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Demon x Demon Hunter (MxF)

Azuri sighed and headed back to where she lived. Why the hell did he kiss me? Just gross. She thought while resting the flat of her blade on her shoulder.
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He smirked as he got hit in the head waking up he said said "Oh shit i have to go to school." as he shakes out of his demon form losing the memory of him being it not remembering her

Azuri sighs as she makes it to her village. She is welcomed by a bombardment of questions and children running up to her. "Woahh woah! Calm down kitties." She says with a chuckle and begins to answer all their questions. Yeah she's been gone for at least a few weeks but oh well.
He walked as he looked at himself he looked normal like a human and he noticed the ice floating freaked out and when he sees a girl getting bombarded by questions looks at her

Azuri smirks and blows the hair out of her face. She pushes her sleeves of her leather jacket up again and yawns. She kneels down to talk to the children and some give her hugs. "Ah yes. Hugs.. Fine if you want a hug come get one now or your noy getting one." She chuckles and was almost tackled by children. "Geez I wasnt even gone for that long!"
(Oh ok xD ) A few hours later Azuri was lazily sitting in a tree leaning on its trunk. She didnt have anything to do currently so she just chilled.
"Ah nice to meet you kid, im Azuri. Welcome to our small village." Azuri says. She didnt care if the guy was older than her or not. She called all the newbies kid even if they were like thirty. Why? She didnt have a clue.
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"I would if i could but i dont go so i cant. The town isnt known to very many people and its pretty peaceful around here. But everyone will know you soon. Since its a small town everyone knows everyone." Azuri replies while swinging her leg up so it rests on the branch she's sitting on.
"But didn't you say you were new though? Though you seem oldly familiar but I know I havent seen you before. Eh whatever." Azuri chuckles.
Azuri didnt notice since she hadnt really been looking at him. She was pretty far up in a tree and looking down made her neck hurt. "Mhmm."
This time Azuri noticed the changing of his eye colour but didnt react at all. "I work with the children from the village but mainly the orphans." She replies. Azuri just didnt tell him all she did like she didnt tell anyone until they found out themselves.

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