a icy tone to his voice," the main reason being because of its location. We don't want it now that we know someone else lives here. But your disrespectful attitude needs to change. So shall we change it for you?" Naraku asked prepared to battle. The paper Alphonse had tossed was basically his way of saying the dorm in their current location was the one he wanted.
(You think a dog can talk)

"Perhaps I'll neuter you to teach you manners, all though I doubt a mutt like you can learn anything"

Morning star snarled as he shot a wave of demonic energy at narakus tails away

@Solemn Jester

"That's interesting but I should be going it was nice meeting both of you"

Dante said before he headed back to his dorm

@wolfborn4 @Comet
Hiko walked around in her dorm watching the sun, she loved watching sunsets alot, but she wonderd what what the sun felt like.
@Solemn Jester[/URL]

"That's interesting but I should be going it was nice meeting both of you"

Dante said before he headed back to his dorm

@wolfborn4 @Comet
(Its not about being able to talk, Naraku and Alphonse are linked that's why he can understand him)

Narakus tails swayed back but prepared for a second attack. Alphonse smiled and raised a hand to stop Naraku."Stop, Naraku he isn't worth it. Let's go find somewhere else to stay, I dislike being stuck out in the open." Alphonse said, Naraku although unhappy about it agreed."It seems Alphonse doesn't believe your worth staining my tails with your blood. So I suppose we shall be leaving. But next time we meet I won't be stopped." Naraku said turning away and walking away from the dorm giving off his own demonic aura. White smoke seamed to come from him as he walked away. Alphonse simply waved a hand at Morning star as if to say see you later. @Alaster Von Grim
Alphonse, and Naraku walked past Dante. The cloud of white smoke surrounding them, and intense demonic aura coming off both of them. Alphonse spotted Dante, and his maleficent intents could be felt like blood lust for but only a second. Then it went away, and they both casually walked past Dante, as if they hadn't noticed him.

@Alaster Von Grim
Alphonse stopped, and turned his head towards Dante, and whoever else was with him."Excuse me, but could you tell us where, and when the first class is?" Naraku asked for Alphonse, who sat on Narakus back not uttering a word.

@Aragon @wolfborn4
Alaster Von Grim](You forgot [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25253-lilyannagaming/ said:
(Yea..about that, I wanted to PM you, but I am dropping out due to my current rps taking to much of my time. I tried, I really did. If a spot opens up I will come back.)
"You looked bored so I thought you would like some company"

Dante said as he took a step back still a little nervous around people


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